onCompletion not called while using Koltin Flow with LiveData - android

So here is what I was trying to do with Flow, I am showing a ProgressBar in onStart and trying to hide the ProgressBar in onCompletion.
In ViewModel class appDatabase.eventDao().getAllEvents() returns Flow<List<EntityEvents>
val allEvents: LiveData<Outcome<List<Event>>> = _fetchEvents.switchMap { _ ->
.map { eventListMapper.map(it) }
.map { sortEventsBasedOnPreference(it) }
.map { Outcome.success(it) }
.onStart { emitLoading(true) }
.onCompletion { emitLoading(false) }
.catch { emitFailure(it, R.string.err_something_wrong) }
.asLiveData(context = viewModelScope.coroutineContext)
All working fine, what I am not able to figure out why is onCompletion not called when the task is completed?

if appDatabase.eventDao().getAllEvents() is based Room on Flow, never called onCompletion().
Because getAllXXX() Query is 'Hot'.
Actually, query is not completed. Only data is emited.
When the data changes, the query will emit data again.


SuspendCoroutine code not reachable when using with Firebase auth

I have a suspendCoroutine in my repository with which I want to send data back to my ViewModel -
suspend fun sendPasswordResetMail(emailId: String): Boolean {
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
suspendCoroutine { cont ->
?.addOnCompleteListener {
?.addOnFailureListener {
However, neither of the listeners are called. Debugger says no executable code found at line where 'cont.resume(it.isSuccessful)' or 'cont.resumeWithException(it)' are.
I tried 'Dispatchers.IO', 'Dispatchers.Main' and 'Dispatchers.Default' but none of them seem to work. What could I be doing wrong?
My ViewModel code -
isEmailSent : LiveData<Boolean> = liveData {
fragment -
viewModel.isEmailSent.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, { flag ->
I believe you are calling
isEmailSent : LiveData<Boolean> = liveData {
this piece of code everytime for sending email
viewModel.isEmailSent.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, { flag ->
this piece only once.
Assuming that's true what you are essentially observing is the initial live data that was created with the model while it is being replaced everytime when resent is called. Instead call
from inside of a coroutine.
Also for the debugger not showing anything try adding a log above the cont.resume call and cont.resumeWithException call since it has worked for me in the past.
I think the easier way to achieve this is by using firebase-ktx and the await() function (which does what you are trying under the hood):
suspend fun sendPasswordResetMail(emailId: String): Boolean {
try {
return true
} catch(e: Exception) {
return false
Another way would be to use flow:
suspend fun sendPasswordResetMail(emailId: String): Boolean = flow<Boolean {
}.catch { e: Exception -> handleException(e) }
You could then observe this in your fragment by putting the code inside your viewmodel and calling .asLiveData()

How to pause/stop collecting/emitting data in a Flow while app minimised?

I have a UseCase and remote repository that return Flow in a loop and I collect the result of UseCase in the ViewModel like this:
viewModelScope.launch {
useCase.updatePeriodically().collect { result ->
when (result.status) {
Result.Status.ERROR -> {
errorModel.value = result.errorModel
Result.Status.SUCCESS -> {
items.value = result.data
Result.Status.LOADING -> {
loading.value = true
the problem is when the app is in the background (minimized) flow continues working. so can I pause it when the app is in the background and resume it when the app comes back to the foreground?
and also I don't want to observe the data in my view (fragment or activity).
I'd play around with the stateIn operator and the way I'm currently consuming the flow in the view.
Something like:
val state = useCase.updatePeriodically().map { ... }
.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed, initialValue)
And consume it from the View like:
viewModel.flowWithLifecycle(this, Lifecycle.State.STARTED)
.onEach {
For other potential ways on how to collect flows from the UI: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/a-safer-way-to-collect-flows-from-android-uis-23080b1f8bda
If you don't want to consume it from the view, you still have to signal for the VM that your View is in the background currently.
Something like:
private var job: Job? = null
fun start(){
job = viewModelScope.launch {
state.collect { ... }
fun stop(){
Even if the viewModelScope is cancelled, the flow will continue to collect because it is not cooperative to cancellation.
To make a flow cancellable, you can do one of the following things:
In the collect lambda, call currentCoroutineContext().ensureActive() to make sure the context in which the flow is being collected is still active. This will however throw a CancellableException, which you will need to catch, if the coroutine scope was cancelled already (viewModel scope for your case.)
You can use cancellable() operator as follows:
myFlow.cancellable().collect { //do stuff here.. }
And you can call cancel() whenever you want to cancel the flow.
For official documentation on cancelling the flow see:
I believe you want something like this
lifecycleScope.launch {
repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
state.collect {
Here's an execellent article on repeatOnLifecyle: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/repeatonlifecycle-api-design-story-8670d1a7d333

