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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am learning web development. I have learned ReactJS. I wanted to do App development. I think React Native will be easy for me Since I have learned ReactJS. But wanted to know Which is better Flluter or React-Native.
I have found that React-Native lacks in some features. The fact that google inventing a new OS called Fausia is Fascinating. And It's a sure thing that they will support Flutter in all means. In the sense, They will include all features? and Even Performance is way better than React Native since it will convert to Native Code.
In the first years of my development, I always wonder which framework or development language is my silver-bullet.
But, everything will be hard before it gets easy.
There are so many pros and cons in this choice.
I think you should pick a long and hard road.
If I were you, I'll choose Flutter rather than React Native.
But if you are pressed for time you should choose what you farmiliar with.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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i'm starting at this world of app development and after some researches i still don't know which one to use.
For having a little knowledge in AngularJs,some recommended Ionic but, is the performance affected ?
Should i begin with Ionic Framework or Android native ?
Wether to go native or not is great battle among most app developers.
I would always opt for native, because it has every utility for the platform and supports the developer in every possible way. Hybrid aproaches are lacking nearly all of this, but are written in a cross platform language quite a lot developers are familiar with.
So on the bottom line it greatly depends on the needs of your project. But to get started, may try a little "hello world" with the android SDK and java. You will very quickly get to know a lot of the characteristics on android you will need to know even if you opt for hybrid. This knowledge will be essential, especially if you want to publish your app on Google Play or Amazon App Store.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make commercial applications for mobile. Haven't done any mobile development yet. So is it better to learn individual platforms like Android, Windows and iOS or it is better to learn Titanium or PhoneGap!?
I would suggest to learn Native platform first like Android , IOS or Windows. Native apps are more reliable , faster and scalable then PhoneGap or Titaninum. Native applications are easy to learn also.
If you wish to learn all the things you should try learning Native platform first , once you are clear with the idea how things are working you can easily achieve the same in PhoneGap without any or minimum difficulty.
All the best to your learning !!!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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A very, very simple question. I am developing an app for Android in Eclipse using the SDK of Android an so on, nothing special. My app is going to be a geo-location type. Like this.
I'm a newbie in the AR applications. I have seen some SDK's like Wikitude, that help us developing this kind of apps.
The question is: Is it really necessary to download an alternative SDK for this, or, in theory, I could built it by myself without any extra-download? (more hard-working and time, i guess).
Thank you people.
Is it really necessary to download an alternative SDK for this, or, in theory, I could built it by myself without any extra-download?
Wikitude and similar frameworks were written by programmers. Other programmers could write one as well. Hence, in theory, if you are a programmer, you could write one.
However, since something like Wikitude probably has in excess of a hundred developer-years worth of engineering in it by this point, you may wish to use an existing framework, unless you have a rather long timeframe for developing the app.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've just recently(today...) found out about phonegap.
I went through all the FAQ's and I think it's a great solution for those who wish to build an app using things they already know like HTML and CSS instead of learning a new API
if I'm trying to build something that requires more efficient work and stablity, I think i'm better off developing with eclipse and using the standard ADT and not the framework phonegap are offering.
Am I right or maybe just a bit prejudice?
I wanna be sure before I start
First of all, it depends of what you want to develop. Developing with phonegap can be faster and you don't have to learn java for the development, but you have to consider that mobile JavaScript capabilities are bad and the app won't work smooth(espessialy the transitions and animations). If you go Native, you will spend more time learning, but at the end you will get an app that will run faster, smoother and with best performance. In you case i would definitely go Native.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am in the first stages of developing a multi-platform mobile application
on (Android,IOS,BlackBerry 10).
It is a book selling application
i do not know if i should use phonegap or build the application for the three platforms independently
what do you guys recommend i should use??
and what are the pros and cons for each approach??
If you care about performance I wouldnt recommend building the application in PhoneGap or Titanium or anything similar.
From personal experience:
PhoneGap is very easy to use/learn and can build good looking UIs very fast. The problem is that is really slow compared to other solutions. You basically build with HTML.
Titanium would result in a faster - more responsive application BUT it would require more coding and tuning. Here you basically build with java script. Also, despite the fact that is universal there might be cases where you would have to build separate code for android and for iOS for example to do the same job.
For best user experience I would recommend (and I think many will agree) going native for each platform and trying to keep a consistent UI.
Also since this is not the first question about the mentioned frameworks please have a look here and on many other questions that compare these frameworks.