The app I'm working on went through a testing process with physical devices. The testing team reported that
Huawei P8 Lite Android 5.1: If an image of more than 4MB is uploaded, the application closes unexpectedly
I tried to replicate the issue with a "Google Pixel 3a with Android 5.1" emulator, but the process went ok. The code for this upload process include a resizing method so that no matter the image you choose, it won't be >4MB when it reaches the server.
I need to either reproduce the error and find a way to fix the issue or do something to the code that prevents such a crash (we believe it's an Out Of Memory crash) no matter how old the device is.
We're supporting Android 21+
private fun resize(image: Bitmap, maxWidth: Int, maxHeight: Int): Bitmap {
var imageResized = image
if (maxHeight > 0 && maxWidth > 0) {
val width = imageResized.width
val height = imageResized.height
val ratioBitmap = width.toFloat() / height.toFloat()
val ratioMax = maxWidth.toFloat() / maxHeight.toFloat()
var finalWidth = maxWidth
var finalHeight = maxHeight
if (ratioMax > ratioBitmap) {
finalWidth = (maxHeight.toFloat() * ratioBitmap).toInt()
} else {
finalHeight = (maxWidth.toFloat() / ratioBitmap).toInt()
imageResized = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(imageResized, finalWidth, finalHeight, true)
return imageResized
} else {
return imageResized
fun captureImageResult(requestCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
if (requestCode == SELECT_PICTURE) {
data?.data?.let {
mCapturedImageURI =
mCapturedImageURI.let {
val msm = MediaStorageManager((view as NewBaseFragment).activity!!)
val bmp = msm.getBitmapFromUri(mCapturedImageURI!!)
//save image bytes
imageBytes = msm.getBytesFromBitmap(bmp!!)
val bitmapScaled = resize(bmp, 1024, 1024)
imageBytes = msm.getBytesFromBitmap(bitmapScaled)
//image too big
if (imageBytes?.size ?: IMAGE_MAX_SIZE < IMAGE_MAX_SIZE) {
//show image selected
} else {
imageBytes = null
I am using MediaProjectionManager for taking screenshots from the ForegroundService. I discovered that the behavior of capturing surface works differently in Android 10 and Android 11.
When I take a screenshot
fun captureBitmap(frame: CropFrames, response: (bitmap: Bitmap) -> Unit){
delayed(50) {
this.frames = frame
projection = mgr!!.getMediaProjection(resultCode, resultData!!)
val cb: MediaProjection.Callback = object : MediaProjection.Callback() {
override fun onStop() {
vdisplay!!.release() //?
vdisplay = projection?.createVirtualDisplay(
projection?.registerCallback(cb, null)
onImageAvailable triggered
override fun onImageAvailable(reader: ImageReader) {
try {
val image = imageReader.acquireNextImage()
if (image != null) {
val planes = image.planes
val buffer = planes[0].buffer
val pixelStride = planes[0].pixelStride
val rowStride = planes[0].rowStride
val rowPadding = rowStride - pixelStride * width
val bitmapWidth = width + rowPadding / pixelStride
if (latestBitmap == null || latestBitmap!!.width != bitmapWidth || latestBitmap!!.height != height) {
if (latestBitmap != null) {
latestBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
handler.parseFrame(frames!!, latestBitmap!!) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
Then I release it
fun stopCapture() {
if (projection != null) {
projection = null
This flow can be triggered a lot of times per lifecycle, but each call has increased completion time of execution and it looks like short twitches of UI while taking ascreenshot (no main thread calculations). Probably I don't clear something properly? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!
