My application needs a ProgressBar, and I am trying to implement it with Jetpack Compose, so either I need a builtin ProgressBar support (I didn't find it) or there should be a mechanism to display plain Android Widgets with Compose. Is anything of this possible?
Ofcourse, we have Progress Bars in Jetpack Compose:
CircularProgressIndicator: Displays progress bar as Circle. It is indeterminate. Themed to Primary color set in styles. Another variant is determinate that takes progress in argument as Float (0.0f - 1.0f)
// Indeterminate
// Determinate
CircularProgressIndicator(progress = 0.5f)
LinearProgressIndicator: Displays progress bar as line. It is indeterminate. Themed to Primary color set in styles. Another variant is determinate that takes progress in argument as Float (0.0f - 1.0f)
// Indeterminate
// Determinate
LinearProgressIndicator(progress = 0.5f)
With 1.0.x you can use the LinearProgressIndicator or CircularProgressIndicator
// Indeterminate
// Determinate
CircularProgressIndicator(progress = ..)
LinearProgressIndicator(progress = ..)
var progress by remember { mutableStateOf(0.1f) }
backgroundColor = Color.White,
progress = progress,
color = blue700
To update the value you can use something like:
// { if (progress < 1f) progress += 0.1f }
For rounded corners we can use this code (It's the same like LinearProgress but with one small correction - in drawLine we use param StrokeCap.Round for rounding)
fun LinearRoundedProgressIndicator(
/*#FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)*/
progress: Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
backgroundColor: Color = color.copy(alpha = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndicatorBackgroundOpacity)
) {
val linearIndicatorHeight = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth
val linearIndicatorWidth = 240.dp
.size(linearIndicatorWidth, linearIndicatorHeight)
) {
val strokeWidth = size.height
drawRoundedLinearIndicatorBackground(backgroundColor, strokeWidth)
drawRoundedLinearIndicator(0f, progress, color, strokeWidth)
private fun DrawScope.drawRoundedLinearIndicatorBackground(
color: Color,
strokeWidth: Float
) = drawRoundedLinearIndicator(0f, 1f, color, strokeWidth)
private fun DrawScope.drawRoundedLinearIndicator(
startFraction: Float,
endFraction: Float,
color: Color,
strokeWidth: Float
) {
val width = size.width
val height = size.height
// Start drawing from the vertical center of the stroke
val yOffset = height / 2
val isLtr = layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr
val barStart = (if (isLtr) startFraction else 1f - endFraction) * width
val barEnd = (if (isLtr) endFraction else 1f - startFraction) * width
// Progress line
drawLine(color, Offset(barStart, yOffset), Offset(barEnd, yOffset), strokeWidth, StrokeCap.Round)
custom linear progress indicator
fun CustomLinearProgressIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
progress: Float,
progressColor: Color = orangeColor,
backgroundColor: Color = orangeColor.copy(0.24f),
clipShape: Shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)
) {
modifier = modifier
) {
modifier = Modifier
you can use this library which supports thumb, round corners, and animations.
For someone who is looking for a rounded corner linear progress bar,
you can use the Modifier's clip function.
progress = 0.5f,
modifier = Modifier.height(10.dp).clip(RoundedCornerShape(10.dp))
Problem description
I'm trying to create a component on android using Compose and Canvas that simulates a 7-segment display like this:
For that, I adopted a strategy of creating only half of this component and mirroring this part that I created downwards, so I would have the entire display.
This is the top part of the 7-segment display:
But the problem is when "mirror" the top to bottom. It turns out that when I add the Modifier.rotate(180f) the figure rotates around the origin of the canvas clockwise, and so it doesn't appear on the screen (it would if it were counterclockwise).
I don't want to do this solution using a font for this, I would like to solve this problem through the canvas and compose itself. If there is a smarter way to do this on canvas without necessarily needing a mirror I would like to know.
