Replacement for BUILD_BROKEN_PHONY and phony-rebuild in android R - android

i am trying to build android R but getting the following error in the kernel makefile
kernel/exynos/ error: writing to readonly directory: "/data/home/sumkumar/work/workspace/R/out/../out/target/product/**/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/arch/arm64/boot/Image"
this was handled in Android Q by using the flag "BUILD_BROKEN_PHONY_TARGETS=true" but in R this is depreciated hence cannot use the same.
after looking at following link given for phony rules changes from google for android R
i have updated my Makefile as follows by removing the "../" in the erronous path and past the previous error ,
but now i am getting errors with phony-rebuild as mentioned below
kernel/exynos/ error: real file "out/target/product/**/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config" depends on PHONY target "phony-rebuild"
14:21:04 ckati failed with: exit status 1
i understood as phony targets are always dirty hence every file will be rebuild which depends on that phony, but in my case this rebuilding is required .
Attaching a snap of the file depicting the same
.PHONY: phony-rebuild
$(KERNEL_CONFIG): phony-rebuild
$(show) echo "make $(KERNEL_DEFCONFIG)"
Please let me know if there is any way to avoid using phony-rebuild and replace it with an alternate mechanism.


Hello-Jni on Windows, Android NDK - No such file

I have tried scouring the Internet and StackOverflow (too many articles to count) but cannot find assistance that is all of these things:
More recent than 2013
Does not require Cygwin if developing
on Windows
Is geared to Android Studio, NOT Eclipse.
I am diving head first into Android development for the very first time and the project I have newly joined depends on developing with the NDK. I've been reading the docs that come with the NDK but have run into a stone wall with this sample.
I am trying to build hello-jni, the sample project within the NDK. Here is my environment:
Android Studio 1.4 (most up to date, stable version currently available)
NDK version: r10e
OS: Windows 7
Contents of file:
APP_ABI := all64 // Came with 'all', read somewhere on SO that it
// should be 'all64'. Result is the same.
Contents of file:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := hello-jni
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.c
My PATH environment variable includes a path to my NDK root folder and to \prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin (because I read on one of many articles that it should.) When I navigate to the hello-jni root folder though, and call ndk-build, I am only presented with errors.
c:\NDK\android-ndk-r10e\build\core\ c:/NDK/android-ndk-r10e/build/core/build/core/ No such file or directory
c:\NDK\android-ndk-r10e\build\core\ \ No such file or directory
c:\NDK\android-ndk-r10e\build\core\ \ No such file or directory
c:\NDK\android-ndk-r10e\build\core\ \ No such file or directory
make.exe: *** No rule to make target `\'. Stop.
If anything else is required for people to assist me, say the word I will provide what I can. All help will be greatly appreciated.
Most of the articles of I've seen for Windows mention Cygwin, but according to the docs, it isn't needed. If this is incorrect, please correct me?
Except from \android-ndk-r10e\docs\Programmers_Guide\html\md_3__key__topics__building__s_t_a_n_d_a_l_o_n_e-_t_o_o_l_c_h_a_i_n.html
Windows support
The Windows binaries do not depend on Cygwin. The good news is that they are thus faster, the bad news is that they do not understand the Cygwin path specification like /cygdrive/c/foo/bar (instead of C:/foo/bar).
The NDK build system ensures that all paths passed to the compiler from Cygwin are automatically translated, and deals with other horrors for you. If you have a custom build system, you may need to deal with the problem yourself.
