Can i use 2 different firebase project with the same package name? - android

I have a project available in I realized that i didn't migrated this project to Firebase.
I have accidentally created a new Firebase project one year ago, and used this in production.
Now, i realized some of third party libraries(for using analytics) use the google project number of the project which is available in Thus i MUST now migrate my application available in to Firebase. I migrated it. So there are 2 Firebase projects which has the same package name in my account. I cannot delete neither of them because both of them is used in prod. I used google-services.json of the firebase project which i migrated from however Firebase integration is unsuccesfull.
Is there a restriction for using 2 different firebase project with same package name?


Configure multiple firebase project for a single flutter app

I'm developing a flutter app, which needs at least 2 projects for 2 different environments (development and production). My flutter app is already bound to a project, and when I tried creating another firebase project and adding the flutter app to the new project, after filling the package name and SHA, it says that OAuth2 client already exists for this package name and SHA-1 in another project, which probably refers to my first project. I'm a bit confused as to how should I start configuring the second project, I've tried going to the Firebase documentation, but the guide for android application starts with google-services.json which is only available to download after an application has been added to a firebase project. Any help would be greatly appreciated :D

Connect an android studio proyect to another firebase account

I have an android app in android studio that is connected to my personal firebase account. Now i need to move, transfer or connect it to another firebase account, that is a client's property. How can i do it please?
Just replace the google-services.json.
Delete your personal google-service.json from the android project
Delete the project from the firebase console as well if you want to keep the same package name.
Create a new Firebase project using client account and add updated google-service.json in android project.

How to view, modify database of a existing firebase android project from firebase console/android studio from a different google account?

I have a firebase android project which I had created long back. I have lost the details of the google account which was integrated to and not able to retrieve it. Right now, I tried to connect the project to the firebase with a different google account by changing the google-services.json file and rebuilt the project in the android studio where the build is successful.
I was wondering if there is a way to view, modify and change the existing database structure using the firebase console/android studio.
How to view, retrieve, modify database/DB structure of an existing firebase android project from firebase console/android studio from a different google account?
Is there a way to view the firebase database in android studio? Any references, guidelines will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
There are no tools for working with Firebase project data in Android Studio. You have to use the Firebase web console, or build your own tools.

No clients were able to be added to your Firebase project

I recently released an Android App on the playstore this app is currently linked with both Google's Admob and Google's firebase for analytics, after a while I started working on an update that includes FIREBASE NOTIFICATIONS when I tried to connect firebase to the project I got this error:
No clients were able to be added to your Firebase project for the following reasons:
An app with this package name and SHA1 is already connected to a Google project. If you have used a Google API previously, please select that project in the Connect to an existing project list.
Client Package Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Client SHA1: [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
How to fix this without loosing my previous analytics stats ?
You Should Use The existing App And Include Feature For Push Notifications at Firebase console or firebase assistant in studio
As you are creating a new project in firebase assistant for push notifications but you have aldready added this app for another services it Wont use two firebase projects for Single application so Make Sure You Are Going With The Past Project which you have done for admob and then go to cloud messaging amd enable it then you will successfully connect
If any errors again i can Help
Thank you
And If You Created Aldready you can import that project into previous project but make sure that you use same firebase account
Use this link to know about importing projects

Android firebase and google integration

services.json file . First I download it for google integration and second is for firebase integration. Now I'm confused to use which one. Both are having different client ids.How can have single google-services.json and use it for both firebase and google integration?
What I would recommend, if you have access to the Google project but not the developer's console, is to access the Firebase Console, click "Import Google Project", and select your existing project.
This will create a new Firebase project that integrates with your existing Google project, in theory allowing you to use the same API keys, and by extension, the same "google-services.json" file.

