I'm learning/using RecyclerViews and while my app works (at the moment!), there are two things that I don't understand.
Here are my ViewHolder declarations:
class AAAViewHolder ( view: View, var aaa: AAA? = null) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder (view) {...}
class BBBViewHolder (val view: View, var bbb: BBB? = null) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder (view) {...}
class CCCViewHolder ( view: View, var ccc: CCC? = null) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder (view) {...}
Why does BBBViewHolder have the extra val? If I remove it, then I get an "Unresolved reference: view" compiler error in onBindViewHolder in the ViewAdapter class. Why? And, if I *add the val declaration to AAA and CCC, Android Studio tells me that it's not needed and offers to remove it for me.
Next, there's something odd about the onBindViewHolder functions.
AAAListAdapter.kt (not showing getItemCount or onCreateViewHolder):
class AAAListAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<AAAViewHolder>() {
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: AAAViewHolder, position: Int) {
val aaa = aaaList[position]
holder.itemView.aTextView.text = "AAA"
holder.aaa = aaa
class BBBListAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<BBBViewHolder>() {
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: BBBViewHolder, position: Int) {
val bbb = bbbList[position]
holder.view.bTextView.text = "BBB"
holder.bbb = bbb
class CCCListAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<CCCViewHolder>() {
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: CCCViewHolder, position: Int) {
val ccc = cccList[position]
holder.itemView.cTextView.text = "CCC"
holder.ccc = ccc
The code is almost identical, except why does BBBListAdapter reference holder.view, while the other two reference holder.itemView? Where are those properties declared? Can I control that? I'd much prefer them to be the same.
Seeing how A & C act the same but B is different, I'm guessing the two questions are related, but I don't know.
Firstly you declare val/var inside constructor to use those values somewhere in class without declaring or intializing it anywhere in your class. Let take in example, i want a list in adapter I'll pass it in adapter and in adapter I won't use val/var then and I can't use that unless I create a variable before hand and initialise it inside its default constructor.
class A() {
lateinit var view : View
constructor(view : View) {
this.view = view
view.textView.text = "Redundant Code"
Now you could have reduced this just by declaring it inside constructor itself.
class A(val view : View) {
view.textView.text = "Easy way"
Now coming to your use case, viewholder A and C are identical, and B has view is declared and you are using it, but from the code in adapter I don't think it is necessary, the same logic could have been used in Adapter B, holder.itemView.something, holder.itemView is ultimately is the view object which you're using in A and C, so val view is not need for that particular case.
If you're using it somewhere, then add the whole code, there I might be able to help you out why ViewHolder B is different. But from what you have posted, there is no need for using val inside constructor.
it is a known issue that ListAdapter (actually the AsyncListDiffer from its implementation) does not update the list if the new list only has modified items but has the same instance. The updates do not work on new instance list either if you use the same objects inside.
For all of this to work, you have to create a hard copy of the entire list and objects inside.
Easiest way to achieve this:
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
But I am facing a rather weird issue. I have a parse function in my ViewModel that finally posts the items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() } to the LiveData and gets observes in the fragment. Even with the hard copy, DiffUtil does not work. If I move the hard copy inside the fragment, then it works.
To get this easier, if I do this:
[ ... ] parse stuff here
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
restaurants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { items ->
... then, it doesn't work. But if I do this:
[ ... ] parse stuff here
restaurants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { items ->
adapter.submitList(items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() })
... then it works.
Can anybody explain why this doesn't work?
In the mean time, I have opened an issue on the Google Issue Tracker because maybe they will fix the AsyncListDiffer not updating same instance lists or items. It defeats the purpose of the new adapter. The AsyncListDiffer SHOULD ALWAYS accept same instance lists or items, and fully update using the diff logic that the user customises in the adapter.
I made a quick sample using DiffUtil.Callback and ListAdapter<T, K> (so I called submitList(...) on the adapter), and had no issues.
Then I modified the adapter to be a normal RecyclerView.Adapter and constructed an AsyncDiffUtil inside of it (using the same DiffUtil.Callback from above).
The architecture is:
Activity -> Fragment (contains RecyclerView).
"Fake Repository" that simply holds a val source: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf()
I've created a Thing object: data class Thing(val name: String = "", val age: Int = 0).
For readability I added typealias Things = List<Thing> (less typing). ;)
It's fake in the sense that items are created like:
private fun makeThings(total: Int = 20): List<Thing> {
val things: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf()
for (i in 1..total) {
things.add(Thing("Name: $i", age = i + 18))
return things
But the "source" is a mutableList of (the typealias).