I can't take the credit for this answer, a coworker kindly sleuthed it out for me. When he found the answer, I demanded to know what else he had done, because clearly I must have missed some magic? I only saw him switch two lines in a make file, there had to be more? Alas, no. This alone was the source of my woe.
While I'm hesitant to call it an error within the NDK because I don't know how it works with Cygwin, neither of us can understand how this has ever worked for anyone building in native Windows, as the line I will be referencing is recorded in the git repository as being added back in 2011 or 2010. ( )
To aid explanation, here is the first line of my error again:
c:\NDK\android-ndk-r10e\build\core\ c:/NDK/android-ndk-r10e/build/core/build/core/ No such file or directory
The first file that is unable to found is, which of course doesn't exist because build/core should not be repeated.
The command that begins the build, ndk-build.cmd, calls build\core\ to begin the process. Inside this file the environment variable, NDK_ROOT, is recreated upon entry. Whatever my NDK_ROOT is, is irrelevant.
NDK_ROOT := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
NDK_ROOT := $(strip $(NDK_ROOT:%build/core/=%))
NDK_ROOT := $(subst \,/,$(NDK_ROOT))
NDK_ROOT := $(NDK_ROOT:%/=%)
The second line strips the end of the current directory (the build/core/) from the end of my new NDK_ROOT, because the true root should be the parent directory of build and because it will be added back later to find all those 'missing' files. That's fine, except note the forward-slashes (/) used in the search. Windows does not use (or in my experience at least, usually does not return) forward-slashes, though it will often parse them if that is what it's given. (When changing directories, for example, I've found either to be acceptable as long as I already know where I need to go. Tab completion does not seem to function if my path ends with a /.)
Oh, but look at the third line (added way back in 2011)! A substitution is made of every backslash (\) in NDK_ROOT, replaced with forward-slash (/). So the replacement of build/core/ should go off without a hitch, right? Problem: it's too late.
The strip call has already occurred and if the NDK_ROOT received a path with backslashes instead of forward-slashes, build/core/ is never found and stripped from the variable. How did my coworker fix it? Easy. He switched the lines around:
NDK_ROOT := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
NDK_ROOT := $(subst \,/,$(NDK_ROOT))
NDK_ROOT := $(strip $(NDK_ROOT:%build/core/=%))
NDK_ROOT := $(NDK_ROOT:%/=%)
My hello-jni project now builds, along with Teapot, another sample from the NDK, which I tried just to be sure. And so does native-audio, native-codec, native-media, and More Teapots. Haven't tried to run them yet... but I have no build errors.
I don't know if this fix will break Cygwin users, I don't have that on my box. I also don't know if it would break Linux environments because I don't have Linux on my box. But this may help native Windows users, and I hope so, because I uselessly beat my head on this for 3 or 4 days and read more SO articles than I ever care to at once.
Using a windows machine I encountered this error but it was saying the : No such file or directory. After I looked at the ndk-build.cmd in the directory
the file looks like this
#echo off
set NDK_ROOT=%~dp0\..
set PREBUILT_PATH=%NDK_ROOT%\prebuilt\windows-x86_64
if exist %PREBUILT_PATH% goto FOUND
set PREBUILT_PATH=%NDK_ROOT%\prebuilt\windows
"%PREBUILT_PATH%\bin\make.exe" -f "%NDK_ROOT%\build\core\" SHELL=cmd %*
But you will also find the same file name under directory
and the file looks like this
#echo off
%~dp0\build\ndk-build.cmd %*
remove the second line so it looks like this with only 1 line echo off
#echo off
This file is called and messes up the Windows directory structure. After that I was able to compile on windows. Also I had issues with the project using a space in the directory so move your project location to directories without spaces.

