Android ViewModelProvider() parameter error - android

I am trying to get a value from the SharedViewModel class but the ViewModelProvider() is giving a parameter error when i am passing requireActivity() although the same initilization and assignment works in my fragments.
It is requiring "ViewModelStoreOwner" to be passed.
class CourseRepository(val app: Application) {
private var viewModel: SharedViewModel = ViewModelProvider(requireActivity()).get(
val courseData = MutableLiveData<List<Course>>()
init {
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
suspend fun callWebService() {
if (Utility.networkAvailable(app)) {
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder().baseUrl(WEB_SERVICE_URL).addConverterFactory(MoshiConverterFactory.create()).build()
val service = retrofit.create(
val serviceData = service.getCourseData(viewModel.pathName).body() ?: emptyList()
The purpose of the ViewModel here is because i am storing the Id of the selected RecyclerView item in order to send it to a server

ViewModel instances are scoped to Fragments or Activities (or anything with a similar lifecycle), which is why you need to pass in a ViewModelStoreOwner to the provider to get a ViewModel from it. The point of ViewModels is that they will exist until the store they belong to is destroyed.
The requireActivity method doesn't work here, because you're not inside a Fragment.
Some things to consider here:
Do you really need ViewModel in this use case? Could you perhaps use just a regular class that you can create by calling its constructor?
Could you call this Repository from your ViewModel, and pass in any parameters you need from there?


How can I have different states with different viewmodels?

I am making an app where the user first need to login to be able to get alot of different data from a backend. (many endpoints)
So I have one viewmodel for the login, and I have alot of viewmodels for all the other data.
The other viewmodels require the token from the first viewmodel to be able to get data from the backend.
I don't know how I can do this.
I was thinking that I can have my login screen in a kind of state manager which will direct the UI to the correct screen like this
fun LoginState(vm: AuthViewModel, nc: NavController) {
val token by vm.token.collectAsState()
when (token) {
is Resource.Loading -> {
is Resource.Success -> {
Scaffold(vm = vm)
is Resource.Error -> {
LoginScreen(vm = vm)
But then I would have to create the viewmodels inside the Scaffold which is a composable function, and that is not possible.
Another thought was to use Hilt to do some kind of magic dependency injection, and then put all the viewmodels into a ViewModelManager in the MainActivity and then inject the Token into the repositories of each viewmodel when login is successfull.
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private val authViewModel: AuthViewModel by viewModels()
private val userViewModel: UserViewModel by viewModels()
private val venueViewModel: VenueViewModel by viewModels()
private val eventViewModel: EventViewModel by viewModels()
private val viewModelManager = ViewModelManager(
userViewModel = userViewModel,
authViewModel = authViewModel,
venueViewModel = venueViewModel,
eventViewModel = eventViewModel,
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
MoroAdminTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
However I have no idea how to do this or if it is even possible - or a good solution.
Problem: you want to share a value (token) to all of your view model
your token retrieved in AuthViewModel and need to share it to the other viewModels
you can make your data in the other viewModels changes when the token changes
by using datastore Preferences see implementation
Datastore preferences provides you with a flow of values whenever the value changes
Create a DatastoreManager Class
val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore(name = "settings")
class DatastoreManager #Inject constructor(#ApplicationContext context: Context) {
private val dataStore = context.dataStore
val dataFlow =
.map { preferences ->
val token = preferences[PreferencesKeys.TOKEN]
suspend fun updateToken(token: String) {
dataStore.edit { preferences ->
preferences[PreferencesKeys.TOKEN] = token
private object PreferencesKeys {
val TOKEN = preferencesKey<String>("token")
In AuthViewModel
Inject the DatastoreManager and set the token after login
In other ViewModels
Inject the DatastoreManager and use it's value
//this is a flow of tokens and will recive the token when you set it
val token = datastore.token
// if you are not familiar with flows and using only LiveData
val token = datastore.token.asLiveData()
// use the token to get the data from backend
val data = {
// this code will trigger every time the token changes
But then I would have to create the viewmodels inside the Scaffold which is a composable function, and that is not possible.
This is not true. You don't have to create view models in your Activity.
In any composable you can use viewModel()
Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the given owner (usually, a fragment or an activity), defaulting to the owner provided by LocalViewModelStoreOwner.
So you don't need any ViewModelManager. Inside any composable you can use viewModel() with the corresponding class. In your case you're using Hilt, you should use hiltViewModel() instead: it'll also initialize your injections.
fun AuthScreen(viewModel: AuthViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
Or like this:
fun VenueScreen() {
val viewModel: VenueViewModel = hiltViewModel()
First approach will allow you to easily test your screen with mock view model, without passing any arguments in your production code.
Check out more about view models in view models documentation and hilt documentation
As to your token question, you can pass it with injections. I don't think that your view model really needs the token, probably you should have some network manager which will use the token to make requests. And this network manager should use injection of some token provider.

