I have a recycleview showing a list of audio files fetched from my audios.json file hosted on my server. i have a model class with a getter method getLanguage() to see the audio language. I would like to show only audio files of users preference in recycle view. Say for example, if user wants only english and russian i would like to show only list of russian and english. How can we achieve this? Right now the entire list is displayed.
public class AudioAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<AudioAdapter.HomeDataHolder> {
int currentPlayingPosition = -1;
Context context;
ItemClickListener itemClickListener;
List<Output> wikiList;
public AudioAdapter(List<Output> wikiList, Context context) {
this.wikiList = wikiList;
this.context = context;
public HomeDataHolder onCreateViewHolder(#NonNull ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.audio_row_layout,viewGroup,false);
HomeDataHolder mh = new HomeDataHolder(view);
return mh;
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull final HomeDataHolder homeDataHolder, int i) {
String desc = wikiList.get(i).getLanguage() + " • " + wikiList.get(i).getType();
homeDataHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (itemClickListener != null)
homeDataHolder.rippleLayout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (itemClickListener != null)
public int getItemCount() {
return wikiList.size();
public long getItemId(int position) {
return position;
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return position;
public void setClickListener(ItemClickListener itemClickListener) { // Method for setting clicklistner interface
this.itemClickListener = itemClickListener;
public class HomeDataHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
TextView tvTitle,tvotherinfo;
MaterialRippleLayout rippleLayout;
public HomeDataHolder(View v) {
this.tvTitle = v.findViewById(R.id.title);
this.tvotherinfo = v.findViewById(R.id.audioDesc);
this.rippleLayout = v.findViewById(R.id.ripple);
The general idea for this should be:
you have one list with all items
you have filter rules selected by the user
You filter items from number 1, to see which ones match the constraints and store this in another list.
Then the recycler view only shows the items of the list from number 3.
This means that recycler view's getItemCount would return the size of the filtered list, not the whole list.
Instead of passing the wikiList as it is, filter it then send it:
Lets say that you filled up the wikiList, before passing it to the adapter, filter it like this:
In the activity that you initialize the adapter in:
public class YourActivity extends ............{
//your filled list
private List<Output> wikiList;
//filtered list
private List<Output> filteredList= new ArrayList<Output>();
private List<String> filters = new ArrayList<String>();
//lets say the user chooses the languages "english" and "russian" after a button click or anything (you can add as many as you want)
//now filter the original list
for(int i = 0 ; i<wikiList.size() ; i++){
Output item = wikiList.get(i);
//now create your adapter and pass the filteredList instead of the wikiList
AudioAdapter adapter = new AudioAdapter(filteredList , this);
//set the adapter to your recyclerview........
I use above "english" and "russian" for language. I don't know how they are set in your response, maybe you use "en" for "english" so be careful.
I have two recycler views. The first recyclerview is basically a list of data where I can choose an item and its quantity and I am storing this chosen item data into a map. The second one is the list of the selected data. which I am generating from getting the values() from the map. The second one also has similar viewholder and I can change the quantity there also. One the quantity reaches zero I remove the item from the list and try to notifydatasetChanged().
The problem is the removing of an item from the second list is not working properly and the app crashes with error
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected. Invalid view holder adapter positionViewHolder
I am using a listener interface on my first Recycler so that when the quantity is changed and the item is added to the map. The adapter of the second recycler is notified of the changes. below is the code i am using to update the second recycler view.
public void updateList(){
mMap = ((UserMainActivity)getActivity()).getItemMap();
// adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
adapter = new MyCartAdapter(inputs,getContext());
for(AllItems t:mMap.values()) {
Below is my second recycler view's adapter. Where I am changing the quantities of the selected items.
public class MyCartAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyCartAdapter.MyCartViewHolder>{
private List<AllItems> listItems1;
private Context context;
private Typeface typeface;
public MyCartAdapter(List<AllItems> listItems1, Context context) {
this.listItems1 = listItems1;
this.context = context;
public MyCartAdapter.MyCartViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(#NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.cart_items_layout, parent, false);
return new MyCartViewHolder(v);
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull final MyCartAdapter.MyCartViewHolder holder, final int position) {
final AllItems orderItem = listItems1.get(position);
String price = String.valueOf(orderItem.getPrice());
final HashMap<String, AllItems> items = ((UserMainActivity)context).getItemMap();
holder.add.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
String quantity = String.valueOf(holder.counter.getText());
int count = Integer.parseInt(quantity)+1;
String url = orderItem.getImageUrl();
AllItems newitem = new AllItems(orderItem.getName(),orderItem.getComname(),url, String.valueOf(count),orderItem.getWeight,orderItem.getPrice());
// notifyItemChanged(position);
//counter text iitem.textview showing the quantity of the selected item . integer count returns the value of counter text below i am checking if its zero than it simply sets the value to zero and else reduce it and update the map.
holder.minus.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
String counterText = String.valueOf(holder.counter.getText());
int count = Integer.parseInt(counterText);
if (count==0){
if (count==1){
AllItems item = items.get(orderItem.getName());
if (item!=null){
String orderit = orderItem.getName();
// here i am removing the value from the list which throws the exception
if (count>1){
String quantity = String.valueOf(count-1);
String orderitemname = orderItem.getName();
String url = orderItem.getImageUrl();
String weight = "100";
long weightl = Long.parseLong(weight);
AllItems newitem = new AllItems(orderItem.getName(),orderItem.getComname(),url, quantity,weight,orderItem.getPrice());
// listItems1.set(position, newitem);
// notifyItemChanged(position);
public int getItemCount() {
return listItems1.size();
public class MyCartViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
public TextView name,price,count,comname;
public TextView weight;
LinearLayout add,minus;
TextView counter;
public MyCartViewHolder(View itemView) {
name = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.ProName);
price = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.proPrice);
weight = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.ProWeight);
counter = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.counter);
add = (LinearLayout) itemView.findViewById(R.id.addLin);
minus= (LinearLayout) itemView.findViewById(R.id.minusLin);
public void setProductImage(final String thumb_image, final Context ctx){
productImage = (ImageView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.ProImage);
.placeholder(R.drawable.basket_b).into(productImage, new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
public void onError() {
public void setComname(String name){
comname = (TextView)itemView.findViewById(R.id.proComName);
This jumps out at me:
The notifyItemChanged() method exists to tell the adapter that the data at the given position has changed, and that the ViewHolder should be re-bound. This is not what you're doing; you're removing an item.
Probably your app is crashing because you're removing the last item in your data set (e.g. position 10) and then telling the adapter that the item at position 10 has changed... but now the maximum position in your data set is 9.
Instead, you should use the notifyItemRemoved() method.
Actually I am going to ask more than one question here. Don't ban me, please, just read a full story. Let's begin. So I need to create an activity or fragment (it doesn't matter) with to parts (views) inside (top and bottom). Inside the bottom part dynamically loads buttons (sometimes 2, sometimes 30), there is a click listener on them. When a user clicks on a button, the button appears on the top part (view) and disappears on the bottom view. The buttons on the top view also have click listener and if a user clicks on a button it appears on the bottom view and disappears on a top. So this is a task. I thought how to implement it. The simplest solution that I created is: two views are recycler views with two adapters. Mm, probably it is not the best solution, I am pretty sure of it. I could implement two adapters, but I can't implement the click listener for my second adapter. It doesn't work!? I don't like this way for two reasons: 1. both adapters are the same; 2. I can't use click adapter for second adapter. Below you can find my code.
My adapter - standard adapter:
public class KeyboardAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<KeyboardAdapter.KeyboardAdapterViewHolder> {
private List<String> values;
* An on-click handler that we've defined to make it easy for an Activity to interface with
* our RecyclerView
private final KeyboardAdapterOnClickHandler mClickHandler;
* The interface that receives onClick messages.
public interface KeyboardAdapterOnClickHandler {
void onClick(int position, String nameClicked);
* Creates a SourceAdapter.
* #param clickHandler The on-click handler for this adapter. This single handler is called
* when an item is clicked.
public KeyboardAdapter(List<String> myDataset, KeyboardAdapterOnClickHandler clickHandler) {
values = myDataset;
mClickHandler = clickHandler;
* Cache of the children views for a forecast list item.
