My app was rejected from Google Play "APK REQUIRES PROMINENT DISCLOSURE" - android

my app got rejected from the google play store due to the following reason:
Your app is uploading users' [Installed packages] information to [] without a prominent disclosure. Prior to the collection and transmission, it must prominently highlight how the user data will be used, describe the type of data being collected and have the user provide affirmative consent for such use.
as I know, is firebase analytics end point and we do use it, but we most definitly do not upload the users "installed packages".
my guess is that one of our 3rd party packages might be doing that, but I have no idea how to find out, and the notice I got from google does not give away any more details.
help will be much appriciated!

You need to write a privacy policy outlining what data you collect and who you share it with. You then have to add it to your store listing on the Google Play Console. In your app you will have to add a consent screen which shows the privacy policy and requires the user to press an "Accept Privacy Policy" button.

If your application comes under any of these headings you will have to submit a privacy policy notice to any user:
If your app collects personal data from users under the age of 13, you'll need to comply with COPPA or Data Protection Act etc depending on your country
If your app collects personal data from minors (under the age of 18), comply with the Content Eraser law.
If you collect personal data from students, comply with the SOPIPA law
If you are using remarketing/retargeting tracking code with Google AdWords or AdRoll or any other third-party, you'll need to update the
the Privacy Policy to inform users about this practice.
If you do fall under this, then you will have to create a policy.
to do this:
Follow these steps to add the Privacy Policy URL to your Google Play Store app listing:
Log into your Google Play Developer Console. If you don't have an account, create one first.
Select All Applications
Select the application
Click Store Listing
Go to the Privacy Policy field
Enter the URL where you host the policy. You must host the policy on your website.
Click Save

There may be multiple reasons for it. I am explaining as per my experience.
1. Check other tracks: Apart from the production track, check into other tracks as well.
i.e: Internal / Closed / Open testing track or any custom track you created. Each track must comply with the policy. In our case, there was an abandoned old Closed Testing track. I created a release for that track and it worked. Please note: We can not delete the "Internal / Closed / Open testing track". It's not fair but we have no option to delete it and we have to keep that track updated.
Google response:
2. Fix the policy issues: Your privacy policy page must clearly explain how user's each data is collected or shared by the application. Especially phone number, email, name, etc. For example, you can find the privacy policy page in the "Developer contact" section of our application.
3. Insert privacy policy: Provide proper and valid privacy policy URL in play store console.
Play store Console > Select your app > Policy and programs > App content > Privacy policy
4. Adequate prominent disclosure:
Apart from privacy policy, there should be prominent disclosure before using any of the user's data. Information should be simple, readable, and clear. For more information, have a look at Best practices for prominent disclosure and consent.
Prominent disclosure example:
5. Data safety:
Play store Console > Select your app > Policy and programs > App content > Data safety
Need to declare each data type collected or shared by the application.
6. Cardinal Mobile SDK usage: Application or any dependencies must use an updated version of Cardinal Mobile SDK. In our case paypal-android-checkout-sdk was using the Cardinal mobile SDK. We just updated it to the latest version.
Google response:
7. Action requested: Declare your Ad ID permission:
For more information, you can have a look at this S.O. answer.


I have added privacy policy to play store and my application. It’s been 10 hours my application didn’t publish again

I have used Admob in my application but i forgot to add privacy policy but now I added privacy policy to the application and playstore but the application didn't appear on playstore again.
Please guide my how to resolve this issue.
Hi developers at Cmptrsntst,
After review, The News Headlines,, has
been removed from Google Play due to a policy violation. This app
won’t be available to users until you submit a compliant update.
Issue: Violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy and section
4.8 of the Developer Distribution Agreement
Google Play requires developers to provide a valid privacy policy when
the app requests or handles sensitive user or device information.
We’ve identified that your app collects and transmits the Android
advertising identifier, which is subject to a privacy policy
requirement. If your app collects the Android advertising ID, you must
provide a valid privacy policy in both the designated field in the
Play Console, and from within the app.
Next steps: Submit your app for another review
Read through the Usage of Android Advertising ID and User Data
policies, as well as the Developer Distribution Agreement, and make
appropriate changes to your app. If you decide to collect sensitive
user information, be sure to abide by the above policies, and include
a link to a valid privacy policy on your app's store listing page and
within your app. Make sure that your app is compliant with all other
Developer Program Policies. Additional enforcement could occur if
there are further policy violations. Sign in to your Play Console and
submit the update to your app. Alternatively, you may opt-out of this
requirement by removing any requests for sensitive permissions or user
If approved, your app will again be available with all installs,
ratings, and reviews intact.
If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this removal may have been in
error, please reach out to our policy support team. One of my
colleagues will get back to you within 2 business days.
Thanks for helping us provide a clear and transparent experience for
Google Play users.
The Google Play Team
I also had the exact same issue with one of my app and got same email because I hadn't included a privacy policy URL.
Now after I included the privacy policy URL and resubmitted the app from Store Listing, the app is now live after around 2 hours.
If you have already updated the privacy policy URL, make sure it is clear and it follows the Google's policies. Mention clearly that your app doesn't collect personally identifiable data.

