I have three fragments in the MainActivity, i.e Home, Search and More. On backpressed in the More and Search fragments, I want to go to the Home fragment irrespective of the Backstack.
Implement a navigation component and use a global action to move back to the main fragment.
For more info, have a look at Android's latest documentation on Navigation Components
You must implement an intention among the fragments within onBackStack (this if you made the FragmentManager correctly), where whenever pressed, the new intent that will be opened will be from Fragment Home, don't forget to clean the previous intent with
intent.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
intent.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
You can override onbackpress and navigate to home fragment.
Code for overriding backpress from fragment
val callback: OnBackPressedCallback =
object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
// Your code here
requireActivity().onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(viewLifecycleOwner, callback)
I have two fragments; HomeFragment & NextFragment and I go to the next one with a button from the base fragment. Then via back press I want to go back to the first one, however I end up at the apps home screen. A solution
.addCallback(viewLifecycleOwner, object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
was given here but it did not work. I am using ViewPager2 and saw that the home fragment is destroyed when I go to the next one. How can I solve the problem?
I am working on android application that contains five fragment on an activity, What I want is as the fragment 1 is opened and I back-press it comes to Main fragment and same as I press back-press from fragment 5 it also comes to Main fragment.
and When I press on Backpress from MainFragment, the App should Exit.
I have Gone through this link Link
and I have also added the Dispatcher but It not met my requirement.
Like I am always opening each fragment like this
private fun ShowQRCodeFragment() {
val newFragment: Fragment = QrCodeScanningFragment()
val transaction1: FragmentTransaction = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
transaction1.replace(R.id.frameLayout, newFragment)
Updated the transaction
private fun FunctionNewSettings() {
val newFragment: Fragment = CustomSettingsFragment()
val transaction1: FragmentTransaction = supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
transaction1.replace(R.id.frameLayout, newFragment)
You should use addToBackStack() while fragment transaction. This will allow you to go to the previous fragment on back-press.
For the app exit case, check if the current fragment is MainFragment with the help of fragment tag and calling fragmentmanager.popBackStack() or super.onBackPressed() accordingly.
In MainFragment, use
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
val callback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(
true // default to enabled
) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
this, // LifecycleOwner
In another fragments, use
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
val callback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(
true // default to enabled
) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
for (i in 0 until (requireActivity() as FragmentActivity).supportFragmentManager.backStackEntryCount) {
this, // LifecycleOwner
if u want to go back to the previous fragment first use
and if you want to exit the app/activity by using onBackPressed from activity then in MainFragment use
if you want to finish the activity from Fragment use
You can also replace existing fragment when user clicks Back button using
fragmentTransaction.replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag)
Override onBackPressed() method inside your activity.
override fun onBackPressed() {
val count = supportFragmentManager.backStackEntryCount
if (count > 1) {
repeat(count - 1) { supportFragmentManager.popBackStack() }
} else {
You don't need to mess around with the back button behaviour if you're just switching fragments around, and you shouldn't need to pop the backstack either.
The backstack is just a history, like the back button on your browser. You start with some initial state, like an empty container layout. There's no history before this (nothing on the backstack), so if you hit back now, it will back out of the Activity completely.
If you start a fragment transaction where you add a new fragment to that container, you can use addToBackStack to create a new "step" in the history. So it becomes
empty container -> added fragment
and if you hit back it takes a step back (pops the most recent state off the stack)
empty container
if you don't use addToBackStack, the change replaces the current state on the top of the stack
(with addToBackStack)
empty container -> fragmentA -> fragmentB
(without it)
empty container -> fragmentB
so usually you'll skip adding to the backstack when you add your first fragment, since you don't want an earlier step with the empty container - you want to replace that state
empty container
(add mainFragment without adding the transaction to the backstack)
and now when you're at that first state showing mainFragment, the back button will back out of the activity
So addToBackStack makes changes that are added to the history, and you can step back through each change. Skipping it basically alters the last change instead of making a new one. You can think of it like adding to the backstack is going down a level, so when you hit back you go back up to the previous level. Skipping the add keeps you on the same level, and just changes what you're looking at - hitting back still takes you up a level.
