I am working on a personal project and I am using flutter to develop an app (cross platform) that reads in the user's health data from google fit (Android) or Apple Health. I am using this package and even the EXACT same code like in the documentation (I am currently only testing on Android):
Future fetchStepData() async {
int? steps;
// get steps for today (i.e., since midnight)
final now = DateTime.now();
final midnight = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day);
bool requested = await health.requestAuthorization([HealthDataType.STEPS]);
if (requested) {
try {
steps = await health.getTotalStepsInInterval(midnight, now);
} catch (error) {
print("Caught exception in getTotalStepsInInterval: $error");
print('Total number of steps: $steps');
setState(() {
_nofSteps = (steps == null) ? 0 : steps;
_state = (steps == null) ? AppState.NO_DATA : AppState.STEPS_READY;
} else {
print("Authorization not granted - error in authorization");
setState(() => _state = AppState.DATA_NOT_FETCHED);
Then I am calling this function with await and I also have inserted the correct permission in all Android Manifest files:
Also I set up an OAuth2 Client ID for the project and added my google account as a test user.
BUT THE FUNCTION SETS THE VARIABLE STEPS ALWAYS TO NULL? The boolean variable "requested" is true, so it seems like the actual connection is working?
I am really disappointed by myself guys and I really need help - THANK YOU!
I tried adding the correct android permissions, asking for permissions explicitly, different time intervalls but nothing worked for me, I always got a null value back.
I am getting an error like the picture above.
my firebase console url pattern
my dynamic link code
Firebase.dynamicLinks.shortLinkAsync {
link = Uri.parse("https://my-wabsite/share?category=community&id=${item.communityId}")
domainUriPrefix = "https://nodeline.page.link"
// Open links with this app on Android
androidParameters("my-package") {
minimumVersion = 220
fallbackUrl = Uri.parse("https://my-website/share?category=community&id=${item.communityId}")
socialMetaTagParameters {
title = " "
description = "${item.content}"
imageUrl = if (item.images.isNullOrEmpty()) {
} else {
iosParameters("my-my-package") {
appStoreId = "1521778128"
minimumVersion = "1.4.8"
socialMetaTagParameters {
title = " !"
description = "${item.content}"
imageUrl = if (item.images.isNullOrEmpty()) {
Uri.parse("https:// .amazonaws.com/dsfsdf.jpeg")
} else {
}.addOnSuccessListener { result ->
val shortLink = result.shortLink
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND)
intent.type = "text/plain"
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, shortLink.toString())
Timber.d("Test Checked asdf \n $shortLink")
(context as Activity).startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Share Link"))
}.addOnFailureListener {
Log.d("log_tag", "==> ${it.localizedMessage}", it)
In ios, it is possible to enter the app with the link I created, but in aos, when I click the link I created, a white list error appears like that.
Looking at the error content, it seems that I have set the url pattern incorrectly. Can you tell me what the problem is?
400: We could not match param 'https://my-website/share?category=community&id=615129' with whitelisted URL patterns in this Google project.
For my part, I removed some slashes and it worked. Here is the model I am currently using :
To match subdomains I use this...
Please give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
I am trying to use the Amadeus Offers Search API with the following code:
when (val flightOffers = amadeus.shopping.flightOffersSearch.get(
originLocationCode = "MDZ",
destinationLocationCode = "MAD",
departureDate = LocalDate.parse("2020-11-11").toString(),
adults = 2,
max = 1
)) {
is ApiResult.Success -> {
if (flightOffers.succeeded) {
is ApiResult.Error -> {
println("RESULT ERROR")
And if I compile that the logcat output is as follows:
Which makes me think that flightOffers.data is empty.
