I'm completely lost at this point. I turned on machine today and android studio couldn't recognize the device but vs code could, after spending hours finding solution. I reinstalled android studio and reset everything and now android studio recognizes the device but after clicking on run I see Unable to locate a development device; please run 'flutter doctor' for information about installing additional components.
but running flutter doctor shows this
[✗] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices
but Android SDK not found at this location.
export ZSH="/home/udaykhalsa/.oh-my-zsh"
export PATH="/home/udaykhalsa/Programming-EnvironmentFiles/flutter/bin":$PATH
export PATH="/home/udaykhalsa/Android/Sdk/platform-tools":$PATH
export PATH="/home/udaykhalsa/Android/Sdk":$PATH
export ANDROID_HOME="/home/udaykhalsa/Android/Sdk":$PATH
I'm not daring to make any changes to zshrc as I did a while back all the commands were not found. Any help appreciated.
Perform below, and did you observe the 'adb' file?
$ ls $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb
Am using macOS, my sdk is found inside 'Library' folder unlike yours. Should NOT be an issue if Android Studio is already working for you.
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/someuser/Library/Android/sdk":$PATH
To see connected devices, issue either commands:
$ adb devices
$ flutter devices
I manually install(double click on downloaded pakage -> install button in my linux mint) Android Studio. Setted up the environment. And then i tried to run
npx react-native run-android
i got "No SDK found at the specified location" and "No emulators found". But i could run emulator manually in Android Studio with some example projects.
I suffered couple hours. And from command flutter doctor -v i saw diferent pathes
Android SDK at /usr/lib/android-sdk
Android Studio at /opt/android-studio
These paths are different from those where I installed. My SDK at /home/some_word/android/sdk path for example.
And editing $PATH in the .bashrk and .profile files doesn't change the paths I've seen in flutter doctor.
So how can i change this old program pathes?
Or how do I securely uninstall a program so that its paths are completely cleared?
it's enough to completely unistall
sudo apt-get purge package_name
how can I install android studio on garuda linux using Terminal (fish konsole)
I have already tried to download android for debian but was unable to extract and install
On Arch Linux, snap can be installed from the Arch User Repository or by running a couple commands as follows.
clonning snapd
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/snapd.git
cd snapd
makepkg -si
Once installed, run the folowing command to enable snap communication socke.
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
To enable classic snap support, run the following
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
log out and back in again, or restart your system, to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.
Installing Android Studio
To install Android Studio, simply use the following command:
sudo snap install android-studio --classic
Thank you.
I am trying to setup react native without android studio by following this. Below are the packages that it asks me to install:
sudo /opt/android/tools/bin/sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28" "build-tools;28.0.3" "add-ons;addon-google_apis-google-24"
But the problem is that it is also downloading emulator, which I don't want because I would be running on a real device( It is large as well). I am unable to identify which of the above package is leading to installation of emulator.
Can you please help me so that emulator is not downloaded.
As I have checked for it by dedicating some time, I have found that installing build tools will install emulator as well.
I have opened it as an administrator and I don't want to install anything unnecessary.
When I tried to open Android Device Monitor through Android Studio: Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor. It always shows the following screen shot:
Screen shot that shows "An error has occurred"
I have found solutions for windows, but I did not find solutions for mac.
One piece from the log:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2015-12-02 22:52:40.714
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:org.apache.lucene.core_2.9.1.v201101211721.jar#4 not found.
There are lots of similar lines like this showing "something not found".
So what is missing? How do I install the exact missing parts? Thanks! (There is no enough space for me to install everything from android studio.)
First of all update Android SDK Tools from SDK Manager
Open a terminal window
Navigate to your SDK
Locate the 'tools' folder
cd into it
run: sudo ./monitor
Type in your password
Hope it might solve your problem.
JPCS's solution worked for me; install Java 8 and then the Android Device Monitor will work:
First install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Then update and install Java 8
$ brew update
$ brew cask install java
I followed some steps and after long hours struggle all things got sort it out and i got success to run device moniter on Mac OS x.
what i did ?
I installed Homebrew and used its some commands to install java , because its so easy to download and install java in terminal using home-brew. its very good tool to sort out java problems automatically . but here one thing is to keep in mind . which is below ->
when you install java using Homebrew then please make sure you are using same version of java and jre with android studio.in my case my android studio using jre_1.8.0 , so installed java8.
Their some steps to follow.
just paste in terminal to download Homebrew to your system.
1.) /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
2.) $ brew tap caskroom/versions
$ brew cask install java8.
this will download and install java 8 automatically to your mac OSx.i installed java 8 for my case,java 9 is also available but i used java8. because i added jre 8 in my android studio compile path.so its required both in same version to aviod conflict.
3.) so once its installed, just restart your android studio and run device moniter from android studio.now you android studio will able to launch device moniter without any conflict.
Thank Happy coding :)
I had the same issue! Since I am not comfortable with using terminal, I just tried updating to the latest Java JDK and it seemed to fix the problem
I tried to install Titanium IDE (version to make some mobile apps on my ubuntu 12.04. I follow the guide, install successfully Android SDK and mobile SDK (3.1.2 and 3.0.0). I started a template project and just want to run on Android emulator or on web browser when I got this error: "Unable to locate the CLI executable. Please restart Studio or use Help > Check for Titanium Updates to install Titanium CLI."
On the web I found that I am supposed to have a titanium executable on my shell, but I didn't have it (command not found).I run something like $ find . -name "titanium" in my home directory but it doesn't return something executable. I only found titanium.py in my mobilesdk dir: /home/flagos/.titanium/mobilesdk/linux/3.1.2.GA/titanium.py
I try to add this directory into my $PATH, it doesn't change anything. I also tried to symlink titanium to titanium.py and add it into my $PATH but it leads to another error...
How do you get titanium executable on Ubuntu ? Where is it supposed to be ?