Report all Android crashes to own API - android

I am in a situation where I cannot use third party Crash reporting platform (Crashalytics ...etc)
So, I started to use self developed Rest API to receive crash reports from mobile app.
However, I can only send handled crashes so far by using try-catch
How can I handle all crashes thrown by my mobile app even those which are not in my try-catch clauses
Just like Crashlytics which can catch all crashes and sends them to Firebase without placing try-catch

Have a look at Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
from the docs :
When a thread is about to terminate due to an uncaught exception the
Java Virtual Machine will query the thread for its
UncaughtExceptionHandler using Thread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler()
and will invoke the handler's uncaughtException method, passing the
thread and the exception as arguments. If a thread has not had its
UncaughtExceptionHandler explicitly set, then its ThreadGroup object
acts as its UncaughtExceptionHandler. If the ThreadGroup object has no
special requirements for dealing with the exception, it can forward
the invocation to the default uncaught exception handler.
using this, you can get all threads and all exceptions, which you can then report to any API you'd like
you can find examples of how it was implemented
here and here

There is a library which you can use called ACRA , its an open source library you can check its code , or you can directly use their library and configure it to hit your api
#AcraHttpSender(uri = "",
basicAuthLogin = "yourlogin", // optional
basicAuthPassword = "y0uRpa$$w0rd", // optional
httpMethod = HttpSender.Method.POST)
public class MyApplication extends Application {


Multiple process to catch uncaught exception?

I am developing a module that will be installed on multiple app. On of our client expressed concern about the potential of our module crashing making his app crash. I want to find a way to catch all uncaught exceptions that my module can throw. The module is composed of a service and 2-3 activities who have very little communication with the main app.
To catch those exceptions thrown by a handful of classes, and only those classes, what whould be the best option ? I have considered using Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler which catch all exception thrown by a thread and putting all thoses classes in a separate process (with the android:process attribute), but I was told that using multiple processes can impact performance and battery usage. Is it possible to start a service and multiple activities in a separate thread without having to rewrite them all ?
You can implement an uncaught exception handler from your library. It will handle the uncaught exceptions that got triggered from threads started from your library.
Don't forget to pass it to the DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler.
If the app implemented its own UncaughtExceptionHandler it will handle it as well.

Send report after Android JNI signal/exception

I am trying to get firebase working with my Android app but it is mainly C++ code.
A lot of chances are that if there is any crash it will be some kind of bad access in the C++ part.
Firebase works well with uncaught java exceptions however I cannot get it to work with JNI signals/exceptions.
As far as I know it is not yet compatible with JNI but I thought a workaround would be something similar to this:
Somewehre in the C++ add a signal handler for signals we would like to handle that will send it back to the Java side and try to send a report ( with part of the stacktrace if possible ).
#include <cisgnal>
void SignalHandler( int sig )
// Code to call a static method in my Activity
::signal( SIGABRT, & ::SignalHandler )
// In java
public static void SendReportOnCrash()
{ new Exception( "OOPS" ) );
Unfortunately, fake reports are never sent, however I do get callback in Java.
I tried to launch a process separated activity in which I would call but there is no non-static way to it therefore it always crash since FirebaseApp/Crash are not instantiated in secondary activity.
I come here to ask if someone would have a hint on how to do that.
My last try but least wanted test would be to write the stack trace to a file, and upon a new start, test if this file exists, if so use FirebaseCrash.log then send a fake report...
You are not guaranteed to be able to do any Java processing after the JVM calls abort() for a fatal error. Per the Java documentation:
The HotSpot VM does not handle this signal. Instead it calls the abort
function after fatal error handling. If an application uses this
signal then it should terminate the process to preserve the expected
Yes, that is for the Oracle implementation. It quite likely applies to all other implementations also.
Because at the point it calls abort(), the JVM expects to be killed.

IdHTTP in Android service in Delphi RX

I try to write an Android service, which will use IdHTTP component to send messages to the server.
I just put IdHTTP1 on TAndroidServiceDM and try to Run app on Phone (Android 4.2.2)
I get error:
"Project LocSensDemo.apk raised exception class Exception with message 'Activity not found, maybe you are in a service'"
in FMX.Platform.Android line 1792 "Activity := TAndroidHelper.Activity;"
and then
"Project LocSensDemo.apk raised exception class Segmentation fault (11)".
Service crashes.
How to solve this problem?
The Activity not found exception occurs when the TAndroidHelper.Activity property is accessed inside a service project. That property is not usable in a service (see RSP-13381). Anything that uses TAndroidHelper.Activity in a service will crash at runtime. Line 1792 in the FMX.Platform.Android unit is inside of FMX.Platform.Android.TWindowManager.RetrieveContentRect(). What are you accessing in a service that is using TWindowManager? Services don't have UIs, you should not be touching anything UI-related to begin with.
If your service code needs access to an Android Context object, such as to call getContentResolver(), you can use the TAndroidHelper.Context property, or your service's own JavaService property (Android's Service class derives from Context).
As for the Segmentation fault exception, you haven't provided any details about that error, or shown what code is causing it, so there is no way for anyone here to diagnose it for you.

Xamarin android - Integration with crittercism for unhandled exceptions not working

I've created a bindings project, hooked everything up in my onCreate etc. Everything works except for unhandled exceptions. Let me elaborate on "Everything works" - I can see via crittercism's live stats page that there is indeed an app load, I can also send up "ManagedExceptions" using the "LogHandledException" interface.
I have implemented the ICritterCallback interface and the "CrashedOnLastLoad" boolean is always false. This is wierd cos I can see the app crashes.
I have used these 3 ways to try and get my logs sent to Crittercism. (All 3 crash the app)
Java exception
throw new Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException("This is a test for critter");
Background exception
.Click += delegate { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => { throw new Exception("Crashed Background thread."); } ); };
Simple .net exception
throw new Exception("Crashed UI thread.");
None of the above are registering as crashes on the next load... weird right?
Maybe the .net runtime is swallowing all the unhandled exceptions then calling exit gracefully on dalvic's runtime... is this possible..?
As a hack for now im implementing the exception handlers for android as per this blog post then calling Crittercism.LogHandledException(Throwable.FromException(e.Exception)); from inside both the events.
It works, but im using Crittercism's handled exceptions for unhandled exceptions.. So when I want to send up real "HandledExceptions" they will be lost in the mess.
So is there any way to send an unhandled exception to Crittercism??
Or is there a way to simulate a crash on android from .net that will send it to Crittercism??
Any help would be much appreciated!
Co-founder of Crittercism here. We just released an official plugin for Xamarin which should automatically log javascript exceptions (and any other crashes) as unhandled exceptions so you won't run into this problem anymore. You can download the latest version from the Xamarin asset store here:

Unhandled exception not caught by global exceptionhandler

I got an android app where I set a global exception handler as described here:
Using Global Exception Handling on android
When I'm forcing an exception then I see that it is catched by the handler.
But from time to time I'm still experiencing device freezes when running the app.
The app uses a lot of different threads. But as far as I understand, this should have no influence.
Are there some known limitations on android regarding global exception handling, where exception are not handled by the global handler?