I am using Bitmap.compress to write to file which results in image orientation being wrong. I tried using EXIF and a lot of different approaches but it doesn't seem to be working as I have to write it to file and I lose the orientation when I do. This happens when I take a picture from the camera/ (or select picture taken from the gallery) and its height > width. The image goes from being upright to -90 degrees. The problem is that I cannot do anything to the compression, so the file gets saved with wrong orientation. I somehow need to save correctly oriented image to the tempFile
Preferably something that works on API 21+
fun getCorrectlyOrientedImage( photoUri: Uri?): Bitmap? {
var `is` = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(photoUri!!)
val dbo = BitmapFactory.Options()
dbo.inJustDecodeBounds = true
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(`is`, null, dbo)
val rotatedWidth: Int
val rotatedHeight: Int
val orientation = getOrientation(context, photoUri)
if (orientation == 90 || orientation == 270) {
rotatedWidth = dbo.outHeight
rotatedHeight = dbo.outWidth
} else {
rotatedWidth = dbo.outWidth
rotatedHeight = dbo.outHeight
var srcBitmap: Bitmap?
`is` = context.contentResolver.openInputStream(photoUri)
if (rotatedWidth > MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION || rotatedHeight > MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION) {
val widthRatio = rotatedWidth.toFloat() / MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION.toFloat()
val heightRatio = rotatedHeight.toFloat() / MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION.toFloat()
val maxRatio = max(widthRatio, heightRatio)
// Create the bitmap from file
val options = BitmapFactory.Options()
options.inSampleSize = maxRatio.toInt()
srcBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(`is`, null, options)
} else {
srcBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(`is`)
* if the orientation is not 0 (or -1, which means we don't know), we
* have to do a rotation.
*/if (orientation > 0) {
val matrix = Matrix()
srcBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
srcBitmap!!, 0, 0, srcBitmap.width,
srcBitmap.height, matrix, true
return srcBitmap
private fun getOrientation(context: Context, photoUri: Uri?): Int {
/* it's on the external media. */
val cursor: Cursor? = context.contentResolver.query(
if (cursor == null){
return -1
if (cursor.count != 1) {
return -1
val orientation = cursor.getInt(0)
return orientation
And here is how I use this
val imageFile = if (!needsResizing) {
createTempFileFromUri(uri = imageFileUri)
} else {
val bt = getCorrectlyOrientedImage(imageFileUri)
val tempFile = File(context.filesDir.toString() + "tempfile")
tempFile //set the imageFile to be equal to tempFile
If the image doesn't need resizing it's all good, if it's too large then I need to resize it and write it to a file.
This is why I need the file
val reqFile: RequestBody =
val image = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("image",, reqFile)
I'm using CameraX's Analyzer use case with the MLKit's BarcodeScanner. I would like to crop portion of the image received from the camera, before passing it to the scanner.
What I'm doing right now is I convert ImageProxy (that I recieve in the Analyzer) to a Bitmap, crop it and then pass it to the BarcodeScanner. The downside is that it's not a very fast and efficient process.
I've also noticed the warning I get in the Logcat when running this code:
ML Kit has detected that you seem to pass camera frames to the
detector as a Bitmap object. This is inefficient. Please use
YUV_420_888 format for camera2 API or NV21 format for (legacy) camera
API and directly pass down the byte array to ML Kit.
It would be nice to not to do ImageProxy conversion, but how do I crop the rectangle I want to analyze?
What I've already tried is to set a cropRect field of the Image (imageProxy.image.cropRect) class, but it doesn't seem to affect the end result.
Yes, it's true that if you use ViewPort and set viewport to yours UseCases(imageCapture or imageAnalysis as here you can get only information about crop rectangle especially if you use ImageAnalysis(because if you use imageCapture, for on-disk the image is cropped before saving and it doesn't work for ImageAnalysis and if you use imageCapture without saving on disk) and here solution how I solved this problem:
First of all set view port for use cases as here:
Get cropped bitmap to analyze
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
if (mediaImage != null && mediaImage.format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
croppedBitmap(mediaImage, imageProxy.cropRect).let { bitmap ->
requestDetectInImage(InputImage.fromBitmap(bitmap, rotation))
.addOnCompleteListener { imageProxy.close() }
} else {
private fun croppedBitmap(mediaImage: Image, cropRect: Rect): Bitmap {
val yBuffer = mediaImage.planes[0].buffer // Y
val vuBuffer = mediaImage.planes[2].buffer // VU
val ySize = yBuffer.remaining()
val vuSize = vuBuffer.remaining()
val nv21 = ByteArray(ySize + vuSize)
yBuffer.get(nv21, 0, ySize)
vuBuffer.get(nv21, ySize, vuSize)
val yuvImage = YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, mediaImage.width, mediaImage.height, null)
val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
yuvImage.compressToJpeg(cropRect, 100, outputStream)
val imageBytes = outputStream.toByteArray()
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.size)
Possibly there is a loss in conversion speed, but on my devices I did not notice the difference. I set 100 quality in method compressToJpeg, but mb if set less quality it can improve speed, it need test.
