IMA SDK black screen before load ads in Android - android

I am using IMA SDK in android after ad request it is showing a black screen for a few seconds then load ads immediately.
After debugging the code and inspecting element I found after requesting ads the ima SDK loads a surface view over a player with that black screen.
I want if ad load then only show surface view not before they load surface view.


React native video delay after every scroll in swiper component

I am developing react native app. We have tab like youtube shorts. We are using a Google cloud storage. The issue is in my short videos screen. Before starting the video white screen showing and images also loading slowly. Delay time is 3 to 4 seconds. How can I achieve to play videos like youtube shorts without delay after every video scrolling.
Thank you in advance. Means a lot.

How to autoplay Google native ads without having to click play button and remove default controls in android studio

I have implemented native ads in my app on recylerview playing videos automatically. I need video ads to autoplay so as to blend with the experience of my app and I want to remove the default play pause and mute button from the native ads video. I have tried to use after populating adview but didn't work. I have also tried setCustomControlsRequested(true) in my video ads options but the same controls are still there. Please what am I doing wrong?

Facebook interstitial video ad crashes my app

I am able to video Facebook interstitial image ads successfully but app crashes with video sound and blank screen while displaying video interstitial ad.
I mean sometimes I am unable to video the video but I can hear the sound and then app crashes immediately.
Try clearing cache from the app in app settings this trick might work.

admob video interstitial adds are not displayed full screen in android
I am displaying admob's video add in my app but some ads comes only in half screen I have searched and tried a lot and i i am loading this interstitial properly but some video ads displays in half screen only not all time but some times

Video ads using Google admob in android

How to get video ads using admob in Android? When I tried everything seems to be working fine however I am getting a full screen image not a video.
You don't have control over what type of content is sent for an interstitial. It is up to the ad network. I suspect you are unlikely to receive video ads unless you have a very high number of requests.

