Hi I'm trying to update the AdapterList Composable item asynchronously. I put Image as one of the List Item. The image data is downloading from server using coroutine and update the value using state. When I fling the list items, got following error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Asking for measurement result of unmeasured layout modifier
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.getMeasureResult(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:58)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.getMeasuredSize(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:48)
at androidx.ui.core.Placeable.getWidth(Placeable.kt:40)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNode.getWidth(ComponentNodes.kt:841)
at androidx.ui.foundation.ListState.composeAndMeasureNextItem-BTEqjtU(AdapterList.kt:222)
at androidx.ui.foundation.ListState.consumePendingScroll(AdapterList.kt:151)
at androidx.ui.foundation.ListState.access$consumePendingScroll$3(Unknown Source:0)
at androidx.ui.foundation.ListState$ListMeasureBlocks.measure(AdapterList.kt:277)
at androidx.ui.core.InnerPlaceable.performMeasure(InnerPlaceable.kt:43)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.measure(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:99)
at androidx.ui.core.DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.performMeasure(DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.kt:79)
at androidx.ui.core.LayerWrapper.performMeasure(LayerWrapper.kt:52)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.measure(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:99)
at androidx.ui.core.DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.performMeasure(DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.kt:79)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.measure(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:99)
at androidx.ui.core.DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.performMeasure(DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.kt:79)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.measure(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:99)
at androidx.ui.core.DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.performMeasure(DelegatingLayoutNodeWrapper.kt:79)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNodeWrapper.measure(LayoutNodeWrapper.kt:99)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNode$measure$2.invoke(ComponentNodes.kt:1177)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNode$measure$2.invoke(Unknown Source:0)
at androidx.ui.core.ModelObserver.observeReads(ModelObserver.kt:151)
at androidx.ui.core.AndroidComposeView.observeMeasureModelReads(AndroidOwner.kt:487)
at androidx.ui.core.LayoutNode.measure(ComponentNodes.kt:1176)
I've seen this a few times myself with both lists downloading images like you're describing and also lists without any async work being done, but I don't think it's caused by anything we're specifically doing. My impression is that it's just a bug with the current state of Compose.
That being said, AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat is at least one class that handles this error and references an internal Issue Tracker ticket that's indicating it will be fixed in Android R, at least for that instance.
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
// We may get "Asking for measurement result of unmeasured layout modifier" error.
// TODO(b/153198816): check whether we still get this exception when R is in.
There's also an upcoming change in dev11 that updates AdapterList to dispose of compositions scrolled off screen and I'm curious to see how this affects things.
And if you're just curious about where the error is being thrown you can check out LayoutNodeWrapper._measureResult.
This issue is fixed in Compose version 0.1.0-dev14
You can update your compose dependencies to
composeOptions {
kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '0.1.0-dev14'
kotlinCompilerVersion '1.3.70-dev-withExperimentalGoogleExtensions-20200424'
I stumbled upon this issue while trying to solve a case. To summarise, the patient needed complete control over the 'speed' of the scroll. Now, Android's sensible defaults have the item-scroll follow the user's finger at all times, but apparently an un-shared condition/requirement of this patient lead them to want the user scrolling further than the item actually scrolls. So, I suggested, as originally proposed by David in his solution, to disable the user's direct control over the lazy list, and manually scroll it by observing events from a touch detection callback, like the ones provided by the pointerInput(...) Modifier. Hence, the implementation:
fun LazyStack(sdd: Int = 1) { // Scroll-Distance-Divisor
val lazyStackState = rememberLazyListState()
val lazyStackScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
detectVerticalDragGestures { _, dragAmount ->
lazyStackScope.launch {
lazyStackState.scrollBy(-dragAmount / sdd)
state = lazyStackState,
userScrollEnabled = false
) {
items((0..500).map { LoremIpsum(randomInt(5)) }) {
Text(text = it.values.joinToString(" "))
Now, the treatment actually worked, except a .. tiny side-effect, apparently.
You see, the list actually scrolls perfectly as intended for the most part. For example, if I pass the sdd parameter as 2, the scroll distance is reduced to half its original value. But, the side-effect is "snapping".
Apparently while scrolling smoothly through the list, there are certain "points" on both sides of which, the list "snaps", WHILE THE USER HAS THIER INPUT POINTER IN USE (a finger, a mouse, or any other pointers, are actively "holding" the list). Now, this is a point, which, if you cross in either direction, the list snaps, and apparently by the exact same value every single time.
