Android sdkmanager tool was found, but failed to run - android

I'm trying to use flutter on Android Studio. I have the flutter plugin installed on Android Studio and when i try to create a new flutter project it behaves normally, in the sense of it lets me write the project name, the flutter sdk path and so on. But when i click on finish absolutely nothing happens. I just see the Android Studio Welcome page where i can create new Projects. So i figured I'd see what flutter doctor -v has to say about it and it gives me these errors:
So i try to find a solution by typing : flutter doctor --android-licenses but i get another error:
And yes i have set the PATH variable and i have installed Android SDK Tools.
I tried everything but nothing seems to do the job.
Any help would be appreciated.

if you are using windows OS, backup your data, reinstall windows..remember to choose option to keep your files and application..after finish..check updates and update windows..
then run flutter doctor --android-licenses


Android Sdk manager not found- Flutter doctor error

I installed flutter and it was working fine but after updating it to recent version, flutter is not able to find the android sdk manager. I've tried running flutter doctor and tried to install android licenses but the error "Android Sdkmanager not found is shown". I've attached the image of my command prompt here.
Here's what I've already tried but didn't worked...
I had cmd tools installed in my android studio, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it.
Changed path settings, added my sdk path to environment variables.
Also added cmd tool path to system variables.
Deleting the cmd tools and downloading it from android studio official site and pasting it into the sdk manager folder.
Changing the sdk path to the sdk manager folder path in command prompt.
Running command prompt as administrator.
I've attached the image of command prompt with 'flutter doctor -v' here
I've tried almost everything I found on google but nothing seems to solve my problem. I don't know what should I do next and I'm stuck in it from two days.
Here's the flutter doctor --android-licenses -v image
Please help, Thanks.
First, make sure to follow the official documentation step by step to install and set up Android SDK for Windows (Maybe uninstall first everything from before to remove any kind of conflict that exist). Also, don't install the Command line tools only and include it to PATH (Remove every related Android SDK PATH or even other environment variables that are still there too). The recommended way is inside the Android Studio in Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> Android SDK -> SDK Tools and select Android SDK Command-line Tools.
Second, make sure you restart the command prompt for the changes to take effect. For example, changing PATH doesn't update the running processes. So, just restart the ones that need the new configurations. Sometimes even restart the entire system so every process has the updated configurations.
And then try again to accept the licenses:
flutter doctor --android-licenses
I found the solution to my problem stated above, the android sdkmanager.bat file was getting deleted automatically by an antivirus named "SAntivirus". I uninstalled the file from my program files and it worked. Now my flutter doctor is working fine and accepted all the licenses. Thank you all for your support.
you should install the android sdk command line tools in sdk tools on your android studio ( uncheck the hid obselute pacakges ).

Android Studio (not installed) in flutter in linux mint

I installed flutter and android studio following the steps in the flutter official page. I did it a month ago and then I used flutter doctor and I did not get any problems back then.
Now I tried again but I keep getting those errors
I have Android Studio installed (version 4.1)
If you are not installing android studio into the recommended location. Then you need to link it back for Flutter doctor to find it.
I install android studio to my home dir "/home/{$USER}/android-studio"
The quick and dirty way is cd into your "/opt" folder then symlink it
$ cd /opt
$ sudo ln -s /home/me/android-studio android-studio
Then run flutter doctor (or with a -v to see more detail) you should able to see it finds it.
First of all, run the command as said flutter doctor --android-licenses.
It will show you the licenses and you just have to type Y in the command line to accept them.
Secondly,it seems can't find Android Studio. If you have that, I suggest you to uninstall and re-install it clearly. Of course you should also install the Flutter plugin in Android Studio.
When everything is done just use flutter doctor. The last warning "Connected device" is going to be visible until you don't use an emulator or connect via USB debugging your phone.
With regards to Flutter not being able to find Android Studio: I had the same issue since upgrading to Android Studio 4.1 a couple of days ago. Since I use VS Code it didn't bother me too much. However yesterday I received an update notification from Flutter and after the update the problem went away.

I have just Installed Flutter, Android Studio, and VS CODE, but I just cant get flutter doctor to eliminate the following error-

I also ran the command flutter doctor --android -licenses but still it shows the error displayed in the image.
I also tried to install android sdk obsolete package from within Android Studio but the package is pre-installed.
What shall I do?
Please Help me, - thanks
Delete android studio permanently and config folder in "User" folder in C:\ . and Delete "SDK" and reinstall Android studio. it probably solve problem

Why I am getting this Program 'flutter.bat' failed to run: The system cannot find the file specifiedAt line:1 char:1

I am trying to create a flutter application in Visual Studio code which raising the above error.
Sound to me like you have not installed flutter SDK properly or VS code is having problems finding the SDk path. it can be any of those things.
it seems you have not accepted all android licenses. try reinstalling android SDK and make sure to accept all android licenses.
then run
flutter doctor
and see if it passes all checks
Since you have installed Flutter for the first time, you need to accept Android License to start building with Flutter.
To accept the license,
Open the terminal
Type flutter doctor --android-licenses
Press y to accept every license.
This may be because your cmd.exe file located in system32 has been corrupted or lost. Try to get the cmd.exe file from another system and paste it into the desired location then execute if there is a flutter in your system or not.
This has solved the problem in my case.

Problem setting up flutter using command-line tools

I'd like to use vscode as my main editor for flutter development. I successfully setup the commandline tools (v6200805) and created a virtual device using avdmanager. I was also able to launch the device using the flutter emulators -launch command. However on using flutter doctor command, flutter does not recognize the sdk path. The latest version of the commandline tools follows a different file structure as compared to the previous version.
Also, I configured flutter to know the dir of Android sdk path using
flutter config — -android-sdk E:\IDEs\Android\cmdline-tools\ but to no luck.
How do i work around this problem?
Error shown by flutter doctor

