Transfered data from activity is always null - android

I am trying to get data from one activity in other. But data always null.
val res = Intent()
res.putExtra("uri", imageUri)
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, res)
In the second activity I always get data as null. What is the problem? (imageUri is not null when I put it).
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK){
//data == null, WHY???

I think you need to define the intent with the current context and target class.
val intent = Intent(this#HomeActivity, // define you activity in which you want to go
intent.putExtra("Username","John Doe")


startActivityForResult putExtras being recieved as NULL

Hi I am creating a SideActivity to gather some results and pass them back to Main Activity. However, the two strings value from the putextra are NULL rather than the string "20" and the jamSize "medium". Is there a way of passing the data properly?
Here in my Main Activity I have a setOnClickListener and a onActivityResult function.
jamButton.setOnClickListener {
var intent = Intent(this#MainActivity,
intent.putExtra("jamName", "raspberry")
intent.putExtra("jamPrice", "12.00")
startActivityForResult(intent, 1) // passing request code value 1
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if(resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
val jamPrice:String = intent.getStringExtra("jamPrice").toString()
val jamSize:String = intent.getStringExtra("jamSize").toString()
val newJam = DataModel("Jam", "$jamSize", "$jamPrice")
list.add(0, newJam)
Here is my Second Activity
completeBtn.setOnClickListener {
val jamPrice: String = textView2.text.toString()
val jamSize: String = textView3.text.toString()
val intent = Intent(this#SideActivity,
intent.putExtra("jamPrice", "20.00")
intent.putExtra("jamSize", jamSize)
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent)
In your onActivityResult don't use this :
val jamPrice:String = intent.getStringExtra("jamPrice").toString()
because the intent variable is the Intent of the activity instead use :
val jamPrice: String = data?.getStringExtra("jamPrice").toString()

Kotlin : Type mismatch: inferred type is Intent? but Intent was expected

I am new to Kotlin and I have an error like this in my onActivityResult method
'Type mismatch: inferred type is Intent? but Intent was expected'
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (requestCode != REQUEST_CODE)
if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK)
Toast.makeText(this,"Screen cast permission denied",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
mediaProjectionCallBack = MediaProjectionCallback()
mediaProjection = projectionManager!!.getMediaProjection(resultCode,data)
virtualDisplay = createVirtualDisplay()
Error is in this line when I use data from onActivity result it gives me an error which I mentioned above:
mediaProjection = projectionManager!!.getMediaProjection(resultCode,data)
In Kotlin there are nullable types, Intent? and Intent aren't the same type.
data:Intent? means that your data can be null.
getMediaProjection(resultCode:Int, data:Intent) method wants your data to be of type Intent which means it can't accept null values. So you have to either cast it to not-null value with !! operator or check if it is not null:
if(data != null){
mediaProjection = projectionManager!!.getMediaProjection(resultCode,data)
In this case automatically knows that data is not null, so it doesn't throw error.

Android Intent : Always get resultCode = 0

I'm trying to get the result of intent between 2 activities but something is wrong because I always get a resultCode = 0 in initial activity:
Code inside CarsFragment.kt
private fun startAddCarActivity() {
val intent = Intent(context,
startActivityForResult(intent, 1)
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
// ALWAYS GET requestCode = 1, resultCode = 0 and data = null !!
private fun startCarsNavigationActivity() {
intent.putExtra("car", car)
setResult(1, intent)
I always get requestCode = 1, resultCode = 0 and data = null in CarsFragment.kt
Where is the problem ?
Result code of 0 means RESULT_CANCELED. This can happen if the Activity you are launching is launched into a different task, or if the user presses the BACK key, or if the launched Activity decides to return RESULT_CANCELED.

Places API Autocomplete onActivityResult never called

Although everything work as intended and I get results from the Places API, the onActivityResult callback is never called when the user selects a result. What happens is that the result appears in the search textview and the Autocomplete activity doesn't exit. I have to press back for it to close.
// Set the fields to specify which types of place data to return.
val fields = Arrays.asList(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME)
// Start the autocomplete intent.
val intent: Intent = Autocomplete.IntentBuilder(
AutocompleteActivityMode.OVERLAY, fields
startActivityForResult(intent, AUTOCOMPLETE_REQUEST_CODE)
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
if(data!=null) {
var status: Status = getStatusFromIntent(data)
//var place: Place = getPlaceFromIntent(data)
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
Do you run method startActivityForResult inside Fragment? Check this out: onActivityResult is not being called in Fragment
You have to override onActivityResult in Activity which contains your fragment.
// In your activity
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
This will call your fragment's onActivityResult()
Ensure you're using the latest version of Place client SDK Places 2.1.0
. I don't see any reason in your code that causes the behavior you've addressed. Just use the below implementation and try.
private fun pickNewPlace() {
if (!Places.isInitialized()) {
Places.initialize(context!!, getString(R.string.google_service_api_key))
// Set the fields to specify which types of place data to return.
val fields = listOf(Place.Field.ID, Place.Field.NAME)
// Start the autocomplete intent.
val intent = Autocomplete.IntentBuilder(
AutocompleteActivityMode.OVERLAY, fields
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_DEFAULT)
onActivityResult result handling
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_DEFAULT) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
// Get relevent info from place object
val place = Autocomplete.getPlaceFromIntent(data!!)
} else if (resultCode == AutocompleteActivity.RESULT_ERROR) {
val status = Autocomplete.getStatusFromIntent(data!!)
showAlertMessage(status.statusMessage ?: getString(R.string.something_went_wrong))

onActivityResult return null data

I've just been coding in kotlin for a while. I've got some problems.
It always return null data in after I click item in second activity.
first activity
btnClick.setOnClickListener { v ->
val intent = Intent(applicationContext,
startActivityForResult(intent, 777)
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
try {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
if (requestCode == 777 && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
val result = data?.getStringExtra("picked_product").toString()
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, result, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} catch (e: Exception) {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, e.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
second activity
override fun onItemClick(item: Product) {
val intent = Intent()
intent.putExtra("picked_product", item.price)
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent)
Because you are expecting an Int, do this instead:
val result = data?.getIntExtra("picked_product", 0) //0 will be used in case no value in data and result is now Integer.
The extra you put in your intent is an Integer (item.price). But you are trying to retrive a String data?.getStringExtra("picked_product").
Sinc the intent does not contain a String at the key "picked_product", it returns null.
You should try to get an Int extra :
val result = data?.getIntExtra("picked_product")
Nothing to do with your problem but it's useless to do
Since it return you a String the use of toString() is useless

