That is what I have in my app
Activity with 2 fragment with ViewModels and Databinding.
Room Database with Livedata to update UI continuously.
Navigation Controller to navigate between fragments.
Fragment #1 have RecyclerView (List of Custom Object).
Fragment #2 is to Insert or Update operations (Transactions).
Everything works fine as expected, but one thing I can't figure out why it happens.
When I go to Fragment #2 to Insert or Update data to Room Database then back to Fragment #1 with (top or bottom) back button, fragment #1 doesn't reload and data doesn't change (update) until I reload data.
In other case when I Insert or Update data at the same fragment the list changes immediately.
Do I have to make insert and update operations at the same fragment?
Can't I do it at other fragments and when I go back to the list fragment I find that data is been updated?
Keep in mind that it was work like I hope but at some point i really don't know it doesn't any more !!
After searching, the problem was that I was create instance from repository which contain ROOM database DAO, So all LIVEDATA connections to the database was removed
The solution was to use singleton pattern, which mean to use only one repository instance and one room database instance during the full lifecycle of the activity which contain my fragments.
You can do this many ways, I recommend you to use Dependences Injection
Tool I used was HILT DAGGER here here
Create a function in class where fragments are defined like this.
public void refresh( ) {
fragment = new ListFragment();
fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
ft = fm.beginTransaction();
if (fragment != null) {
FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
fm.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit();
Now Call that in your 2nd fragment where you want to call 1st fragment after any action.
((MainActivity) Objects.requireNonNull(getActivity())).refresh();
framentA calls fragmentB via an mother activity. FragmentA is no longer in memory. FragmentB calls fragmentA(go back to previous screen). FragmentB has some data to share with FragmentA. But, how?
here is what I tried:
static variable - it worked, but a bad habit, I can not use it
viewModel - each fragment creates it's OWN instance of view model. Therefore the 2 instances of the viewModel will not work.
DB - not a good pattern. Therefore I cant use it.
I think what you need is to store the fragments in Fragment Manager, when you do that you are basically trying to maintain a back stack of your fragments:
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
//or FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
.add(FragmentToBeAdded, "textRelatedtoFragment")
Adding to the backstack helps in saving the state of the fragment.
My suggestion would be:
For Fragment Navigation use:
It will greatly simplify your in-app navigation.
For passing parameters between Fragments/Activities:
First solution is to use ViewModel with scoping of Activity using by activityViewModels(). Read More here: This will give you an indirect way of passing arguments.
Use SafeArgs (part of Navigation component) to directly pass needed data.
More information can be found here:
In my activity I use three buttons at bottom to choose between fragments like this for example:
scenarioFragment = new ScenarioFragment(); fragmentManager = this.getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.replace(, scenarioFragment, scenarioFragment.toString());
so in ScenarioFragment, I bounded a connection to my service.and whenever I change between fragments a new fragment is created and I have to bind a new connection.
I want to save all fragments state and restore it as they choose.
According to what you said, your Fragment have the same Activity as a parent.
Assuming this, you could create a ViewModel (Component introduced as part of the Android Architecture Components) for your activity and put whichever state you want in them.
Then, inside each of your Fragments you can get the ViewModel with the statement:
The key to this statement is to make sure you pass in the getActivity so that you can get the same ViewModel instance in all the Fragments as long as they are attached to the same parent. If you pass the Fragment instead of the Activity like this ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(ViewModelClassName.class); you will have a new instance of the ViewModel tied to the scope of the Fragment that will be cleared if the Fragment is destroyed.
This is possible because the ViewModel class will be created using the scope of the Activity and it doesn't matter how many time you recreate your fragment you will be getting the same ViewModel instance with your state.
You can learn more about Android Architecture components here.
If you wish to understand a bit more about how the ViewModel works internally you can find out more on a post I wrote here.
I've done some research but I really couldn't find the answer.
I have single activity with side menu, and holder. I have many (non support) fragments, and all of them are using same holder (one at a time).
When user uses menu (it's in main activity), and goes another page, I want to add name of the current fragment to backstack (using .addToBackStack(Fragment1.class.getName())), but I couldn't find how to get current fragment.
I don't want to implement interface etc to keep track of current fragment. There is a super simple way using fragmentManger isn't there?
You can get your current fragment like this:
if (getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount() > 1) {
Fragment f = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
if (f instanceof BlankFragment) {
// Do something
If you want to get latest entry from backstack(thanks to #AndroidGeek);
and, if you want to get currently active fragment (thanks to #Salman500 #AndroidGeek);
Fragment f = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
you can use this to get fragment id for non support fragment
Fragment fragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
You can keep track of fragments in the main activity (with variables) and access them there. Example:
FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction= manager.beginTransaction();
MyFragment myFragment = new MyFragment();
Adding to the back-stack:
FragmentTransaction fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
This is answered here: get currently displayed fragment
Just use addToBackStack() before you commit() the fragment trancsaction. See it here
So your code will look like :
fragmentTransaction.replace(, newFragmentToShow, newFragmentTag);
EDIT : after OP was edited
You do not need the fragment class to call addToBackStack() as you have mentioned in the OP. The String argument is an optional string just to keep the state for the backstack state. You should see the documentation
It is all internally managed and the current active fragment is automatically added to the backStack, you may call it from where ever you want, it will always use current active fragment.
