I'm trying to write a simple Android application in Kotlin that changes the colors of different Views.
I have the following code to initialize views and click listeners (private lateinit declarations earlier of course):
private fun setListeners()
boxOneText = findViewById(R.id.box_one_text)
boxTwoText = findViewById(R.id.box_two_text)
boxThreeText = findViewById(R.id.box_three_text)
boxFourText = findViewById(R.id.box_four_text)
boxFiveText = findViewById(R.id.box_five_text)
btnRed = findViewById(R.id.button_red)
btnYellow = findViewById(R.id.button_yellow)
btnBlue = findViewById(R.id.button_blue)
val rootLayout = findViewById<View>(R.id.constraint_layout)
// Set click listener for all text views
val views = listOf<View>(boxOneText, boxTwoText, boxThreeText, boxFourText, boxFiveText, rootLayout)
views.map { view -> view.setOnClickListener { makeColored(it) } }
// Set click listener for all buttons
val buttons = listOf(btnRed, btnYellow, btnBlue)
buttons.map { button -> button.setOnClickListener { makeSpecificColor(it, views) } }
The code to set the colors of individual TextViews looks like this, and works (disregard the lockdown_earth entry for box_two, I was playing around with stuff):
private fun makeColored(view: View)
R.id.box_one_text -> view.setBackgroundColor(Color.DKGRAY)
R.id.box_two_text -> view.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.lockdown_earth)
R.id.box_three_text -> view.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE)
R.id.box_four_text -> view.setBackgroundColor(Color.MAGENTA)
R.id.box_five_text -> view.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE)
else -> view.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY)
However, the following code to change the color of all TextViews (including the rootLayout) does not work:
// In this context, view is a Button
private fun makeSpecificColor(view: View, views: List<View>)
// TODO For some reason the id doesn't match??
val color = when(view.id)
R.id.button_yellow -> R.color.my_yellow
R.id.button_red -> R.color.my_red
R.id.button_blue -> R.color.my_blue
else -> R.color.colorPrimary
views.map { it.setBackgroundColor(color) }
As alluded to by my TODO, for some reason the view id is NOT what it was before the clickListener was triggered, and the 'else' is always entered. I have run this in debug mode and the passed ID doesn't match any of the Views I have in the entire app. Is a new ID being assigned somehow? If so, why do the TextViews work with their listener?
Is it due to my usage of map on the buttons list? I have been kinda blindly using that as a replacement for a for loop.
It turned out the issue was that I was using the wrong method to set the background color. Instead of using setBackgroundColor() I needed to use setBackgroundResource().
It's unfortunate the debugger doesn't resolve resource IDs correctly because it sent me down a rabbit hole trying to fix the wrong problem.
Im trying to create an app with a recyclerview, and I am trying to figure out the following code from an android example. Like what is the onClick value they are putting in the first class, and what is the lambda expression for and what does it do? I notice a similar lambda is in the class below it as well. If anyone can please explain the code. Thank you.
class FlowersAdapter(private val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
ListAdapter<Flower, FlowersAdapter.FlowerViewHolder>(FlowerDiffCallback) {
/* ViewHolder for Flower, takes in the inflated view and the onClick behavior. */
class FlowerViewHolder(itemView: View, val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val flowerTextView: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.flower_text)
private val flowerImageView: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.flower_image)
private var currentFlower: Flower? = null
init {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
currentFlower?.let {
/* Bind flower name and image. */
fun bind(flower: Flower) {
currentFlower = flower
flowerTextView.text = flower.name
if (flower.image != null) {
} else {
The onClick parameter has a type of (Flower) -> Unit. That represents a function, which takes a single Flower parameter (in the parentheses) and returns Unit (i.e. "doesn't return anything").
That means that onClick is a function, and you can call it like onClick(someFlower), which is what's happening in that click listener set up in the init block. The naming might make it a little confusing, but it's basically this:
pass in some handler function
set up a click listener on itemView
when itemView is clicked, call the handler function, passing currentFlower
so it's just a way for you to provide some behaviour to handle a flower being clicked. You still need the click listener - that's a thing that operates on a View and handles click interactions. But inside that listener, you can do what you like when the click is detected, and in this case it's running some externally provided function
I'm trying to test a spinner that should display while loading the information from an API.
The problem is that I can't assert the initial state VISIBLE because it disappear too fast when the results are emitted back thus always having a failing test
Expected: (view has effective visibility <VISIBLE> and view.getGlobalVisibleRect() to return non-empty rectangle)
Got: view.getVisibility() was <GONE>
The first attempt using ui-automator
fun displayLoaderWhileFetchingPlaylistDetails() {
val spinner = uiObjectWithId(R.id.playlist_details_loader)
Another variant for the test without ui-automator
fun displayLoaderWhileFetchingPlaylistDetails2() {
isDescendantOfA(withPositionInParent(R.id.playlist_list, 0))
ui-automator helper
fun uiObjectWithId(#IdRes id: Int): UiObject {
val resourceId = getTargetContext().resources.getResourceName(id);
val selector = UiSelector().resourceId(resourceId)
return UiDevice.getInstance(getInstrumentation()).findObject(selector)
private fun observeLoaderState() {
viewModel.playlistLoader.observe(this as LifecycleOwner) { playlistSpinner ->
when (playlistSpinner) {
true -> playlist_details_loader.visibility = View.VISIBLE
else -> playlist_details_loader.visibility = View.GONE
class PlaylistDetailViewModel(
private val repository: PlaylistRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val playlistLoader = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
fun getPlaylistDetails(playlistId: String) = liveData {
.onEach { playlistLoader.postValue(false) }
In Android when you set a View's visibility to GONE the renderer does not draw the View object, so the View practically has no dimensions. The same applies if you call any function that searchs in the UI tree for the View that has visibility set to GONE, and will return no match. If your only goal is to pass the test, my suggestions would be to set the View to INVISIBLE instead of GONE or to change the way you test for that specific layout.
From Android documentation:
View.GONE This view is invisible, and it doesn't take any space for
layout purposes.
View.INVISIBLE This view is invisible, but it still takes up space
for layout purposes.
Is there any difference in these two ways?
I've been using the seond way and it works so far, yet I found the first way upon reading tutorial articles.
class FlowersAdapter(private val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
ListAdapter<Flower, FlowersAdapter.FlowerViewHolder>(FlowerDiffCallback) {
/* ViewHolder for Flower, takes in the inflated view and the onClick behavior. */
class FlowerViewHolder(itemView: View, val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val flowerTextView: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.flower_text)
private val flowerImageView: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.flower_image)
private var currentFlower: Flower? = null
init {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
currentFlower?.let {
/* Bind flower name and image. */
fun bind(flower: Flower) {
currentFlower = flower
flowerTextView.text = flower.name
if (flower.image != null) {
} else {
First way of writing
class FlowerViewHolder(itemView: View) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val flowerTextView: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.flower_text)
private val flowerImageView: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.flower_image)
private var currentFlower: Flower? = null
/* Bind flower name and image. */
fun bind(flower: Flower) {
currentFlower = flower
flowerTextView.text = flower.name
if (flower.image != null) {
} else {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
Second way of writing
Appreicate your time and effort in telling me the differences.
From the perceptive of separation of concern, all the clickListeners are supposed to be handled in the Activity or Fragment and Adapters are meant just to wrap around the items, in your case Flower and present them in a way which can be used by the RecyclerView to display on the screen.
With that being said, the core logic of clickListeners is to be moved out of the bind method into the activity/fragment and that's precisely whats the firstMethod is all about. Matter of fact, I haven't noticed any performance improvement by employing the FirstMethod over the second one yet I insist on using FirstOne because its more of code organizing.
IMHO I feel like the adapter should know nothing about click listeners or any details about the ViewHolder; so I wouldn't pass the callback through the adapter.
I like passing the callback to my ViewHolder but instead of mapping into the init block I do it on the onBind hook from the adapter where I receive the view as a parameter. Also, I pass or update the ViewHolders directly into my Adapters. And then have some generic functions to compute whether the data-set has changed or not.
If you do it like this, you have the benefit that you may build 1 generic adapter and use it elsewhere without really minding how many different types of ViewHolder you may have to implement later on as it is completely agnostic.
So based on what you've provided us I would use the good things of both approaches. Binding the callback into the bind hook and passing the callback through the constructor of the ViewHolder
First: I created a sample project showing this problem. By now I begin to think that this is a bug in either RecyclerView or MotionLayout.
This project is set up a little bit different than what is described below: It uses data binding to toggle between the MotionLayout states. But the outcome is the same. Just play around with toggling the state and swiping between the items. Sooner than later you'll come upon a ViewHolder with the wrong MotionLayout state.
So the main problem is:
ViewHolders outside of the screen are not updated correctly when transition from one MotionLayout state to another.
So here is the problem / What I've found so far:
I am using a RecyclerView.
It has only 1 item type which is a MotionLayout (so every item of the RV is a MotionLayout).
This MotionLayout has 2 states, let's call them State big and State small
All items should always have the same State. So whenever the state is switched for example from big => small then ALL items should be in small from then on.
But what happens is that the state changes to small and most(!) of the items are also updated correctly. But one or two items are always left with the old State. I am pretty sure it has to do with recycled ViewHolders. These steps produce the issue reliably when using the adapter code below (not in the sample project):
swipe from item 1 to the right to item 2
change from big to small
change back from small to big
swipe from item 2 to the left to item 1
=> item 1 is now in the small state, but should be in the big state
Additional findings:
After step 4 if I continue swiping to the left, there comes 1 more item in the small state (probably the recycled ViewHolder from step 4). After that no other item is wrong.
Starting from step 4, I continue swiping for a few items (let's say 10) and then swipe all the way back, no item is in the wrong small state anymore. The faulty recycled ViewHolder seems to be corrected then.
What did I try?
I tried to call notifyDataSetChanged() whenever the transition has completed
I tried keeping a local Set of created ViewHolders to call the transition on them directly
I tried to use data-binding to set the motionProgress to the MotionLayout
I tried to set viewHolder.isRecycable(true|false) to block recycling during the transition
I searched this great in-depth article about RVs for hint what to try next
Anyone had this problem and found a good solution?
Just to avoid confusion: big and small does not indicate that I want to collapse or expand each item! It is just a name for different arrangement of the motionlayouts' children.
class MatchCardAdapter() : DataBindingAdapter<Match>(DiffCallback, clickListener) {
private val viewHolders = ArrayList<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>()
private var direction = Direction.UNDEFINED
fun setMotionProgress(direction: MatchCardViewModel.Direction) {
if (this.direction == direction) return
this.direction = direction
viewHolders.forEach {
private fun updateItemView(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) {
if (viewHolder.adapterPosition >= 0) {
val motionLayout = viewHolder.itemView as MotionLayout
when (direction) {
Direction.TO_END -> motionLayout.transitionToEnd()
Direction.TO_START -> motionLayout.transitionToStart()
Direction.UNDEFINED -> motionLayout.transitionToStart()
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: DataBindingViewHolder<Match>, position: Int) {
val item = getItem(position)
holder.bind(item, clickListener)
val itemView = holder.itemView
if (itemView is MotionLayout) {
if (!viewHolders.contains(holder)) {
override fun onViewRecycled(holder: DataBindingViewHolder<Match>) {
if (holder.adapterPosition >= 0 && viewHolders.contains(holder)) {
I made some progress but this is not a final solution, it has a few quirks to polish. Like the animation from end to start doesn't work properly, it just jumps to the final position.
