Make user interaction inactive while progress bar is visible - android

In a dialog fragment , when i use a progress bar (not progress dialog) I want to complete a task and then allow user interaction. It can be achieved with progress dialog by using setCancelable(false) , but how to do it with progress bar ?
(Since, getWindow() function doesn't work inside a dialog fragment).
Thank you in advance :)

I would not recommend you doing that since the idea of progress bar is to show the user that something is going on but it should not have anything to do with the fact that they can interact with the screen. (That's one of the reasons why ProgressDialog was deprecated, to encourage not to block the UI when something is loading).
Besides that, answering your question, getWindow can be called from the activity, you can retrieve the activity in your dialog fragment using either requireActivity().getWindow() or getActicity().getWindow() and set the params accordingly to disable user action.

You can simply add isLoading boolean flag, and forbid all interactions while that flag is true, and after the work is done, set that flag to false


Android indeterminate progress bar between activities

How to get an indeterminate progress bar between two activities, I mean, I'm in activity A, show the progress bar, while the progress bar is showing, a new activity B is started and in this activity B I want to close the progress bar. Thank you.
You can't do it that way. An Activity is what holds everything on the screen for your application. If you are "inbetween" two activities then you have no way to control what is on the screen.
You need to put the progress bar into ActivityB, and make it visible by default, then when you are done loading your data make it invisible with
If your ActivityB is taking a long time to load before showing any Views then it is an indication that you are doing some loading work on the Main thread, that you should isntead be doing in the background, and updating the Views once loading is complete.
There is no reason to do so. Starting a new activity is a very fast process, almost instant (unless you onPause method takes very long), so the progress bar will never be shown.
That being said, there is a hacky way to get a progress bar to be shown between activities
you call ProgressActivity(that you create) from ActivityA then after waiting for some time (delayed runnable) you call ActivityB. This does nothing constructive and should not be used.

Dialog with outside touchable

In an android application, I want to display a Dialog on screen and in the same time to allow user to click on the application's UI when the the Dialog is open
can this be done?
if no, what can I use instead of Dialog?
I don't think you can do this with Dialog. But you can do it with PopupWindow using PopupWindow.setOutsideTouchable(true);.
Showing up a dialog over your Activity, will make your Activity go into onPause() so you won't be able to actually handle things inside that activity anymore until the dialog is dismissed.
If you want to have some view, overlay your original activities view you'll be looking for into the direction of FrameViews, which can overlap other Views.

Android Darken Screen and show Progress

I am uploading/downloading some data in my application using AsyncTask. What I want is that, when the AsyncTask is running, the whole screen should get dimmed/disabled and a ProgressBar would be shown in the middle of the screen as long as the task is running.
Something like this
Any ideas / suggestions are most welcome.
Really need to implement it in my application!
the default "Dialog" theme does just that. You can do this
launch a new activity with the Dialog theme
the xml of that activity must have no background image/colour
show your dialog in the new activity
finish the activity, when the dialog is dismissed acc to your program logic
in the picture the dialogue is a Dialogue Activity. You can search on Goolge how to implement dialogue Activity :)

Android: Dismissing a dialog before displaying another

My application displays alert dialogs in some cases. Also, it is possible for a user to launch my application using the VIEW/SEND intent. The scenario I am considering is, the dialog is visible, the user presses 'Home' & selects my application to View/Share a file.
I would want to dismiss the dialog before beginning with the view/share operation. Although I can maintain which dialog is visible and hide it before the operation begins, I was wondering if there is a conventional/recommended way or API, something like activity.dismissAnyVisibleDialog() that can come in handy.
Thanks a lot,
I finally myself maintained which dialog is visible & dismissed it before displaying the next one.
Just close the dialog in the onPause() method (override in your activity).
This way it will be dismissed when the activity is no longer visible i.e if you switch to the home screen.

Is there a way to onCreateOptionsMenus() continue "listening" while a Progress Dialog is showing?

The Title is almost the entire question but i'll complement it with some things :
-(1) I have a AsyncTask for get some data from Internet
-(2) I have a AsyncTask for display a Progress Dialog
Before call (1) , I execute (2) and when task (2) ends I call dialog.dimiss(). All is doing right , but while the Progress Bar is showing the Menu Button stay unresponsiveness, ie , nothing happens...
I would like to know if it is the default behavior or i missing something ?
I'm looking for it and did found anything that clear me about it..
Aprecciate any advice
You mean to say that while the dialog is showing, pressing the hard menu button does not bring up the menu. Did I get it right?
If so, then I see the same behavior as you. But according to this:
For example, when a dialog is open,
the Menu key reveals the options menu
defined for the Activity and the
volume keys modify the audio stream
used by the Activity.
So I would expect that the menu button should still work even if the dialog is showing, but based on my experience, it does not.
After the dialog is dismissed, the menu button should work again.
onCreateOptionsMenu is meant to prepare the dialog. Once it is shown and in use it is no longer being prepared and thus use of the dialog is then handled in onOptionsItemSelected.

