When i am running my emulator it constantly giving me the error to unable to locate adb files however they are already stored in the sub folder. I also downloaded the files separately and then replaced them but it didn't work too.. please help me with this..
Ensure you are connected to the internet, run and see what happens
When trying to run my device emulator on Android Studio, a pop-up appears:
Previously, I had gotten the error 'Unable to locate adb', but after replacing the default platform_tools folder with the
official version, this pop-up now replaced the last one. I don't think this is a problem with my installation, as I've uninstalled and reinstalled Android Studio and the flutter-sdk several times, each attempt met with the unable to locate adb error, then this one. Could it be the way I'm unzipping a certain file? I'm grasping at straws here.
Are there any fixes for this? To be honest, I'm not even sure where to start. I haven't seen any other page that describes getting this error while trying to launch an emulator.
Thank you for your time!
Edit: Error description in plain-text:
EventQueue.isDispatchThread()=false Toolkit.getEventQueue()=com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue#2c5cc720
Current thread: Thread[ApplicationImpl pooled thread 4,4,Idea Thread Group] 1175604479
SystemEventQueueThread: Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,Idea Thread Group] 1657237134
I've tried to create a new device and wipe the data on my current one, but that just results in the unable to locate adb pop-up again (I don't have an antivirus like Avaast enabled by the way), and I am absolutely certain that adb.exe is in my file-path (C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe). I have uninstalled and reinstalled platform-tools from the SDK-manager multiple times, each instance being met with this same error. I cannot run any flutter program, on any emulator. I have not yet tried with a regular Android Studio project. Any ideas?
so, i'm still not sure why the EventQueue error is showing, but what I do know is that the unable to locate adb is a negligible pop-up if you know for certain that adb.exe is in your file-directory. My issue was that I didn't have enough memory to run the emulator on my machine, so be sure to have plenty of room while developing apps (~11 gigs while using Android Studio and flutter-sdk)! That's all, it certainly was a strange experience working through it.
In my case, what helped, was to just restart an emulator.
I am trying to install the application using ADB. I am getting an error for file path. I checked many times and the path is correct. All other functions I am able to do using ADB like restarting, checking versions etc. but not able to install.
Can anyone help me with that?
make sure that you have not set the path to
and change to
increasing the timeout period
trying kill server and start server commands
restarting avd
recreating avd
restarting the application
restarting the system
I'm still getting :
Failed to install DataAttach.apk on device 'emulator-5554': device not found
com.android.ddmlib.InstallException: device not found
Launch canceled!
What can be done in this case?
I'm running this app on Emulator (Android version 4.0)
Apps doesn't have any issues as far as code is concerned. Still they are showing error about device not found exception.
I was also getting the same error, but to my surprise the application was installed correctly and I could launch the application. I am sending this reply just to let you know guys if you want to check and see if your application was actually installed along with this error.
Using Project->clean option before run solved the problem for me.
This has to be sorted out by manually installing the apk through adb command prompt.
After navigating to tools folder from comand prompt,use
adb install DataAttach.apk
(where DataAttach refers to package name, as in my case package name is DataAttach.apk)
I have gone through the all the trick mentioned here. But it was not successfull.
After that I restarted my device and everything started working. I dont know the exact error but this trick helped me to resolve the issue.
If you're using a real device (not emulator) then try uninstalling the existing .apk from the device then re-run. This solved the error message for me.
Cleaning my project helped me to solve this problem.
I have created a sample Hello World program in android it was working fine till now. But suddenly I found that my application cannot run in emulator. I have tried with 2.1, 2.2 2.3 emulators. I found the following issue
Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed
I have checked in the menationed path adb is present there. Also If I double click that file I can execute the adb.
I've encountered a similar error. I have no explanation why but I may be able to help you out.
Exit out of eclipse (I assume that's what you're using).
Open task manager.
Go to the Processes tab.
Kill the process adb.exe.
Restart eclipse and see if that fixes it.
Are you using Eclipse? Try to go to Preference an update your sdk location. Click browse and locate it again.
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition and Eclipse 3.5 with the Android plugin. Every time I create a new project and try to publish it, I get an error like this:
[2010-02-15 22:48:10 - EPG3]Uploading EPG3.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2010-02-15 22:48:15 - EPG3]Failed to upload EPG3.apk on device 'emulator-5554'
[2010-02-15 22:48:15 - EPG3]java.io.IOException: Unable to upload file: timeout
[2010-02-15 22:48:15 - EPG3]Launch canceled!
The emulator is working perfectly, adb can see it, I can even logcat from it, but it can't push or pull anything from it. Nothing appears in logcat to suggest the emulator even received any command. It doesn't matter if I have the Firewall on or off, or if I try invoking adb install to bypass the plugin. Nothing works even with a blank app.
Any ideas?
Not sure if this helps but I had the same exception when I tried uploading a project to the device and fixed it by increasing the value of "adb connection time out (ms)"
PC: (eclipse -> window -> settings -> android -> ddms)
MAC: (eclipse -> preferences -> android -> ddms)
I was pretty pissed at myself that it took me so long to find the setting so I thought I'd share.
I just ran into this error. To resolve it, I deleted my .apk file and built the project again. Voila! Upload works now.
Isnt this a problem with resources loading? Tried all the hello examples without problems, now the first with drawables and now I/O problem as you had.
I think its the reason that in the example they speak of a drawable folder, but in my default project structur there are 3 drawable folders.
Keep on debugging ;)
I got this error about every 30-40 compilations. I don't how, but this solution work for me.
Go to bin/ folder and rename your EPG3-debug.apk file to EPG3.apk (if you are using debug mode) or EPG3-release.apk to EPG3.apk (in Run mode), return to Eclipse, now you can Debug/Run your application. This should "unchoke" this whole situation, so you can make changes in your code and next time Debug/Run program normally (until you get this error once again, then you must repeat this tip).
See this question — Windows 7 and Android don't seem to get on so well initially it seems: Failed to parse the output of 'adb version'?
Are you able to telnet to localhost 5037? That's where the adb server listens for incoming connections from adb clients.
Did you try to add the path of the tools directory to your system PATH as described here ?