Cordova fails to find ANDROID_HOME environment variable - android

I looked all over Google and Stack Overflow for an answer, but I couldn't find the right one for me. I am learning Cordova and I'm trying to run the android emulator through terminal, and when I run 'sudo cordova emulate android' I get this message:
''Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable. Try setting it manually.
Detected 'avdmanager' command at /Users/username/Library/Android/sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin but no 'tools/bin' directory found near.
Try reinstall Android SDK or update your PATH to include valid path to SDK/tools/bin directory.''
But I set the variables in the ~./bash_profile file and it looks like this:
export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/username/Library/Android/sdk"
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH="$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/30.0.0-rc2"
I am using a MacOS Mojave, does anyone know what the issue is?
Thanks in advance

Apparently, in the latest version of Android Studio, the old SDK tools (under /tools, which Cordova seems to expect) are already considered obsolete. There is a solution documented here on how to install the old version of SDK tools.
Open Android Studio
Open Tools -> Sdk Manager
Click on the Sdk Tools Tab
Uncheck Hide Obsolete Packages
Check Android Sdk Tools (Obsolete)
Click Apply
This should download the old SDK tools under the correct folder.
However, I think Cordova also needs to keep up with the newest Android development tools. There's another change I needed to make after this:
I had to delete the tools/emulator and tools/emulator-check binaries, and add $ANDROID_HOME/emulator to my $PATH, since the current emulator binary lives under emulator/emulator instead of path/emulator. See this post.
Then I was finally able to launch the app directly via Cordova.


How to fix 'Android SDK not found at this location' error while installing flutter?

I'm installing flutter in my Ubuntu 18.10. I'll be using Visual Studio Code for flutter development. I've not installed Android Studio.
I've downloaded Android Command line tools from official android site and extracted it in a separate folder in Documents/development/android
I set the path for ANDROID_HOME in the bashrc file by following the flutter documentation
Here is the .bashrc file
And the Android toolchain error
It seems that , you set the ANDROID_HOME variable but it is not added to PATH.
Make sure you add the ANDROID_HOME to the path as below
and re-launch the console.
In order for Android SDK to work fine, you need to set path for the below SDK packages.\tools\platform-tools
and your ANDROID_HOME will be
I am not sure what you are referring to when you are saying that you have downloaded Android Command Line tools. From the output in your terminal, it tells me that you do not have the SDK files in your machine. To download the Android SDK, please see this link here and download the tar file that matches your operating system. Then extract the tar file in the folder which you have set as ANDROID_HOME. This should work fine.
In case you are having the same error, I strongly recommend downloading the Android Studio and install the Android SDK through the Android Studio. The flutter documentation says so as well. You can always uninstall or remove Android Studio after it is being installed and if you are not considering using it.
please replace yout android sdk in thatway this is default installation location of sdk C:\Users\Intel\AppData\Local\android\android_sdk

Cordova gradle wrapper missing in android sdk

I'm on windows7 x64, installed today's latest stable release of android sdk studio (through android studio bundle, since it's shipped together now apparently). I have properly configured the environment variables as you'll see above.
This is what I get when issuing the following command
$ cordova build android
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121
Error: Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK.
Looked here: G:\installs\Android\sdk\tools\templates\gradle\wrapper
And indeed, the "templates" directory doesn't even exist in my sdk install.
I've already tried the suggestions (setting the right path, uninstall/reinstall) of this question here but nothing applies to my case, and I find that manually copying and pasting packages is not really a solution, since there's a package manager in place.
If anybody has an answer as of today's android install, would be very much appreciated.
If still not working then copy all file from gradle\wrapper from Android Studio installation folder
C:\Program Files\Android\Android
and paste it in your Android SDK gradle\wrapper then run same command.
This is a known issue; see CB-12544. For now you'll need to downgrade.
I downloaded Android SDK r25 manually and placed templates folder inside Android/sdk/tools. This solved the issue for me.
You can get it from
For Windows:
Go to the section :"Get just the command line tools"
There is a link '' for Mac, Unfortunately that didn't have the templates folder with Gradle Wrapper. So for Mac users, i will suggest not to go for this zip.