public class KeyboardAdapterViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements View.OnClickListener {
// each data item is just a string in this case
private Button btnValue;
private String mName;
public View layout;
private int parentId;
private KeyboardAdapterViewHolder(View view) {
//layout = view;
btnValue = view.findViewById(R.id.btn);
//parentId = ((View) btnValue.getParent()).getId();
// Call setOnClickListener on the view passed into the constructor (use 'this' as the OnClickListener)
public void setData(String name) {
mName = name;
public void onClick(View view) {
int adapterPosition = getAdapterPosition();
mClickHandler.onClick(adapterPosition, mName);
public long getItemId(int position) {
return super.getItemId(position);
public KeyboardAdapterViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(#NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.row_layout, parent, false);
return new KeyboardAdapterViewHolder(v);
public void onBindViewHolder(#NonNull KeyboardAdapterViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) {
public int getItemCount() {
return values.size();
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return 0;
public void remove(int position) {
notifyItemRangeChanged(position, values.size());
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String s = "test it";
mAdapter = new KeyboardAdapter(virtualKeyboardInit(s), MainActivity.this);
// empty list just to init rv
answerList = new ArrayList<>();
mAdapter1 = new KeyboardAdapter1(answerList, MainActivity.this); // doesn't work, error message "KeyboardAdapter1.KeyboardAdapterOnClickHandler cannot be applied to MainActivity"
private List<String> virtualKeyboardInit(String s) {
boolean checkBool = true;
// convert string to array and then to list
String [] strArray = s.split("(?!^)");
stringList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(strArray));
// shuffle letters in the list
long seed = System.nanoTime();
Collections.shuffle(stringList, new Random(seed));
// API 24
// /String[] strArray = Stream.of(cArray).toArray(String[]::new);
return stringList;
public void onClick(int position, String nameClicked) {
These are just a fragment of code. So, what can I do in this case? Thank you for attention and help.
When button clicked, i must update a TextView in same position and I have done it, but 9th and 10th position of RecyclerView follow first position and second position. In other word, if I clicked first button position, First position of TextView is updated, but, 9th position of TextView also updated, It should be not updated. How to solve this?
I follow this link
here is my Adapter
class ProductsByStoreAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<ProductsByStoreAdapter.ViewHolder> {
private ArrayList<Products> products;
ProductsByStoreAdapter(ArrayList<Products> productses) {
this.products = productses;
//products = CenterRepository.getCenterRepository()
public ProductsByStoreAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
View view = LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.products_card_item, viewGroup, false);
return new ProductsByStoreAdapter.ViewHolder(view);
class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder{
private TextView tv_product_name, tv_product_price, tv_product_quantity;
private ImageView im_product_image;
private ImageButton button_add_product, button_min_product;
private EditText e_note;
private LinearLayout layout_note;
ViewHolder(View view) {
im_product_image = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.product_image);
tv_product_name = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.product_name);
tv_product_price = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.product_price);
tv_product_quantity = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.product_quantity);
e_note = (EditText)view.findViewById(R.id.e_note);
layout_note = (LinearLayout)view.findViewById(R.id.layout_note);
this.button_add_product = (ImageButton)view.findViewById(R.id.button_add_product);
button_min_product = (ImageButton)view.findViewById(R.id.button_min_product);
public void onBindViewHolder(final ProductsByStoreAdapter.ViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) {
CurrencyFormats currencyFormat = new CurrencyFormats();
viewHolder.button_add_product.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
//current object
Products tempObj = (products).get(position);
viewHolder.button_min_product.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Products tempObj = (products).get(position);
}else {
public int getItemCount() {
//return products.size();
return products == null ? 0 : products.size();
You need to move your onclick listener into onCreateViewHolder.
final ProductsByStoreAdapter.ViewHolder viewHolder = new ProductsByStoreAdapter.ViewHolder(view);
button_add_product.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
//current object
Products tempObj = products.get(viewHolder.getAdapterPosition(););
return viewHolder;
You can do the same with the other onclicklistener
Update: You do not setText to your product_quantity textview in the BindView function, unless a button is clicked. this means its value will be recycled from other items. you should check with an if statement what is the quantity of the item and present it even without clicking.
Old and not correct answer:
I am not sure if this is the problem, but its an easy check, so try it out. There are 2 positions - the adapter position, and the layout position. I think maybe the position you are using (the one that came from the onBind function) is the latter. You want the adapter position, so try using getAdapterPosition() like this:
Products tempObj = (products).get(getAdapterPosition());
add below line to resolve the problem of 9th and 10th position of item
public int getItemViewType(int position)
return position;
I have a RecyclerView that will contain list of item retrieved from the internet. So at first, the list will be empty. After the data retrieved from the internet, it will update the list and call notifyDataSetChanged().
I can adapt the data into the RecyclerView just fine. But, I have an ImageButton for each of item which has different Image if it's clicked. If I initialize the flags array inside onBindViewHolder, each time I scrolled the RecyclerView, the flag array will be reinitialize to false. If I initialize it in the Adapter constructor, it will be 0 index since the list will be empty at first. Where should I put array initializing in adapter if the data will come at some amount of time later?