My code
Below is my code that I'm using to draw this:
fun DisplayComponent(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
size: Int = 1000,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
) {
Column(modifier = modifier) {
HalfDisplayComponent(size, color)
modifier = Modifier.rotate(180f),
size = size,
color = color
private fun HalfDisplayComponent(
size: Int,
color: Color,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
) {
Box(modifier = modifier) {
LedModel.values().forEach {
ledModel = it,
size = size,
color = color
enum class LedModel(val coordinates: List<Pair<Float, Float>>) {
Pair(0.04f, 0.03f), // Point A
Pair(0.07f, 0f), // Point B
Pair(0.37f, 0f), // Point C
Pair(0.4f, 0.03f), // Point D
Pair(0.34f, 0.08f), // Point E
Pair(0.1f, 0.08f), // Point F
Pair(0.41f, 0.04f), // Point A
Pair(0.44f, 0.07f), // Point B
Pair(0.44f, 0.37f), // Point C
Pair(0.41f, 0.4f), // Point D
Pair(0.35f, 0.35f), // Point E
Pair(0.35f, 0.09f), // Point F
Pair(0.03f, 0.4f), // Point A
Pair(0f, 0.37f), // Point B
Pair(0f, 0.07f), // Point C
Pair(0.03f, 0.04f), // Point D
Pair(0.09f, 0.09f), // Point E
Pair(0.09f, 0.35f), // Point F
Pair(0.1f, 0.36f), // Point A
Pair(0.34f, 0.36f), // Point B
Pair(0.39f, 0.4f), // Point C
Pair(0.05f, 0.4f), // Point D
fun LedComponent(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
size: Int = 30,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
ledModel: LedModel = LedModel.HorizontalTop
) = getPath(ledModel.coordinates).let { path ->
Canvas(modifier = modifier.scale(size.toFloat())) {
drawPath(path, color)
private fun getPath(coordinates: List<Pair<Float, Float>>): Path = Path().apply { {
}.forEachIndexed { index, point ->
if (index == 0) moveTo(point.x, point.y) else lineTo(point.x, point.y)
private fun transformPointCoordinate(point: Pair<Float, Float>) =
Offset(point.first.dp.value, point.second.dp.value)
My failed attempt
As described earlier, I tried adding a Modifier by rotating the composable of the display but it didn't work. I did it this way:
fun DisplayComponent(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
size: Int = 1000,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
) {
Column(modifier = modifier) {
DisplayFABGComponent(size, color)
modifier = Modifier.rotate(180f),
size = size,
color = color
There are many things wrong with the code you posted above.
First of all in Jetpack Compose even if your Canvas has 0.dp size you can still draw anywhere which is the first issue in your question. Your Canvas has no size modifier, which you can verify by printing DrawScope.size as below.
fun LedComponent(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
size: Int = 1000,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary,
ledModel: LedModel = LedModel.HorizontalTop
) = getPath(ledModel.coordinates).let { path ->
modifier = modifier.scale(size.toFloat())
) {
println("CANVAS size: ${this.size}")
drawPath(path, color)
any value you enter makes no difference other than Modifier.scale(0f), also this is not how you should build or scale your drawing either.
If you set size for your Canvas such as
fun DisplayComponent(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
size: Int = 1000,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.primary,
) {
Column(modifier = modifier) {
modifier = Modifier
.border(2.dp, Color.Cyan)
size = size,
color = color
Rotation works but what you draw is not symmetric as in image in your question.
point.first.dp.value this snippet does nothing. What it does is adds dp to float then gets float. This is not how you do float/dp conversions and which is not necessary either.
You can achieve your goal with one Canvas or using Modifier.drawBehind{}. Create a Path using Size as reference for half component then draw again and rotate it or create a path that contains full led component. Or you can have paths for each sections if you wish show LED digits separately.
This is a simple example to build only one diamond shape, then translate and rotate it to build hourglass like shape using half component. You can use this sample as demonstration for how to create Path using Size as reference, translate and rotate.
fun getHalfPath(path: Path, size: Size) {
path.apply {
val width = size.width
val height = size.height / 2
moveTo(width * 0f, height * .5f)
lineTo(width * .3f, height * 0.3f)
lineTo(width * .7f, height * 0.3f)
lineTo(width * 1f, height * .5f)
lineTo(width * .5f, height * 1f)
lineTo(width * 0f, height * .5f)
You need to use aspect ratio of 1/2f to be able to have symmetric drawing. Green border is to show bounds of Box composable.
val path = remember {
Box(modifier = Modifier
.border(3.dp, Color.Green)
.aspectRatio(1 / 2f)
.drawBehind {
if (path.isEmpty) {
getHalfPath(path, size)
path = path,
color = Color.Red,
style = Stroke(2.dp.toPx())
translate(0f, size.height / 2f)
degrees = 180f,
pivot = Offset(center.x, center.y / 2)
) {
path = path,
color = Color.Black,
style = Stroke(2.dp.toPx())
Is there a way to have an Icon (with ImageVector) component with a shadow/elevation in Jetpack Compose?