upd: May 02 '21 :
I found another way without convert to jpeg and then to bitmap. This should be a faster way.
Set viewport as previous.
Convert YUV_420_888 to NV21, then crop and analyze.
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val mediaImage = imageProxy.image
if (mediaImage != null && mediaImage.format == ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
croppedNV21(mediaImage, imageProxy.cropRect).let { byteArray ->
.addOnCompleteListener { imageProxy.close() }
} else {
private fun croppedNV21(mediaImage: Image, cropRect: Rect): ByteArray {
val yBuffer = mediaImage.planes[0].buffer // Y
val vuBuffer = mediaImage.planes[2].buffer // VU
val ySize = yBuffer.remaining()
val vuSize = vuBuffer.remaining()
val nv21 = ByteArray(ySize + vuSize)
yBuffer.get(nv21, 0, ySize)
vuBuffer.get(nv21, ySize, vuSize)
return cropByteArray(nv21, mediaImage.width, cropRect)
private fun cropByteArray(array: ByteArray, imageWidth: Int, cropRect: Rect): ByteArray {
val croppedArray = ByteArray(cropRect.width() * cropRect.height())
var i = 0
array.forEachIndexed { index, byte ->
val x = index % imageWidth
val y = index / imageWidth
if (cropRect.left <= x && x < cropRect.right && <= y && y < cropRect.bottom) {
croppedArray[i] = byte
return croppedArray
First crop fun I took from here: Android: How to crop images using CameraX?
And I found also another crop fun, it seems that it is more complicated:
private fun cropByteArray(src: ByteArray, width: Int, height: Int, cropRect: Rect, ): ByteArray {
val x = cropRect.left * 2 / 2
val y = * 2 / 2
val w = cropRect.width() * 2 / 2
val h = cropRect.height() * 2 / 2
val yUnit = w * h
val uv = yUnit / 2
val nData = ByteArray(yUnit + uv)
val uvIndexDst = w * h - y / 2 * w
val uvIndexSrc = width * height + x
var srcPos0 = y * width
var destPos0 = 0
var uvSrcPos0 = uvIndexSrc
var uvDestPos0 = uvIndexDst
for (i in y until y + h) {
System.arraycopy(src, srcPos0 + x, nData, destPos0, w) //y memory block copy
srcPos0 += width
destPos0 += w
if (i and 1 == 0) {
System.arraycopy(src, uvSrcPos0, nData, uvDestPos0, w) //uv memory block copy
uvSrcPos0 += width
uvDestPos0 += w
return nData
Second crop fun I took from here:
I would be glad if someone can help improve the code.
I'm still improving the way to do it. But this will work for me now
CameraX crop image before sending to analyze
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" /></androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout>
Cropping an image into 1:1 before passing it to analyze
override fun onCaptureSuccess(image: ImageProxy) {
var bitmap: Bitmap = imageProxyToBitmap(image)
val dimension: Int = min(bitmap.width, bitmap.height)
bitmap = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(bitmap, dimension, dimension)
imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) //Here you can pass the crop[from the center] image to analyze
**Function for converting into bitmap **
private fun imageProxyToBitmap(image: ImageProxy): Bitmap {
val buffer: ByteBuffer = image.planes[0].buffer
val bytes = ByteArray(buffer.remaining())
return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
You would use ImageProxy.SetCroprect to get the rect and then use CropRect to set it.
