Palette API returning negative values? - android

So I have to use the palette API in this app I am building to dynamically change the status bar color and when I pass the value I get to the method to change the status bar color of the app crashes with a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown color
I am formatting it correctly regardless by adding the requires "#" in front of the number and also passing it as a String but the app still crashes.
This is the code snippet I used to do it.
object: ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback(){
override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {
var headerImage : Int? = null
0 -> headerImage = R.drawable.character
1 -> headerImage = R.drawable.planets
2 -> headerImage = R.drawable.films
3 -> headerImage = R.drawable.species
4 -> headerImage = R.drawable.vehicles
5 -> headerImage = R.drawable.starships
if (headerImage != null) {
val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, headerImage)
Palette.from(bitmap).generate {
val paletteColor: Int? = it?.getDarkVibrantColor(R.color.colorPrimaryDark)
Log.e("MainFragment", "#${paletteColor}")
(activity as MainActivity).updateStatusBarColor("#${paletteColor.toString()}")
This is the activity function that I run
open fun updateStatusBarColor(color: String?) {
val window: Window = window
window.statusBarColor = Color.parseColor(color)
Added a log call to know what the output was, and I got values like which were negative
I don't why the values are negative or if they can be, I assumed they where hex values and passed them , but they still don't work.

Color are stored as 32-bit integers on Android, as explained in the Color ints documentation. If the most significant bit is 1, the value is interpreted negative because the integer is signed. However interpreting it as signed makes no sense in the context of colors. In fact, all values that can be taken by an integer are valid colors.
Here's two solutions for fixing your logging statment:
"#${(paletteColor.toLong() and 0xFFFFFFFF).toString(16)}". Increase the bit width of your color and apply 32-bit mask so the most significant bit is 0 and value appears as positive.
"#${paletteColor.toUInt().toString(16)}". Use an unsigned integer. (requires having experimental unsigned numbers compiler option in Kotlin)
I prefer the first one.
For actually changing the color, I don't know if you realized what you're here: you're getting a color int, converting it to a string, then parsing it back to the original int! Why add an unnecessary step? Just use the int returned from getDarkVibrantColor to update window.statusBarColor.


Create list/array of Textviews to change .text via index

So I was hoping to make a list/array of textviews so that I can iterate a loop and set the .text value of the TextViews as I go. Otherwise I would have to set the values in the code statically which would be a whole lot messier and potentially not even feasible for my needs.
So in the code below the idea would be to iterate the loop and when the correct value is confirmed that [index] would then set the corresponding
var refillToken : Double = (0).toDouble()
var tweetStored : BooleanArray = BooleanArray(20)
var tweetActive : BooleanArray = BooleanArray(20)
var userID: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf("")
var textViewToken = 0
while (refillToken > 0) {
var token: Int = 0
while (token < (tweetStored.size)) {
if (tweetStored[token] == true) {
tweetActive[token] = true
textView[textViewToken].text = userID[token]
if (refillToken < 0) {
I know my loop is probably messy by sane people standards but it makes sense to me and (hopefully) isn't the issue at play. Have found a few articles or ideas searching for the past two hours but they're either 10 years old (and I think deprecated), for java or don't work for whatever reason.
You need to get a value and then add it to the textview and change this value after every action on the page.
Use variable assignment for this task

How can I prevent repeating numbers in a random range operator Kotlin?

