Minimized video call and shared view with Zoom SDK - android

I'm trying to integrate Zoom SDK meetings in an Android app. I've struggled for a while now with using the custom meeting ui and learning how to use Zoom's video view called MobileRTCVideoView. Here's the interface I would like to create:
What I've tried:
Studied Zoom's sample apps on Github.
Studied Zoom's documentation for customized meeting ui.
Asked on the developer forum.
Read related threads on the developer forum.
However, I still don't understand how to implement it, and would very much appreciate some explanation as to how to use MobileRTCVideoView, and achieving the meeting ui illustrated on the image. The meetings should only hold up to two users at a time.
I initialize the Zoom SDK with API Key and Secret, and use email login. I enable the custom meeting ui with:
I start an instant meeting with:
val meetingService=zoomSDK!!.meetingService
val opts=InstantMeetingOptions()
opts.no_driving_mode = true
opts.no_invite = false
opts.no_meeting_end_message = false
opts.no_titlebar = false
opts.no_bottom_toolbar = false
opts.no_dial_in_via_phone = true
opts.no_dial_out_to_phone = true
opts.no_disconnect_audio = true
I've tried to follow the sample apps by creating another activity for the custom meetings, but apparently the class and the code is not complete:
class CustomMeetingActivity: FragmentActivity() {
private var zoomSDK:ZoomSDK?=null
private var inflater:LayoutInflater?=null
private var normal_view:View?=null
private var video_view:MobileRTCVideoView?=null
private var video_manager:MobileRTCVideoViewManager?=null
private var meeting_service:MeetingService?=null
private var in_meeting_service:InMeetingService?=null
private var share_view:MobileRTCShareView?=null
private var meeting_video_view:FrameLayout?=null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
meeting_service = ZoomSDK.getInstance().meetingService
if(meeting_service==null || in_meeting_service==null){finish();return}
normal_view = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.meeting_content_normal,null)
meeting_video_view = findViewById<View>( as FrameLayout
share_view = findViewById<View>( as MobileRTCShareView
video_view=normal_view!!.findViewById( as MobileRTCVideoView
Added the activity in the manifest:

Solid advice I can give is:
Override or reuse their existing Sample to get started. (Though their sample app looks like it was done in a rush)
Don't user their styles, override their styles and use them.
Scan/Study the MyMeetingActivity. Most of the heavy lifting is done in it already.
Check both of their samples. If you cannot figure out sharedView from MyMeetingActivity, then it looks like you haven't studied hard enough
I have worked a lot on this over the last few weeks. Customized UI is working well. I am looking to make the Gallery view. We have loads of features and functionality that we added and reused. Over all it was a bumpy ride, but still went smooth as I spent time on it.
I don't understand why this question is not yet answered. Unfortunately I am too busy to actually write code out for you, especially since I am not even developing in Kotlin. Sorry. Hope you figure it. If I implement the gallery view, then maybe I can come back and give you some pointers. Good Luck


How to check the current Activity in a UI test

For tests I use Espresso and Barista
I have a test in which I need to open another screen by pressing a button. How can I check if this screen opens? Did the screen I need open?
Can I somehow check the chain of screens? To understand that the screens open in the order I need?
If someone throws links to good tutorials on UI tests in Android, I will be very grateful.
An easy solution would be to just check for an element of the new screen to be shown like this:
If you really want to check out for the current activity that is shown, you could try something like this:
Gather the current activity via InstrumentationRegistry and check for the activity in stage RESUMED.
fun getTopActivity(): Activity? {
InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync {
val resumedActivities = ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry.getInstance().getActivitiesInStage(Stage.RESUMED)
if (resumedActivities.iterator().hasNext()) {
resumedActivities.iterator().next()?.let {
activity = it
return activity
You could then check this in a test like this:
fun checkForActivity() {
val currentActivity = getTopActivity()
assertTrue(currentActivity?.javaClass ==
I personally use intended(hasComponent(, which checks if the last intent was done with a desired activity, set as its component.
I also wrote an extensive Android UI testing tutorial using Espresso + Barista libraries.