I want to make an IconButton with an elevated Icon but there seems to be no solution available for this problem. Things like Modifier.shadow() will only draw a shadow box around my icon and the Icon component itself has no elevation parameter.
This ticket seems like a duplicate of How to add a shadow / border / elevation to an icon in Jetpack Compose at first glance, but that ticket is not referring to the Icon component in combination with an ImageVector. Also, the proposed solution does not work and it wasn't updated in 6 months.
To further clarify, I want my Icon to look like this:
What you require is a library that converts imageVectors or xml files into Path. As i know of there is no built-in library for this. There are probably few out there that converts into Path or Shape.
When you have a shape or path what you need to do is draw with this shape as Modifier or into Canvas
fun Modifier.vectorShadow(
path: Path,
x: Dp,
y: Dp,
radius: Dp
) = composed(
inspectorInfo = {
name = "vectorShadow"
value = path
value = x
value = y
value = radius
factory = {
val paint = remember {
val frameworkPaint = remember {
val color = Color.DarkGray
val dx: Float
val dy: Float
val radiusInPx: Float
with(LocalDensity.current) {
dx = x.toPx()
dy = y.toPx()
radiusInPx = radius.toPx()
drawBehind {
this.drawIntoCanvas {
val transparent = color
.copy(alpha = 0f)
frameworkPaint.color = transparent
.copy(alpha = .7f)
it.drawPath(path, paint)
modifier = Modifier
) {
val center = with(LocalDensity.current) {
val path1 = createPolygonPath(center, center, 6, center)
val path2 = createPolygonPath(center, center, 5, center)
modifier = Modifier
.vectorShadow(path1, 0.dp, 0.dp, 6.dp)
.border(3.dp, Color.Green)
) {
drawPath(path1, Color.White)
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(10.dp))
modifier = Modifier
.vectorShadow(path2, 3.dp, 3.dp, 10.dp)
.border(3.dp, Color.Green)
) {
drawPath(path2, Color.White)
createPolygonPath is a sample function to create Path. If you manage to convert your vector to Path rest is simple.
fun createPolygonPath(cx: Float, cy: Float, sides: Int, radius: Float): Path {
val angle = 2.0 * Math.PI / sides
return Path().apply {
cx + (radius * cos(0.0)).toFloat(),
cy + (radius * sin(0.0)).toFloat()
for (i in 1 until sides) {
cx + (radius * cos(angle * i)).toFloat(),
cy + (radius * sin(angle * i)).toFloat()
It's not exactly what you want but for elevating an icon you can simply do this:
Icons.Outlined.Refresh, contentDescription = "back",
modifier = Modifier
.offset(10.dp, 10.dp), tint = Color(0, 0, 0, 40)
Icons.Outlined.Refresh, contentDescription = "front",
modifier = Modifier.size(300.dp), tint = Color(0xFFb6d7a8)
The problem is that it is lacking the blurring effect.
I'm trying to design a progress bar showing multi-progress using jetpack compose but I did not find any library or helping material. I am just able to design a single progress bar but I need to design like
Just use multiple CircularProgressIndicator inside a Box:
Box(contentAlignment = Alignment.Center) {
progress = 0.45f,
color = Red,
modifier = Modifier.then(Modifier.size(60.dp)))
progress = 0.55f,
color = Green,
modifier = Modifier.then(Modifier.size(80.dp)))
progress = 0.75f,
color = Blue,
modifier = Modifier.then(Modifier.size(100.dp)))
If you want to draw also the circular track starting from M2 1.4.0-alpha04 and M3 1.1.0-alpha04 you can use the trackColor parameter:
trackColor = LightGray
Before that releases if you want to draw also the circular track you can build a custom Composable with a Canvas + CircularProgressIndicator.
Something like:
val stroke = with(LocalDensity.current) {
Stroke(width = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Butt)
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.size(60.dp)){
val diameterOffset = stroke.width / 2
radius = size.minDimension / 2.0f-diameterOffset,
color= LightGray,style = stroke)
progress = 0.45f,
color = Red,
modifier = Modifier.then(Modifier.size(60.dp)))
Can't resolve the problem with scrolling a Custom View in Compose.