The list above uses Lorem Ipsum as a convention, but perhaps a numbered list would help the diagnose the problem.
So, a synopsis of the symptoms:
There seem to be certain "points" in the list, occurring at inconsistent intervals/positions throughout the list/screen which tend to make the list instantly scroll through a lot of pixels. Once discovered, the points are consistently present and can be used to re-produce the symptom unless recomposed. The value of the "snap" is apparently not returned to be a massive float when continuously logging the value returned by the scrollBy method. This makes the issue untraceable by regular diagnostic techniques, which is why we, the diagnosticians are here.
You have the history, you have the symptoms. Let the differential diagnosis begin.
The snapping behavior is caused by incorrectly used randomInt(5), within a composable. List generation should be inside the viewmodel then there is no regeneration of the list during scrolling and everything works perfectly.
Also using detectVerticalDragGestures does not work as smoothly as my original suggestion of using modfiier.scrollable(...) but maybe that's a desired effect.
I've been messing around with Jetpack Compose and currently looking at different ways of creating/managing/updating State.
The full code I'm referencing is on my github
I have made a list a piece of state 3 different ways and noticed differences in behavior. When the first list button is pressed, it causes all 3 buttons to be recomposed. When either of the other 2 lists are clicked though they log that the list has changed size, update their UI but trigger no recompose of the buttons ?
To clarify my question, why is that when I press the button for the firsList I get the following log messages, along with size updates:
Drawing first DO list button
Drawing List button
Drawing second DO list button
Drawing List button
Drawing third DO list button
Drawing List button
But when I press the buttons for the other 2 lists I only get the size update log messages ?
Size of list is now: 2
Size of list is now: 2
var firstList by remember{mutableStateOf(listOf("a"))}
val secondList: SnapshotStateList<String> = remember{ mutableStateListOf("a") }
val thirdList: MutableList<String> = remember{mutableStateListOf("a")}
Row(...) {
println("Drawing first DO list button")
ListButton(list = firstList){
firstList = firstList.plus("b")
println("Drawing second DO list button")
ListButton(list = secondList){
println("Drawing third DO list button")
ListButton(list = thirdList){
When I click the button, it adds to the list and displays a value. I log what is being re-composed to help see what is happening.
fun ListButton(modifier: Modifier = Modifier,list: List<String>, add: () -> Unit) {
println("Drawing List button")
onClick = {
println("Size of list is now: ${list.size}")
}) {
Column(...) {
Text(text = "List button !")
Text(text = AllAboutStateUtil.alphabet[list.size-1])
I'd appreciate if someone could point me at the right area to look so I can understand this. Thank you for taking the time.
I'm no expert (Well,), but this clearly related to the mutability of the lists in concern. You see, Kotlin treats mutable and immutable lists differently (the reason why ListOf<T> offers no add/delete methods), which means they fundamentally differ in their functionality.
In your first case, your are using the immutable listOf(), which once created, cannot be modified. So, the plus must technically be creating a new list under the hood.
Now, since you are declaring the immutable list in the scope of the parent Composable, when you call plus on it, a new list is created, triggering recompositions in the entire Composable. This is because, as mentioned earlier, you are reading the variable inside the parent Composable's scope, which makes Compose figure that the entire Composable needs to reflect changes in that list object. Hence, the recompositions.
On the other hand, the type of list you use in the other two approaches is a SnapshotStateList<T>, specifically designed for list operations in Compose. Now, when you call its add, or other methods that alter its contents, a new object is not created, but a recomposition signal is sent out (this is not literal, just a way for you to understand). The way internals of recomposition work, SnapshotStateList<T> is designed to only trigger recompositions when an actual content-altering operation takes place, AND when some Composable is reading it's content. Hence, the only place where it triggered a recomposition was the list button that was reading the list size, for logging purposes.
In short, first approach triggers complete recompositions since it uses an immutable list which is re-created upon modification and hence the entire Composable is notified that something it is reading has changed. On the other hand, the other two approaches use the "correct" type of lists, making them behave as expected, i.e., only the direct readers of their CONTENT are notified, and that too, when the content (elements of the list) actually changes.
