For define Util(common functions) we can use 3 approach :
First :
We can define a File and add function to it like this :
fun func1(): String {
return "x"
fun func2(): String {
return "y"
Then we can use this in every where like this :
Second :
We can define a class and add these functions to class like this :
class Util{
fun func1(): String {
return "x"
fun func2(): String {
return "y"
we can inject it and use this like :
private val mUtil: Util by inject()
We can define an object like this :
object Util{
fun func1(): String {
return "x"
fun func2(): String {
return "y"
Then we can use this like :
suppose that we have reusable fun that it use in different class , activity or fragment now is better to use first , second or third ?
According to my understanding :
In the first example, we simply define a function to be used within the scope of component (could be a fragment or an activity ..)
In the second example, which I think more used in Java than Kotlin, you simply create a class in which you define some static variable or function to be accessed in your components later
Example 3, I have no idea as I never used that
first one is static function
second one is normal function
third is singleton function
you can decomplie to see the java code and see their differs.
Kotlin file
fun fun1() {}
class TestClass {
fun testFun() {}
object ObjectClass {
fun objectFun() {}
Java file
public final class TTTKt {
public static final void fun1() {
public final class TestClass {
public final void testFun() {
public final class ObjectClass {
public static final ObjectClass INSTANCE;
public final void objectFun() {
private ObjectClass() {
static {
ObjectClass var0 = new ObjectClass();
INSTANCE = var0;
I just to wish clarify some methodology using singletons in Kotlin.
I have this class:
class TestClass {
companion object {
val instance = TestClass()
fun runSync2() {
Log.d("TAG", "Running sync2")
init {
Log.d("TAG", "Init companion")
init {
Log.d("TAG", "Init class")
fun runSync1() {
Log.d("TAG", "Running sync1")
And this test functions:
1. TestClass.instance.runSync1()
2. TestClass.runSync2()
3. TestClass().runSync1()
When calling function 1 twice, init inside companion object will be called once. So only one instance of TestClass is created and run runSync1() twice, correct?
When calling function 2 twice, init inside companion object will be called once. So only one instance of TestClass is created and run runSync2() twice, correct? So what is the difference between 1 and 2?
When calling function 2 twice, 2 instances of TestClass crated, 2 init inside class will run and 2 runSync1 will run independently?
Can you please provide more clarification and correct the wrong parts?
When understanding the companion objects one thing to remember is that
A companion object is initialized when the corresponding class is loaded (resolved) that matches the semantics of a Java static initializer.
So the init block inside the companion object will be executed only once, when the TestClass is being loaded, same goes with the property named instance, it will be assigned an object of TestClass only once at class load time.
To better understand this you can look at your code converted to java, which will look something like
public final class TestClass {
// Property of companion object and the init block are now part of TestClass
private static final TestClass instance = new TestClass();
static {
Log.d("TAG", "Init companion");
public static final TestClass.Companion Companion = new TestClass.Companion((DefaultConstructorMarker)null);
public final void runSync1() {
Log.d("TAG", "Running sync1");
public TestClass() {
Log.d("TAG", "Init class");
public static final class Companion {
public final TestClass getInstance() {
return TestClass.instance;
public final void runSync2() {
Log.d("TAG", "Running sync2");
private Companion() { }
public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {
For example if I this piece of code compiler is suggesting to change to
private val viewListener = object : View.OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(v: View) {
toast("View clicked!$v")
following code
private val viewListener = View.OnClickListener { v ->
toast("View clicked!$v")
but if I have this abstract class
public abstract class DrawableCallback implements Callback {
public void onLoaded() {}
public void onError() {}
public static int extractDrawable() {}
public abstract void onDrawableExtracted(int color);
and I use it here
private val drawableCallback = object : DrawableCallback() {
override fun onDrawableExtracted(color: Int) {
Here it seems I can't convert to lambda , can you explain why?
You cannot use it with abstract classes. Refer to Kotlin Lang documentation (also in comments by Michael). It states clearly:
Note that SAM conversions only work for interfaces, not for abstract
classes, even if those also have just a single abstract method.
. If you need to know more (like in why not?), refer to this discussion Why can't #FunctionalInterface be applied to a SAM abstract base class. This discussion is around Java, but equally applies to Kotlin on JVM for obvious reasons.
I am trying to call static function of one class in other like java , But in kotlin I can not make a static function , and I have to make a companion object in which I have to define my function , But while doing this I am not able to access parent class variables , is there any way I can achieve this in kotlin .
class One {
val abcList = ArrayList<String>()
companion object {
fun returnString() {
println(abcList[0]) // not able to access abcList here
class Two {
fun tryPrint() {
// In Java we can do it like this
class One {
private static ArrayList<String> abcList = new ArrayList<>();
public void tryPrint() {
// assume list is not empty
for(String ab : abcList) {
public static void printOnDemand() {
class Two {
public void tryPrint(){
I want to access fun returnString() like static function of class one like we do in java , if any one have achieved this please help .