However if I try this code:
val flightOffers = amadeus.shopping.flightOffersSearch.get(
originLocationCode = "MDZ",
destinationLocationCode = "MAD",
departureDate = LocalDate.parse("2020-11-11").toString(),
adults = 2,
max = 1
println("AMADEUS: $flightOffers")
I get the following output:
I/System.out: AMADEUS: Success(meta=Meta(count=1, links={self=https://test.api.amadeus.com/v2/shopping/flight-offers?originLocationCode=MDZ&destinationLocationCode=MAD&departureDate=2020-11-11&adults=2&max=1}), data=[FlightOfferSearch(type=flight-offer, id=1, source=GDS, instantTicketingRequired=false, nonHomogeneous=false, oneWay=false, lastTicketingDate=2020-05-03, numberOfBookableSeats=7, itineraries=[Itinerary(duration=PT18H, segments=[SearchSegment(departure=AirportInfo(iataCode=MDZ, terminal=null, at=2020-11-11T07:10:00), arrival=AirportInfo(iataCode=AEP, terminal=null, at=2020-11-11T08:45:00), carrierCode=AR, number=1403, aircraft=Aircraft(code=738), duration=PT1H35M, id=1, numberOfStops=0, blacklistedInEU=false, co2Emissions=null), SearchSegment(departure=AirportInfo(iataCode=EZE, terminal=A, at=2020-11-11T13:25:00), arrival=AirportInfo(iataCode=MAD, terminal=1, at=2020-11-12T05:10:00), carrierCode=UX, number=42, aircraft=Aircraft(code=789), duration=PT11H45M, id=2, numberOfStops=0, blacklistedInEU=false, co2Emissions=null)])], price=SearchPrice(currency=EUR, total=1151.26, base=510.0, fees=[Fee(amount=0.0, type=SUPPLIER), Fee(amount=0.0, type=TICKETING)], grandTotal=1151.26), pricingOptions=PricingOptions(includedCheckedBagsOnly=true, fareType=[PUBLISHED], corporateCodes=null, refundableFare=false, noRestrictionFare=false, noPenaltyFare=false), validatingAirlineCodes=[UX], travelerPricings=[TravelerPricing(travelerId=1, fareOption=STANDARD, travelerType=ADULT, price=SearchPrice(currency=EUR, total=575.63, base=255.0, fees=null, grandTotal=0.0), fareDetailsBySegment=[FareDetailsBySegment(segmentId=1, cabin=ECONOMY, fareBasis=ZYYOPO, segmentClass=Q, includedCheckedBags=IncludedCheckedBags(weight=0, weightUnit=null)), FareDetailsBySegment(segmentId=2, cabin=ECONOMY, fareBasis=ZYYOPO, segmentClass=Z, includedCheckedBags=IncludedCheckedBags(weight=0, weightUnit=null))]), TravelerPricing(travelerId=2, fareOption=STANDARD, travelerType=ADULT, price=SearchPrice(currency=EUR, total=575.63, base=255.0, fees=null, grandTotal=0.0), fareDetailsBySegment=[FareDetailsBySegment(segmentId=1, cabin=ECONOMY, fareBasis=ZYYOPO, segmentClass=Q, includedCheckedBags=IncludedCheckedBags(weight=0, weightUnit=null)), FareDetailsBySegment(segmentId=2, cabin=ECONOMY, fareBasis=ZYYOPO, segmentClass=Z, includedCheckedBags=IncludedCheckedBags(weight=0, weightUnit=null))])])], dictionaries={locations={MAD={cityCode=MAD, countryCode=ES}, EZE={cityCode=BUE, countryCode=AR}, MDZ={cityCode=MDZ, countryCode=AR}, AEP={cityCode=BUE, countryCode=AR}}, aircraft={789=BOEING 787-9, 738=BOEING 737-800}, currencies={EUR=EURO}, carriers={AR=AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS, UX=AIR EUROPA}})
Which means that the API is returning a JSON but then I can't use flightOffers with gson to pass this data to a DataClass because flightOffers is a ApiResult> and I don't know how to use that. According to their library docs it should be done like I did it in the first try.
I appreciate all the help and advice I can get. This is my first Android App.
Nice to see that we have a new Android developer in the community !