How to have widgets outside the app using flutter and kotlin?

I need a way to make a button or a container that can still be visible even when I close the app like so: . But this is just simply impossible in flutter. So what I've been doing is making a platform channel on my app and trying to make the container and button with native components. But I've been using kotlin and do not know much about this programming language. Is there a way for my code to be able to make such widgets?(I would thank you so much if you could edit my full code.)
Full Code:
class FloatingContainer extends StatelessWidget {
static const platform = const MethodChannel('');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container ();
Future<Null> _showNativeView() async {}
package com.example.swipe
import android.os.Bundle
import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
class MainActivity() : FlutterActivity() {
private val CHANNEL = ""
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
MethodChannel(flutterView, CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
This is known as a Draw Over Other apps.
This feature is not available in the iOS probably that's the reason flutter doesn't has this feature or official package for it.
But to achieve this feature in your application you can write up some PlatformChannels.
This permission allow you to draw on top of everything.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
Allows an application to open windows using the type
TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, shown on top of all other applications.
Very few applications should use this permission; these windows are intended
for system-level interaction with the user.
Constant Value: "android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"
This code can also help you out to achieve this.
You can also check out springy-heads library by Flipkart-Incubator too.
Hello in this case you are searching for PlatformChannels You can review the documentation here: or if you want i have a little post about this on my website: (Select your language on the top of the post.)
Apart from restriction that it won't work on IOS, there is a plugin in flutter called System Alert Window, which does the same
It shows Truecaller like overlay window, over all other apps along with callback events

View added programatically not changing visibility after a long time not used

I have a problem I have not yet been able to understand, nor solve.
On my android project, I have a BaseActivity. There, among other functions, I decided to add a function to show or hide a loading view when necessary. It works as intended, but sometimes an error happens.
I will try to raise some important info about my project I think can be useful. My app is integrated with an external login app. I call it when the services I call need to refresh it's token. When the user logs in on the app, it calls a listener and give me back control on mine.
The problem is the next one:
I come to an activity that needs to call a service and I have the token all right, but then I lock the phone. After a long period of time, I unlock the phone and, from the same activity, I call again the service. My activity shows de loader as intended and, as my token is expired, I call the login app from it's SDK.
When I come back to my app, and I call the service I wanted successfully, the app tries to hide the loader. This is where the fail comes, as I can't change the visibility to GONE. I looked for it on the view hierarchy and find it, but with visibility = VISIBLE.
Here is the piece of code from the loader, hope someone can find where I'm making the mistake!
abstract class BaseActivity : DaggerAppCompatActivity(){
// These are the IDS of the Views I'm adding to the activity, so I can track them and change their visibility
var imgLoadingID = -1
var rvLoadingID = -1
fun showLoading() {
// If the views are added I show them
if (imgLoadingID > 0 && rvLoadingID > 0) {
val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(imgLoadingID)
val relativeLayout = findViewById<RelativeLayout>(rvLoadingID)
relativeLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE
imageView.visibility = VISIBLE
imageView.isClickable = false
imageView.isFocusable = false
} else {
// else I create them and show them
val imgLoading = ImageView(this) = View.generateViewId()
imgLoadingID =
val maxpx = CustomUtils.ViewUtils.converIntToDps(65, this)
val relativeLayout = RelativeLayout(this) = View.generateViewId()
rvLoadingID =
var params = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(maxpx, WRAP_CONTENT)
relativeLayout.addView(imgLoading, params)
relativeLayout.background = getDrawable(R.color.pure_white_97)
relativeLayout.isClickable = true
relativeLayout.isFocusable = true
findViewById<ViewGroup>(, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT))
imgLoading.visibility = VISIBLE
// I lock the back button so people don't cancel my requests
esBackPressedBlocked = true
// Here I find the views and change their visibility.
fun hideLoading(){
if(imgLoadingID > 0 && rvLoadingID > 0) {
val imageView = findViewById<ImageView>(imgLoadingID)
val relativeLayout = findViewById<RelativeLayout>(rvLoadingID)
relativeLayout.visibility = View.GONE
imageView.visibility = View.GONE
esBackPressedBlocked = false
I deleted some logs I added to the whole function, but when it fails, it enters on the hideLoading() function, even on the relativeLayout.visibility = View.GONE part.
The function used to be with the Views as an whole object instead of their ids, but I found it more reliable this way, and saving the views instead of their Id's had the same problem.
My main concern is how Android manages my application while the phone is locked for this period of time (the fails happened after 8-10 hours of inactivity). I think something there can be creating this issue. I thought also about the external Login app, since it's sdk is launching their app's intent and calling me from a listener when coming back, but, since my code is being executed, I think Android it's managing my views on an strange way. Or maybe I try to hide the loading view before I'm on the resumed activity... I don't really know.
BTW, I know there are easier solutions on showing a loader, but I wanted to create it the cleanest way. If you have any cleaner approach I'm open to any solution.
If there is anything unclear let me know in the comments, and I hope my English was clear enough to express myself, it's a tricky problem that I can't understand, so it's difficult for me to explain it.

