I know Deep linking with iOS application is supported by SFMC and I found documentation at here
But I am unable to find any documentation which provides details on supporting deeplining for Android application. Does marketing cloud supports android app links at all? Thanks
I think it still don't, but you might want to check with support once. See if you could use some work around' like https://app.urlgeni.us/
I would say is partially supported as depends on the platform, not really on the email coded as is exemplified here:
However, if other apps installed on a user's device can handle the same intent, users might not go directly to your app. For example, clicking a URL in an email from a bank might lead to a dialog asking the user whether to use the browser or the bank's own app to open the link.
So that depends on the configuration of the itents of the app to catch that request and how the user has configured the default handler on the device's system settings.
We will be sending, via SMS, a link to some of our clients that links them to the Google Playstore or Appstore to download our app.
If the user already has our app installed, the link prompts a "Open with ABC app?" message when clicked.
We want to use a single link, meaning it should somehow automatically pick up device type. Meaning if the user doesn't have our app installed, it appropriately redirects them to the app or playstore.
Our devs are insisting that using a single link is impossible, just trying to make sure this is really the case as I don't recall a lot of apps sending 2 separate links to download from.
Our devs are insisting that using a single link is impossible
I think your devs are trying to avoid work :P
I am investigating Google Assistant/Actions on my smartphone and Google Mini smart speaker.
I can open my application OK, however I would like to be able to "Deep Link" into specific activities within my app.
Within in the Actions Console -> DialogFlow I've discovered the pre built App Management Agents
Create Action -> Custom Intent -> App Management
App Management
Manage your applications, user controlled settings, and preferences
These look good candidates for my use case
However I cannot see how to perform the desired Deep Linking into my app.
Is it not possible to create a Google App action that navigates to an "Inner" application Activity?
I have found this site
and attempted to use this code as my "Webhook" but it fails with WebHook error (206) This code looks exactly like what I am after. How do I get it to work though?
You can use Google firebase dynamic link library. you will also get code using this link
Let me know if you face any issue.
I'm trying to implement an MDM client app for Android, known in the Android For Work world as a Device Policy Controller or DPC. Google's documentation for building a DPC is here.
The documented process begins with downloading the DPC Support Library. Unfortunately, the download link they provide (to the "EMM Community's Technical Integration" section) doesn't work: you're prompted to log in with a Google account, but after doing so I see this:
We’re sorry...
...but it looks like you don’t have access to this place or content. If you think you should have access to this space, try logging out and back in again using your account menu accessible by clicking your avatar in the top right corner of this page. If this issue persists, please notify your Support Representative and we will troubleshoot further.
Others have had the same problem: there's an issue ticket raised here which is only 2 months old, has no answer but for some reason has been marked Assumed Answered and then ignored.
The steps documented here make it very clear that the DPC Support Library is a required part of the process, and don't describe any alternatives to using it.
So, how do I get hold of the DPC Support Library? Can it be obtained anywhere else? Or failing that, how do I find out what it does so I can reproduce those steps manually in my own code?
Some steps I've already tried:
I have successfully registered for the EMM Community and have access to the EMM API. (i.e. I get a valid response now from Enterprises.generateSignupUrl, and no longer the dreaded "The caller is not registered as an MDM".) That in itself was a long and frustratingly opaque process.
I have built and run the googlesamples/android-testdpc app and looked through the source code. Unfortunately this is a client-only demo: it doesn't communicate with an EMM server and doesn't use the DPC Support Library. Specifically, it doesn't obtain an authorisation token in order to provision a work profile on the device, as documented here.
I have played with the public EMM demo system and its DPC app. That seems to be doing things properly, but as it's closed-source I can't look at the code for either client or server.
Well I now have access, so in that sense I have an answer, but I don't know how useful it'll be to others.