So first, in Android you should avoid using println, instead you should use Log.d/e/w/i, this method will print your result in android logcat.
For what I see you successfully setup your project and where able to make query from the sdk.
In the android sdk, every get() will give you a correct data object and not just JSON. You don't have to take care of parsing the answer. The thing you have in your flightOffers.data is in fact a List<FlightOfferSearch> that you can use right away !
Trying to connect the UPI payment using deeplink for my Android application, but every-time it fails at the last step.
The code fragment for the UPI payment call is below:
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
URI_URL = getUPIString("xxx#upi", "xxx xxx", "test_101", "Test Transaction", "10", "INR");
//Creating an intent for the UPI APP
Intent intent = new Intent();
Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(intent, "Pay the MSME by");
startActivityForResult(chooser, 1, null);
To frame the UPI String using this function:
private String getUPIString(String payeeAddress, String payeeName, String trxnRefId,
String trxnNote, String payeeAmount, String currencyCode) {
String UPI = "upi://pay?pa=" + payeeAddress + "&pn=" + payeeName
+ "&tr=" + trxnRefId
+ "&tn=" + trxnNote + "&am=" + payeeAmount + "&cu=" + currencyCode;
return UPI.replace(" ", "+");
What could be the possible reasons of failure? Any suggestion or help is welcome.
The error is T04 meaning the refId should be alphanumeric with minlength 1 and maxlength 35. instead of test_101 use test101.
I have worked on UPI and integrate it into my Android project. I have also created a GitHub repository which can be useful for you.
Using deep linking, You will get mostly UPI supporting app but the problem is all app doesn't return value properly. I have tested Paytm, Google pay and freecharge and many more. But These app return value very well.
Due to this problem, I have created custom intent chooser so that exclude those apps who don't return value after payment. Along with this, you will get code of QR code to generate and scan UPI QR code.
Want to know more, here is a document.
Do check it and let me know, it helps you or not. Problem ask me.
I'm using AxSU3D's Android plugin in a Unity project. When I try to use the Facebook Login method, I get an error that says "The parameter app_id is required"
I have posted my code below. I have REPLACED the string "fbAppID" with the actual ID. This is just the sample script that came with the plugin that I am trying to use.
Any help will be appreciated
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using AxSAndroidPlugin.Core;
using AxSAndroidPlugin.Social.Facebook;
public class FacebookSample : MonoBehaviour {
public string fbAppID = "YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID_HERE";
public GameObject picture;
//Texture2D tex;
void OnGUI () {
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(1), "Init" ))
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(2), "Login" ))
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(3), "IsLoggedIn"))
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(4), "User Info")) {
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(5), "Friends")) {
if (GUI.Button (GUIControls.GetButtonRect (6), "Load Profile Picture")) {
if (GUI.Button (GUIControls.GetButtonRect (7), "Get Profile Picture")) {
Texture2D tex = Facebook.GetProfilePicture();
picture.renderer.material.mainTexture = tex;
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(8), "Send Request")) {
Facebook.SendRequest("This Plugin Rocks!");
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(9), "Post To Timeline")) {
string name = "AxS Android Plugin";
string caption = "AxS Android Plugin for Unity";
string description = "A complete solution to all your Android native needs!";
string link = "http://www.axsu3d.com/";
string pictureLink = "http://www.axsu3d.com/DLs/axsu3dLogo.png";
Facebook.PostToTimeline(name, caption, description, link, pictureLink);
//Get the user's likes
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(10), "User Likes")) {
//Logout of Facebook
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(11), "Logout" ))
if(GUI.Button(GUIControls.GetButtonRect(12), "Back"))
Firstly, wow. I didn't realize something I helped make would show up on SO.
The solution is quite simple, really. You probably did not use the "Merge Manifest" option.
You can find this option under "Tools/AxSU3D/Android/Merge Manifest". This will show a window where you can put in your Facebook app ID.
The option will create or merge a new AndroidManifest.xml file, which will also contain your Facebook App ID.
Try it out.