Sqlite File Upload in WebView Without filechooser - android

May be like Duplicate, but I cant find most suitable answer for me. Many examples have explain about img files. like this, Android Java Upload File via WebView without FileChooser I want to upload .db file into my web server from my android application using Webview. but I cant understand what I want to do. Is that possible (upload .db file)? And if yes, what I want to do? Im new for android.


displaying pdf in xamarin android

I am trying to create an app that will be able to display a pdf file in the app itself. I'm currently using the Xamarin.Bindings.PDFView-Android by SIDOVSKY which works really nicely. I can open a file easily from the assets... what I'm struggling to do is open a file from the internet.
Just a single line of code:
Is enough to display a PDF that can be pinched to zoom which is great. However, I now want to access a file stored on the local network. Either using a SMB share, or through the intranet. Whichever way I try I can't figure it out.
There is a .FromFile setting, but I can't get it to work by putting a smb path in here. Is there a way to convert this? Or must I download the file to the local device first?

How to share with remote PDF file in Android?

I have a URL which points to some PDF file. The thing I want to achieve is to share it with some app. Sharing not a link, but the PDF file itself. The question is how to achieve this? With my investigation I came to the following conclusion:
Download it using Retrofit
Save it inside device
Get somehow the path of the file and share it
Is it correct path to solve the problem? Maybe there are other, more easy solutions?

Creating PDF File on Android [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to create pdf files on android
I have a program that asks the user for information, then I need to put this information on a document/contract. I think I would like to create a pdf file with that information using itext (other alternate ways would also be appreciated). Although, I found that the itext version is not built (at least the free version) for android. My only solution is to create a server, send this information to a server that creates the pdf and then sends the pdf back to my phone. I have no idea how to do this. Or if anyone knows how to make an itext version for android.
Welcome to stackoverflow. Search your problem well before reaching out.
If you want to do this on the server you can create a simple PHP script that generates the PDF for you.
Just Google for PHP generate PDF and it will give you a lot of links.
If you want to do the pdf generation on the device you can leverage a java library that does it for you. try this stackoverflow link create pdf files on Android

How to open local PDF file in PhoneGap (android)

I'm trying to open a local PDF file stored in the sdcard. I tried everything possible but nothing seems to work.
I tried to open the pdf using the anchor tag with external and _blank attribute.
I as well tried to "WebIntent, an Android PhoneGap Plugin". But was not able to succeed. I'm sure i have missed something in the manifest xml file. I'm not more into backend development. Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Here the answer :

Load images or whole site from local "assets" folder using webview

The question I have is simple but hard to put in words, I'll give it a try anyways.
I am trying to load a web page in webview. However, the load time is a little bit too high.
Is there any way I can put the images in the assets folder and load them from there instead?
If not, is there a way I can load the whole site from the assets folder, providing that my PHP files can still communicate with my internet database?
I have already read most tutorials, but those are pretty vague when it comes to concrete help.
try this... WebView with custom HTML and local images
There is no way to store your php files on the device itself. They need a server to execute them and sent the result to the device if the are on the device you would just show the php code to your webview and that would certainly not work.
The Webview should be able to cache some of the images itself. But it seems that there is no way to access images from the sd card or the internal storage from your webview.
Maybe it is possible to store some of your data through html5 local storage apis but I don't have any expertise on that.
Sure ! you can do it. Just install AndroPhp it is a localServer for Android.
Locate you project than on your device under the www/ folder. If you have a DB also just import your .sql trough phpmyadmin.
on Android side call you project
Thats All!

