Can we Use Multiple Database in a same Android Studio Project? [closed] - android

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Can we Use phpmyadmin and Firestore in a same Android App ?? Assuming if one part of the App contain a realtime feature (Chatting App),for which Database is Firestore And other part contain simple user features like viewing the stored data in Database(eg. Wikipedia),lets say it's DB is PhpMyadmin. will it be posssible ?

Yes you can. I did that recently in a project. Firebase is very easy just check the documentation.
You can actually use Firebase for everything. including storing and retrieving data. but, if you want to use another online DB, Web server or API that's totally doable.
I would recommend that you do a separate demo project using firebase and another Retrofit for example.


Android app with realTime database without using FIREBASE maybe Something like hooking on server [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been coding an
android based Social Community application with RealTime database solution
which is done by using Volley library to receive and send data from a PHP based server. The issue is I've been facing is my app needs to update recyclerViews on RealTime.
I have dealt with firebase before its quite a nice solution. But for this application I am not allowed to use Firebase. So is there any solution for realTime database sync maintenance using SQL based backend.
Here is the link for parse SDK
Here is the guide for how to use Parse in android
Here is the Tutorial for Integrating Parse in Android
You can use Realm Database with android.Here is the tutorial for how to use Realm In android.
You can use Realm. It's a NoSql local and cloud database, fast and powerful.

Database for an Android App [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hey guys I'm working on an Android App with Android Studio and I need a database like mlab(mongoDB). But Android doesn't support mlab. I can't just use SQLite because my data has to be saved also when my application is not running.
For example if my user signs in, their profile photo and other information should be saved in the database and I also want to code something like a friend request which also should be saved in the database.
I googled so much but I didn't find a good solution.
I hope someone can help me.
You asking about two separate things. mLab is a Database as a Service which uses MongoDB, while SqLite is just a database.
You can save data while your application is not being used with either option, simply look into background Services and other parts of the Android API that allow background tasks.
If you want to save data to a database that is not on the device, you'll need to look into the documentation of the service to determine the best way to interact with your database. In the case of mLab, they allow both custom drivers and a REST API for interacting with your database.

Android Application connecting to an existing database [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on an android application for my institute. I have to connect my app to the existing database of the college, although there is no API written. When I contacted the administration for help then they only handed me a SQL connection string and told me to write the API myself. I want to focus on the application only. Is there any way I can skip the API writing and still connect to the database easily and quickly??
As per my knowledge you cannot access database without using API. You can create your own database in SQLite but it will be local (offline) database.
One more thing, you can migrate database from one platform to another, but you will need an API to access data.

Access global data in iOS/Android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm creating a website with an according app for iOS/Android and I'm doing some research for how I should do everything. I need to be able to post data from the different platforms and I want to access the same data from every platform, kind of like a wall where ypu can write stuff. I'm thinking that the data needs to be stored in a database but how do I access i.e. an SQL database from iOS/Android?
A simple research would've brought you a great tutorial on how to link a MySQL database through PHP to an Android app.
You'll be required the basics of PHP though so you may want to study a bit about that prior to starting.
Take a look at This likely provides what you need without having to set up server with a database, etc. You can access your data on from iOS, Android, your web site, and a number of other platforms should you need to.

How to store MySQL database in Google App Engine Cloud SQL? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Im doing a project in Android in my College. I have a MySql database and i need to move this database in to Google Cloud Sql from accessing from my Android app. HOw can i achieve this?
i have only 3 tables in my database. can any one tell me a step by step procedure to handle this. i saw something from google app engine docs. i can't understand it.
im using servlet.
i need anyones guiding to fix this. Thanks in advance.
Your question is too broad but here are the steps you need to follow:
Create a Cloud SQL account
Import the data and scheme to it (Cloud SQL support import)
Create an AppEngine Application
Allow the AppEngine app id access to the Cloud SQL
Create an application that android can access which talk to your cloud sql

