xamarin.forms, integration with libvlcsharp - android

did someone know how to solve this?
I created Xamarin.forms project with UWP, Android and IOS
Everytime when I try to run project get this error
"LibVLCSharp.Shared.VLCException: 'Failed to load libvlc.dll, error 126. Please make sure that this library, libvlccore.dll and the plugins are copied to the AppX folder. For that, you can reference the VideoLAN.LibVLC.WindowsRT NuGet package.'"
Yes I added LibVLCSharp and ibVLCSharp.Forms
this is bitbucket repo (public)

To allow updates of the libvlc library, it is not installed by default.
Did you install the LibVLC package that corresponds to your platform(in each platform-specific project) ?
See the Readme of the repository for that.
If you did install the LibVLC package, please update your question with a repository with a sample code to reproduce your issue.


Not able to add dependency to android project in flutter

Hello I am new to flutter and i want to do native function calls using flutter, i wrote an sample native code app and it is working as expected. Now i want to use some packages on my android code, which is platform specific.
I have added my dependcies in my build.gradle file and it the gradle build is success,
But i cannot use the package there,
say for example: i have added the dependency for the com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.2 and gradle build is success and now icannot access their methods and other stuffs. Please let me know to what to do with it. Thanks in advance.enter image description here
Finally it worked, i opened the android project as an new android project in android studio which resolved the issue.

Add Google Licensing Validation (LVL) Check in an Application made with Appcelerator

I've been trying to attach the Google Licensing Validation Check (https://developer.android.com/google/play/licensing/setting-up.html) to my application made with Appcelerator. I found a GIT repository (https://github.com/eric-sofisoftwarellc/TiLicensing) that was supposed to contain a module that would do the job, but there is no .ZIP file in there, so the instructions are either incomplete or unclear.
I have tried to add the source files into the "modules" folder of my application, but it displays this error:
ti:/module.js:280: Uncaught Error: Requested module not found: com.sofisoftwarellc.licensechecker.
I also found this question (How to add Google Play license into an android application created with Appcelerator?), that redirected me to the same repository in the end.
Does someone have the .zip file that is specified in the instructions of the GIT repository or has someone ever made it work? I've tried building the module with Appcelerator Studio, but it did not work.
Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance.
If you want to use it in a Titanum SDK 6+ project you have to recompile the module because it was created 2 years ago. But that won't work that easily because it is using some legacy classes (org.apache.http) so you have to change the module in order to get it to work, sorry.

Using serial for android library

I'm trying to implement this https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android/blob/master/UsbSerialExamples/src/com/hoho/android/usbserial/examples/SerialConsoleActivity.java in my project but there is something wrong with this sample.
Line 121:
sDriver.setParameters(115200, 8, UsbSerialDriver.STOPBITS_1, UsbSerialDriver.PARITY_NONE);
Why I can't see this method setParameters()?
I had the same problem when I tried to use the example project. The problem I had was that I was using usb-serial-for-android-v010.jar that you can download from the git repository. I think it was created using an older version of the project and doesn't support some of the newer features like setParameters. If you downloaded the example project there should be a folder inside called UsbSerialLibrary. Import that into your IDE and add it to your build path: (Eclipse) Properties>Java Build Path>Projects>Add. This should let you use setParameters.
Also, the API was recently refactored so you may want to look at that.

CordovaResourceApi import unresolved phonegap

I am using phonegap-2.9.0 with file plugin. When I build project for android platform it creates two packages within the src/ folder:
I get below errors within these two packages:
1 - org.apache.cordova.file.FileUtils
Method testSaveLocationExists() from the type DirectoryManager is not visible
Method getFreeDiskSpace() from the type DirectoryManager is not visible
Method testFileExists() from the type DirectoryManager is not visible
2 - org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi unresolved
import org.apache.cordova.CordovaResourceApi.OpenForReadResult unresolved
Could someone please tell me what I should do to resolve these?
You have two problems.
1) Version of Phonegap is outdated
2) The way to install a plugin is:
-> phonegap plugin add "urlofplugin" or "/path""
-> phonegap platform add android
-> phonegap prepare
-> phonegap build
sometimes the plugin has a different default installation, the files need to change the platform.
Well, I dont know if I can help you, but I had similar problems. When I installed exactly those two plugins I got an error too. A different one, which I dont perticularly remember, something to do with a missing file that I can easily find in the file manager. Anyway, what helped me was:
I updated to a more recent version, if you are able to I advice for it.
After installing the plugins through cordova cmd api (.nodejs command prompt ... you know what I mean) I was forgetting to build in the api itself. It sounds stupid but I was using wp8 and thus using a template for visual studio. The studio gave me the error, the building process (in cmd) also gave errors, but it was fixed by updating to the newer version.
You need to configure you build path and then add library from external source and select the library then it will resolve or u can make copy and paste cordova library .jar file in your lib folder. then it will remove, if not happen then tell me .......
I am not sure if that will work but first uninstall these plugins using phonegap/cordova CLI and than reinstall it in the root of application folder using the CLI only like this:
phonegap local plugin add <required plugin>
This worked for me after reinstallation.

I want to use jmrtd android client

I followed the direction of this page
and when I executed the last command ant -f build_jar_deps.xml
I faced the following error,
[exec] svn: E170000: URL 'https://scuba.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scuba/s
cuba_sc_indep' doesn't exist
I visited the above link and I see page not found error
What is the problem ?
I know I'm a bit late with reply, but if anybody is still interested in JMRTD Android app, I have developed a new project from scratch:
It's a standard Gradle project, so it's very easy to build from command line or Android Studio. All third party libraries, including JMRTD, are downloaded automatically from Maven.
You have to download the jarjar1.3.jar and change the path.