The other thing the repo can do is "simulate" a modification on a random item. I simply create a new data class instance, since it's obviously all immutable data types (as they should be). Remember this is just simulating a real change that may have come from an API or DB.
fun modifyItemAt(pos: Int = 0) {
if (source.isEmpty() || source.size <= pos) return
val thing = source[pos]
val newAge = thing.age + 1
val newThing = Thing("Name: $newAge", newAge)
source.add(pos, newThing)
Nothing fancy here, it talks and holds the reference to the ThingsRepository, and exposes a LiveData:
private val _state = MutableLiveData<ThingsState>(ThingsState.Empty)
val state: LiveData<ThingsState> = _state
And the "state" is:
sealed class ThingsState {
object Empty : ThingsState()
object Loading : ThingsState()
data class Loaded(val things: Things) : ThingsState()
The viewModel has two public methods (Aside from the val state):
fun fetchData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun modifyData(atPosition: Int) {
Nothing special, just a way to modify a random item by position (remember this is just a quick hack to test it).
So FetchData, launches the async code in IO to "fetch" (in reality, if the list is there, the cached list is returned, only the 1st time the data is "made" in the repo).
Modify data is simpler, calls modify on the repo and fetch data to post the new value.
Lots of boilerplate... but as discussed, it's just an Adapter:
class ThingAdapter(private val itemClickCallback: ThingClickCallback) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {
The ThingClickCallback is just:
interface ThingClickCallback {
fun onThingClicked(atPosition: Int)
This Adapter now has an AsyncDiffer...
private val differ = AsyncListDiffer(this, DiffUtilCallback())
this in this context is the actual adapter (needed by the differ) and DiffUtilCallback is just a DiffUtil.Callback implementation:
internal class DiffUtilCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Thing>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Thing, newItem: Thing): Boolean {
return oldItem.name == newItem.name
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Thing, newItem: Thing): Boolean {
return oldItem.age == newItem.age && oldItem.name == oldItem.name
nothing special here.
The only special methods in the adapter (aside from onCreateViewHolder and onBindViewHolder) are these:
fun submitList(list: Things) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int = differ.currentList.size
private fun getItem(position: Int) = differ.currentList[position]
So we ask the differ to do these for us and expose the public method submitList to emulate a listAdapter#submitList(...), except we delegate to the differ.
Because you may be wondering, here's the ViewHolder:
internal class ViewHolder(itemView: View, private val callback: ThingClickCallback) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val title: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.thingName)
private val age: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.thingAge)
fun bind(data: Thing) {
title.text = data.name
age.text = data.age.toString()
itemView.setOnClickListener { callback.onThingClicked(adapterPosition) }
Don't be too harsh, I know i passed the click listener directly, I only had about 1 hour to do all this, but nothing special, the layout it's just two text views (age and name) and we set the whole row clickable to pass the position to the callback. Nothing special here either.
Last but not least, the Fragment.
class ThingListFragment : Fragment() {
private lateinit var viewModel: ThingsViewModel
private var binding: ThingsListFragmentBinding? = null
private val adapter = ThingAdapter(object : ThingClickCallback {
override fun onThingClicked(atPosition: Int) {
It has 3 member variables. The ViewModel, the Binding (I used ViewBinding why not it's just 1 liner in gradle), and the Adapter (which takes the Click listener in the ctor for convenience).
In this impl., I simply call the viewmodel with "modify item at position (X)" where X = the position of the item clicked in the adapter. (I know this could be better abstracted but this is irrelevant here).
there's only two other implemented methods in this fragment...
override fun onDestroy() {
binding = null
(I wonder if Google will ever accept their mistake with Fragment's lifecycle that we still have to care for this).
Anyway, the other is unsurprisingly, onCreateView.
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
val root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.things_list_fragment, container, false)
binding = ThingsListFragmentBinding.bind(root)
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(ThingsViewModel::class.java)
viewModel.state.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { state ->
when (state) {
is ThingsState.Empty -> adapter.submitList(emptyList())
is ThingsState.Loaded -> adapter.submitList(state.things)
is ThingsState.Loading -> doNothing // Show Loading? :)
binding?.thingsRecyclerView?.adapter = adapter
return root
Bind the thing (root/binding), get the viewModel, observe the "state", set the adapter in the recyclerView, and call the viewModel to start fetching data.
That's all.
How does it work then?
The app starts, the fragment is created, subscribes to the VM state LiveData, and triggers the Fetch of data.
The ViewModel calls the repo, which is empty (new), so makeItems is called the list now has items and cached in the repo's "source" list. The viewModel receives this list asynchronously (in a coroutine) and posts the LiveData state.
The fragment receives the state and posts (submit) to the Adapter to finally show something.