A Google representative replied to my forum post here and granted my organisation access to the EMM Community. Once that was enabled, the steps were as follows:
Create a new Google account using my work e-mail address
Sign into the Cloud Connect portal with that account
Click on EMM Community
Scroll down to the Featured Technical Guidance section and look for the DPC Support Library download link
An alternative to build your own Device Policy Controller app is to use the Android Management API and therefore not have to use the DPC Support Library. This API doesn't have all the features you can get by building your own Device Policy Controller app, but is significantly simpler to implement.
The docs state that both my instant and installed app should implement App Links. Why should the installed app implement App Links as well, since I only want my instant app URLs to be surfaced correctly in Google Search with the instant badge? Also, what are the best practices?
Yes - app links enables seamless link resolution to your app, installed or instant. In order for Google Search to surface results for either your installed or instant app, you must setup app links properly for both. In addition, to avoid degrading the user experience from instant to installed, all URLS supported by the instant app should also be supported by the installed app. Hence, as the docs state, both the instant and installed app should implement app links."
Here are the best practices:
Set autoVerify=true in at least one intent filter in both the instant and installed app manifest.
Host one assetlinks.json per subdomain. The file must be served from /.well-known/assetlinks.json on each https subdomain.
assetlinks.json file must be valid json (correct syntax, no BOM for instance) served with header "Content-Type: application/json" and served with an HTTP 200 status on each domain (no redirects)
assetlinks.json file location must be accessible to bots, e.g. robots.txt needs. This means if you include internal urls in the manifest that are only accessible internally, the validation will fail.
Ensure all path claims in your instant app are also in your published regular app.
All declared intent filters must support both http and https in the scheme.
Do not use wildcards hosts in your intent filters (e.g.) In *.example.local, the * will be dropped and example.local will be indexed.
Only one instant app can be supported for each domain. Multiple Instant Apps cannot be associated with the same domain.
Ensure your assetlinks.json is valid for your most popular search results using the tool described in “Confirm the Digital Asset Links files” on the App Link support page.
Test your app links here.
Instant Apps and App Links
As you noted, Instant Apps rely on App Links to work. However, not all devices support Instant Apps, and if your full app is installed, you will want your users to be sent there instead of the Instant App version. So your full app still needs to support App Links too.
The difference between a regular app and an Instant App is that the device will only load a single Activity in response to the App Link the user clicks, instead of needing to download the full package through the Play Store. It's a more seamless experience for the user, but the underlying technology works the same way.
Passing Context Between Instant and Full App
You also probably need some way to make sure your users are handed off between app versions seamlessly, if they choose to download the full version. Android doesn't offer this by default (surprisingly), so you'll either need to build it yourself or use a service like Branch.io (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team).
I am developping an Android application that uses a Facebook component. It would be something to simplify the management of the Facebook privacy settings with the user only having to push 2 or 3 buttons to apply a whole set of privacy parameters to his/her account.
For example, by pushing the button "paranoid", my settings change as:
default privacy for new wall posts = only me
secure browsing ON
And by pushing "free givaway":
secure browsing OFF
default privacy for new wall posts = everyone
Just an example.
I'm just beginning, so I had a look at the Facebook SDK for android, implemented the few examples like the Hackbook, etc.
But I'm still wondering how to manage privacy settings. I understand it would be a security concern to let an app manage that kind of thing, but why not?
Since I couldn't find a clear answer inside the bowels of internet, my questions are:
Is it doable? Or even partially?
If not, why? Will it be possible in the future?
If yes, how? What part of the API should I use?
This is not doable via the graph API because managing settings isn't available to write/update. I am almost positive this will never be available via the API. The Facebook native app may or will allow this but Facebook itself makes that app and doesn't use their own api for their app.
If you really wanted to do this, you could break Facebook's terms of service and do this via scraping Facebook's desktop site.
From Above link : The value field may specify one of the following strings: EVERYONE, ALL_FRIENDS, NETWORKS_FRIENDS, FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS, CUSTOM