I'm trying to use the following two Flutter plugin in my flutter project.
razorpay_flutter 1.1.2
sms_autofill 1.2.0
My Flutter code -
_askPhone() async {
const MethodChannel _channel = const MethodChannel('sms_autofill');
String phoneNo = await _channel.invokeMethod('requestPhoneHint');
setState(() => _phone = phoneNo);
I'm trying to use only requestPhoneHint method through platform-channel to ask phone number from user. But alone sms_autofill plugin is working fine in this case but when I added razorpay_flutter plugin to my dependency it only prompts phone number but nothing happens on selecting.
Problem is that String phoneNo = await _channel.invokeMethod('requestPhoneHint'); line doesn't returns anything now. From my experience I think that it is probably might be due to duplicate request code in startIntentSenderForResult method in these both plugin so I tried changing that but still no result.
P.S. - I would like to make changes in sms_autofill plugin, please suggest anything.
I got it fixed by modifying razorpay_flutter 1.1.2 plugin to return false from inactivity result when requestCode is for sms_autofill plugin.
I need to add those to Android files:
android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" and <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
But I'm using managed workflow and I don't know how to add those lines to app.json file.
I did this plugin which seems to work:
const { createRunOncePlugin, withAndroidManifest } = require('#expo/config-plugins');
const withAndroidManifestHavingBetterSecuritySettings = config => {
return withAndroidManifest(config, config => {
const androidManifest = config.modResults.manifest;
const mainApplication = androidManifest.application[0];
if(process.env.CHANNEL !== 'dev') {
androidManifest.$ = {
'xmlns:tools': 'http://schemas.android.com/tools',
mainApplication.$['tools:replace'] = 'android:usesCleartextTraffic';
mainApplication.$['android:usesCleartextTraffic'] = 'false';
return config;
module.exports = createRunOncePlugin(
I had many issues related to merging of AndroidManifest files when "developmentClient": true in my eas.json file (related to me dev eas profile). I believe that it's related to the fact that the debug/AndroidManifest is a higher priority manifest than main/AndroidManifest (not sure though). So my solution was not to ignore the changes when building the dev profile. Hardening security settings in development builds do not seem useful anyhow.
So I struggled with this problem for a while now and the only solution I could come up with was setting the minimum sdk version of the android app from 21 to 28. This is not ideal as my application now does not support old android devices, but doing this defaults the usesClearTextTraffic flag to false.
If your app works fine while developing in expo, but after generating the APK some functions don't work, try this. In my case the APK crashed on login, but building in development with expo was working fine. The problem was that traffic is encrypted so that's why I ended up here trying to set clear text traffic. The problem in my case was with expoPushToken, in the APK it throws an exception I wasn't catching (building with expo worked fine as I said before, no exception). So, if the exception happens just catch it and set the token to empty string.
So, I had this:
import * as Notifications from "expo-notifications";
export async function getDevicePushTokenForAPP() {
const pushToken = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
return pushToken.data;
So then, I added the try and catch:
export async function getDevicePushTokenForAPP() {
try {
const pushToken = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
return pushToken.data;
} catch (e) {
return "";
Now if you build the APK again (expo build:android) it should work fine, in my case login worked. But please note this is for testing purposes only, I needed the APK to quickly show it to the client. (Note that you will need the bundle, not the apk, when uploading to the Playstore). This is a quick fix for you to test the APK; but with no token, push notifications won't work. The final fix is to add firebase to your project, it's mandatory now, so add firebase and with the firebase unique ID, your push notification will work in your APK.
My conclusion is that expo uses its own ID to communicate with firebase, that's why it works while developing but the APK doesn't go through expo and tries to connect to firebase directly, but crashes because there's no ID.
You should update your app.json like that:
"android": {
"usesCleartextTraffic": true,
uses-permission android:name
I am trying to launch a url in my flutter application. What i'm trying to do is very simple and it works in all other projects except for this one! The browser should be launched on an inkwell onTap event. I tried the exact same code in other projects and worked. I also tried to create a new flutter project and the code worked.
The app does not crash and i don't get any error but on Debug i get a missing plugin exception.
I tried flutter clean and flutter run but didn't work! I tried invalidating cache and restart but also didn't work! I tried removing and re installing the plugin but also didn't work!
Here's the code:
_launchMapsUrl() async {
final url = 'https://www.google.com';
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
print('Could not launch $url');
the onTap:
onTap: () {
The Compiled and Target SDK versions are 29 and the version of the launcher in my pubspec.yaml is url_launcher: ^5.7.10
For the record the other projects that the code worked in are of the same versions
I think it has something to do with caching issue i'm not really sure, i'm very new to flutter.
Can you please recommend a solution.
