I need to transfer data from android phone to each other through my application using BLE. When a device comes near to me and my application is already installed in it, So my phone will establish a connection and send some data in strings and also receive from that device without notify user. Is it possible to do with BLE and I have studied BLE from
But I am new so I dont know from where to start and what should i have to do? Kindly let me know about BLE more easy for my better understanding and refer me some tutorials where I can learn that how will fulfill my application functionalities.
I suggest starting with the Central-Peripheral example. Here you have an simple application:
And tutorial with basis:
In the case you described, if there are not defined roles for the android phones (master, slave), the program will have to work in alternately in two modes: central and peripheral.
This is possible form the BLE side. However, there may be a problem with the application wroking as a background service. Since Android 8 there are new restrictions and limitations in background sericves:
Bluetooth Low Energy on Adnroid is very troublesome technology. A lot depends on the version of Android, processor and antenna system of the phone.
I'm actually working for a startup I'm building with two other founders. On the side I would like to develop a quick prototype to be able to deepdive into a subject I can use on my project : beacons.
Here is what I want to achieve : I want to be able to use a device as an emitter (using bluetooth, BLE, or wifi) and the other one to be able to know when it enters the first one range. I need that to be able to do indoor localization (just a check in system, not to know exactly where people are in that specific location).
I'm used to code mobile application with Ionic and I'm more a Javascript developer. I saw that there is already something which fit to my needs : Dazting which transform every device mobile as "a beacon" with either bluetooth or Wifi. Problem, I want to do it on my own but to be honest I don't really now how they manage to do that with Wifi. I know that there are some libraries to emit with BLE but what about bluetooth ?
Does it mean I'll have to code it with native code ?
This is what I want to achieve :
Coding an hybrid app (will loose less time and one app for every
Transforming the mobile device into an emitter : with bluetooth or
Be able to know the distance between a device which will emit and a
one that will receive the signal
I don't want to go with beacons : I'm not going to use macro-location and buying beacons for my project at the start is not something we would like to do.
Any ideas or suggestions on how did Datzing manage to reach that goal ?
Thanks in advance.
Datzing relies on emission of Bluetooth Classic, Bluetooth LE and WiFi packets from a mobile device that is made discoverable, either programmatically or through manual selection in settings. The unique MAC address or SSID of the device can then be used to tie the detected transmission to a registered "Beacon" on the Datzing system. Basically it just registers the unique identifier associated with a Bluetooth or WiFi transmission with the Datzing servers so they can have meaning.
Using this technology to transmit on an iOS device is severely limited due to operating system restrictions. Users essentially have to manually go to settings screens to start the emissions. Android devices are much more flexible if you have a native app granted the proper permissions.
On the detection side, iOS is also much more limited than Android due to the operating system blocking access to raw MAC addresses of bluetooth devices and preventing detecting SSIDs of WiFi access points unless the network is connected. As of Android 6.0, access to the raw MAC address is also restricted, making such a system work less well with Bluetooth on newer Android devices.
On both platforms, iOS and Android, the ability to use these techniques to the extent they are allowed by the operating system are possible with native code. Doing so with Ionic or Cordova would require cobbling together a number of plugins (if they even exist) to bridge to the native features to access WiFi SSIDs and do Bluetooth discovery and scanning. This is unlikely to be a quick protoype.
Word of caution: It is always a good idea to try out a system like Datzing before trying to reproduce it yourself, as limitations often cause technologies not to live up to the claims of the marketing materials.
I'm developing an app to communicate with a BLE device (Sensor puck from Silicon labs) and get whatever it is broadcasting.
I have NO experience in developing any sort of Bluetooth application using Android.
Do I need to manually pair it to the BLE device? I downloaded Sensor puck app from Play store, it automatically started to read from the device. I don't understand how since I didn't pair it.
Do I need specific API to communicate with the device? Is it like, I connect to the device and unpack the data which the device is broadcasting?
Any other information related to BLE application development would help.
Thank you.
PS: I can't use the app from the play store as I need the data from the device for some other processing.
I have a little experience with developing BLE apps.
Do I need to manually pair it to the BLE device?
I haven't encountered use case where I needed to pair mobile device with BLE device. Basically, you can communicate with BLE devices without pairing with them. BLE devices constantly emit signals and you can read these signals. Usually, from the emitted signals, you can read name of the device (or producer name), MAC address, RSSI signal from which you can compute distance from your mobile device to BLE device. Some BLE devices emit other information like temperature read from their sensors, etc. You can read information from more than one BLE device during the single scan.
Do I need specific API to communicate with the device?
Google provides API, which you can use to communicate with BLE devices. You can read more about it at: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth-le.html. You can also use some third-party libraries allowing to communicate with BLE devices. Most of them are dedicated to so called Beacons, which are simple, tiny BLE devices.
Exemplary APIs for BLE Beacons:
ReactiveBeacons - this is open-source project, which I'm currently developing, so if you have any questions regarding it, you can ask me directly
Other projects:
Android Bluetooth Demo - this is very good and simple project, which can help you to understand how to use BLE API provided in Android SDK
Other information:
To communicate with BLE devices, of course, you need to have Bluetooth enabled on your device, but regardless of this permission, you also need to have Location enabled on your device and added location permission to your app. I guess it's done due to the fact, that you can use BLE devices for creating micro-location services.
