manually set Firebase Firestore cache - android

I am looking for a solution for my problem, i have a chat app which displays all the users correspondence as a Recyclerview a listener, in-order to improve user experience when a user send a message i manually update the Recyclerview with the current list plus the new message with an "uploading indication" then when the message actually uploads to Firebase the listener overrides the local list i used and updates the last message to "uploaded", problem is if i rebuild the activity the listener automatically update the Recyclerview's list to the one cached therefore the user cannot see his "uploading" message any more until it hits the server.
is was thinking if there is a manually way i can set the listener's cache to the local list without waiting for it to upload? if not maybe there is a better solution i hadn't thought about? (i have many different chats with many different users so i need to be able to fetch every chat channels own unique list)

There is an option in which you can force a query to retrieve data only from the cache. If this is what you need, you can achieve this with the help of the DocumentReference.get(Source source) and Query.get(Source source) methods.
By default, get() attempts to provide up-to-date data when possible by waiting for data from the server, but it may return cached data or fail if you are offline and the server cannot be reached. This behavior can be altered via the Source parameter.
So you can pass as an argument to the DocumentReference or to the Query the source so we can force the retrieval of data from the server only, chache only or attempt server and fall back to the cache.
So something like this will do the trick:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
DocumentReference docIdRef = db.collection("tests").document("fOpCiqmUjAzjnZimjd5c");
docIdRef.get(Source.CACHE).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
//Get data from the documentSnapshot object
In this case, we force the data to be retrieved from the cache only. If you want to force the data to be retrieved from the server only, you should pass as an argument to the get() method, Source.SERVER. More informations here.


How to check if Cloud Firestore data is cached? [duplicate]