Lifecycle scoping in a Fragment

I'm having a hard time understand what scopes to use for view models and live data when using fragments. Here is my ViewModel:
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
var myLiveData = MutableLiveData<WrappedResult<DataResponse>>()
private val repository = MyRespository()
private var job: Job? = null
fun getData(symbol: String) {
job = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
val response = repository.getData(symbol)
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
myLiveData.value = WrappedResult.Success(response)
} catch(e: Exception) {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
myLiveData.value = WrappedResult.Failure(e)
I can create the view model in the fragment using (where "this" is the fragment):
viewModel = new ViewModelProvider(this).get(MyViewModel.class);
However, I can observe the LiveData with two options:
It would appear that the job I create in the view model is going to be scoped to the fragment's lifecycle (through viewModelScope) and not the fragment's view lifecycle, but I have a choice between these two for the live data.
I could use some guidance and what the best practice is here. Also, does any of this matter whether the fragment has retained instance or not? Currently the fragment has setRetainInstance(true). Finally, from everything I've read I shouldn't need to clear the observer in the fragment or override onCleared when things are setup this way. Is that correct?
refer the doc of view model
Viewmodel will only gets destoyed once the activity is finished.As the fragments are on the top of acitivity, the lifecycle of fragment will not affect the Viewmodel.The data will be persisted there on the viewmodel. So you can write a method to reset the data in viewmodel while you are entering in to oncreate of fragment.
In Fragment, OnCreate :
on ViewModel
fun init() {
// clear all varialbes/datas/ etc here

ViewModel and LiveData Observer Not Invoking

Observer not calling in Second Fragment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ViewModel class
val productData = MutableLiveData<ModelProductSubItem>()
fun productData(data: ModelProductSubItem) {
productData.value = data
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(
viewModel.productData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer{ it ->
println("Product_Name"+it.product_name) // Not invoking
Tried with
viewModel = activity?.run {
} ?: throw Exception("Invalid Activity")
I have same ViewModelProvider
I think the problem is there may be two ViewModelProvider(this), each using "this" on a different fragment. If you have two providers, then there are two separate models that do not share their triggers.
That's why, when you call ViewModelProvider you call the activity which holds the fragments as the single source:
viewmodel = activity?.run {
} ?: throw Exception("Invalid Activity")
Although with the newer version of ViewModel and fragment-ktx artifact this is not neccesary, I would recommend using this latest version.
Most likely what's happening is that, despite your FYI comment, you are actually instantiating different ViewModels for each context. If you want to share the same instance of an Activity ViewModel among multiple Fragments, then each fragment should get the shared ViewModel like this:
new ViewModelProvider(requireActivity()).get(SomeViewModel.class)
Instead of
new ViewModelProvider(this)).get(SomeViewModel.class)
If you are using Kotlin extensions (KTX) I believe you should do this:
val viewModel by activityViewModels<SomeViewModel>()
Instead of
val viewModel by viewModels<SomeViewModel>()

How can I initialize an androidx ViewModel from parcelable data?

In my Android app, I pass custom data (UByteArray) from one activity to another using the parcelable interface.
I am using this data inside multiple fragments, so I rewrote the data class to extend androidx ViewModel and expose LiveData properties to the fragments. Now the UI updates are a lot nicer, but I think I am using it wrong because I overwrite all ViewModel values inside onCreate.
Now my question: What do I need to change to initialize the ViewModel only once?
The following is my current code (abbreviated and renamed for this question):
class ActivityB : AppCompatActivity() {
private val bData: ViewModelB by viewModels()
// ...
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
intent.getParcelableExtra<ViewModelB>("id")?.let {
Log.e(TAG, "Found parceled bData $it")
// This seems like a very stupid way to do it, is there a better one?
I saw that it is possible to inject SavedState into the ViewModelB constructor, but I don't have a saved state until now, and the data needs to be passed only once.
Should I change the initialization of tagData with by viewModels() to = ViewModelB(intent)?
Or do I need to extend the ViewModelFactory somehow?
Any tip here would be really appreciated, thanks.
I saw that it is possible to inject SavedState into the ViewModelB constructor, but I don't have a saved state until now, and the data needs to be passed only once.
The official solution would be to provide a SavedStateHandle that is initialized with the defaultArgs as the intent.extras of your Activity.
For that, you need to provide an AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory implementation, OR use SavedStateViewModelFactory (in which case you must define the right constructor in order to have it instantiated via reflection).
class ActivityB : AppCompatActivity() {
private val bData: ViewModelB by viewModels {
SavedStateViewModelFactory(application, this, intent.extras)
// ...
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
// intent.getParcelableExtra<ViewModelB>("id")?.let {
// Log.e(TAG, "Found parceled bData $it")
Then in your ViewModel
class ViewModelB(val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): ViewModel() {
val uByteData = savedStateHandle.get<UByteArray>("id")
Or so. The "id" key must match the same key as is in the intent extras.
Since you have a ViewModel which implements Parcelable, you can get your ViewModelB instance directly from the Intent extra.
The Intent which is used for starting ActivityB may not be != null at the time when ActivityB is instantiated, but you can use
lateinit var bData: ViewModelB
Then in onCreate()
bData = if(intent.hasExtra("id")) intent.getParcelableExtra<ViewModelB>("id") else ViewModelProvider(this).get(

Use ViewModelFactory inside Fragment

I'm trying to share a ViewModel between my activity and my fragment. My ViewModel contains a report, which is a complex object I cannot serialize.
protected val viewModel: ReportViewModel by lazy {
val report = ...
ViewModelProviders.of(this, ReportViewModelFactory(report)).get(
Now I'm trying to access the viewmodel in a fragment, but I don't want to pass all the factory parameters again.
As stated by the ViewModelProvider.get documentation:
Returns an existing ViewModel or creates a new one in the scope
I want to access the ViewModel instance defined in the activity, so I tried the following but it logically crashes as the model doesn't have an empty constructor:
protected val viewModel: ReportViewModel by lazy {
How one should access its "factorysed" ViewModels in a fragment? Should we pass the factory to the fragment?
A little late but I had this question myself. What I found is you can do the following:
In your activity override getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory() like so:
override fun getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory(): ReportViewModelFactory {
return ReportViewModelFactory(report)
now in your fragments you can do
to get the factory.
Or simply instantiate your viewModel like:
private val viewModel: ReportViewModel by activityViewModels()

