Twilio chat, how set sum of chats to notification _bageCount - android

Short description: I get push notification from twilio chat. But in my app I use 4 different chats (channels). So when I get field "bage" from notification it just show count of chats with new messages, but not amount of messages.
How can I get the sum of unread messages from all chats?
More info:
I use react-native 0.61.2 but I write native code too;
During the work I have used this tutorial TwilioChatReactNative;
For indicate unreaded messages I use Message Consumption Horizon;
The way of connection to chat (only react part) the close to this Connect to chat;
In theory I can get set bage himself, but for me this function don't work in background;
Also I have tried to use this library react-native-notification but it didn't help too.
I subscribe to pushNotification with this method
client.setPushRegistrationId('apn', token);
When I use twilio notify and set "bage" by hand all work good, but notification from chat twilio do by himself.
Summary: I need one decision from this list (or something else, I open for offers):
Say twilio send me sum of unread messages from all chats;
Way how update "bage" from background;
New way of subscribing to channels to get the sum of messages in "bage".
Thanks to everyone who will respond

Thank you for your questions and for using Twilio Programmable Chat! I have opened this issue in the repo found at so that folks using the repo can see the answers there. :-)


Push notification not being sent from loopback

I have used the loopback sample application "loopback-3.x" given on: The correct server key was given in config, then created an application and registered a device with that application. Then I tried sending a push notification with "notifyById" method. The console shows a succes message like:
loopback:component:push:provider:gcm Sending message to ["devicetokengiven"]: {"params":{"timeToLive":3600,"data":{"message":"sfwsed","messageFrom":"sdefsdf","badge":2}}}
loopback:component:push:provider:gcm GCM result: {"multicast_id":multicast_id,"success":1,"failure":0,"canonical_ids":0,"results":[{"message_id":"0:23423555466%24324434354"}]}
It seems to be a success, but the device doesnt get any push notification. What could be the issue? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Unfortunately their last release simply doesn't work with FCM. However, in their last commit they have a change which requires an object with the attributes (messageFrom and alert) and then they convert these att to body and title. Moreover, there is a PR where someone adds another notification's attributes, but I don't think it will be merged soon.
Reference your module to their last commit: "loopback-component-push": "git://"and send {messageFrom: "your title", alert: "your body"}
Use a simple FCM node module or even a HTTP request. Will make your life much easier.

How to structure a notification system for a chat app using Firebase Database and Firebase Notification

I'm developing a chat application using Firebase Database in Android.
I've already done the core (chat and user's list activities), but I have yet to do the notification system.
What I want is that when a user is added to a conversation (single or group) and another user writes a new message to the conversation, the first user has to receive a notification that if clicked opens the conversation activity.
My big dilemma is how to structure the service that runs in background to receive the push notification or to listen to the firebase database node I need to look at to know if there are any messages.
I figured out two different approaches:
Approach 1) Use the firebase notification
With this approach I simply send a data notification from the sender client to all the other clients in the conversation when the sender sends a message, and so the receiver will decide to show the notification (if the chat activity it's not opened) and handle the click action.
With this approach I think I will save CPU consumption and then battery.
What I don't understand is how to register a user to receive a group notification (topic notification) because as I understood, I have to subscribe that client to the topic, but if the application is in background or close, how does it knows that a new group, with its user inside, has been created and so it has to subscribe to the topic?
For the two-users conversation scenario this is not a problem as I can send the notification directly to the destination user without needing him to be subscribed to any topic.
Approach 2) Listen to a firebase database data node with a background service
With this approach I just need to create a bootable service that listen to a specific node of the database (with ValueEventListener) and show a notification when data shows that a new message/conversation is coming.
An example of the node to listen to, can be the data about the unseen messages as following:
$user1: 3
$user2: 1
Then, if the data shows new messages/conversations the android app client will decide to show a system notification.
I think that with this approach there will be more energy consumption as it has to constantly check if there are any new message on the db.
Final consideration
I have found a very useful guide written by the mythical Frank van Puffelen,that explains how to set up the system I need, with using an additional server side component (node.js server).
My last question is: do I need to set up a server? Is a better solution than handling everything by the clients (using for example http requests)?
What solution do you think is the best?
Many thanks.
I'm still figuring it out, but here it is some consideration.
I have to requesting and using a InstanceID
Instance ID provides a unique ID per instance of your apps.
So i have to request an InstanceID when user is connected and the InstanceId it is avalaible.
And then don't use topics.
Topic messages are optimized for throughput rather than latency. For
fast, secure delivery to single devices or small groups of devices,
target messages to tokens, not topics.
as said in the topic messagin guide that instead suggests to target message to tokens .
To do so I have to collect the user token in my user database reference:
users: {
$userId1: {
name: "John",
email: "",
token: "Ax8HiP3Edf7....",
and then when my app client send a new message it has to also has to send a notification for all users involved in the chat, thing that I already can do with my current db structure.
How do I handle and collect the requests?
I implement a node.js server app that connect to Firebase Database and listens for the notification requests made by the app and then sends the notification request by http call to every destination app.
When do I have to register the user token?
When a app client starts for the first time or when the InstanceID expire (onTokenRefresh).
Is this the right way to do it?
I found a big hole in the FCM implementation. It seems that I can not handle at all notifications delivered to iOs apps that are not in foreground.
As found in the Data notification documentation
On iOS, FCM stores the message and delivers it only when the app is in the foreground and has established a FCM connection. On Android, a client app receives a data message in onMessageReceived() and can handle the key-value pairs accordingly.
And I need to catch the data notification even when the app is in background, I need that specifically because I want to update my badge counter on the app icon to let the user know how many unread messages he has.
I'm now tryng the OneSignal solution can receive notification even when in background, it's free and interfaces with GCM. I'm sad to not stay with Google but if I can't update the badge count using FCM I have to look to an other side.
Any consideration will be appreciated.
Approach 1 is the one that you should use. Frank's guide is using the first approach, so you need to set up a server.
Is it a better solution than handling everything by the clients (using for example http requests)?
Yes. If you send the notification in the client (the app), your API Key will be exposed (via network sniffing or reverse engineering) and you definitely would want to avoid that.
how to subscribe a user to a new group topic if the app is closed or in the background?
Looks like you have to create relation mapping on the server, by calling with Authorization: key=YOUR_API_KEY as the header, the full description is here. Follow this guide to get the Instance ID token.
I hope my answer answers your questions. Cheers :)
Now you can simply achieve this using firebase functions ...
Here's mine
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.sendFollowerNotification =
.onWrite(async (change, context) => {
const useruuid = context.params.userUID;
const thisdata = change.after.val();
var ref = admin.database().ref(`userdatas/${useruuid}/phonetkn`);
return ref.once("value", function(snapshot){
const payload = {
notification: {
image: "default",
vibrate:"true" ,
title: 'New Mission !',
body: thisdata.titre ,
color: '#22c064',
icon: "notification_icon"
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(snapshot.val(), payload)
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);

How to send sms with sinch using a pair of ids

Hey guys i am an android developer and have followed the tutorials on instant messaging using sinch and parse from
It works quite good but i am trying to customize it a little such that i can send a message based on the recipients's id and another id . That is i want to send a message taking into consideration two ids( recipientId and another id which i defined).
Please i would appreciate any work arounds this.
Create a WritableMessage(List recipientUserIds, String textBody)
Constructs a message with a list of recipients and a text body.

Android PushNotification From Json URL

I have a Json URL, which contains data about Latest Job Postings, I am successfully parsing the Json URL and able to display the top job postings in my ListView.
But my requirement is to create a push notification, so that whenever a new job is posted, the user should be able to get a notification on device.
I have followed this:
But I don't know how to get notifications in my case.
Could anyone help me?
Give push notification to user's device about the updated data even when application is in background mode.
Upon successful insertion of new data in your database (which is going to give updated set of data to your JSON request) , just call the file which send GCM push notification to all your users.
GCM docs
GCM push-notification using php server
In context of implementation presented in demo app of 2nd link,
upon successful insertion,you can call send_message.php file,but make sure that $regId and $message should be retrieved from your database
You have created ActionBar Notifications for your app, but now you need to create the ability to receive notifications from a web client, instead of going to find them yourself from the URL.
To create a push notification you would need to have a constant thread (BroadcastReceiver) on the device that is waiting for the notification from the sever.
Google 'Cloud to Device Messaging' is the simplest way to do this.
This is a good link with lots of info on how to do this :
If you require these notifications to be displayed on the device even when the application is not running (which seems to be the case from what you describe), you can use Google Cloud Messaging.
You would need a server that would poll the Json URL for updates, and send a GCM message to all the devices where your app is installed once such an update is detected.
Your app would have to register to Google Cloud Messaging and send the Registration ID received from Google to your server.
When your app receive a GCM message, you would create a notification and when the notification is tapped, you would start the activity that loads the data from the JSON URL.

Android : Some Questions to Understand GCM well

I am Trying to fetch and push A notification (To inform the device to connect to the data source because it has been changed/Updated)
I read A lot of tutorials about it , and tried to apply it to help me in my case , but really i faced some problem understanding the GCM HOW IT Works
I've register at and take the SENDER ID AND APIKEY
Now I've Some Questions :
do you register the device to the service every time we start the application or only for the first time ?
do we use GCM for (only notify the device something happens) or to (notify and get the information about whats is changes) ?
why this operation need (Client And Server)
I mean (Client) it's OK Because he'll receive the push notification ,, but (Server What it Means Here) :( ,, because i think the server here will be the Google it self to notify the device
In this Case When We Use A APIKEY
the Idea Is :
I've SQL Server Database on my web-site and have small android application (Dealing With it) with two users
need when any user Add A record to the database notify the other user
Thanks In Advance ,,
Regards :)
1) You register with GCM only when you need to. E.g. When you call
And it returns a blank string. Typically this happens the first time you launch your app.
2) It depends on what the data you are trying to is and whether or not it will fit within the 4K payload limit. Take a look at the Send-to-Sync vs. Messages with Payload Google Help topic.
3) Your server is the server that sends the message to the GCM servers. The GCM servers then send the message down to the apps. Take a look at this blog post I wrote for a service that I helped create: It should help explain how this works. In the explanation you can just substitute our servers with your own.
4) You send your API key as part of your message to the GCM servers as detailed here:
So in the following request:
"registration_ids" : ["APA91bHun4MxP5egoKMwt2KZFBaFUH-1RYqx..."],
"data" : {
Authorization: key=YOUR_API_KEY