I have an app in which gives you a certain photo based on an integer being fetched via
class RandomImageLogic(){
fun retrive(): Int{
return (1..9).random()
However, it is not professional to have a repeated outcome, as I desire a random integer to be fetched each time I call the function in order for the image to be different each time my button is pressed. How can I fetch a new random integer whenever the button calls the function?
The easy way is to pass in the last random number you received and filter it out.
fun retrive(except: Int): Int{
return ((1..9).filter {it != except}).random();
In your case, this method might not be called extremely often (only when the user clicks a button).
If this method was to be called more often, filter on an IntRange should be used with care (as proposed in #avalerio's answer).
This iterates the whole range (unnecessarily costing time) and it would create a temporary ArrayList on every call (creating unnecessary garbage and triggering the garbage collector more often than needed).
Here is a sample object NonRepeatingRandom (you can also implement it as a class if you wish). retrieve (which has been expanded with a max parameter and basic sanity checks) recursivly calls itself again if the same number would be generated twice in a row:
object NonRepeatingRandom {
private var previous = -1
fun retrieve(max : Int = 9): Int {
if(max < 0) {
error("Only positive numbers")
if(max <= 1) {
// There is nothing random about 0 or 1, do not check against previous, just return
previous = max
return max
val rand = (1..9).random()
return if(rand == previous) {
retrieve(max) // recursive call if two subsequent retrieve() calls would return the same number
} else {
previous = rand // remember last random number
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
repeat(1000) {
I made a quick-and-dirty performance test, calling my "recursive" method 10 million times and calling the "filter" method 10 million times.
Recursive: 125 ms (10 mio calls)
Filter: 864 ms (10 mio calls)
Pre-fill & random shuffle approach:
class RandomIntIterator(
private val range: IntRange
) : Iterator<Int> {
private lateinit var iterator: Iterator<Int>
init { randomize() }
fun randomize() {
iterator = range.shuffled().iterator()
override fun hasNext() = iterator.hasNext()
override fun next() =
val rnd = RandomIntIterator(1..9)
// on button click
if (rnd.hasNext()) {
val num =
// use num
} else {
// renew (if needed)
I like using Sequences to generate unending streams of values.
In this case we'll have to write custom code, as checking for repeated values is a stateful operation, and while Sequences has a distinct() stateful filter, it applies to all generated values - we only want it to apply to a limited window.
class RandomImageLogic(
private val random: Random,
/** The number of sequential values that must be distinct */
noRepeatsLimit: Int = 2
) {
private val sourceValues: List<Int> = (0..9).toList()
private fun nextValue(vararg exclusions: Int): Int =
(sourceValues - exclusions.asList()).random(random)
private val randomInts: Iterator<Int> =
// the initial value just has one random int
val next = nextValue()
}) { previousValues ->
// generate the next value, excluding previous values
val nextValue = nextValue(*previousValues.toIntArray())
// limit the size of previousValues, if necessary
if (previousValues.size >= noRepeatsLimit)
// add the generated value to the beginning of the deque
.map {
// convert the Sequence to a list of ints,
// each element is the first item in the deque
fun retrieve(): Int {
Let's write a test first, to make sure our solution works. Kotest has a specific property based testing subproject, and this will let us cover a wide range of test cases very quickly.
So, I ran through the setup, and started setting up the test case.
Seeding RandomImageLogic
First I modified the RandomImageLogic class so that the random selection could be seeded with a provided Random.
import kotlin.random.Random
class RandomImageLogic(private val random: Random) {
fun retrieve(): Int {
return (1..9).random(random = random)
This will help us to create a Generator for the RandomImageLogic.
Testing all values
Now we can use Kotest to write a property-based test that will assert "for all sequential values, they are different"
class RandomImageLogicTest: FunSpec({
// This generator will create a new instance of `RandomImageLogic`
// and generate two sequential values.
val sequentialValuesArb = arbitrary { rs ->
val randomImageLogic = RandomImageLogic(rs.random)
val firstValue = randomImageLogic.retrieve()
val secondValue = randomImageLogic.retrieve()
firstValue to secondValue
test("expect sequential values are different") {
forAll(sequentialValuesArb) { (firstValue, secondValue) ->
firstValue != secondValue
Of course, the test fails.
Property failed after 4 attempts
Arg 0: (1, 1)
Repeat this test by using seed 1210584330919845105
Caused by org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
So let's fix it!
Generating Sequences
As I said earlier, I really like Sequences. They're perfect for this use-case, where we have an infinite source of values.
To demonstrate how to make a Sequence, let's convert the existing code, and use an Iterator to fetch values.
class RandomImageLogic(private val random: Random) {
private val randomInts =
// generate a sequence using values from this lambda
generateSequence { (1..9).random(random = random) }
// use an iterator to fetch values
fun retrieve(): Int {
This hasn't solved the problem yet - the Sequence only generates and provides one value at a time and so cannot do any filtering. Fortunately generateSequence() has an variant with nextFunction: (T) -> T?, where we can determine the next value based on the previous value.
If we use this constructor, and do a bit of refactoring to share the source values, and a util method to generate a next value while filtering out previous values...
private val sourceValues: List<Int> = (0..9).toList()
private fun nextValue(vararg exclusions: Int): Int =
(sourceValues - exclusions.asList()).random(random)
private val randomInts: Iterator<Int> =
generateSequence({ nextValue() }) { previousValue ->
and now if we run the test, it passes!
Test Duration Result
expect sequential values are different 0.077s passed
Improvement: more than two distinct sequential values
What happens if you don't just want two sequential values to be distinct, but 3? Or even more? Let's make the 'no-repeated-values' limit configurable, and I think this will demonstrate why Sequences are a good solution.
class RandomImageLogic(
private val random: Random,
/** The number of sequential values that must be distinct */
noRepeatsLimit: Int = 2
) {
// ...
Once again, let's write a test to make sure things work as expected.
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldHaveSize
import io.kotest.matchers.collections.shouldNotContainDuplicates
import kotlin.random.Random
class RandomImageLogicTest : FunSpec({
test("expect arbitrary sequential values are different") {
checkAll(, { seed, noRepeatsLimit->
val randomImageLogic = RandomImageLogic(Random(seed), noRepeatsLimit)
val result = List(noRepeatsLimit) { randomImageLogic.retrieve() }
withClue("Result: $result") {
result shouldHaveSize noRepeatsLimit
And of course the test fails.
Property test failed for inputs
0) -459964888
1) 5
Caused by java.lang.AssertionError: Result: [3, 8, 0, 2, 8]
Collection should not contain duplicates
There's lots of options to make a Sequence stateful - again let's just look at one.
Sequence of values
Instead of a sequence of individual values, we can have a sequence where each element is a list of not only the current value, but also previously seen values.
Let's use ArrayDeque to store these values, because it's easy to add and remove values from the start and end.
Again, we use the same generateSequence constructor with a seedFunction and nextFunction - except this time each element is deque which stores all values, and in nextFunction we add new values to the start of the deque, trimming it if it's larger than the window size noRepeatsLimit
private val randomInts: Iterator<Int> =
// the initial value just has one random int
val next = nextValue()
}) { previousValues ->
// generate the next value, excluding previous values
val nextValue = nextValue(*previousValues.toIntArray())
// limit the size of previousValues, if necessary
if (previousValues.size >= noRepeatsLimit)
// add the generated value to the beginning of the deque
.map {
// convert the Sequence to a list of ints,
// each element is the first item in the deque
And yup, the test passes!
Test Duration Result
expect arbitrary sequential values are different 0.210s passed
Storing state
It's important to think about how state will be stored. 'State' is required by RandomImageLogic to know whether a generated value is distinct.
In the Sequence implementation, it's stored internally, and so is specifically associated with an instance of RandomImageLogic. Maybe your application only has one instance of RandomImageLogic at any one time, in which case the state will always be up to date and will be shared between all invocations.
But what happens if there's more than one instance of RandomImageLogic? Or if there's multi-threading? Or if the RandomImageLogic instance is recreated?
The answers to these depend on the implementation and situation. From your question I suspect that it's not critically important that images never repeat, but I bring this up because it is important to think about.