Focus html page or element from a webview with talckback

I have an hybrid app developed with ionic 1.x. When the app loads I am forcing the webview to take the focus from native side with the hope that after some initialization request a survey dialog appear and take the focus it self(When dialog appear I am forcing it to take focus). I am trying to make it work with talkback
The problem is that when you load the app from scratch the dialog is not focused so it is not read, after navigate through the app and come back to the original page then in works as expected, looks like as the user is in fact inside the page things works ok.
Is there any workaround or strategy to solve this particular situation?
Thanks in advance
I don't know if it helps you,
but we use it to focus on specific elements in the web view.
it works in android and ios,
but in android, before every element it read webview.
(if you found a solution for it please let me know)
function putFocus(elementForFocus) {
var $element = $(elementForFocus);
var focusInterval = 10; // ms, time between function calls
var focusTotalRepetitions = 10; // number of repetitions
$element.attr('tabindex', '0');
var focusRepetitions = 0;
var interval = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, focusInterval);

How to import a SpriteFont into MonoGame

I'm porting a simple tetris-like XNA app to Android, using Mono For Android and MonoGame; I have followed the suggested steps in this link and so far, everything compiles well, and no relevant warnings fire up. However, upon loading the contents, a null parameter exception breaks the program at the point below in my program:
protected override void LoadContent() {
// ...
_font = Content.Load<Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1");
// ...
The content root directory is set in the game constructor class:
public Game2 (){
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
Content.RootDirectory = "Assets/Content"; // TEST.
And I have tried several combinations, all to no avail.
I have also tried setting the xnb files as Content as well as Android Assets in the Build Action property; having the linked, copied always, copied only if newer... etc.
Either way, my problem is that I don't really understand WHY and HOW should I do this. I'm rather new to the platform and to XNA as well, so this may very well be a newbie question, but the truth is after several hours banging my head and fists against the monitor/keyboard I feel stuck and need your help.
I have a library that supports variable-width fonts (generated by BMFont) on MonoGame. Unfortunately it is a renderer and so has other code around it. However, the basic idea is very simple. You can take a look at the loader here and the mesh builder (given a string) here. This builder supports fonts that spread characters across multiple pages, too.
Hope this helps!
MonoGame (2.5.1) throws NotImplementedException in ContentManager.Load for SpriteFont type. Have the same not resolved problem. I'm trying not to use DrawString.
For loading textures in Win32 application I use:
Content.RootDirectory = #"../../Content";
var sampleTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sample.png");
You even must not add it to solution.
For Andoind (MonoDroid) application you must add "Content" folder to your solution and set "Andtoid Asset" in "Sample.png" properties.
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
var sampleTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sample.png");
See also:

