If I was able to build Alexa auto sdk successfully without any error then the result of this will be an apk .So is it possible to lunch the apk on android emulator.
It should be. Here's the codelab for spinning up the emulator for Android Automotive: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/automotive-getting-started/index.html?index=..%2F..index#4
I have created a Helloworld cross platform project from Visual Studio .
The project builded successfully and while running the android project using the emulator (Nexus4 KitKat Android 4.4 ) I am getting this warning
Xamarin Android player Beta has expired ,Please update
And once I press OK I am getting message
There were deployment errors . Do you want to continue?
How can I fix this issue? Did I missed any components during the installation of xamarin for visual studio?
Xamarin Android player is cancelled officially , so my recommendations for you are three Emulators.
Visual Studio Emulator for Android: For me this is the best emulator available. However it requires that Hyper-V feature to be enabled.
Genymotion: I see this as a better alternative for Xamarin Android Player. However it needs a license.
Android Emulator which is provided by Android SDK. By default it is a slow emulator however there is a tweek you can do to make it faster:
Go and download HAXM from here
Go to your android sdk manager from your visual studio
Go down to Extras and install Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator
By doing this , now you can use the emulators which comes with Android SDK and they are great.
I installed Android Studio and the necessary SDKs for Google Glass Development, however, Glass is stilled disabled whenever I create new Android project?
Is it necessary that I have my own Google Glass device in order for this to work? I'm planning to use an emulator, though?
See the screenshots here:
Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2:
Sorry, there is no official emulator for Google Glass.
If you really want to make glassware, you should consider buying Glass.
Glass is stilled disabled whenever I create new Android project?
When you create Glass project, the SDK will be added as a dependency but that doesn't mean you have Glass emulator.
Is it necessary that I have my own Google Glass device in order for this to work?
As of now, you need Google Glass for development. There is no official emulator.
I'm planning to use an emulator, though?
Google hasn't released Glass emulator.
More info:
Is there an Android based Google Glass Emulator?
Offline emulator for Google glass OS
In my case, I fixed the problem by installing again the latest version of Android studio.
Please don't edit the plist located in /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/Info.plist because is probably that doing this will break android studio.
Instead of doing that, open android studio this way, for example:
$ export STUDIO_JDK=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk
$ open /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/
So I developed an Android App that uses the OpenCV Android SDK. I managed to import everything thanks to this post, but when I run the app in my phone, I get the following message:
"Package not found: OpenCV3 Manager package was not found! Try to install it?"
If I click "yes", I get a "not found" page in google play.
In the OpenCV Android SDK, there is a folder called "apk" with opencv manager apks for different architectures. But which one is for my phone? I have an xperia Z2 which has a snapdragon processor.
Besides, I'd like to make my app standalone. Is it possible with openCV?
I am pretty confused with the horrible documentation for the Android integration of this lib. Could someone please guide me in the process?
It looks like OpenCV 3 Manager is not yet available on Google Play and requires a manual install:
You can install the manager onto your device using the adb tool (from the directory where you've unzipped the sdk):
adb install OpenCV-3.0.0-rc1-android-sdk/apk/OpenCV_3.0.0-rc1_Manager_3.00_armv7a-neon-android8.apk
I was able to run the samples on my android (5.0.2) phone after that!
Has anyone managed to do this?!
I've tried various combinations of sdk/apk from this site with no luck.
When I use this SDK...
dependencies {
compile 'com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:3.23.0'
... it only seems to work with targetSdkVersion "L". So fine. I run that emulator in x86 and use adb to install
./sdk/platform-tools/adb install Facebook-
I get "INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS". On ARM, I have not managed to get the emulator to actually start. It's been "Preparing Recommendations" for over 30 minutes now.
With a lower Facebook sdk version (com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:3.21.1), I am able to run the emulator with a targetSdkVersion of 19, and install the Facebook.apk (Facebook APK 22.0)
Unfortunately, when I open the Facebook app, I get the message that
"This version of android is no longer supported. please upgrade your device and try again"
I must be doing something wrong. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
With the newer Facebook SDKs, I couldn't find the Facebook APK file bundled with the Downloads - Facebook Android SDK.
To install facebook on an emulator:
I installed the Google Play Intel Atom Image from the SDK Manager.
Created an AVD with the Google Play Intel Atom Image
Now you can install Facebook from the Play Store (after sign in)
Now you can use Facebook to test Native login, etc,.
Answer taken from here
INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS is when you are trying to install an
app that has native libraries and it doesn't have a native library for
your cpu architecture. For example if you compiled an app for armv7
and are trying to install it on an emulator that uses the Intel
architecture instead it will not work.
Also, you can implement a solution on the emulator as seen here.
And, for the second error I think it's pretty clear: Facebook won't let you use that app because they don't support it anymore.
I am following this for Android platform: http://ionicframework.com/getting-started/ (cmd> ionic emulate android) . It builds ok, and I know the apk works on a phone, but I want to figure out how does it decided which Android Virtual Device to launch. At the moment, it start up a v2.2 emulator by default and then complains it's too old while trying to install the apk. I want to use v4.1 or higher (I have the relevant SDKs installed through previous native Android development using Eclipse.)
From the command line, just specify the emulator target.
e.g. ionic emulate android --target="Nexus_6P_API_25"
Check the AVD manager for a list of available and installed virtual devices.
Kind of found an answer myself. Instead of using Google Android emulator, one can use
Genymotion. And use can set the device screen size and Android version.