Kotlin wait for async with coroutine - android

I would like to open a new activity when phoneViewModel and ScanViewModel are instantiated. They are instantiated by calling an async function InitialRead(). I'm logging each step, atm they are logged as done3 => done2 => done1
I would like to have them in this order:
done1 => done2 => done3
I have following code:
class MainBusinessActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var scanViewModel: ScanViewModel
private lateinit var phoneViewModel: PhoneViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
private fun startEntitySetListActivity() = GlobalScope.async {
val sapServiceManager = (application as SAPWizardApplication).sapServiceManager
sapServiceManager?.openODataStore {
phoneViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this#MainBusinessActivity).get(PhoneViewModel::class.java).also {it.initialRead{Log.e("done", "done1")}}
scanViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this#MainBusinessActivity).get(ScanViewModel::class.java).also {it.initialRead{Log.e("done", "done2")}}
override fun onResume() {
runBlocking {
val intent = Intent(this#MainBusinessActivity, HomeActivity::class.java)
Log.e("done", "done3")
What am I doing wrong? Can someone correct my code?

Never use runBlocking in an Android app. runBlocking completely defeats the purpose of using coroutines, and can lead to an ANR. You also probably should never use GlobalScope, which leads to UI leaks. You might possibly need it for some kind of long-running task that doesn't make sense to put in a service but doesn't have dependency on any UI components, but I can't think of any examples
You also shouldn't be instantiating your ViewModels in the background. That should be done in onCreate().
Make this function a suspend function, and it can break down the two tasks in the background simultaneously before returning.
Start your coroutine with lifecycleScope.
Assuming sapServiceManager?.openODataStore is an asynchronous task that takes a callback, you will need to wrap it in suspendCoroutine.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
phoneViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this#MainBusinessActivity).get(PhoneViewModel::class.java)
scanViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this#MainBusinessActivity).get(ScanViewModel::class.java)
private suspend fun startEntitySetListActivity() = coroutineScope {
val sapServiceManager = (application as SAPWizardApplication).sapServiceManager
sapServiceManager ?: return
suspendCoroutine<Unit> { continuation ->
sapServiceManager.openODataStore { continuation.resume(Unit) }
launch {
phoneViewModel.initialRead{Log.e("done", "done1")}
launch {
scanViewModel.initialRead{Log.e("done", "done2")}
override fun onResume() {
lifecycleScope.launch {
val intent = Intent(this#MainBusinessActivity, HomeActivity::class.java)
Log.e("done", "done3")


Is Coroutine job auto cancelled upon exiting Activity?

I have the below code of a slow loading image
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var job: Job
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val imageLoader = ImageLoader.Builder(this)
.componentRegistry { add(SvgDecoder(this#MainActivity)) }
job = MainScope().launch {
try {
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this#MainActivity)
val drawable = imageLoader.execute(request).drawable
Log.d("TrackLog", "Loaded")
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
Log.d("TrackLog", "Cancelled job")
override fun onDestroy() {
// job.cancel()
If I exit the activity before the image loaded completed, I thought I should manually perform job.cancel() to get the coroutine canceled.
However, even when I commented out the job.cancel(), the job still get canceled when I exit MainActivity.
This is also true when I use either GlobalScope or even use a global variable scope and job.
val myScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
private lateinit var job: Job
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val imageLoader = ImageLoader.Builder(this)
.componentRegistry { add(SvgDecoder(this#MainActivity)) }
job = myScope.launch {
try {
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this#MainActivity)
val drawable = imageLoader.execute(request).drawable
Log.d("TrackLog", "Loaded")
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
Log.d("TrackLog", "Cancelled job")
override fun onDestroy() {
// job.cancel()
I'm puzzled how did the job get canceled when we exit the Activity even when I don't call job.cancel().
Apparently, because my request is made of this#MainActivity
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this#MainActivity)
hence, when exiting, the this#MainActivity is killed, hence the request also got terminated and perhaps canceled?
If we use baseContext
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(baseContext)
then we have to manually cancel the job during onDestroy
Therefore it is always safer to use lifecycleScope