Install the Android build tools version 19.1.0

I run ionic run android and it starts to download lots of things except gradle that i downloaded it and set the path myself, now i have 2 question:
1: Should ionic framework always download lots of things with every new project?
2: How i resolve the below error , i set ANDROID_PATH variable to point Android-SDK where packages exist
What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'android':
No installed build tools found. Install the Android build tools version 19.1.0
or higher.
The answer is yes (through Gradle) and you have to set ANDROID_HOME and then add to PATH based on this.
On the Mac I had much the same problem. I was lacking the Android SDK. I don't know if that was your problem. I'll assume you don't have the SDK but you can pick up from your problem place in this list.
Download and install Android SDK for you platform. I'm on Mac so will present instructions from that perspective.
Go to Configuration on login splash screen or Preferences through File or Apple menu.
Go to Appearance and Behaviour > System Settings > Android SDK
Observe the Android SDK Location. Mine is /Users/me/Library/Android/sdk
Open ~/.profile
Add export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/me/Library/Android/sdk
Add export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
Save and source ~/.profile
You could have the additional problem of not having Gradle installed. Try:
Download the binary
Extract to /usr/local or wherever you can write (eg. ~/lib where I install such things locally) if you don't have admin rights
sym link the version of gradle - cd /usr/local;ln -s gradle-3.5 gradle
Add /usr/local/gradle to your $PATH like above and source ~/.profile again.
I reread the question and realised I had added too much detail in my answer. I believe the $ANDROID_HOME and path line is what you are missing.
You may also need to open Android Studio and do whatever configuration it requires. And setup a SDK Platform also in that configuration window discussed above.
I hope that helps.

ionic not finding android

I have tried to use ionic lab. I tried to build a simple blank app using the lab but when I go to build my android app it says I need to have android sdk. I have android sdk and the platform tools already. I even added to my path in case you were wondering. I was graciously sent here to ask for help after trying to research my issue by looking at "ionic android build error - failed to find android_home".(which was when i checked my environment path). I took a screen shot of both(environment and error from ionic lab console). error and
For windows:--
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\<installation location>\android-sdk-windows
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
The Android SDK download does not include specific Android platforms. To run the code in this guide, you need to download and install the latest SDK platform. You do this by using the Android SDK and AVD Manager that you installed in the previous section.
Open the Android SDK Manager window:
Note: If this command does not open the Android SDK Manager, then your path is not configured correctly.
Select the Tools checkbox.
Select the checkbox for the latest Android SDK.
From the Extras folder, select the checkbox for the Android Support Library.
Click the Install packages... button to complete the download and installation.
Note: You may want to install all the available updates, but be aware it will take longer, as each API level is a large download.
Could you please do following stuff in terminal. It might be helpful for you.
export ANDROID_HOME=~/android-sdk-macosx
Update SDK and go to directiory and set your SDK path properly.

Appcelerator 4 cannot find Android SDK on Mac

Appcelerator Studio on Mac OS X cannot find Android SDK. I have downloaded it with the button on the Appcelerator Studio Dashboard. After download was successfully finished, the Appcelerator Studio was not able to recognise it.
I was getting the following error : [Android SDK Home] No Android SDKs were found under the specified SDK location
I had this issue as well. The reason is (for me at least) is when I first created the App, it was with an older version of Studio & SDK.
One solution, is create a new Project with the latest SDK & Studio, then paste all your code in that new project (make sure everything is updated correctly in tiapp.xml), then you will see there is no more issues running Android.
You can also try it with just a new Mobile Project (with latest SDK, currently 5.5.1.GA), and see if it runs on Android. If this works, you can move all your code to this new project.
Did you try this:
To use the Android SDK with Studio, the path to the SDK must be set in the Preferences dialog.
Open the Preferences dialog:On Mac OS X, from the menu bar, select Appcelerator Studio > Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog, navigate to Studio > Platforms > Android.
Enter the path to your Android SDK in the [Android SDK Home] textbox by clicking Browse then navigate to the SDK directory.
The Android SDK will be found in the Library folder...something like /Users//Library/android-sdk
You did install the android-sdk right!?
What happens from command line when you run appc ti info -t android?
Also, check your Android SDK setting in appc ti config as well as check to see if you've set an environment variable in
/~/.bash_profile called ANDROID_SDK
, and if so that it matches the correct current location of the SDK
If you can't solve this try to change your sdk directory and change it in appcelerator too.
Hope that will help you.
I personally store my SDK and NDK in
with links in the .bash_profile
export ANDROID_SDK=/opt/android-sdk
export ANDROID_NDK=/opt/android-ndk
finally, use appc ti setup android to set the paths there as well. Both Studio and CLI will pick it up properly from there. Thx!