For example if you had imageProxy, you would do : ImageProxy.setCropRect(Rect) and then you would do ImageProxy.CropRect.
I did lot of reading tried so many different methods available. CameraX is producing yuv_420_888 format Image object and provides it to the ImageAnalysis.
However, there is no way to convert this to a bytebuffer in order to scale, convert to bitmap and run detection operations. I tried following and numerous other proposed techniques.
Converting ImageProxy to Bitmap
All those created grayscale (even after using all 3 planes) and some overlay color shade image. It also created glitchy outputs in-between frames sometime which I could not figure out a reason.
What’s the proper way to get a simple byte array so that it can be converted to bitmap later?
Also how to get cameraX authors attention?
fun imageProxyToByteArray(image: ImageProxy): ByteArray {
val yuvBytes = ByteArray(image.width * (image.height + image.height / 2))
val yPlane = image.planes[0].buffer
val uPlane = image.planes[1].buffer
val vPlane = image.planes[2].buffer
yPlane.get(yuvBytes, 0, image.width * image.height)
val chromaRowStride = image.planes[1].rowStride
val chromaRowPadding = chromaRowStride - image.width / 2
var offset = image.width * image.height
if (chromaRowPadding == 0) {
uPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width * image.height / 4)
offset += image.width * image.height / 4
vPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width * image.height / 4)
} else {
for (i in 0 until image.height / 2) {
uPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width / 2)
offset += image.width / 2
if (i < image.height / 2 - 2) {
uPlane.position(uPlane.position() + chromaRowPadding)
for (i in 0 until image.height / 2) {
vPlane.get(yuvBytes, offset, image.width / 2)
offset += image.width / 2
if (i < image.height / 2 - 1) {
vPlane.position(vPlane.position() + chromaRowPadding)
return yuvBytes
You can use this class ripped from Mlkit Pose Detection.
Mlkit pose detection:
object ImageProxyUtils {
fun getByteArray(image: ImageProxy): ByteArray? {
image.image?.let {
val nv21Buffer = yuv420ThreePlanesToNV21(
it.planes, image.width, image.height
return ByteArray(nv21Buffer.remaining()).apply {
return null
private fun yuv420ThreePlanesToNV21(
yuv420888planes: Array<Plane>,
width: Int,
height: Int
): ByteBuffer {
val imageSize = width * height
val out = ByteArray(imageSize + 2 * (imageSize / 4))
if (areUVPlanesNV21(yuv420888planes, width, height)) {
yuv420888planes[0].buffer[out, 0, imageSize]
val uBuffer = yuv420888planes[1].buffer
val vBuffer = yuv420888planes[2].buffer
vBuffer[out, imageSize, 1]
uBuffer[out, imageSize + 1, 2 * imageSize / 4 - 1]
} else {
unpackPlane(yuv420888planes[0], width, height, out, 0, 1)
unpackPlane(yuv420888planes[1], width, height, out, imageSize + 1, 2)
unpackPlane(yuv420888planes[2], width, height, out, imageSize, 2)
return ByteBuffer.wrap(out)
private fun areUVPlanesNV21(planes: Array<Plane>, width: Int, height: Int): Boolean {
val imageSize = width * height
val uBuffer = planes[1].buffer
val vBuffer = planes[2].buffer
val vBufferPosition = vBuffer.position()
val uBufferLimit = uBuffer.limit()
vBuffer.position(vBufferPosition + 1)
uBuffer.limit(uBufferLimit - 1)
val areNV21 =
vBuffer.remaining() == 2 * imageSize / 4 - 2 && vBuffer.compareTo(uBuffer) == 0
return areNV21
private fun unpackPlane(
plane: Plane,
width: Int,
height: Int,
out: ByteArray,
offset: Int,
pixelStride: Int
) {
val buffer = plane.buffer
val numRow = (buffer.limit() + plane.rowStride - 1) / plane.rowStride
if (numRow == 0) {
val scaleFactor = height / numRow
val numCol = width / scaleFactor
var outputPos = offset
var rowStart = 0
for (row in 0 until numRow) {
var inputPos = rowStart
for (col in 0 until numCol) {
out[outputPos] = buffer[inputPos]
outputPos += pixelStride
inputPos += plane.pixelStride
rowStart += plane.rowStride
You just need to use imageProxy.image?.toBitmap() to convert imageProxy and then convert bitmap to bytearray as follow:
Here's an example:
private fun takePhoto() {
camera_capture_button.isEnabled = false
// Get a stable reference of the modifiable image capture use case
val imageCapture = imageCapture ?: return
object : ImageCapture.OnImageCapturedCallback() {
override fun onCaptureSuccess(imageProxy: ImageProxy) {
val bitmapImage = imageProxy.image?.toBitmap()
val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
bitmapImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 90, stream)
val image = stream.toByteArray()
override fun onError(exception: ImageCaptureException) {
I'm using CameraX and then FirebaseVision to read some text from the image. when I'm analyzing the Image I want to select a portion of the image, not the entire Image, something like when you use a barcode scanner.