Sometimes, ConflatedBroadcastChannel fires recent value without any action

In Google's official codelab about advanced-coroutines-codelab sample, they've used ConflatedBroadcastChannel to watch a variable/object change.
I've used the same technique in one of my side projects, and when resuming the listening activity, sometimes ConflatedBroadcastChannel fires it's recent value, causing the execution of flatMapLatest body without any change.
I think this is happening while the system collects the garbage since I can reproduce this issue by calling System.gc() from another activity.
Here's the code
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(MainViewModel::class.java)
val tvCount = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.tv_count)
viewModel.count.observe(this, Observer {
tvCount.text = it
Toast.makeText(this, "Incremented", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
findViewById<Button>(R.id.b_inc).setOnClickListener {
findViewById<Button>(R.id.b_detail).setOnClickListener {
startActivity(Intent(this, DetailActivity::class.java))
class MainViewModel : ViewModel() {
companion object {
val TAG = MainViewModel::class.java.simpleName
class IncrementRequest
private var tempCount = 0
private val requestChannel = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<IncrementRequest>()
val count = requestChannel
.flatMapLatest {
Log.d(TAG, "Incrementing number to $tempCount")
flowOf("Number is $tempCount")
fun increment() {
class DetailActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val button = findViewById<Button>(R.id.b_gc)
val timer = object : CountDownTimer(5000, 1000) {
override fun onFinish() {
button.isEnabled = true
override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) {
button.text = "${TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millisUntilFinished)} second(s)"
button.setOnClickListener {
Here's the full source code :
Why is this happening?
What am I missing?
Quoting from the official response, (The simple and straightforward solution)
The problem here is that you are trying to use
ConflatedBroadcastChannel for events, while it is designed to
represent current state as shown in the codelab. Every time the
downstream LiveData is reactivated it receives the most recent state
and performs the incrementing action. Don't use
ConflatedBroadcastChannel for events.
To fix it, you can replace ConflatedBroadcastChannel with
BroadcastChannel<IncrementRequest>(1) (non-conflated channel, which is
Ok for events to use) and it'll work as you expect it too.
In addition to the answer of Kiskae:
This might not be your case, but you can try to use BroadcastChannel(1).asFlow().conflate on a receiver side, but in my case it led to a bug where the code on a receiver side didn't get triggered sometimes (I think because conflate works in a separate coroutine or something).
Or you can use a custom version of stateless ConflatedBroadcastChannel (found here).
class StatelessBroadcastChannel<T> constructor(
private val broadcast: BroadcastChannel<T> = ConflatedBroadcastChannel()
) : BroadcastChannel<T> by broadcast {
override fun openSubscription(): ReceiveChannel<T> = broadcast
.apply { poll() }
On Coroutine 1.4.2 and Kotlin 1.4.31
Without using live data
private var tempCount = 0
private val requestChannel = BroadcastChannel<IncrementRequest>(Channel.CONFLATED)
val count = requestChannel
.flatMapLatest {
Log.d(TAG, "Incrementing number to $tempCount")
flowOf("Number is $tempCount")
Use Flow and Coroutine
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {
viewModel.count.collect {
tvCount.text = it
Toast.makeText(this#MainActivity, "Incremented", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Without using BroadcastChannel
private var tempCount = 0
private val requestChannel = MutableStateFlow("")
val count: StateFlow<String> = requestChannel
fun increment() {
tempCount += 1
requestChannel.value = "Number is $tempCount"
The reason is very simple, ViewModels can persist outside of the lifecycle of Activities. By moving to another activity and garbagecollecting you're disposing of the original MainActivity but keeping the original MainViewModel.
Then when you return from DetailActivity it recreates MainActivity but reuses the viewmodel, which still has the broadcastchannel with a last known value, triggering the callback when count.observe is called.
If you add logging to observe the onCreate and onDestroy methods of the activity you should see the lifecycle getting advanced, while the viewmodel should only be created once.

How to wait until a bunch of calls ends to make another call

I'm using RxJava and I know about concat, and I guess it does fit to me, because I want to finish first all of first call and then do the second one but I don't know how to implement it.
I have this from now :
private fun assignAllAnswersToQuestion(questionId: Long) {
answerListCreated.forEach { assignAnswerToQuestion(questionId, it.id) }
private fun assignAnswerToQuestion(questionId: Long, answerId: Long) {
disposable = questionService.addAnswerToQuestion(questionId,answerId,MyUtils.getAccessTokenFromLocalStorage(context = this))
result -> //Do nothing it should call the next one
{ error -> toast(error.message.toString())}
But then, once this is finished all of this forEach I'd like to do something like this :
private fun assignAllAnswersToQuestion(questionId: Long) {
answerListCreated.forEach { assignAnswerToQuestion(questionId, it.id)
anotherCallHere(questionId) //Do it when the first forEach is finished!!
Any idea?
Also, is a way to do it with coroutines this?
I think you have to .map your list (answerListCreated) to a list of Flowables, and then use Flowable.zip on this list.
zip is used to combine the results of the Flowables into a single result. Since you don't need these results we ignore them.
After zip you are sure that all previous Flowables ended, and you can .flatMap to execute your next call (assuming anotherCallHere returns a Flowable.
In the end, it will be something like:
val flowableList = answerListCreated.map { assignAnswerToQuestion(questionId, it.id) }
disposable = Flowable.zip(flowableList) { /* Ignoring results */ }
.flatMap { anotherCallHere(questionId) }
.subscribe {
// ...
It should be noted that if any of the calls fails, the whole chain will fail (onError will be called).
I'm new to coroutines but I think I can answer for them:
You can use coroutines runBlocking {} for this.
private fun assignAllAnswersToQuestion(questionId: Long) = launch {
runBlocking {
answerListCreated.forEach { assignAnswerToQuestion(questionId, it.id) }
private fun assignAnswerToQuestion(questionId: Long, answerId: Long) = launch (Dispatchers.IO) {
MyUtils.getAccessTokenFromLocalStorage(context = this)
launch {} returns a Job object which becomes a child job of the parent coroutine. runBlocking {} will block until all its child jobs have finished, (an alternative is to use launch {}.join() which will have the same affect).
Note that I have made both functions wrap their code in a launch {} block.
To be able to call launch {} like this, you will likely want to make your class implement CoroutineScope
class MyActivityOrFragment: Activity(), CoroutineScope {
lateinit var job = SupervisorJob()
private val exceptionHandler =
CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, error ->
override val coroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main + job + exceptionHandler
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
job = Job()
override fun onDestroy() {