How to collect data inside a loop using flow and coroutines

I'm new to using flow and coroutines and I would like you to help me with the following problem:
I have the useCases.getScheduleList() and useCases.getScheduleDetails() methods that return a Flow. And I need to call useCases.getScheduleList() to get the schedule list and then call useCases.getScheduleDetails() for each item in the schedule list. Following is my attempt:
viewModelScope.launch {
useCases.getScheduleList().collect {
val scheduleList = it
val schedulesWithDetails = arrayListOf<ScheduleWithDetails>()
for (schedule in scheduleList) {
launch {
.collect { detail ->
// updateUI is called before collect add items to schedulesWithDetails
In the code above I can collect the listing and also collect the detail of each item in the listing and add the results to my schedulesWithDetails but I cannot use schedulesWithDetails with the data already added because the updateUI() method does not wait for the collect process to finish in then be executed.
Can anyone help me with ideas/suggestions for this problem?
Try this out:
viewModelScope.launch {
useCases.getScheduleList().map { scheduleList ->
scheduleList.map { async { useCases.getScheduleDetails(it).first() } }.awaitAll()
}.collect { schedulesWithDetails ->

Kotlin Coroutines - Suspend function returning a Flow runs forever

I am making a network repository that supports multiple data retrieval configs, therefore I want to separate those configs' logic into functions.
However, I have a config that fetches the data continuously at specified intervals. Everything is fine when I emit those values to the original Flow. But when I take the logic into another function and return another Flow through it, it stops caring about its coroutine scope. Even after the scope's cancelation, it keeps on fetching the data.
TLDR: Suspend function returning a flow runs forever when currentCoroutineContext is used to control its loop's termination.
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's the simplified version of my code:
Fragment calling the viewmodels function that basically calls the getData()
lifecycleScope.launch {
suspend fun getData(config: MyConfig): Flow<List<Data>>
return flow {
when (config)
//It worked fine when fetchContinuously was ingrained to here and emitted directly to the current flow
//And now it keeps on running eternally
fetchContinuously().collect { updatedList ->
//Note logic of this function is greatly reduced to keep the focus on the problem
private suspend fun fetchContinuously(): Flow<List<Data>>
return flow {
while (currentCoroutineContext().isActive)
val updatedList = fetchDataListOverNetwork().await()
if (updatedList != null)
Timber.i("Context is no longer active - terminating the continuous-fetch coroutine")
private suspend fun fetchDataListOverNetwork(): Deferred<List<Data>?> =
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
return#withContext async {
var list: List<Data>? = null
val response = apiService.getDataList().execute()
if (response.isSuccessful && response.body() != null)
list = response.body()!!.list
Timber.w("Failed to fetch data from the network database. Error body: ${response.errorBody()}, Response body: ${response.body()}")
catch (e: Exception)
Timber.w("Exception while trying to fetch data from the network database. Stacktrace: ${e.printStackTrace()}")
return#async list
list //IDE is not smart enough to realize we are already returning no matter what inside of the finally block; therefore, this needs to stay here
I am not sure whether this is a solution to your problem, but you do not need to have a suspending function that returns a Flow. The lambda you are passing is a suspending function itself:
fun <T> flow(block: suspend FlowCollector<T>.() -> Unit): Flow<T> (source)
Here is an example of a flow that repeats a (GraphQl) query (simplified - without type parameters) I am using:
override fun query(query: Query,
updateIntervalMillis: Long): Flow<Result<T>> {
return flow {
// this ensures at least one query
val result: Result<T> = execute(query)
while (coroutineContext[Job]?.isActive == true && updateIntervalMillis > 0) {
val otherResult: Result<T> = execute(query)
I'm not that good at Flow but I think the problem is that you are delaying only the getData() flow instead of delaying both of them.
Try adding this:
suspend fun getData(config: MyConfig): Flow<List<Data>>
return flow {
when (config)
fetchContinuously().collect { updatedList ->
Take note of the delay(refreshIntervalInMs).