After deleting data from my Firestore Database, it takes my Android app some time to realize that the data was deleted, and I assume that it's happening due the auto data cache. My app has nothing to do with offline usage and I'd like to disable this feature...
I have added this in my custom Application Class:
public class ApplicationClass extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
FirebaseFirestore db=FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
FirebaseFirestoreSettings settings = new FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder()
The problem occurs after turning off the internet connection and than turning it back on (while the app is still running, in the background or not)- the Firestore module seems to lose connection to the server, and it makes the opposite operation than the intended one - instead of stop taking data from the cache, it takes data from the cache only.
For example, debugging this code will always show that isFromCache is true and documentSnapshot is empty (even though that on the server side - it's not empty):
usersRef.document(loggedEmail).collection("challenges_received").get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot documentSnapshots) {
boolean isFromCache=documentSnapshots.getMetadata().isFromCache();
if (!documentSnapshots.isEmpty()) {
Is this normal behavior?
Is there another way to disable the data cache in Cloud Firestore?
Adding: FirebaseFirestore.setLoggingEnabled(flase); (instead of the code above) in the custom Application Class gives the same result.
According to Cloud Firestore 16.0.0 SDK update, there is now a solution to this problem:
You are now able to choose if you would like to fetch your data from the server only, or from the cache only, like this (an example for server only):
DocumentReference documentReference= FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().document("example");
documentReference.get(Source.SERVER).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
For cache only, just change the code above to Source.CACHE.
By default, both methods still attempt server and fall back to the cache.
I just ran a few tests in an Android application to see how this works. Because Firestore is currently still in beta release and the product might suffer changes any time, i cannot guarantee that this behaviour will still hold in the future.
db.collection("tests").document("fOpCiqmUjAzjnZimjd5c").get().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<DocumentSnapshot> task) {
DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = task.getResult();
System.out.println("isFromCache: " + documentSnapshot.getMetadata().isFromCache());
Regarding the code, is the same no matter if we're getting the data from the cache or you are connected to the servers.
When I'm online it prints:
isFromCache: false
When I'm offline, it prints:
isFromCache: true
So, for the moment, there is no way to stop the retrieval of the data from the cache while you are not connected to the server, as you cannot force the retrieval of the data from the cache while you're connected to the server.
If instead I use a listener:
db.collection("tests").document("fOpCiqmUjAzjnZimjd5c").addSnapshotListener(new DocumentListenOptions().includeMetadataChanges(), new EventListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onEvent(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot, FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
System.out.println("listener.isFromCache: " + documentSnapshot.getMetadata().isFromCache());
I get two prints when I'm online:
listener.isFromCache: true
listener.isFromCache: false
Firestore is desinged to retrieve data from the chache when the device is permanently offline or while your application temporarily loses its network connection and for the moment you cannot change this behaviour.
As a concusion, an API that does something like this, currently doesn't exist yet.
Edit: Unlike in Firebase, where to enable the offline persistence you need use this line of code:
In Firestore, for Android and iOS, offline persistence is enabled by default.
Using the above line of code, means that you tell Firebase to create a local (internal) copy of your database so that your app can work even if it temporarily loses its network connection.
In Firestore we find the opposite, to disable persistence, we need to set the PersistenceEnabled option to false. This means that you tell Firestore not to create a local copy of your database on user device, which in term means that you'll not be able to query your database unless your are connected to Firebase servers. So without having a local copy of your database and if beeing disconected, an Exception will be thrown. That's why is a good practice to use the OnFailureListener.
Update (2018-06-13): As also #TalBarda mentioned in his answer this is now possible starting with the 16.0.0 SDK version update. So we can achieve this with the help of the DocumentReference.get(Source source) and Query.get(Source source) methods.
By default, get() attempts to provide up-to-date data when possible by waiting for data from the server, but it may return cached data or fail if you are offline and the server cannot be reached. This behavior can be altered via the Source parameter.
So we can now pass as an argument to the DocumentReference or to the Query the source so we can force the retrieval of data from the server only, chache only or attempt server and fall back to the cache.
So something like this is now possible:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
DocumentReference docIdRef = db.collection("tests").document("fOpCiqmUjAzjnZimjd5c");
docIdRef.get(Source.SERVER).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<DocumentSnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot) {
//Get data from the documentSnapshot object
In this case, we force the data to be retrieved from the server only. If you want to force the data to be retrieved from the cache only, you should pass as an argument to the get() method, Source.CACHE. More informations here.
FirebaseFirestoreSettings settings = new FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder()
By setting this it is fetching from server always.
In Kotlin:
val db:FirebaseFirestore = Firebase.firestore
val settings = firestoreSettings {
isPersistenceEnabled = false
db.firestoreSettings = settings
// Enable Firestore logging
// Firestore
mFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
In general: the Firebase client tries to minimize the number of times it downloads data. But it also tries to minimize the amount of memory/disk space it uses.
The exact behavior depends on many things, such as whether the another listener has remained active on that location and whether you're using disk persistence. If you have two listeners for the same (or overlapping) data, updates will only be downloaded once. But if you remove the last listener for a location, the data for that location is removed from the (memory and/or disk) cache.
Without seeing a complete piece of code, it's hard to tell what will happen in your case.
Alternatively: you can check for yourself by enabling Firebase's logging [Firebase setLoggingEnabled:YES];
try this For FireBase DataBase
In Kotlin;
val settings = FirebaseFirestoreSettings.Builder()
isPersistenceEnabled = false
Firebase.firestore.firestoreSettings =

Dealing with FirebaseUI sign-in and offline Firestore data?