Wait For Data Inside a Listener in a Coroutine

I have a coroutine I'd like to fire up at android startup during the splash page. I'd like to wait for the data to come back before I start the next activity. What is the best way to do this? Currently our android is using experimental coroutines 0.26.0...can't change this just yet.
UPDATED: We are now using the latest coroutines and no longer experimental
onResume() {
fun loadData() = GlobalScope.launch {
val job = GlobalScope.async {
// TODO await on success
fun startLibraryCall() {
val thirdPartyLib() = ThirdPartyLibrary()
thirdPartyLib.setOnDataListener() {
///psuedocode for success/ fail listeners
onSuccess -> ///TODO return data
onFail -> /// TODO return other data
The first point is that I would change your loadData function into a suspending function instead of using launch. It's better to have the option to define at call site how you want to proceed with the execution. For example when implementing a test you may want to call your coroutine inside a runBlocking. You should also implement structured concurrency properly instead of relying on GlobalScope.
On the other side of the problem I would implement an extension function on the ThirdPartyLibrary that turns its async calls into a suspending function. This way you will ensure that the calling coroutine actually waits for the Library call to have some value in it.
Since we made loadData a suspending function we can now ensure that it will only start the new activity when the ThirdPartyLibrary call finishes.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
class InitialActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CoroutineScope {
private lateinit var masterJob: Job
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.Main + masterJob
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
masterJob = Job()
override fun onDestroy() {
override fun onResume() {
this.launch {
val data = ThirdPartyLibrary().suspendLoadData()
// TODO: act on data!
suspend fun ThirdPartyLibrary.suspendLoadData(): Data = suspendCoroutine { cont ->
onSuccess = { cont.resume(it) },
onFail = { cont.resumeWithException(it) }
You can use LiveData
liveData.value = job.await()
And then add in onCreate() for example
liveData.observe(currentActivity, observer)
In observer just wait until value not null and then start your new activity
Observer { result ->
result?.let {

How to properly wait for HandlerThread to start before doing something?

In My project sometimes the created thread does not start as fast as it should be, This happens on a minimal occasions but mostly will happen on slow/older phones.
I my Thread like..
class DBThread(threadName: String) : HandlerThread(threadName) {
private var mWorkerHandler: Handler? = null
override fun onLooperPrepared() {
mWorkerHandler = Handler(looper)
fun createTask(task: Runnable) {
and when i use it and call on activity..
//this will handle db queries on background and not on main ui thread
var mDbThread: DBThread = DBThread("dbThread")
//use this to interact to main ui thread from different thread
val mUiHandler = Handler()
var mDb: LocalDatabase? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mDb = LocalDatabase.getInstance(this)
override fun onDestroy() {
private fun fetchAndSetList(){
mDbThread.createTask(Runnable {
val list = getList()
mUiHandler.post {
// this sometimes does not trigger
the function setList does not trigger on sometimes.
And so i did something like this.
fun createTask(task: Runnable) {
if(mWorkerHandler == null ){
the modified action seems to work however I'm not quite sure if this is a SAFE way to do this. Thank you in advance.
I think the reason why mWorkerhandler is null is because Thread.start will create the new VMThread and start the looper in the VMThread. The whole flow is asynchronous so when onLooperPrepared actually is called, it's too late because "fetchAndSetList" is already trying to use mWorkerHandler
The solution is create the handler outside of the HandlerThread:
Handler workerHandler;
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
workerHandler = new Handler(mDbThread.getLooper());
mDb = LocalDatabase.getInstance(this)
private fun fetchAndSetList(){
workerHandler.post(Runnable {
val list = getList()
mUiHandler.post {
// this sometimes does not trigger