Some things that I changed but are not relevant to the solution, but help with finding the problem:
made duration 1sec
more items in recycler view
recyclerView.setItemViewCacheSize(0) to try to keep as few unseen items as possible, although if you track it closely you know they tend to stick around
eliminated data binding for handling transitions. Because I don't trust it in view holders in general, I could never make them work without a bad side-effect
upgraded constraint library with implementation "androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-rc1"
Going into details about what made it work better:
all calls to motion layout are done in a post manner
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51929153/when-manually-set-progress-to-motionlayout-it-clear-all-constraints
fun safeRunBlock(block: () -> Unit) {
if (ViewCompat.isLaidOut(motionLayout)) {
} else {
Compared actual vs desired properties
val goalProgress =
if (currentState) 1f
else 0f
val desiredState =
if (currentState) motionLayout.startState
else motionLayout.endState
safeRunBlock {
if (motionLayout.progress != goalProgress) {
if (motionLayout.currentState != desiredState) {
safeRunBlock {
This would be the full class of the partial solution
class DataBindingViewHolder<T>(private val binding: ViewDataBinding) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
val motionLayout: MotionLayout =
.also {
var lastPosition: Int = -1
fun bind(item: T, position: Int, layoutState: Boolean) {
if (position != lastPosition)
"Position=$position lastPosition=$lastPosition - $layoutState "
lastPosition = position
binding.setVariable(BR.item, item)
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51929153/when-manually-set-progress-to-motionlayout-it-clear-all-constraints
fun safeRunBlock(block: () -> Unit) {
if (ViewCompat.isLaidOut(motionLayout)) {
} else {
fun setMotionLayoutState(currentState: Boolean) {
val goalProgress =
if (currentState) 1f
else 0f
safeRunBlock {
if (motionLayout.progress != goalProgress) {
val desiredState =
if (currentState) motionLayout.startState
else motionLayout.endState
if (motionLayout.currentState != desiredState) {
Log.i("Pprogress", "Desired doesn't match at position $lastPosition")
safeRunBlock {
fun startTransition(currentState: Boolean) {
if (currentState) {
} else {
Edit: added constraint layout version
I am implementing a selection mode in ExpandableListView. The selection toggles when I click a child. I have a CheckBox in each parent, from which I want to control the selection of all the children at once.
My problem is that when the parent is collapsed and I click its CheckBox, the app crashes due to null pointer exception because when I try to change the selection of the children, I can't find the children and get null. But everything works fine when the parent is expanded.
So, what is a good approach to tackle such kind of problem?
I solved by adding some lines of code without changing the previous code, so this answer may be helpful for someone who doesn't want to rewrite the code with a different approach.
In the calling Fragment or Activity, where the Adapter is being set, add:
private val isMyGroupExpanded = SparseBooleanArray()
val MyAdapterEV = AdapterEV(/* params */) { isChecked, groupPosition ->
changeSelection(isChecked, groupPosition)
// record which groups are expanded and which are not
MyAdapterEV.setOnGroupExpandListener { i -> isMyGroupExpanded.put(i, true) }
MyAdapterEV.setOnGroupCollapseListener { i -> isMyGroupExpanded.put(i, false) }
// and where changing the selection of child
private fun changeSelection(isChecked: Boolean, groupPosition: Int) {
if (isMyGroupExpanded.get(groupPosition, false)) {
/* change only if the group is expanded */
So, the children of the collapsed group are not affected, but they are needed to be changed when the group expands, for that, add some lines of code in the Adapter:
private val isGroupChecked = SparseBooleanArray()
// inside override fun getGroupView(...
MyCheckBoxView.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked ->
onCheckedChangeListener(isChecked, groupPosition)
isGroupChecked.put(groupPosition, isChecked)
// inside override fun getChildView(...
if (isGroupChecked.contains(groupPosition)) {
myView.visibility = if (isGroupChecked.get(groupPosition)) View.VISIBLE else View.INVISIBLE