I have a Canvas nested in a Column with fillMaxSize() modifier.
In Canvas I also use fillMaxSize() modifier (or size() with fixed value, doesn't matter)
I draw a vertical line that can be higher than screen size. And want, if this vertical line is higher, make canvas scrollable, but I can't. Any methods like verticalScroll(), scrollable() has no effects. I'm trying to make height of Canvas higher and use scrollable modifier, but it does no effect also (when I check "size" variable of DrawScope, it's always 1630 on Pixel 4).
Please help.
My code (Simplified and this method will be nested in Column):
fun DrawTimeLine(list: List<Unit>){
Canvas(modifier = Modifier
.scrollable(rememberScrollState(), Orientation.Vertical)
top = Dimens.DEFAULT_MARGIN,
bottom = Dimens.BOTTOM_BAR_SIZE,
start = Dimens.DEFAULT_MARGIN
var offsetY = 0f
val offsetX = 0f
val increaseValue = 150f
fun drawTimePoint() {
color = Color.White,
radius = 15.dp.value,
center = Offset(offsetX, offsetY)
fun drawTimeLine() {
color = Color.White,
start = Offset(offsetX, offsetY),
end = Offset(offsetX, offsetY + increaseValue),
strokeWidth = 5.dp.value
offsetY += increaseValue
list.forEach {
I've looking to draw an arc on a canvas in Jetpack Compose with a little circle on the edge of progress like this picture:
I found how to draw the progress bar with arc canvas but don't know yet how to draw the circle to match with the edge of the arc line. This is my progress code:
fun ComposeCircularProgressBar(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
percentage: Float,
fillColor: Color,
backgroundColor: Color,
strokeWidth: Dp
) {
modifier = modifier
.padding(strokeWidth / 2)
) {
// Background Line
color = backgroundColor,
style = Stroke(strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Butt)
// Fill Line
color = fillColor,
270f * percentage,
style = Stroke(strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Round)
Noted: for now I know to draw that circle is with Canvas.drawCircle(offset = Offset) but I don't know yet how to calculate the Offset(x,y) to match with the edge of progress.
This piece of code below will generate the arc with the circular dot based on the percentage you provide. You did get most of the part right, it was just about solving the Math Equation to find the point on the circle.
I assumed the radius of the circle as Height / 2 of the widget.
Since we are not drawing the full circle, the start angle is at 140 degrees and the maximum sweep angle is 260 degrees. (I found this by hit and trial, so that it looks as close to your image)
Now to draw the small white circle the center a.k.a offset has to be at (x,y) where x & y are given by the formula
x = radius * sin (angle in radians)
y = radius * cos (angle in radians)
fun ComposeCircularProgressBar(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
percentage: Float,
fillColor: Color,
backgroundColor: Color,
strokeWidth: Dp
) {
modifier = modifier
) {
// Background Line
color = backgroundColor,
style = Stroke(strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Round),
size = Size(size.width, size.height)
color = fillColor,
percentage * 260f,
style = Stroke(strokeWidth.toPx(), cap = StrokeCap.Round),
size = Size(size.width, size.height)
var angleInDegrees = (percentage * 260.0) + 50.0
var radius = (size.height / 2)
var x = -(radius * sin(Math.toRadians(angleInDegrees))).toFloat() + (size.width / 2)
var y = (radius * cos(Math.toRadians(angleInDegrees))).toFloat() + (size.height / 2)
color = Color.White,
radius = 5f,
center = Offset(x, y)
Here are some examples I tried with
fun PreviewPorgressBar() {
percentage = 0.80f,
fillColor = Color("#4DB6AC")),
backgroundColor = Color("#90A4AE")),
strokeWidth = 10.dp
fun PreviewPorgressBar() {
percentage = 0.45f,
fillColor = Color("#4DB6AC")),
backgroundColor = Color("#90A4AE")),
strokeWidth = 10.dp
fun PreviewPorgressBar() {
percentage = 1f,
fillColor = Color("#4DB6AC")),
backgroundColor = Color("#90A4AE")),
strokeWidth = 10.dp
[Update] If you're interested in a step-by-step tutorial you can read it here :