Building AOSP master branch fails in Mac OSX

I am trying to build the master branch of AOSP, but it fails with following error:
host C++: validatekeymaps <= frameworks/base/tools/validatekeymaps/Main.cpp
In file included from frameworks/base/tools/validatekeymaps/Main.cpp:17:
In file included from frameworks/native/include/input/KeyCharacterMap.h:26:
In file included from frameworks/native/include/input/Input.h:25:
system/core/include/utils/Vector.h:20:10: fatal error: 'new' file not found
#include <new>
1 error generated.
make: *** [out/host/darwin-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/validatekeymaps_intermediates/Main.o] Error 1
Does anyone has any idea on this? Where the "new" file should present? How would I solve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe is a clang error. clang does not need .h header extensions. I wouldn't bet my life on it but I will suggest updating your host clang to the newest or newer version. It is definitely a host problem. I've seen it before, but don't remember all, plus I'm on Ubuntu and don't build AOSP. I do see a recent change added -Werror now into system/core so try doing a Host clang update... even if you already have that file, an update may fix HOST include paths.
One more thought. Try: echo $(HOST_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)
If you don't get a location you may have a clang which is too new... my reason/reference:
# gcc location for clang; to be updated when clang is updated
# HOST_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT is a Darwin-specific define

andengine compileReleaseNdk error

I want to use andengine in my android studio project but I have ndk error while building.
Error:Execution failed for task ':andEngine:compileReleaseNdk'.
> Failed to run command:
D:\Android\android-ndk-r9d\ndk-build.cmd NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\ APP_PLATFORM=android-19 NDK_OUT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj NDK_LIBS_OUT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\lib APP_ABI=all
Error Code:
D:/Android/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/andengine_shared/D_\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\src\main\jni\src\GLES20Fix.o: in function Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glVertexAttribPointer:GLES20Fix.c(.text.Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glVertexAttribPointer+0x40): error: undefined reference to 'glVertexAttribPointer'
D:/Android/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/andengine_shared/D_\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\src\main\jni\src\GLES20Fix.o: in function Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glDrawElements:GLES20Fix.c(.text.Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glDrawElements+0x30): error: undefined reference to 'glDrawElements'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make.exe: *** [D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/] Error 1
I suppose I'm missing some OpenGL files?
The Android Gradle plugin's NDK task does not actually use any file that you may have provided in your jni/ folder. This was a great source of confusion for me until I figured that out.
It generates a intermediate file during the build, based on parameters that you have set in your Gradle build script and on the content of your jni/ folder.
You can see this for yourself by inspecting the source for its NdkCompile task at
Note the writeMakeFile(...) method on line 126.
This is why the error you are getting from the ndk-build command that runs as part of your Gradle build references the build script APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\, not something like APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\src\main\jni\ as you might expect and want it to.
There is no way of getting the Android Gradle plugin's NDK task to use your own file (believe me if there was I would have found it!).
You have two options for getting your NDK code compiling as part of Gradle:
Figure out the correct configuration to put in your build.gradle so that the generated file contains the required LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv2 line and any of the other lines from that are required.
Write a custom NDK compile task that uses the AndEnginge's file directly. I've recently had to do this myself for an NDK source set that requires more parameters than the Android Gradle plugin currently supports passing via Gradle, so it if comes to this I can provide help.
I think in this case option 1 is open and so of course the preferable solution.
Something like this added to the android defaultConfig block should work:
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
moduleName "myNDKModule"
stl "stlport_shared"
ldLibs "lGLESv2"
cFlags "-Werror"
Unfortunately I am very much not a C/native code expert (I know practically nothing) so cannot guess whether AndEngine needs LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME and LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES to be set to build correctly. If it does, you'll need to go with approach 2 (at least until if/when the Android Gradle NDK task supports configuring them). Though I have just checked out the AndEngine git repo and successfully run ndk-build after having removed them from its file, which is promising.
(I found which NDK properties can be parametrised via inspection of
I had a similar issue, and this video helped me to fix the build issues. Basically, you need to download (and extract) NDK from here: and specify the NDK location in Module Settings. Also, you need to alter the andEngine's build.gradle file to include
jni.srcDirs = []
} actually includes the line?
These errors indicate it.
error: undefined reference to 'glVertexAttribPointer'
error: undefined reference to 'glDrawElements'

Android OpenCV shared library build error

When I build as static library, the source code builds well in Android JellyBean 4.1.2 using the mm command. But when I try to build the opencv folder under android/external/opencv as static library, with the following changes in android/external/opencv/
- LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libcxcore libcv libcvaux libcvml libcvhighgui
+ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libcxcore libcv libcvaux libcvml libcvhighgui
I get the following error:
android/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6.x-google/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: internal error in thumb_branch_common, at /tmp/android-8532/src/build/../binutils/binutils-2.21/gold/
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [out/target/product/mydevice/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libcxcore_intermediates/LINKED/] Error 1
Any idea on how to fix this error?
Thanks in advance.
,,, arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: internal error in thumb_branch_common,
at /tmp/android-8532/src/build/../binutils/binutils-2.21/gold/
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Any idea on how to fix this error?
In Binutils, file, Line 4148 there was an Internal Error (in Binutils).
Try newer Binutils (or older) or fix the Bug and submit the Patch.
You can also switch to a different Toolchain (using a different Binutils) and
try that. Sometimes Compiler switches will alter the operation enough to avoid
the Bug.
There is a CHANCE that simply altering the order of the Function in the Source File
of the Code you are compiling (NOT gold/, that is where the Compiler Bug is,
change YOUR Source) and that Binutils will read the newly ordered Code differently
and thus avoid the Binutils Bug.
It is also possible that the Code you are linking (the .o Files) was corrupted
either on Disk or by a Bug in the Compiler, or that it is for the wrong endian
(etc.) and that is not being detected.
PS: Thumb-2 Code (in the Compiler's Toolchain) is not Bug free (as you noticed).
See here for some People working on a fix:
... and this is what they came up with:

Problems compiling avahi into Android NDK project

Over the last few days I've been having a difficult time trying to build avahi into a static or shared library for use with an existing Android NDK project.
We have a few games in the App and Play stores and my task is to get multiplayer working in the Android versions.
Specifically the task involves replacing the Bonjour component so that these games can connect to each other via zeroconf.
Research seemed to indicate that avahi is the lib that we're looking for, but at this point I'm open to anything that will work!
I'm hoping that someone here can either help me get avahi compiling or suggest another more appropriate (and easier to install) lib.
Project uses android-ndk-r8b and is being built on OSX 10.7.4 using command line (not eclipse)
Got the latest Avahi source from here:
homebrewed all the necessary libs to get ./configure to run without errors.
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --disable-static --disable-mono --disable-monodoc --disable-gdbm --disable-libdaemon --disable-nls --disable-gtk --disable-gtk3 --disable-python --disable-qt3 --disable-qt4 --enable-core-docs --with-distro=none
./configure runs with no apparent red flags.
make results in this compile error:
socket.c: In function 'ipv6_pktinfo':
socket.c:271: warning: unused variable 'yes' [-Wunused-variable]
socket.c:270: warning: unused parameter 'fd' [-Wunused-parameter]
socket.c: In function 'avahi_send_dns_packet_ipv6':
socket.c:609: error: 'IPV6_PKTINFO' undeclared (first use in this function)
socket.c:609: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
socket.c:609: error: for each function it appears in.)
socket.c: In function 'avahi_recv_dns_packet_ipv6':
socket.c:869: error: 'IPV6_HOPLIMIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
socket.c:878: error: 'IPV6_PKTINFO' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[2]: *** [libavahi_core_la-socket.lo] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Figured that it's not building against the android-ndk-r8b libs or finding ipv6.h or something.
Checked my file:
export PATH=/Users/Muy01/Projects/Development/Android/android-sdks/tools/:$PATH
export PATH=/Users/Muy01/Projects/Development/Android/android-sdks/platform-tools/:$PATH
export PATH=/Users/Muy01/Projects/Development/Android/android-ndk-r8b/:$PATH
added --host=arm-linux-androideabi to the ./configure arguments list
resulting in this error:
checking host system type... Invalid configuration `arm-linux-androideabi': system `androideabi' not recognized
Couldn't figure out how to get a list of available host system types so changed direction and decided to try and build the static lib via file.
Found this post on creating an appropriate file:
can't compile avahi on android
Realized that I don't have files within all the subdirectories.
Researched, downloaded, built, Androgenizer to try and convert all the files into files.
Couldn't figure out or find info on how to do that though =/
Decided to try and create my own file:
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
ROOT_LOCAL_PATH :=$(call my-dir)
#Build avahi into a static lib
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
AVAHI_TOP := $(ROOT_LOCAL_PATH)/../avahi-0.6.31
MY_SOURCES := $(wildcard $(AVAHI_TOP)/avahi-core/*.c*)
MY_SOURCES += $(wildcard $(AVAHI_TOP)/avahi-common/*.c*)
Results in compile time errors for avahi-core/iface-linux.c:33:0:
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface-linux.h:27:8: Redefinition of 'struct AvahiInterfaceMonitorOSDep'
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface.h:46:16: Originally defined here
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface-linux.h:33:9: Redeclaration of enumerator 'LIST_IFACE'
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface.h:52:9: Previous definition of 'LIST_IFACE' was here
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface-linux.h:34:9: Redeclaration of enumerator 'LIST_ADDR'
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface.h:53:9: Previous definition of 'LIST_ADDR' was here
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface-linux.h:35:9: Redeclaration of enumerator 'LIST_DONE'
/avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface.h:54:9: Previous definition of 'LIST_DONE' was here
/jni//../avahi-0.6.31/avahi-core/iface-linux.c: In function 'netlink_callback':
And now I'm pretty much stuck.
I tried #if 0'ing out the iface-linux.c and h files resulting in a cascading slew of other errors, so prob a bad idea.
Thinking that it may be something I've done wrong with the ./configure command?
Perhaps an issue with my file?
I figure this must be something that quite a few developers are dealing with so I'm probably missing something because I can't seem to find any good information via google.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I've sent this out to the avhi mailing list as well, if I get a response there I will post here for posterity.
I'll follow up here with the solution that worked for me.
My solution was to use JMDNS instead of Avahi.
There's not much traffic on the Avahi mailing list.
JMDNS has working examples available.
JMDNS took me about 4 hours to set up within my NDK environment and about a day to work out some "kinks."
tar avahi-0.6.31
patch -p1 < 0001-Add-Android-support.patch
patch -p1 <
cd avahi-0.6.31
./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
cd the subdirectories: make
then, you will see in all the subdirectories.
ndk-build V=1 NDK_LOG=2 APP_ABI="armeabi armeabi-v7a"