Is there any way to create a textview with different color or with different styles in kotlin

I was learning DataStore in android development and in my project user will write a name in first activity.
and when user clicks button goes to second activity and my problem starts here:
but i want to show it like these photos:
or like this photo
I mean i want to make name colorful,but not in order,randomly
what i have tried:
i tried to take my name string to foreach but i could not change char colors my opinion was in foreach loop give any random color to every char but i could not.
then i tried SpannableStringBuilder and i get the result and these are my codes:
var random = Random()
var number1 = random.nextInt(value?.length?.minus(1) !! )
var number2 = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
random.ints(number1,value?.length !!).findFirst().asInt
} else {
val spannableString = SpannableStringBuilder(value)
number1,number2, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
textViewName.text = spannableString
i use just red color now but if i can make it randomly,i can make with other colors.
i hope you understand my problem and thanks for helping.
Since you have already figured out how to apply span to a specific character, for random colors you can simply make a list of colors as follows
val colorList = arrayListOf(Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.BLACK)
and so on and while you are assigning the span you can simply go like this
val randomColor = colorList.random()
number1,number2, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)

Kotlin float number with 2 decimals to string without precision loss

In Android-Kotlin I am getting float number from backend (for example num = 10000000.47)
When I try to String.format it and add that number in my balanceTextview it shows it with exponent (something like 1.0E10).
I want to show number normally without exponent and with 2 decimals. (Without presicion loss!)
Tried to use DecimalFormat("#.##") but it didn't help me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
num = 10000000.47f
val dec = DecimalFormat("#.##")
var result = dec.format(num)
my result is: 10000000
It losts my decimal places
The issue is your number type. According to the documentation:
For variables initialized with fractional numbers, the compiler infers the Double type. To explicitly specify the Float type for a value, add the suffix f or F. If such a value contains more than 6-7 decimal digits, it will be rounded.
With an example that shows how information may get lost:
val pi = 3.14 // Double
val e = 2.7182818284 // Double
val eFloat = 2.7182818284f // Float, actual value is 2.7182817
If the value is specified as Double instead of Float, i.e.
val num = 10000000.47
instead of
val num = 10000000.47f
then your approach works as expected, but could be shortened to:
(note that the shorter version will also print "100" as "100.00" which is different from your approach but potentially still desired behaviour)
If you receive a Float from the backend then the information is already lost on your side. Otherwise you should be able to fix the issue by improved parsing.
The extension function format is only available in the JVM. In Kotlin/native, you can use this instead:
fun Float.toPrecision(precision: Int) =
fun Double.toPrecision(precision: Int) =
if (precision < 1) {
} else {
val p = 10.0.pow(precision)
val v = (abs(this) * p).roundToInt()
val i = floor(v / p)
var f = "${floor(v - (i * p)).toInt()}"
while (f.length < precision) f = "0$f"
val s = if (this < 0) "-" else ""

FileChannel.truncate(...) method truncates at wrong position

I am using the FileChannel.truncate() method to remove the last part of a file, from the text "metadata" until the end:
override fun truncate(file: File) {
val fileAsText = FileUtils.readFileToString(file, Charset.defaultCharset())
val metadataPosition = fileAsText.indexOf("metadata")
val channel = FileOutputStream(file, true).channel
While debugging I can see that the variable metadataPosition has a certain value, which is correct when checking it in the fileAsText String. Note that the "metadata" text only appears once in the file. However, when the channel.truncate(metadataPosition.toLong()) line is executed, the truncation is performed in a previous position and the file is smaller than expected, losing some of the information.
I have no clue about the reason for this, what could it be?