You didn't mention MutableListDos in your code, but I'm guessing it is the direct parent of the code you provided. So, no, your theory is not entirely correct, as in the immutable list is not being read in the lambda (only), but the moment and the exact scope where you are declaring it, you send the message that this value is being read then and there. Hence, even if you removed the lambda (and modified it from somewhere else somehow), it will still trigger the recompositions. The Row still does have a Composable scope, i.e., it is well able to undergo independent recompositions, but the variable itself is being declared (and hence read) in the parent Composable, outside the scope of the Row, it causes a recomp on the entire parent, not just the Row Composable.
I hope we're clear now.
I have created the following wrap of UiScrollable for android testing:
protected fun UiScrollable.ensureScrolledIntoView(elementToScrollTo: UiObject) {
val elementPresent = scrollIntoView(elementToScrollTo)
if (!elementPresent) {
Assert.fail("Expected element ${elementToScrollTo.selector} not found in scroll view")
I believe the wrapper itself is not the problem, but sometimes the scrollIntoView fails to make the last needed scroll swipe. Best is to demonstrate with example:
Gives the error:
java.lang.AssertionError: Expected element
UiSelector[CLASS=android.widget.LinearLayout, DESCRIPTION=May,
RESOURCE_ID=com.maypackage.android:id/calendar_day_text_view]] not
found in scroll view
And it was, obviously tasked to scroll to May 7th.
The same thing sometimes happens when I search for a date that will be found with up scroll: the method returns just one scroll short and the element is not found.
Has anyone encountered such problem? How to overcome it?
After much more experimentation I found out the issue to be elements on the screen consuming certain scrolling attempts. This is most easily experienced in case of floating buttons, but the situation of the question shows more obscure example of the same. In most cases it turned out that setSwipeDeadZonePercentage on the UiScrollable did the trick for me. This methods tells the scrollable that there is certain area in which no swiping attempts should be made. This solved the issues in cases of overflow buttons. For the more obscure cases I use the method below, which is still not guaranteed to work all the time, but is stable in my cases.
OLD, original answer:
Eventually, after much trials I found out that the framework error is more generic and does not necessary trigger a stop one swipe before the element is in the view. Frankly, I believe the problem is with the unstable behavior of scrollForward method which is used internally in the scrollIntoView method. Eventually I re-wrote my method as follows:
protected fun UiScrollable.ensureScrolledIntoView(elementToScrollTo: UiObject) {
// this method used to use scrollIntoView, but it proved unstable
if (elementToScrollTo.exists()) return
while (scrollBackward()) {
// no body needed
// very complex construct, because scroll forward seems to return false on first call
var consecutiveFailingScrolls = 0
while (consecutiveFailingScrolls < 2) {
if (elementToScrollTo.exists()) return
if (!scrollForward()) {
} else {
consecutiveFailingScrolls = 0
Assert.fail("Expected element ${elementToScrollTo.selector} not found in scroll view")
This is basically trying to address the framework instability and, up to the moment it has not failed me. By the way, I suspect the instability of scrollIntoView manifests only when we are scrolling lazily loading components like recycler views. For the moment I intend to continue using the library methods for non-lazy loading lists and see if more errors are encountered.
My outer RecyclerView crashes either with
IllegalArgumentException: Scrapped or attached views may not be recycled. isScrap:false isAttached:true...
IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
Like the title suggests I have an RecyclerView in the list item layout of the first RecyclerView. This layout is used to display messages and the
inner RecyclerView to display attachments that come with the message. The inner RecyclerViews visibility is set to either GONE or VISIBLE depending whether the message has any attachments or not. The simplified outer list item layout looks like this
And the part of the adapter that handles the inner RecyclerView looks like this
private fun bindFiles(message: Message?) = with(itemView) {
if (message != null && message.attachments.isNotEmpty())
sent_message_attachments.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(this.context,Math.min(message.attachments.size,3))
sent_message_attachments.adapter = AttachmentAdapter(message.attachments)
sent_message_attachments.itemAnimator = null
sent_message_attachments.adapter = null
sent_message_attachments.layoutManager = null
The bug has something to do with the way I fetch the attachments in the inner adapter since once I disable the part that start the download process, everything is fine. There's no problem when loading images from the device, but once I start the download process, everything goes to hell. This is the part that handles images and kicks off the download process in the inner adapter. I have functions for videos and for other file types that are pretty much the same exact thing but use slightly different layout.
private fun bindImage(item: HFile?) = with(itemView) {
if (item != null)
if (item.isOnDevice && !item.path.isNullOrEmpty())
if (item.isGif)
//TODO: Add option to load images manually
{ progress ->
//TODO: Show download process
{ error ->
//TODO: Enable manual retry
{ notifyItemChanged(adapterPosition)} //onComplete
I use the same structure as above in my DiscussionListAdapter to load discussion portraits (profile pictures etc.) and it does not have the same issue.