Can an AsyncSubject handle the SingleLiveEvent case in RxJava?

The issue with reactive programming patterns for one-time events is that they may be re-emitted to the subscriber after the initial one-time event has occurred.
For LiveData the SingleLiveEvent provides a solution using an EventObserver which may also be applied to Kotlin Flow.
Can an AsyncSubject observable be created to handle the case of the SingleLiveEvent in RxJava? The main issue seems to be if there a way for an AsyncSubject to be manually "re-opened" to re-emit data after onComplete is called?
Potential solution
AsyncSubject seems like a potential solution for RxJava, without creating an EventObserver, as the documentation states that it will only publish it when the sequence is completed.
Implementation - Loading status sample
A loading boolean is emitted from the ViewModel method initFeed and view effect state to the view, a fragment in this case. The loading boolean works as expected on the initialization of the fragment and ViewModel sending true via onNext, and completing with onComplete on either a successful or erroneous attempt.
However, the attempt to re-emit a value fails when for example a swipe to refresh initiates the same initFeed method. It seems that onNext cannot be used after onComplete is called for the same object.
data class _FeedViewEffect(
val _isLoading: AsyncSubject<Boolean> = AsyncSubject.create(),
data class FeedViewEffect(private val _viewEffect: _FeedViewEffect) {
val isLoading: AsyncSubject<Boolean> = _viewEffect._isLoading
private fun initFeed(toRetry: Boolean) {
val disposable = feedRepository.initFeed(pagedListBoundaryCallback(toRetry))
.subscribe { results ->
when (results.status) {
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "initFeed ${LOADING.name}")
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "initFeed ${SUCCESS.name}")
ERROR -> {
Log.v(LOG_TAG, "initFeed ${ERROR.name}")
private fun initViewEffects() {
val isLoadingDisposable = viewModel.viewEffect.isLoading
.doOnError { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Error loading isLoading") }
.subscribe { isLoading ->
if (isLoading) progressBar.visibility = VISIBLE
else {
progressBar.visibility = GONE
swipeToRefresh.isRefreshing = false
compositeDisposable.addAll(isLoadingDisposable, isErrorDisposable)
It is not very clear why you need AsyncSubject which emits only last event. Did you try to use Behavior or Publish Processor for this situation?
Use an Event Wrapper
An AsyncSubject does not seem to be a suitable solution to handle one-time occurrence emissions from an Observable to a Subscriber. After onComplete is called an AsyncSubject can not "re-open" to emit future one-time events.
Using an event wrapper such as an Event, as outlined in LiveData with SnackBar, Navigation and other events (the SingleLiveEvent case) is the best approach.
data class _FeedViewEffect(
val _isLoading: BehaviorSubject<Event<Boolean>> = BehaviorSubject.create()
data class FeedViewEffect(private val _viewEffect: _FeedViewEffect) {
val isLoading: BehaviorSubject<Event<Boolean>> = _viewEffect._isLoading
private fun initFeed(toRetry: Boolean) {
val disposable = feedRepository.initFeed(pagedListBoundaryCallback(toRetry))
.subscribe { results ->
when (results.status) {
LOADING -> _viewEffect._isLoading.onNext(Event(true))
SUCCESS -> _viewEffect._isLoading.onNext(Event(false))
ERROR -> _viewEffect._isLoading.onNext(Event(false))
private fun initViewEffects() {
val isLoadingDisposable = viewModel.viewEffect.isLoading
.doOnError { Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Error loading isLoading") }
.subscribe { isLoading ->
if (isLoading.getContentIfNotHandled() == true) {
progressBar.visibility = VISIBLE
} else {
progressBar.visibility = GONE
swipeToRefresh.isRefreshing = false