When you "click" on an Item, ViewHolder (which has a click listener) triggers the "call back" towards the fragment which receives a position, this is then passed onto the Viewmodel and here the data is mutated in the Repo, which again, pushes the same list, but with a different reference on the clicked item that was modified. This causes the ViewModel to push a new LIveData state with the same list reference as before, towards the fragment, which -again- receives this, and does adapter.submitList(...).
The Adapter asynchronously calculates this and the UI updates.
It works, I can put all this in GitHub if you want to have fun, but my point is, while the concerns about the AsyncDiffer are valid (and may be or been true), this doesn't seem to be my (super limited) experience.
Are you using this differently?
When I tap on any row, the change is propagated from the Repository
UPDATE: forgot to include the doNothing function:
val doNothing: Unit
get() = Unit
I've used this for a while, I normally use it because it reads better than XXX -> {} to me. :)
While doing
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
you are creating a new list but items remains the same. You have to store that new list into a variable or passing that operation directly as a param to postItem.
I want to update at any time some values in my RecyclerView.
Here is my data class ParameterText:
data class ParameterText(
var parameterName: String?,
var parameterValue: String?
Here is my ViewHolder class ParameterTextViewHolder:
class ParameterTextViewHolder(itemView: View) : ViewHolder(itemView) {
val parameterName: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.parameterName)
val parameterText: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.parameterValue)
Here is my Adapter (in my Activity):
// Adapter
private val parametersTextFoundList = emptyDataSourceTyped<ParameterText>()
And here is my RecyclerView setup (also in my Activity):
rv_parameters_text.setup {
withItem<ParameterText, ParameterTextViewHolder>(R.layout.parameter_text) {
onBind(::ParameterTextViewHolder) { _, item ->
parameterName.text = item.parameterName
parameterText.text = item.parameterValue
I tried this:
private fun updateValue(index: Int, value: String) {
parametersTextFoundList[index].parameterValue = value
But it doesn't work. I read that I should also use the notifyDataSetChanged() method but I don't know where to use it. Can you help me?
There is an entire suite of notify API's, including notifyItemInserted(), notifyItemRemoved(), notifyItemChanged(), which are designed to more efficiently update a RecyclerView.
when changing the contents of one existing row in your RecyclerView, its more efficient to use adapter.notifyItemChanged(row), as notifyDataSetChanged() will reload the entire RecyclerView. I recommend:
private fun updateValue(index: Int, value: String)
parametersTextFoundList[index].parameterValue = value
You need to use notifyDataSetChanged() method with the update like this
I would like to made the rows bold that starts with the word "Main".
This is inside an adapter of a RecycleView, hence some limitations are expected. e.g. I can't obtain the view via FindViewById().
My solution below works, but it feels very wrong, given I'm importing server_detail_id.
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.row_item_detail.view.server_detail_id
class ServerDetailAdapter(private var serverList: ArrayList<ServerDetailRow>, context: Context?) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<DefaultViewHolder>() {
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: DefaultViewHolder, position: Int) {
val serverRow: ServerDetailRow = serverList[position]
val server = serverRow.server
val context = holder.itemView.context
var serverName = server.serverName
if (serverName.startsWith("Main", false)) {
holder.itemView.server_detail_id.typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
holder.setText(R.id.server_detail_id, serverName)
Any suggestions how I could solve this better?
In the constructor for the view holder, you are given the item view. You can do a findViewById() on this view, store the result and refer to it in onBindViewHolder().
On a separate topic, you will want to always set the type face in onBindViewHolder() since the view holders are reused.
I am rendering a form based on JSON response that I fetch from the server.
My use case involves listening to a click from a radio button, toggling the visibility of certain text fields based on the radioButton selection, and refreshing the layout with the visible textView.
The expected output should be to update the same view with the textView now visible, but I'm now seeing the same form twice, first with default state, and second with updated state.
Have I somehow created an entirely new model_ class and passing it to the controller? I just want to change the boolean field of the existing model and update the view.