I gathered some references concerning BLE for myself. You can check them here: https://github.com/pwittchen/ReactiveBeacons#references and maybe they will be useful for you as well.
it might be too late, but it also might be helpful for other users. So Sensor Puck works like a simple beacon and it doesn't require any pairing. You just have to scan all bluetooth devices nerby and verify received ScanRecord object. You don't have to use any specific libs or API, Anroid sdk contain all necessary api for such case (please see BluetoothAdapter startScan, startLeScan, etc). Also you can find an example how to parse raw data in my demo project https://github.com/alexeyosminin/sensor_puck_demo
is it possible to connect multiple sensor tags via Bluetooth low energy? In the app provided by TI, the sensor tag is the server, and app is client. So, it is possible for a single client to connect multiple servers?
YES, it is possible to connect from one application to multiple BLE devices
On the other side, at at the moment, Android BLE stack (BlueDroid) seems to have synchronous nature (may be it is inspired by Samsung stack from 4.2 devices , where this behaviour was documented as discuseed here Has native Android BLE GATT implementation synchronous nature?).
This mean, that if one operation is in progress, othes are ignored, so you have to implement e.g., queue of requests to be sure that just one characteristic read/write is in progress.
More over, Andorid BLE stack is at the moment quite unstable, as discussed in many threads, e.g, here Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable
Hope this helps
You're terminology doesn't seem to be quite correct, but if you're trying to ask whether it's possible to connect multiple senrors or similar to one phone, the answer to that should be yes.
I'd recommend you to take a look at this and this, to better understand the roles in BLE.
I have an android app, it does the following:
Connects with a server to read and update a database at the same time as others.
I want to convert this to an app that does not need an internet connection. Therefore i would like to know if its possible to have an android device acting as the server with the database, whilst multiple phones connect to it via bluetooth getting and updating the information in the database?
Yes. It possible.
However all of your devices will have to be located nearby, so they can connect to each other through bluetooth.
You can take a look at Android Bluetooth API.
However, my recommendation would be to use Wifi instead of Bluetooth. YOu will need additional WiFi router. However, you won't need to deal with Bluetooth API in such case.
You will only need to write a server on one of Android device and the rest of devices will work the same (as now)
There are a few options to doing so, that don't involve a server. Both of them require a slightly different approach than both devices connecting to a server.
Wi-fi Direct- Only available with Android 4.0+.
Personally, I have been using the Bluetooth option, and not found it terribly difficult. Essentially, you have to do the following to make it work.
Have one of the devices listen for a connection. If it is unpaired, you will have to make the device discoverable.
The second device needs to initiate a connection. It can do this by looking at the known devices and trying to connect to one, or listening for a new device
After the two devices connect, they must initiate some kind of a communication protocol. The communication is essential a serial connection.
Blue-tooth requires that the devices be within about 10 m of each other. Wi-fi direct will allow somewhat further, but as mentioned, is less supported. It is possible to allow for both communication methods, but is somewhat challenging.
What is the best way for an Android app installed on two devices to communicate with each other? Can the devices connect directly without using text messaging?
You have several options, depending on your requirements and setup:
If your devices are very close to one another (up to about 10 meters), you can communicate using Bluetooth, as Derek suggested.
If your devices are somewhat further away, but within WiFi range of each other (up to about 100 meters), then they can communicate with each other using the Peer-to-Peer WiFi API, documented here (part of the Android Wireless API). This does not require a WiFi router to be present, and the devices will find each other and communicate directly. This does however require Android 4.1 or higher.
The Android Wireless API will also work if your devices are on the same local network (i.e., use the same WiFi router), even if they are not themselves within range of each other.
If none of these options are viable/guaranteed, then I agree with Derek that the easiest way would be to use ServerSocket and Socket to create a server/client interface through the Internet. Here is a sample application doing that. The main problem you might encounter is that if the server is sitting behind a NAT (such as a home internet router), you will have to configure the NAT to forward the incoming packets to your Android server.
You can connect them via bluetooth using BluetoothSockets. Android developer website has pretty good documentation on this.
Or if you'd rather (and have internet on both devices), you can use regular Socket's.
http://developer.android.com/reference/java/net/ServerSocket.html for server side
http://developer.android.com/reference/java/net/Socket.html for client side
If you have a large amount of data to transfer, internet sockets have a greater data capacity and will be faster. The other advantage is that there is no such thing as "out of range". You can connect the two devices wherever internet is available, whereas with bluetooth they have to be within bluetooth range of each other
you can use PubNub. it handles all networking and you should only care about messages.
it has great API to work.
(Thanks to #Ian Jennings : Can we send data from an android device to another android device directly (p2p) without server in the middle?)
Depends on what you are doing. If you have a server, you may be able to send some message to it and have it pulled by the other device (assuming both clients have the app installed). I think this would be the most intuitive way (but it really depends on what you are communicating).
Text messaging and email might work, but you (or the user) needs to know the numbers/emails associated with a device to do that.
you should have a look at WifiDirect
Wi-Fi peer-to-peer (P2P) allows Android 4.0 (API level 14) or later
devices with the appropriate hardware to connect directly to each
other via Wi-Fi without an intermediate access point.
As was already suggested, sockets are the easiest way to accomplish this if your devices are all connected to a network.
There are things to accomplish here:
Use Network Service Discovery to find devices running your app
Connect to other instances of your app using a socket
For a complete tutorial you can check this out
ShortAnswer: Yes
Data can be sent directly.
In order of range:
1 Bluetooth
2 wifidirect
3 maybe.. GSM hardware direct?
After that, options again in range order:
4 tether or network
5 Internet
The android NSD API is meant to do the exact same thing you are trying to achieve! The example bundled with SDK is self explanatory!
please check:
Android NSD API example