So you can use this to organise the "path" the back button takes, by adding new steps to the stack or changing the current one. If you can write out the stack you want, where the back button takes you back a step each time, you can create it!
One last thing - addToBackStack takes a String? argument, which is usually null, but you can pass in a label for the step you're adding. This allows you to pop the backstack all the way back to a certain point in the history, which is like when a browser lets you jump to the previous site in the history, and not just the last page.
So you can add a name for the transaction, like "show subfragment" when you're adding your first subfragment on top of mainFragment, meaning you can use popBackstack with that label to jump straight to the initial mainFragment state, where the next back press exits the activity. This is way more convenient than popping each step off the backstack, and keeping track of how many you need to do - you can just jump back in the history to a defined point
I have 2 fragment call CreateRoomFragment and DisplayPhotoFragment,the navigation graph is look like this:
android:label="Create a room"
app:destination="#id/roomFragment" />
app:destination="#id/displayPhotoFragment" />
tools:layout="#layout/fragment_display_photo" >
<argument android:name="bitmap"
So when I wanna to move from CreateRoomFragment to DisplayPhotoFragment,I use the do as below:
NavDirections action = CreateRoomFragmentDirections.actionCreateRoomFragmentToDisplayPhotoFragment(selectedPhoto);
Doing this,I can navigate to DisplayPhotoFragment.
But when I press back button of the device and also the Back arrow from the toolbar,it cant go back to CreateRoomFragment.
I tried this,but still unable to back to previous fragment:
new OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
public void handleOnBackPressed() {
navController.navigateUp(); //I tried this
navController.popBackStack(R.id.createRoomFragment,false); //and also this
Main Problem now:
By using the code above,the screen didnt go back to previous Fragment(CreateRoomFragment).It still stuck in DisplayPhotoFragment,but at the same time,an API method in CreateRoomFragment onViewCreated section is being called.
What causing this? and how can I solve this problem?
I had the same problem. For me the issue was that I was using a LiveData boolean to decide when to go to the next fragment. When I then navigated back/up the boolean was still true so it would automatically navigate forward again.
Android maintains a back stack that contains the destinations you've visited. The first destination of your app is placed on the stack when the user opens the app. Each call to the navigate() method puts another destination on top of the stack. Tapping Up or Back calls the NavController.navigateUp() and NavController.popBackStack() methods, respectively, to remove (or pop) the top destination off of the stack.
NavController.popBackStack() returns a boolean indicating whether it successfully popped back to another destination. The most common case when this returns false is when you manually pop the start destination of your graph.
When the method returns false, NavController.getCurrentDestination() returns null. You are responsible for either navigating to a new destination or handling the pop by calling finish() on your Activity.
When navigating using an action, you can optionally pop additional destinations off of the back stack by using popUpTo and popUpToInclusive parameter of the action.
class MyFragment : Fragment() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val onBackPressedCallback = object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
if (true == conditionForCustomAction) {
} else NavHostFragment.findNavController(this#MyFragment).navigateUp();
this, onBackPressedCallback
The best solution for handling navigation using live data is to use the SingleLiveEvent.
You can always use this class which is an extension of MutableLiveData.
For a detail run down of this check:
Had a similar issue. We still have multiple activities with nav component.
So imagine activity A -> activity B, activity B has its own nav and fragments. When the initial fragment tries to pop the back stack there is nowhere to pop back to and the nav controller does not know to finish the activity. So one solution I found was to do
if (!findNavController().popBackStack()) activity?.finish()
If nav controller can not pop back it will finish activity.
You can use MutableSharedFlow instead on MutableLiveData if you want to observe the Event only once.
in your viewModel:
private val _events = MutableSharedFlow<Event>()
val events = _events.asSharedFlow() // read-only public view
suspend fun postEvent() {
_events.emit(event) // suspends until subscribers receive it
In your Activity/Fragment class:
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {
viewModel.events.collect {
This will prevent observing data continuously when going back to fragment.