These are the extensions functions used to inflate the viewHolders and to display the images
fun ViewGroup.inflate(layoutRes: Int): View
return LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(layoutRes, this, false)
fun ImageView.displayGif(file:File){
GlideApp.with(context).asGif().load(file).transforms(CenterCrop(), RoundedCorners(30)).into(this)
fun ImageView.displayImage(file:File){
GlideApp.with(context).load(file).transforms(CenterCrop(), RoundedCorners(30)).into(this)
I've been on this for the past couple of days and just can't get my head around it. Any help in any direction is greatly appreciated. I know my explanations can be a bit all over the place so just ask for clarification when needed :)
I have now been able to produce this with a GridLayout as well as with RecyclerView. It's safe to assume that the nested RecyclerViews were not the culprit here. I even tried to ditch the Rx-piece that handled loading the images and created an IntentService for the process, but the same crashes still occur.
With GridLayout I mean that instead of having another adapter to populate the nested RecyclerView I use only one adapter to populate the message and to inflate and populate views for the attachments as well and to attach those views to the nested GridLayout.
The crash happens when I start to download a file and then scroll the view, that is supposed to show the downloaded file, out of the screen. That view should get recycled but for some reason the download process (which in my test cases only takes around 100ms-400ms) causes the app to throw one of the two errors mentioned in the original question. It might be worth noting that I'm using Realm and the adapter takes in a RealmResults<Message> list as it's dataset. My presenter looks for changes in the list and then notifies the adapter when needed (changed due to the implementation of IntentService).
This is how I'm capable to reproduce this time and time again:
Open a discussion that has messages with attachments
Start to scroll upwards for more messages
Pass a message with an attachment and scroll it off screen while it's still loading
There is no crash if I stop and wait for the download to complete and everything works as intended. The image/video/file gets updated with a proper thumbnail and the app wont crash if I scroll that out of view.
I tried swapping the nested ViewGroup for a single ImageView just to see is the problem within the nestedness. Lo and behold! It still crashes. Now I'm really confused, since the DiscussionListAdapter I mentioned before has the same exact thing in it and that one works like a charm... My search continues. I hope someone, some day will benefit from my agony.
I started to log the parent of every ViewHolder in the onBindViewHolder() function. Like expected I got nulls after nulls after nulls, before the app crashed and spew this out.
04-26 21:54:50.718 27075-27075/com.hailer.hailer.dev D/MsgAdapter: Parent of ViewHolder: android.view.ViewOverlay$OverlayViewGroup{82a9fbc V.E...... .......D 0,0-1440,2168}
There's a method to my madness after all! But this just poses more questions. Why is ViewOverlay used here? As a part of RecyclerView or as a part of the dark magicians plans to deprive me of my sanity?
I went digging into RecyclerViews code to check if I could find a reason for the ViewOverlaymystery. I found out that RecyclerView calls the adapters onCreateViewHolder() function only twice. Both times providing itself as the parent argument for the function. So no luck there... What the hell can cause the item view to have the ViewOverlay as it's parent? The parent is an immutable value, so the only way for the ViewOverlay to be set as the parent, is for something to construct a new ViewHolder and supply the ViewOverlay as the parent object.
Sometimes I amaze myself with my own stupidity. The ViewOverlay is used because the items are being animated. I didn't even consider this to be an option since I've set the itemAnimator for the RecyclerView as null, but for some odd reason that does not work. The items are still being animated and that is causing this whole charade. So what could be the cause of this? (How I chose to ignore the moving items, I do not know, but the animations became very clear when I forced the app to download same picture over and over again and the whole list went haywire.)
My DiscussionInstanceFragment contains the RecyclerView in question and a nested ConstraintLayout that in turn contains an EditText for user input and a send button.
val v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_discussion_instance, container, false)
val lm = LinearLayoutManager(context)
lm.reverseLayout = true
v.disc_instance_messages_list.layoutManager = lm
v.disc_instance_messages_list.itemAnimator = null
v.disc_instance_messages_list.adapter = mPresenter.messageAdapter
This is the piece that handles the initialization of the RecyclerView. I'm most definitely setting the itemAnimator as null, but the animations just wont stop! I've tried setting the animateLayoutChanges xml attribute on the root ConstraintLayout and on the RecyclerView but neither of them worked. It's worth mentioning that I also checked whether the RecyclerView had an itemAnimator in different states of the program, and every time I check the animator, it is null. So what is animating my RecyclerView?!