Below is my code, but the flag array (isTrue) is always reinitialize each time I scrolled my RecyclerView.
public class SomethingAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<SomethingAdapter.ViewHolder> {
private ArrayList<String> someList;
private boolean[] isTrue;
public static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
public TextView someText;
public ImageButton someButton;
public ViewHolder(View v) {
someText = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.text);
someButton = (ImageButton) v.findViewById(R.id.button);
public SomethingAdapter(ArrayList<String> someList) {
this.someList = someList;
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.some_layout, parent, false);
return new ViewHolder(v);
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) {
//TODO: This thing will make isTrue always reinitialize if scrolled
this.isTrue = new boolean[someList.getResults().size()];
if (isTrue[position]) {
} else {
viewHolder.someButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (isTrue[position]) {
//Connect to the internet and if response is positive {
//isTrue[position] = false;
} else {
//Connect to the internet and if response is positive {
//isTrue[position] = true;
public int getItemCount() {
return someList.size();
Initialize it when you add items to someList.
Also, don't add click listener in your onBind, create it in onCreateViewHolder. You cannot use position in the click callback, instead you should be using ViewHolder#getAdapterPosition.
See docs for details:
https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/widget/RecyclerView.Adapter.html#onBindViewHolder(VH, int)
Summary: I need a way to trigger my calculate() function within my main activity when an item is added or removed from my ListView
My android application fills a listview with list items. A list item contains a textview and an imagebutton (delete) that removes the item from the list on click. I use a custom adapter to keep track of changes in the list. This all works fine.
In my main acticity, some calculations take place based on the values in the list in a function called calulate(). I want to call this function whenever an item is added or deleted from the list. However, I don't know if this is possible and how to implement such a function.
I noticed that it is possible to add an observer using registerDataSetObserver() that will be notified when notifyDataSetChanged() is called. However, I'm not sure if this is what I need and how to implement this. Any help or suggestions are more than welcome.
Here is my CustomListAdapter:
public class CustomListAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
static final String TAG = "CustomListAdapter";
private Context context;
ArrayList <String> listArray;
LayoutInflater inflater;
public CustomListAdapter(Context context, List <String> inputArray) {
this.context = context;
this.listArray = (ArrayList<String>) inputArray;
public int getCount() {
return listArray.size(); // total number of elements in the list
public String getItem(int i) {
return listArray.get(i); // single item in the list
public long getItemId(int i) {
return i; // index number
public View getView(int position, View convertView, final ViewGroup parent) {
View V = convertView;
if(V == null) {
LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
V = vi.inflate(R.layout.selected_drug_list_item, null);
//place text in textview
String listItem = listArray.get(position);
TextView textView = (TextView) V.findViewById(R.id.selectedDrugName);
ImageButton deleteSelectedDrugButton = (ImageButton) V.findViewById(R.id.deleteSelectedDrugButton);
//Listener for the delete button. Deletes item from list.
deleteSelectedDrugButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Integer index = (Integer) view.getTag();
return V;
public void add(String input) {
Log.v(TAG, input + " added to list");
public void remove(String input){
Log.v(TAG, input + " added to list");
Here is how my ListView is initialized in my onCreate() method.
selectionListView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.selectionListView);
selectionAdapter = new CustomListAdapter(this,myListItems);
If any other code fragment is required, I'll happily provide it.
You may create Interfece that will be implemented by Your Main Activity and passed to Adapter (eg. in constructor)
public interface SomeInterface
public void foo();
Add SomeInterface object in Your Adapter
SomeInterface responder=null;
public CustomListAdapter(Context context, List <String> inputArray, SomeInterface responder) {
this.context = context;
this.listArray = (ArrayList<String>) inputArray;
public void add(String input) {
Log.v(TAG, input + " added to list");
public void remove(String input){
Log.v(TAG, input + " added to list");
and implements SomeInterface in Your MainActivity
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements SomeInterface
public void foo()
//do whatever
private initializeAdapter()
CustomListAdapter adapter=new Adapter(this, someArray, this);
You can create a callback interface with a simple method, like stuffHappened(). Then, let your activity implement that interface. Now you can add a constructor argument which has as type the callback interface, pass the activity in, keep it as a member variable on the adapter and call the stuffHappened() method whenever you need to send feedback to your activity.