Google Play - Privacy Policy

Google Play has notified me to publish a Privacy Policy for my app. I have created a website to host this information. I am planning to update the website link from the developer console shortly.
As per the new policy, Google is asking that we should also update our app to have a link to the privacy policy. Unfortunately I cannot do this anymore as I lost my keystore in a hard-disk crash. Is this step optional? Will Google Play allow my app to be listed with just a privacy policy website link in the Store listing, without the app itself not having the privacy policy details?
1) You absolutely need your privacy policy on the Play Store page PLUS within the app
This is what Google says:
If your app requests user data or makes sensitive permissions requests
such as Phone, Accounts, Contacts, Camera, or Microphone, you'll need
to add a valid privacy policy in two places: your app's Store Listing
page (instructions below) and within your app.
I'd also like to add some more insight why that is the case. If you are into privacy law theory, then I suggest you read this pdf by a Pan-European privacy body, otherwise I just suggest to read the summary here:
The essential scope of information about data processing 1) must be
available to the users before app installation, via the app store.
Secondly, the relevant information about the data processing 2) must
also be accessible from within the app, after installation.
You can see - in theory - this is absolutely requested and required and you should strive to get that done. Hope this helps. p.s. I work for a startup that helps with privacy policies. (link)

How I can add Privacy Policy to my App not only On Store Listing

I get the following email from google play team:
Hello Google Play Developer,
Our records show that your app, XXXX , with package
name com.XXX.XXX, currently violates our User Data policy
regarding Personal and Sensitive Information.
Policy issue: Google Play requires developers to provide a valid
privacy policy when the app requests or handles sensitive user or
device information. Your app requests sensitive permissions (e.g.
camera, microphone, accounts, contacts, or phone) or user data, but
does not include a valid privacy policy.
Action required: Include a link to a valid privacy policy on your
app's Store Listing page and within your app. You can find more
information in our help center.
Alternatively, you may opt-out of this requirement by removing any
requests for sensitive permissions or user data.
If you have additional apps in your catalog, please make sure they are
compliant with our Prominent Disclosure requirements.
Please resolve this issue by March 15, 2017, or administrative action
will be taken to limit the visibility of your app, up to and including
removal from the Play Store. Thanks for helping us provide a clear and
transparent experience for Google Play users.
The Google Play Team
What is the meaning of Valid Privacy Policy, I get away to add URL privacy policy to Store Listing from
Warning of Google Play Developer policy violation: Action Required
, but Is enough to add a link for privacy policy page on Store Listing ? Is play store accept any privacy policy URL? and how I can add valid policy to my app? because on another email from google play team, They Said I need to add a privacy policy in two places not just Store Listing:
If your app requests user data or makes sensitive permissions requests
such as Phone, Accounts, Contacts, Camera, or Microphone, you'll need
to add a valid privacy policy in two places: your app's Store Listing
page (instructions below) and within your app.
I think I'm qualified to give you a more detailed answer. I have two apps on the App Store (iOS) and I've worked on a mobile privacy policy generator for years. I'v e also recently written quite a few words about the above issue.
1) You absolutely need your privacy policy on the Play Store page PLUS within the app
This is what Google says:
If your app requests user data or makes sensitive permissions requests
such as Phone, Accounts, Contacts, Camera, or Microphone, you'll need
to add a valid privacy policy in two places: your app's Store Listing
page (instructions below) and within your app.
I'd also like to add some more insight why that is the case. If you are into privacy law theory, then I suggest you read this pdf by a Pan-European privacy body, otherwise I just suggest to read the summary here:
The essential scope of information about data processing 1) must be
available to the users before app installation, via the app store.
Secondly, the relevant information about the data processing 2) must
also be accessible from within the app, after installation.
And here is some bonus information Google doesn't talk about.
The Working Party recommends that information about personal data
processing is also available, and easy to locate, such as within the
app store 3) and preferably on the regular websites of the app
developer responsible for the app. It is unacceptable that the users
be placed in a position where they would have to search the web for
information on the app data processing policies instead of being
informed directly by the app developer or other data controller.
2) Adding a VALID privacy policy (link)
Now for the question of the vailidity of your privacy policy. You need to outline which sensitive permissions/user data you process and for what purpose.
I'm seeing a lot of advice saying that you just need to say that you access the camera but that isn't enough.
Say you access the camera
Say what purpose that serves
Say whatever else user data you process (name, email address, etc. etc)
This should help :)
Adding Privacy Policy to Web Site
Find a policy from an app. There are lots of apps that have privacy
policy in them. I, here, clearly state how
and why i use users permission and personal info.
If you have a web site put it your web site. If you don't have one
create one free from Google Sites.
Adding Privacy Policy to Application
There are 3 ways i've sen so far how it's displayed to users
Menu button on NavigationView.
Inside an AlertDialog after user accepted Runtime Permissions
Inside a section of Settings activity or fragment
You must also add Privacy Policy Url to your app as Google states. They don't check it for now, but if they do in the future, you can be sorry if you didn't. I add it to Navigation View and open url when user touches it.

should i put privacy policy copy inside the app itself or just on the google play store listing ?

