Notification small icon on status bar creating for every notificaton - android

I'm creating a notification by
.setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, (int) id, deleteIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT))
.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT))
.addAction(cancel, context.getString(R.string.delete), dismiss)
.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle()
String noti = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE;
NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(noti);
mNotificationManager.notify((int) id, notify);
but some phones create for every push their own small icon on the status bar.
How can I found or what I can change in code to fix such notification to work?


Android - notification does not appear in status bar

When starting an IntentService to upload a file in the background, I want to show a notification to the user that the upload is in progress by calling showNotification() from inside my service:
private void showNotification() {
Notification notification = new Notification.Builder(this)
.setContentText("Your upload is in progress.")
mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
Now here's my problem: the notification appears on the lock screen, but not in the status bar when the screen is unlocked. What am I missing?
Deployment target is API level 24, so a missing NotificationChannel should not be the cause.
try it :
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(getmContext(), 0, new Intent(getmContext(), MainActivity.class), 0); pp = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getmContext())
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getmContext().getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
notificationManager.notify(0, pp);
This is my code which is working fine with target SDK 25
NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle();
Notification notification;
notification = mBuilder.setSmallIcon(icon).setTicker(title).setWhen(0)
.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mContext.getResources(), icon))
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
notificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
public static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 100;
I feel so dumb. Turns out the notification was displayed all the time, but with a black icon on black background.
Changed the icon colour in the xml from
and it works like a charm

Preview Notification on android

I'm using this code to show a notification to user from code :
Intent intent = new Intent(this, this.getClass());
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.icon))
.setContentText("Hello word")
NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
This is juste adding the notification in the notification screen (and also the icon of my appliaction in the status bar)
But how can I have a preview of this notification on top of screen ?

Notification doesn't show light with sound set

When I add .setDefaults(DEFAULT_SOUND) or DEFAULT_LIGHTS or DEFAULT_ALL, it shows the heads up notification, but doesnt show the light set with .setLights(0x0FF00FF0, 300, 100). If I remove the .setDefaults it doesn't show the heads up, but shows the lights.
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0);
Notification notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
.setContentTitle("Yi Warning")
.setContentText("Battery is below 20%")
.setLights(0x0FF00FF00, 300, 100).build();
NotificationManager notificationManager =
(NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
notificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);
and added
Now everything is working great :D

Update Notification without Collasping notification drawer

i have a notification manager that launches an activity when clicked.
mBuilder =
new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, new Intent(context, Launch.class).putExtra("type", 0), 0);
the function performed in this can also be be asynchronous depending on the users preference. I want to update the notification to an ongoing progress. something of this nature:
mBuilder =
new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
.setContentTitle("Sending details")
.setProgress(100, 0, true)
when the notification is selected. This is achieved but what i want to do is update the notification from the former to the later without having to first slide up the navigation drawer.
Try this..
NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
you need NOTIFICATION_ID to updated the specific notification.
Please refer this

Can't display more text in a notification

I am trying to show a notification in the title bar with a long text.
PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context,
NOTIFICATION_ID, notificationIntent,
NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(
builder.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle()
Notification n =;
nm.notify(id, n);
But the builder.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle()
The setStyle seems to do nothing, I am testing it on android 4.1
You should remove this:
because this is compatible, it's automatically set right.
And this is 100% working code:
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) this
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(
.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle()
Notification notification =;
notificationManager.notify(1, notification);
If your variable names are correct and your variable named title is only the title then your problem is that you are using bigText(title) instead of bigText(aReallyBigText);
use:Notification.Builder(context).setFullScreenIntent(pendingIntent, true),
manual to make the notification full screen