Current situation:
There is only one activity called MainActivity.
MainActivity maintains the NavHostFragment.
There is a WebViewFragment which embeded a WebView inside.
Thera are many other fragment controlled by NavHostFragment.
What troubles me:
I can forward web pages inside WebView, but when I press back to go back inside the WebView, the NavController handle's it, pop the fragment away.
Since the WebView is inside a fragment not an activity, which means there is not method called onBackPressed() to override.
See NavigationBasicSample#github
See Getting start with Navigation#android developer home
As far as I understand, you need a way to handle onBackPressed on your fragment, right? With NavigationComponent you can do it like this, in your onViewCreated:
requireActivity().onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(viewLifecycleOwner, object : OnBackPressedCallback(true) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
if (mWebView.canGoBack()) {
} else {
findNavController().popBackStack(R.id.dest, false)
add a new fragment and inside that place your WebView ,using navigation editor navigate from WebViewFragment to new fragment ,in the right hand side of navigation editor you can see an option to backstack option to manage .
code lab has example https://codelabs.developers.google.com/handling-gesture-back-navigation#5 you need onBackPressedDispatcher which need to be enabled and disabled.
you can use mWeb.goBack(); to goBack to the previous page or for returning back.
I have Two fragment. SecondFragment and ThirdFragment. Actually I use the Navigation Component for passing value between fragments. Like this:
val action = SecondFragmentDirections.action_secondFragment_to_thirdFragment().setValue(1)
Here is how I read the value from the ThirdFragment:
arguments?.let {
val args = ThirdFragmentArgs.fromBundle(it)
thirdTextView.text = args.value.toString()
It's work fine. Now my stack is look like this:
There is any option for pass value from the opened ThirdFragment to the previous SecondFragment with the new Navigation Component? (When ThirdFragment is finishing)
I know about onActivityResult, but If Nav.Component serve better solution than I want use that.
Thank you!
It's a bit late for this answer but someone may find it useful. In the updated versions of the navigation component library it is now possible to pass data while navigating back.
Suppose the stack is like this
FragmentA --> FragmentB.
We are currently now in FragmentB and we want to pass data when we go back to FragmentA.
Inside FragmentAwe can create an observer with a key:
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val navController = findNavController()
// Instead of String any types of data can be used
?.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
Then inside FragmentB if we change its value by accessing previous back stack entry it will be propagated to FragmentA and observer will be notified.
val navController = findNavController()
navController.previousBackStackEntry?.savedStateHandle?.set("key", "value that needs to be passed")
Just came across setFragmentResult(), pretty easy to use. The docs on this are here.
If you are navigating: Fragment A -> Fragment B -> Fragment A
Add this to fragment A:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setFragmentResultListener("requestKey") { requestKey, bundle ->
shouldUpdate = bundle.getBoolean("bundleKey")
Then in fragment B add this line of code:
setFragmentResult("requestKey", bundleOf("bundleKey" to "value to pass back"))
// navigate back toFragment A
When you navigate back to fragment A the listener will trigger and you'll be able to get the data in the bundle out.
What you are asking for is an anti-pattern. You should either
navigate to the second fragment again with the new values you would like to set
use the third fragment ins a separate activity and start it with startActivityForResult()
use a ViewModel or some kind of singleton pattern to hold on to your data (make sure you clear the data after you no longer need it)
these are some of the patterns that came to my mind. Hope it helps.
As described here:
When navigating using an action, you can optionally pop additional destinations off of the back stack. For example, if your app has an initial login flow, once a user has logged in, you should pop all of the login-related destinations off of the back stack so that the Back button doesn't take users back into the login flow.
To pop destinations when navigating from one destination to another, add an app:popUpTo attribute to the associated element. app:popUpTo tells the Navigation library to pop some destinations off of the back stack as part of the call to navigate(). The attribute value is the ID of the most recent destination that should remain on the stack.