My Model Class
#EpoxyModelClass(layout = R.layout.layout_panel_input)
abstract class PanelInputModel(
#EpoxyAttribute var panelInput: PanelInput,
#EpoxyAttribute var isVisible: Boolean,
#EpoxyAttribute(EpoxyAttribute.Option.DoNotHash) var context: Context,
#EpoxyAttribute(EpoxyAttribute.Option.DoNotHash) var textChangedListener: InputTextChangedListener,
#EpoxyAttribute(EpoxyAttribute.Option.DoNotHash) var radioButtonSelectedListener: RadioButtonSelectedListener,
#EpoxyAttribute(EpoxyAttribute.Option.DoNotHash) var validationChangedListener: ValidationChangedListener
) : EpoxyModelWithHolder<PanelInputModel.PanelInputHolder>() {
#EpoxyAttribute var imageList = mutableListOf<ImageInput>()
override fun bind(holder: PanelInputHolder) {
val inflater = context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater
generateViews(holder, inflater, panelInput.elements) // Generates textViews, radioButtons, etc, based on ElementType enum inside Panel input
fun generateRadioButtonView(element: Element) {
// Created a custom listener and calling its function
radioButtonSelectedListener.radioButtonSelected(chip.id, chip.text.toString())
fun generateTextView() {
// Show/hide textView based on isVisible value
My Controller Class
class FormInputController(
var context: Context,
var position: Int, // Fragment Position in PagerAdapter
var textChangedListener: InputTextChangedListener,
var radioButtonSelectedListener: RadioButtonSelectedListener,
var validationChangedListener: ValidationChangedListener
) : TypedEpoxyController<FormInput>() {
override fun buildModels(data: FormInput?) {
val panelInputModel = PanelInputModel_(
data as PanelInput,
My fragment implements the on radio button checked listener, modifies the formInput.isVisible = true and calls formInputController.setData(componentList)
Please help me out on this, thanks!
I don't think you are using Epoxy correctly, that's not how it's supposed to be.
First of all, let's start with the Holder: you should not inflate the view inside of bind/unbind, just set your views there. Also, the view is inflated for you from the layout file you are specifying at R.layout.layout_panel_input, so there is no need to inflate at all.
You should copy this into your project:
And create your holder in this way:
class PanelInputHolder : KotlinHolder() {
val textView by bind<TextView>(R.id.your_text_view_id)
val button by bind<Button>(R.id.your_button_id)
Let's move to your model class: you should remove these variables from the constructor as they are going to be a reference for the annotation processor to create the actual class.
Also, don't set your layout res from the annotation as that will not be allowed in the future.
Like so:
class PanelInputModel : EpoxyModelWithHolder<PanelInputHolder>() {
lateinit var text: String
lateinit var listener: View.OnClickListener
override fun getDefaultLayout(): Int {
return R.layout.layout_panel_input
override fun bind(holder: PanelInputHolder) {
// here set your views
holder.textView.text = text
override fun unbind(holder: PanelInputHolder) {
// here unset your views
holder.textView.text = null
Loop your data inside the controller not inside the model:
class FormInputController : TypedEpoxyController<FormInput>() {
override fun buildModels(data: FormInput?) {
data?.let {
// do your layout as you want, with the models you specify
// for example a header
.text("Hello WOrld!")
.listener { // do something here }
// generate a model per item
it.images.forEach {
When choosing your id, keep in mind that Epoxy will keep track of those and update if the attrs change, so don't use a position, but a unique id that will not get duplicated.
I am trying to implement a fairly basic logic within my recyclerview adapter but notifyDataSetChanged() is giving me quite the headache.
I have a filter method that looks like this:
fun filter(category: Int) {
Thread(Runnable {
if (category == -1) {
} else {
(mContext as Activity).runOnUiThread {
where filterAll() and filterCategory() functions are quite easy:
private fun filterAll() {
private fun filterCategory(category: Int) {
for (sub in tempList!!) {
if (sub.category == category) {
When I run this code and filter the list by category the activeFiltered list is updated correctly and contains the items I expect, but when notifyDataSetChanged() is run it only cuts the list's range without updating the items.
Is there a way to fix this?
I also tried, instead of notifyDataSetChanged() to use:
activeFiltered!!.forEachIndexed {index, _ -> notifyItemChanged(index)}
but the problem is still there.
It isn't a threading issue either since I tried putting the whole logic in the main thread and the list still wasn't updated correctly.
This is my onBindViewHolder():
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ActiveViewHolder, pos: Int) {
sub = activeFiltered!![pos]
This is where I inflate my text, sub is the instance variable set in the onBindViewHolder():
private fun inflateView() {
viewHolder.title.text = sub.title
It seems the implementation of onBindViewHolder() is incorrect. In order to update a list item, the passed in viewHolder parameter should be used (not the viewHolder you created in the onCreateViewHolder()).
The correct implementation should be like
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ActiveViewHolder, pos: Int) {
val sub = activeFiltered!![pos]
inflateView(viewHolder, sub)
private fun inflateView(viewHolder: ActiveViewHolder, sub: <YourDataType>) {
viewHolder.title.text = sub.title
By the way, it is not a good practice to hold something as a member field in order to access it in several methods. Feel free to pass it as arguments to such methods. In the above code I passed the sub as argument and not stored it as a member.
And also it is not necessary to hold the viewHolder that you create in onCreateViewHolder(). We mostly need them in some callback methods (like onBindViewHolder(), etc) and these methods will receive the right viewHolder as arguments.
I think you are using the original array in onBindView() instead of the filtered one.