When I transitioned to Expo's Managed Workflow (SDK 37 and now 38 as well), in-app update checking broke.
My code:
import * as Updates from 'expo-updates';
async checkForUpdate() {
const update = await Updates.checkForUpdateAsync();
if (update.isAvailable) {
async updateApp() {
await Updates.fetchUpdateAsync();
Logcat shows me that the checkForUpdateAsync() promise is being rejected with this message:
Error: The method or property Updates.checkForUpdateAsync is not available on android, are you sure you’ve linked all the native dependencies properly?
For the record I did install it via expo install expo-updates
I solved this by creating a new Expo project and looking for differences from my many-times-upgraded one. I found two:
I was using off-the-shelf React Native instead of the Expo build, so I changed the dependency in package.json to "react-native": "https://github.com/expo/react-native/archive/sdk-38.0.1.tar.gz"
I also updated my expo version to ^38.0.8, as used by the new project.
Finally, I also deleted some build relics that I had generated during the way, but I think the fix came from one of the steps above.
I am new to mobile app development and ionic 2. I get the google authentication working fine for a web app using angularfire2 but that doesn't work on a mobile device (yet?).
I am using ionic 2 version 2.0.0-beta.35 and firebase 3.2.1
Searching led me to the understanding that for the time being I need to use the google+ plugin for cordova, which I have installed.
I am trying this method in my ts code:
return Observable.create(observer =>
// note for iOS the googleplus plugin requires ENABLE_BITCODE to be turned off in the Xcode
'scopes': 'profile email', // optional, space-separated list of scopes, If not included or empty, defaults to `profile` and `email`.
'webClientId': '_google_client_app_id_.apps.googleusercontent.com',
'offline': true, // optional, but requires the webClientId - if set to true the plugin will also return a serverAuthCode, which can be used to grant offline access to a non-Google server
function (authData)
console.log('got google auth data:', JSON.stringify(authData, null, 2));
let provider = firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(authData.idToken, authData.accessToken);
firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(provider).then((success) =>
console.log('success!', JSON.stringify(success, null, 2));
}, (error) =>
console.log('error', JSON.stringify(error, null, 2))
function (msg)
this.error = msg;
But the compiler keeps complaining about two things:
1. window.plugins is unknown. How can I convince ts that it's there?
There is no credential on the GoogleAuthProvider object. Searching yielded this link: firebase docs which says there was a method getCredential, which is not recognized either.
My typings seem to be fine. GoogleAuthProvider itself is recognized.
How can I fix this?
Actually, this is a bug in the typescript definitions. The Firebase team has been notified and is working on a fix. In the meantime use the following workaround:
(<any> firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider).credential
In my Ionic2 RC1 + Firebase3.5 + AngularFire2.beta5 project I had the same problem... Google Auth with Popup worked in Browser but not in my Android .APK
Firstly, I add to my Firebase Console authorized domain list and <allow-navigation href=""/> to my config.xml.
After this, I found that installing Cordova InAppBrowser plugin solves my problem definitively.
I didn't need to modify my code, only plug and play, exactly like David East says in his Social login with Ionic blog.
In My ionic Cordova Application, I am using In App Purchase Plugin: https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase
Here is the method that I use to initialise store:
debug: true, // Enable IAP messages on the console
ready: service.IAP.onReady,
purchase: service.IAP.onPurchase,
restore: service.IAP.onRestore,
error: service.IAP.onError
This Initialization works fine with iOS and all the products loading fine as well, But Android device does not load In Purchase.
I guess, For android there is a different initialization method.
I have added plugin in app:
cordova plugin add cc.fovea.cordova.purchase --variable BILLING_KEY="<BILLING_KEY>"
Please help.
Firstly, when I was using it, the npm version was a little buggy on android. Try removing it and adding it from Git.
cordova plugin add https://github.com/j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase.git --variable BILLING_KEY="MIIB...AQAB"
Secondly, it looks like you are maybe using some older syntax. The doco for this plugin doesnt really have very good version control. There are different versions of doco all over the net. I think this is the latest version.
This is my initialisation code. See if it works for you too.
products = ["my.test.product"];
for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
if (window.store) {
id: products[i],
alias: 'alias '+i,
type: store.NON_CONSUMABLE
// When everything goes as expected, it's time to celebrate!
if (window.store) store.ready(function() {
console.log("\\o/ STORE READY \\o/");
// After we've done our setup, we tell the store to do
// it's first refresh. Nothing will happen if we do not call store.refresh()
if (window.store) store.refresh();
You can also send the store object to console.log to have a good look at it in chrome debugger.
Oh, and if you have more than one app, make sure you are using the correct BILLING_KEY by removing and readding the plugin.
Good Luck!