I have faced the same issue
Try this in your child RecyclerView it works for me
RecyclerView childRC = itemView.findViewById(R.id.cmol_childRC);
layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context);
now set your Adapter like this
ArrayList<Model> childArryList = new ArrayList<>();
ChildOrderAdapter adapter = new ChildOrderAdapter(context, childArryList);
holder.childRC.swapAdapter(adapter, true);
hope this helps
I finally figured out what was causing this. In my DiscussionInstanceView I have a small view that is animated into and out of view with ConstraintLayout keyframe animations. This view only shows the download progress of the chat history and is used only once, when the discussion is first opened. BUT since I had a call to hiding that view every time my dataset got updated, I was forcing the ConstraintLayout to fire of an animation sequence thus making everything animate during the dataset update. I just added a simple check whether I was downloading the history or not and this problem got fixed.
I'm trying to bind a MvxBindableListView in TwoWay mode, for it to update in the View when I Set it's value in the ViewModel (through a Buttons's Click command).
Currently it only updates when the layout is fully loaded at start/tabchange...
The ViewModel is:
public List<MyType> TestList
get { return _testList; }
_testList = value;
The .axml in the View is:
local:MvxItemTemplate="#layout/my_item_layout" />
The way data-binding works is through an interface called INotifyPropertyChanged
What happens in this interface is that the ViewModel sends the View a message whenever a property changes - e.g.
With a list, this doesn't help if the contents of the list itself change - e.g. when the list has an item added or removed.
To solve this, the .Net Mvvm implementation includes another interface INotifyCollectionChanged.
A collection - such as a list - can implement INotifyCollectionChanged in order to let the View know when the contents of the collection change.
For example, the collection might fire events containing hints such as:
everything has changed - NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset
an item has been added - NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add
an item has been removed - NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove
There's a short introduction into this interface about 12:30 into the MvvmCross Xaminar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdiu_dH3z5k
To use this interface for a small in-memory list - e.g. less than 1000 'small' objects - all you have to do is to change your List<T> for an ObservableCollection<T> - the ObservableCollection is a class from the core .Net libraries (from Microsoft or Mono) and it will fire the correct events when you Add/Remove list items.
You can see the source for the Mono ObservableCollection implementation in: https://github.com/mosa/Mono-Class-Libraries/blob/master/mcs/class/System/System.Collections.ObjectModel/ObservableCollection.cs - it is worth taking some time to look at this implementation so that you can understand a bit more about how Mvvm works with INotifyCollectionChanged.
If you use the ObservableCollection class, then your code will become:
private ObservableCollection<MyType> _testList;
public ObservableCollection<MyType> TestList
get { return _testList; }
_testList = value;
// in vNext use RaisePropertyChanged(() => TestList);
local:MvxItemTemplate="#layout/my_item_layout" />
that the binding is OneWay - this means that binding is still only going from ViewModel to View - there are no updates going from View to ViewModel.
that ObservableCollection is designed to be single-threaded - so make sure all changes to the collection are done on the UI thread - not on a worker thread. If you need to, you can marshall work back onto the UI thread using InvokeOnMainThread(() => { /* do work here */ }) in a ViewModel.
that in Android, the way lists work (through the base AdapterView) means that every time you call any update on the ObservableCollection then the UI List will ignore the action hint (Add, Remove, etc) - it will treat every change as a Reset and this will cause the entire list to redraw.
For larger collections - where you don't want all the items in memory at the same time - you may need to implement some data-store backed list yourself.
There is a brief example of one simple sqlite data-backed store in https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/vnext/Sample%20-%20SimpleDialogBinding/SimpleDroidSql.Core/DatabaseBackedObservableCollection.cs
This virtualizing of collection data is common in WP and WPF apps - e.g. see questions and answers like Is listbox virtualized by default in WP7 Mango?
We just found a workaround for this that works for us!!
NOTE: Adding and removing from the list updates the view with the new/removed item. However any changes to the state of the existing items were not reflected.
SOLUTION: We cleared our list and re-added the items to the ViewModel property with the updated state. Calling raisepropertychanged then mimics a two-way bind behavior. Essentially it was removing all values and re-adding all values.