So I have enabled the setting to destroy actvities when you navigate away from an activity
Settings=>Developer Options=>Don't Keep activites
This should basically replicate an activity or fragment getting garbaged collected and then I have to restore the data via the bundle savedinstancestate.
So I understand how that works. But it seems when I navigate from fragment 1 to fragment 2 and then put the application in the background and then in the foreground(destroying the activity)
Both fragment 1 and fragment 2 show at the same time. In which only fragment 2 should be showing.
I do not know if this is something standard that I have to manage hiding and showing fragments onsavedinstance. Or if something in my code is breaking things. Below is how I push fragments which I hope is helpful:
public void pushFragmentWithAnimation(FragmentManager fm, int parentId, Fragment currentFrag, Fragment newFrag, int animEntry, int animExit) {
FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
// See:, int, int, int)
ft.setCustomAnimations(animEntry, animExit, animEntry, animExit);
ft.add(parentId, newFrag, String.format("Entry%d", fm.getBackStackEntryCount())).hide(currentFrag).show(newFrag);
Fragment 1 is still in the backstack because when I press back I only see fragment 1. Let me know if you know why this is happening.
The lifecycle of XML added Fragments and programmatically added Fragments differ enough to make mixing them a bad idea, as explained in detail here.
The easiest way around this is to make all fragments programmatically added by replacing your XML inflated Fragment with a FrameLayout of the same ID, then in your onCreate add
FragmentManager fragMgr = getSupportFragmentManager();
if (null == fragMgr.findFragmentByTag(FRAG_TAG))
add(, new Fragment1(), FRAG_TAG).commit();
Where FRAG_TAG is any unique string. This ensures that Fragment1 is only created if it is not already in the layout.
I am not entirely sure why this solution works. I assume its related to if the activity gets killed that it does not keep track of which fragment is currently shown and shows all of the fragments. So basically I needed to replace:
ft.add(parentId, newFrag, String.format("Entry%d", fm.getBackStackEntryCount())).hide(currentFrag).show(newFrag);
ft.replace(parentId, newFrag, tag);
Then when I create the initial fragment in the main activity. I only would do that when
My updated code is below:
I am building a tablet app. In this app there is one activity with two fragments. First fragment is a "known" list fragment which is showing a simple one item layout list from a database query, the second fragment shows the details about the selected record (from the list fragment). The think with the second fragment is that its type depends from the records being showed in the list. For example if the records are customers then the selected customer's details are shown, if they are inventory items the selected item's details are shown etc.
In order to communicate with the Details Fragment I've created an interface which every detail fragment class implements.
The list fragment is "fixed" in the activity from the layout xml. The detail fragment however is created during the activity's creation like this:
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
fragmentTransaction.add(, FragmentsPool.getHelperFileFragment(501), "recordDetails");
myDetailsFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("recordDetails");
myListFragment = (frg_hlpfiles_lstrecords) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
The problem with this code is that myDetailsFragment is always null. This is because the fragmentTransaction.commit() does not run immediately but it happens on the main thread the next time that thread is ready (as the android documentation states).
If I create the detail fragment in onStart() and instantiate the list fragment in onCreate everything works ok.
So the question is: How can I be sure that the fragmentTransaction.commit() has commit the transaction so I can do some work with the added fragment? Furthermore is there any way to wait until the commit happens and then continue with the rest of the code?
Try running fragmentManager.executePendingTransactions() after committing your transaction but before finding by tag and see if that works for you.
In Android API 24 FragmentTransaction has synchronous .commitNow() method.
It's in the reference now:
On the contrary, .commit() works asynchronously. It just schedules a commit of the transaction.
I was facing a similar issue.
I think the key learning here is using commitNow() instead of commit() with getSupportFragmentManager. This will disallow the main thread from executing until the fragment has been destroyed. It is imperative when building interfaces and using a shared activity. I should know it had me stumped for a while!
Here is a sample code example:
" I can do some work with the added fragment? Furthermore is there any way to wait until the commit happens and then continue with the rest of the code?"
It all depends on what work you want to do. From your question I see that most of your work code should be in your fragment code anyway, for example when an inventory item is selected.
On the callback when a selection list item is selected (in order to change the details fragment) you'll be able to get hold of the details fragment comfortably enough anyway.
Furthermore, you already have the fragment from the return of FragmentsPool.getHelperFileFragment(501), so I don't see why you need to get the fragment via its tag.
I'm interested to know what work you need to do in onCreate with your added details fragment.