I am having difficulty figuring out how user authentication/sign-in via FirebaseUI works in relation to the offline persistence of data from a Firestore database in Android.
I understand a user must be signed in in order to retrieve their documents from the database but what happens when the user is offline? How do I set up the flow of user and data checks in my app before displaying the user's list of documents, if any?
Please correct me if my understanding of the documentation (FirebaseUI and Firestore offline data) below is wrong.
So there are I think basically 3 pages a user would see:
A sign-up/sign-in page
An empty page when the user has no data in the database
A list of their documents
The first sign-up/sign-in page should be displayed for first time users and signed out users (whether the user has signed-out themselves or their sign-in token has expired). This is where FirebaseUI comes to the rescue. Can I check for both cases with just the getCurrentUser method? What does this method return when the user is offline? Have I missed this somewhere in the documentation on managing users?
The second empty page should be displayed for signed in users who don't have any data in the database (whether because they have just signed in for the first time or they have deleted all of their data). Do I use a get call to check for data? What does it return when there is no data or what listener do I have to use? Have I missed this somewhere in the documentation on getting data?
The third list page should be displayed for signed in users who have existing data or who have just created data/documents. This can be obtained with a query on a collection via a get call on that collection.
Finally, would you tie all this together from within one activity/fragment in the following way and order in onCreate/onCreateView?
First - Check for first time and signed out users: If yes then display (inflate) the first page (i.e. launch the FirebaseUI sign in intent activity). What happens after the user has signed up/signed in? Is the user brought back to the originating activity/fragment? How do I handle this?
Second - Check for data in the database: If there is no data then display an 'empty' page. If there is data then display the list of documents instead. It seems this can be handled by switching visibility between say a TextView with the text "Empty" and the RecyclerView in the same layout (see this SO post).
Please help!
Can I check for both cases with just the getCurrentUser method? What does this method return when the user is offline?
When calling getCurrentUser() method on a FirebaseAuth object it returns an object of type FirebaseUser if the authentication process is successful.
FirebaseUser firebaseUser = firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser();
But before that you need to instantiate the firebaseAuth object by calling the static FirebaseAuth.getInstance() method like this:
FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
So if the authentication process is successful and you are getting offline, it doesn't matter, calling getCurrentUser() will always return the FirebaseUser object.
Do I use a get call to check for data?
Yes, you should use a get() call and first time check if (task.isSuccessful()) and second if the data exist at a particular location.
What does it return when there is no data or what listener do I have to use?
It will return an empty DocumentSnapshot object. So first you'll need to use a get() and use the addOnCompleteListener().
This can be obtained with a query on a collection via a get call on that collection.
Yes that's correct.
Finally, would you tie all this together from within one activity/fragment in the following way and order in onCreate/onCreateView?
Yes, you can tie all this together from within one activity/fragment.
What happens after the user has signed up/signed in? Is the user brought back to the originating activity/fragment? How do I handle this?
If the user signs out, you should redirect the user to the LoginActivity. I have exaplained in one of my tutorials step by step, the entire authentication process using Google and Firebase.
Check for data in the database: If there is no data then display an 'empty' page.
This is a recommended way in which you can retrieve data from a Cloud Firestore database and display it in a RecyclerView using FirestoreRecyclerAdapter. So in such case you can override the onDataChanged() like this:
public void onDataChanged() {
if (getItemCount() == 0) {
} else {

Firebase - Access data without Callback

I want to get the data stored in the DB without being restricted to access it only when there is a data change.
I've seen this post from 2016:
How to access Firebase data without using addValueEventListener
Which suggested to use addValueEventListener.
I've also seen this post:
Accessing data in Firebase databse
Without good answer.
ValueEventListener will trigger the onDataChange only when the database will have a change.
How else can I access the database without something being changed in the database?
For now I will write simple harmless change in order to access the data, but i'm wondering if it's the only way to do it.
Of course this is absolutely not true. You can retrieve data whenever you like to.
Firstly I would like to advice you to read this documentation reference.
Secondly I provide you with what you really asked for.
If you read the documentation you will notice that it states the following:
The onDataChange() method in this class is triggered once when the listener is attached and again every time the data changes, including the children.
That means that with this code:
With that method you would be able to detatch any listener so it only listens once or detatch it whenever you want to.
There is a method for only retrieving data once though.
databaseReference.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
Log.d(TAG, "Data retrieved.");
This method will exactly call onDataChange once or respectively onCancelled.

