How to implement a few user's geoposition using yandex_kit map? - android

Hey guys :) maybe I didn't notice but I have a question:
how can I display a few user's geoposition (about 10 people, I supposed) using yandex_mapkit for flutter?
I read a lot in the documentation but it does not have an answer. I just switched to the development of mobile apps for android and do not quite understand how to implement it properly.

1- install
2- Check out API reference
API docs
3- Implement from javascript code


I want to develop a quiz game based application in Android

I want the list of free APIs available for quiz game based on location in Android. I searched many sources, but I couldn't get any. I found only one API. Can anyone please give me the list of free quiz APIs. Thank you in advance.
I have found a couple of API for this purpose:
Technical topics:
Hope this helps! provides nice json api. You need to configure it in the page and generate the api you need

Xamarin.Forms Google Maps Api's direction library using

I would like to use the directions on "travel time" library in Xamarin.Forms in GoogleApi's application.
I found this source.
The calculations I want to do have already been made and have been developed online using GoogleApi again. Very successful results are turning.
enter code here
I have little knowledge of the use of Api. That is why I could not understand the steps I needed to follow when I applied my Xamarin.Forms. It may be a simple and simple question, but I have had to ask because I have not been able to start for hours, thank you.

Write data on google sheets through android app form

I am new to android and I want to publish my form data which is created in an android app to google sheets. Can anyone help me out with this problem
Check this detailed step by step guide with image screen shot.
This is totally doable. Checkout the Android Quickstart for Sheetsv4 to give you an idea of the code flow. Then the main thing you have to know is to Write on A Single/Multiple Range using
You can find actual writing sample in Basic Writing:!A1:D5?valueInputOption=USER_ENTERED

How to do a Google Image Search in an android app

I'm developing an Android app that will do a Google Image Search and return the images to the user in a list. I've looked around on StackOverflow and have run into some problems. First off, I'm a total newbie programmer with only 4 months' worth of programming experience, so I appreciate you guys being patient with me.
I looked through Google Image Search API and I know it's being depreciated and will get shut down someday. Because of this, I don't want to use it. After extensive research on the topic, I don't want to use Bing or another image search service, and I don't want to do a "reverse image search. I just want to use a simple image search via string. I've used this app ( to look at the code, but in all honesty, it's just not helping and it's confusing me more on how to exactly search for an image on Google. Plus, the app won't compile in Eclipse :(
I've also looked around at Google Developer APIs, and I'm not sure if I need to turn on an API key for myself? Still, a bit confused about that. I thought I needed to do a custom search engine, but just by looking at that, I don't think it's exactly what I'm looking for.
Can anyone point me to some resources for this? I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
Just a heads up, but what you're asking is pretty challenging and it sounds like you're just getting started. Here's what I can suggest though:
To get that demo code working in eclipse, I had to right-click the project, click properties, click Android, then check the box for the version of android installed. (I had android 19 installed, and the code was expecting 16, so it was giving up. Tell it to use what you have, which probably is 19). This worked for me after using the git plugin in eclipse to import the project. If you are importing a different way, you may have different issues. * Using git and importing the project is a good skill to have, so if that's unfamiliar territory, take the time to look at that.
Ok, that's the end of what I am sure of. The rest is an educated guess, but I'm sure others can correct me.
Next, if tinkering with that project isn't enough, getting real google image search working will take several skills, especially since the old API is gone. In total you'll need to know:
Android programming
google cloud services
google custom search API
some other libraries to glue the custom search to your app
It's a big chunk there. Currently, it seems the only way to use google's image search is to run a google app engine (you basically set up an online account for google to run a server for you. It does computation and sends messages back and forth for you. You only get a little bit for free each day and then if you want more you have to pay. This is one-way Google earns money. It's not something they let you run on your own computer anymore.). Then you make your android app talk to that server using your new login ID, and the server will take the search term and send back the answers to your android app.
You can get the app engine running and use it in chrome without dealing with android to save yourself time, then add the android part later in the future. Good luck!

How to post multiple images and its message to facebook using SLComposeViewController?

I am mobile app developer working with SimPalm. I want to implement above functionality in current project. I am getting some issues to implement this technology. Could you please help me on this?
Giveup using SLComposeViewController use FBRequestConnection its much better.