class Analyzer : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
override fun analyze(imageProxy: ImageProxy?, rotationDegrees: Int) {
// how to crop the image in here?
val image = imageProxy.image
val imageRotation = degreesToFirebaseRotation(degrees)
if (image != null) {
val visionImage = FirebaseVisionImage.fromMediaImage(image, imageRotation)
val textRecognizer = FirebaseVision.getInstance().onDeviceTextRecognizer
I want to know, is there any way to crop the image?
Your problem is exactly what I have tackled 2 months ago...
object YuvNV21Util {
fun yuv420toNV21(image: Image): ByteArray {
val crop = image.cropRect
val format = image.format
val width = crop.width()
val height = crop.height()
val planes = image.planes
val data =
ByteArray(width * height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(format) / 8)
val rowData = ByteArray(planes[0].rowStride)
var channelOffset = 0
var outputStride = 1
for (i in planes.indices) {
when (i) {
0 -> {
channelOffset = 0
outputStride = 1
1 -> {
channelOffset = width * height + 1
outputStride = 2
2 -> {
channelOffset = width * height
outputStride = 2
val buffer = planes[i].buffer
val rowStride = planes[i].rowStride
val pixelStride = planes[i].pixelStride
val shift = if (i == 0) 0 else 1
val w = width shr shift
val h = height shr shift
buffer.position(rowStride * ( shr shift) + pixelStride * (crop.left shr shift))
for (row in 0 until h) {
var length: Int
if (pixelStride == 1 && outputStride == 1) {
length = w
buffer[data, channelOffset, length]
channelOffset += length
} else {
length = (w - 1) * pixelStride + 1
buffer[rowData, 0, length]
for (col in 0 until w) {
data[channelOffset] = rowData[col * pixelStride]
channelOffset += outputStride
if (row < h - 1) {
buffer.position(buffer.position() + rowStride - length)
return data
then convert bytearray into bitmap
object BitmapUtil {
fun getBitmap(data: ByteArray, metadata: FrameMetadata): Bitmap {
val image = YuvImage(
data, ImageFormat.NV21, metadata.width, metadata.height, null
val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
Rect(0, 0, metadata.width, metadata.height),
val bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(stream.toByteArray(), 0, stream.size())
return rotateBitmap(bmp, metadata.rotation, false, false)
private fun rotateBitmap(
bitmap: Bitmap, rotationDegrees: Int, flipX: Boolean, flipY: Boolean
): Bitmap {
val matrix = Matrix()
// Rotate the image back to straight.
// Mirror the image along the X or Y axis.
matrix.postScale(if (flipX) -1.0f else 1.0f, if (flipY) -1.0f else 1.0f)
val rotatedBitmap =
Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, matrix, true)
// Recycle the old bitmap if it has changed.
if (rotatedBitmap != bitmap) {
return rotatedBitmap
Please have a look at my open source project, I build a demo app where portion of the image proxy is cropped before it is processed by ml kit.