Firebase Remote Config - Initial fetch return local default values

I'm using Firebase Remote Config to fetch remote data and my app needs an up-to-date data from the first launch.
I'm doing a fetch and update in my Application's onCreate():
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<Void>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<Void> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
And read the value with :
myValue = mFirebaseRemoteConfig.getBoolean(Constants.FIREBASE_REMOTE_MY_VALUE);
The first fetch works well (activateFetched() is successfully triggered), but it returns the remote_config_defaults value and not the published remote config.
The second fetch, even a few seconds later, returns the remote value.
After that, the following fetches are subject to the cacheExpiration rule (which is totally OK).
Any idea why my remote value is not fetched at the first call?
It sounds like you are overlooking the asynchronous nature of fetching the remote parameters. The onComplete() callback fires after a request to the Firebase servers is sent and the reply received. This will take a fraction of a second, maybe more.
If your statement to use the fetched value:
myValue = mFirebaseRemoteConfig.getBoolean(Constants.FIREBASE_REMOTE_MY_VALUE);
follows the call to fetch() and is not in the onComplete() callback, it will execute before the config data has been received. The second call only appears to work because enough time has elapsed for the first call to complete and the data it fetched and activated is present.
The callbacks for Firebase Remote Config have been designed like that, it will return the cached values first. If there is no cached value saved from the server, it will return the value defined in defaults and trigger a remote fetch. The next time it returns it will return the fetched values from the server if it manages to save them.
The way in which Firebase Remote Config decides on a value can be described as follows:
First it checks if there is a cached value that was stored from the server, if there is it uses that and will return that value on the first call.
If there is no cached value, it looks to the defaults defined either programmatically or in the defaults file. (When you call setDefaults())
If there is no value cached from the server, and no value in defaults, it uses the system default for that type.
More info can be found here :
Like #Bob Snyder pointed out, this is because of the async nature of firebase.
So use onCompleteListener like this to fix the issue:
firebaseRemoteConfig.activate().addOnCompleteListener {
//logic to check the remote value
One issue that I was running into when fetching the RemoteConfig from an Android device was that we were initially using the method
which gave us the same issue where the initial value was always the same as the default. Changing this to
fixed the issue for us. I assume the difference is that Firebase allows you to fetch the data but not immediately 'activate' it, which presumably is helpful if you want to take some immediate action based on your default values, then activate the remote values and then any logic after that point would be based on the remote values.
Hope this helps someone :)

Firebase android how to get data from List of keys at once

I am using firebase geofire library to fetch key's based on location but because of thousands of keys are returned in onKeyEntered() event every time I have to take the key refer firebase and get the object back and set it to listview becoming very slow. I tried commenting all other work in onKeyEntered() to see how fast geofire is then I was surprised withing 900 milli's all callbacks received.
So now what is the best optimized way to get the data from firebase using the key passed in onKeyEntered() callback and set it to listview so that even for thousands of entries listview should load fast
I thought of AsyncTask in every callback give the fetching data work to AsyncTask and proceed with next callback key and do same, but not sure thats correct.
Or load only few and then load as scroll's is also good idea but geofire returns keys from all over the database so there is no option to get only few latest one so not sure how to implement it.
This is what I am trying but list view loads very slow.
public void onKeyEntered(String key, GeoLocation location) {
Log.d("geoevent", key);
mDatabaseTemp = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("/posts/" + key);
mDatabaseTemp.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
Post post = new Post();
post = dataSnapshot.getValue(Post.class);
mRecycler.smoothScrollToPosition(mPosts.size() - 1);
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "error" + databaseError, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Question of the type "how to best" are notoriously difficult to answer. But I'll give a few hints about the general behavior of the system that you may not be aware of.
the Firebase Database client interacts with the network and disk on a separate thread. When data is available for your client, it calls your handlers on the main/UI thread. This means that putting your calls in an AsyncTask is only useful if you'll be doing significant work in the callback.
the Firebase Database client pipelines the calls to the server over a single connection. To read more about why that affects performance, see Speed up fetching posts for my social network app by using query instead of observing a single event repeatedly.
loading thousands of items into a mobile device over the network is in general not a good idea. You should only load data that you'll show to the user and thousands of items is well beyond what can be reasonably presented on a mobile screen. When developing a location based app, you could show a map where the user indicates a hotspot and you use Geoqueries to only request items around that spot.