In your case abcList is a member variable of the class. Each instance of a class has their own version of its member variables which means that a static method cannot access them. If you want to access it from your companion object it has to be static too.
class One {
companion object {
val abcList = ArrayList<String>()
fun returnString() {
class Two {
fun tryPrint() {
This code will work, but keep in mind that in this case there will be only one instance of abcList. Accessing a member variable from a static function is not possible (not even in Java).
Here's the Kotlin version of your Java example:
class One {
companion object {
val abcList = ArrayList<String>()
fun printOnDemand() {
fun tryPrint() {
for (ab in abcList) {
class Two {
fun tryPrint() {
Rule: You can't access static properties, members of a class in none static members and you can't access none static properties, members of a class in static members which is the companion object class.
This rule is in both Java and Kotlin. If you want to access a none static member of a class
inside static members you have to declare it inside companion object class.
Use the following code for you case.
object One {
val abcList: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
fun returnString() {
fun printOnDemand() {
class Two {
fun tryPrint() {
I'm migrating part of application from Java to Kotlin and have a question about that.
What is preferable or better way ?
File with annonation #file:JvmName and funtion inside
fun funX() {}
Typical class with #JvmStatic annotation inside companion object
class ClassX {
companion object {
fun funX() {}
Let's look at the decompiled code to answer this question.
Kotlin file with a #JvmName annotation like yours:
fun funX() {}
will be compiled into a bytecode, analogous to this Java code:
name = "ClassX"
public final class ClassX {
public static final void funX() {
Pretty similar to what you'd probably write when using Java, right?
A Kotlin class with a companion object like this:
class ClassX {
companion object {
fun funX() {}
is analogous to this Java code:
public final class ClassX {
public static final ClassX.Companion Companion = new ClassX.Companion((DefaultConstructorMarker)null);
public static final void funX() {
public static final class Companion {
public final void funX() {
private Companion() {
// $FF: synthetic method
public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker $constructor_marker) {
As you see, class with a companion object will generate more code.
Is it good or bad? You decide. I'd say it's bad and it's better to use a file with #JvmName annotation. There is also a discussion on Kotlin's forum about this topic: read the best practices.
BTW, you can look at the bytecode and decompiled Java code in IntelliJ IDEA via "Tools" -> "Kotlin" -> "Show Kotlin Bytecode".
I'm trying to convert the following Java Code to Kotlin. It compiles and works fine.
public abstract class MvpViewHolder<P extends BasePresenter> extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
protected P presenter;
public MvpViewHolder(View itemView) {
public void bindPresenter(P presenter) {
this.presenter = presenter;
public void unbindPresenter() {
presenter = null;
In the code I currently have, I get an error on the presenter.bindView(this) that states Required: Nothing, Found: MvpViewHolder.
abstract class MvpViewHolder<P>(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) where P : BasePresenter<*,*> {
protected var presenter: P? = null
fun bindPresenter(presenter: P): Unit {
this.presenter = presenter
//I get the error here
fun unbindPresenter(): Unit {
presenter = null
bindView is defined like so
public abstract class BasePresenter<M,V> {
fun bindView(view: V) {
this.view = WeakReference(view)
The only thing I can attribute it to right now is not defining the class generics correctly. As far as I can tell, this is still a correct instance of the View generic that is expected as the parameter, I also definitely don't see how it could be Nothing. How can I fix the bug?
EDIT: Java code for BasePresenter
public abstract class BasePresenter<M, V> {
protected M model;
private WeakReference<V> view;
public void bindView(#NonNull V view) {
this.view = new WeakReference<>(view);
if (setupDone()) {
protected V view() {
if (view == null) {
return null;
} else {
return view.get();
Your bindView method requires a View as an argument.
The error you're seeing appears when you define a variable (view defined on BasePresenter) that can hold a null result or, in your case, a View object.
On the code below you're binding this as the argument and MapViewHolder isn't a subclass of View.
abstract class MvpViewHolder<P>(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) where P : BasePresenter<*,*> {
protected var presenter: P? = null
fun bindPresenter(presenter: P): Unit {
this.presenter = presenter
//I get the error here
presenter.bindView(this) // -> this references MvpViewHolder which isn't a subclass of View
fun unbindPresenter(): Unit {
presenter = null
I think that what you want is to attach the itemView to the presenter because it is in fact a View object.
The problem has to do with defining BasePresenter<*,*> which means in this case BasePresenter<Nothing, Nothing> (Nothing is an object in kotlin) - read more about star projections in kotlin on this link.
I would advice defining explicitly the types base presenter is expecting or defining explicitly as BasePresenter<Any?, Any?>.
You cannot directly use this to point to current class.
You need to use
this#class_name .
For example if "Example" is the class name, you can use
It means this in Java
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