Do I have to put a copy of Privacy Policy inside the app itself, or should i only put the url to it inside google play without even mentioning it inside my app.
Both as much as possible.
A public URL would most likely be required for that Privacy Policy field by Google Play Store if your app requests sensitive permissions.
If you don't add the URL and your app needs sensitive permissions, you'll receive a violation warning email from Google. Your app may be unlisted if you don't fix the violation.
Keep in mind that your business "must conspicuously link to a Privacy Policy".
That's a requirement from CalOPPA in the US, but most privacy regulations around the world have a similar requirement: PIPEDA in Canada, Privacy Act in Australia etc.
You have multiple options how to link to your Privacy Policy from within your app: About or Settings screen, Sign-up or Login screens, separate item in the menu etc.
In most cases the privacy policy is associated with the company that is publishing the app rather than the app. After all, that is the entity that people are trusting to implement the policy. So I think it is enough to have it on a company website and refer to this in Google Play. A key thing is that people should be able to search the web for the company name, or app and find the privacy policy. While not specifically about Android apps, the following link gives some guidance on this
Note that there are particular circumstances where user's need to be made aware of your approach to their data at the time they would be entering it. See Google's website
If your app collects and transmits personal or sensitive user data unrelated to functionality described prominently in the app’s listing on Google Play or in the app interface, then prior to the collection and transmission, it must prominently highlight how the user data will be used and have the user provide affirmative consent for such use.
You NEED your privacy policy on the Play Store page PLUS within the app
Since February 2017 Google enforces a strict privacy policy requirement on apps requesting sensitive permissions and user data policies.
Please check the following provided by Google to determine if either needs to have a policy or not:
For apps that request access to sensitive permissions or data (as defined in the user data policies: You must link to a privacy policy on your app's store listing page and within your app. Make sure your privacy policy is available on an active URL, applies to your app, and specifically covers user privacy.
For apps in the Designed for Families program: You must link to a privacy policy on your app's store listing page and within your app, regardless of your app's access to sensitive permissions or data. Make sure your privacy policy is available on an active URL, applies to your app, and specifically covers user privacy.
For other apps: You're not required to post a privacy policy.
Once you've identified what your app needs, your privacy policy will need the following:
The privacy policy must, together with any in-app disclosures, comprehensively disclose how your app collects, uses and shares user data, including the types of parties with whom it's shared. Outline which sensitive permissions/user data you process and for what purpose:
Say you will access their microphone
Say what purpose that serves
And other user data you process (name, email, address, etc)
If you need more information you can go to iubenda - Privacy Policy for Android

Republish Android app after updating the privacy ploicy

My recently uploaded version of an existing app on Google Play wasn't published since it didn't meet certain privacy policy criteria . Now, I've updated the privacy policy on my website; however how do I re-submit the app so that the new version goes live?
With millions of emails sent by Google warning developers you are definitely not alone. Before resubmitting, update your privacy policy correctly, you do want to make sure you submit it with the necessary changes.
You say you've updated your privacy policy on your site, however Google requires the privacy policy to be there compliant in the Google Play store as well. That's likely where you need to resubmit.
To add it to the Store Listing:
Log into your Google Play Developer Console
Next, select All Applications and select the application whose privacy policy you'd like to edit.
After that, select Store Listing.
Then, scroll to the section marked Privacy Policy and enter the URL where you have the privacy policy hosted online.
Lastly, be sure to click Save or update.
More information about how to write your privacy policy for the Play Store
The best way to comply is to have a readable, understandable and easily accessible privacy policy, which at a minimum informs users about:
who you are (identity and contact details),
what precise categories of personal data the app wants to collect and process,
why the data processing is necessary (for what precise purposes),
whether data will be disclosed to third parties (not just a generic but a specific description to whom the data will be disclosed),
what rights users have, in terms of withdrawal of consent and deletion of data.
With that said, if you do decide to create your own policy, here are some tips:
Outline which dangerous/sensitive permissions you request
Outline any other user data you collect, for instance advertisement services!
Describe what purpose they serve and use them only for that purpose
Information about the site/app owner.
The kind of data being collected and how it is collected.
The purpose of the data collection (i.e. analytics, email marketing).
Any third parties that have access to the information and through which means (widgets and integrations).
The rights of users regarding their data (i.e. the ability to request to see the data, to rectify, erase, or block).
The process for notifying users and visitors regarding material changes to the privacy policy.
Effective date of the privacy policy.
(p.s I work on a tool called iubenda that helps with the generation of a privacy policy - link)

