Align TextView to another multiline TextView bottom line [duplicate] - android
I have the text "Android is a Software stack". In this text i want to set the "stack" text as clickable. So, if you click on that it will redirected to a new activity(not in the browser).
I tried but i am not getting a solution. can solve your problem.
SpannableString ss = new SpannableString("Android is a Software stack");
ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(View textView) {
startActivity(new Intent(MyActivity.this, NextActivity.class));
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
ss.setSpan(clickableSpan, 22, 27, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
My function for make multiple links inside TextView
Update 2020: Now this function able to support multiple same texts link inside 1 TextView, but remember to put the link in the correct order
fun TextView.makeLinks(vararg links: Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(this.text)
var startIndexOfLink = -1
for (link in links) {
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) {
// use this to change the link color
textPaint.color = textPaint.linkColor
// toggle below value to enable/disable
// the underline shown below the clickable text
textPaint.isUnderlineText = true
override fun onClick(view: View) {
Selection.setSelection((view as TextView).text as Spannable, 0)
startIndexOfLink = this.text.toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexOfLink + 1)
// if(startIndexOfLink == -1) continue // todo if you want to verify your texts contains links text
clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length,
this.movementMethod =
LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() // without LinkMovementMethod, link can not click
this.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE)
Pair("Terms of Service", View.OnClickListener {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Terms of Service Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Pair("Privacy Policy", View.OnClickListener {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Privacy Policy Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
android:text="Please accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy"
android:textColorHighlight="#f00" // background color when pressed
android:textSize="20sp" />
Solution for clear the link highlight selection follow
You can use ClickableSpan as described in this post
Sample code:
TextView myTextView = new TextView(this);
String myString = "Some text [clickable]";
int i1 = myString.indexOf("[");
int i2 = myString.indexOf("]");
myTextView.setText(myString, BufferType.SPANNABLE);
Spannable mySpannable = (Spannable)myTextView.getText();
ClickableSpan myClickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(View widget) { /* do something */ }
mySpannable.setSpan(myClickableSpan, i1, i2 + 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
You can use sample code. You want to learn detail about ClickableSpan. Please check this documentaion
SpannableString myString = new SpannableString("This is example");
ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(View textView) {,"Clicked Smile ");
//For Click
//For UnderLine
myString.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(),startIndex,lastIndex,0);
//For Bold
myString.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD),startIndex,lastIndex,0);
//Finally you can set to textView.
TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(;
I made this helper method in case someone need start and end position from a String.
public static TextView createLink(TextView targetTextView, String completeString,
String partToClick, ClickableSpan clickableAction) {
SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(completeString);
// make sure the String is exist, if it doesn't exist
// it will throw IndexOutOfBoundException
int startPosition = completeString.indexOf(partToClick);
int endPosition = completeString.lastIndexOf(partToClick) + partToClick.length();
spannableString.setSpan(clickableAction, startPosition, endPosition,
return targetTextView;
And here is how you use it
private void initSignUp() {
String completeString = "New to Reddit? Sign up here.";
String partToClick = "Sign up";
.createLink(signUpEditText, completeString, partToClick,
new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(View widget) {
// your action
Toast.makeText(activity, "Start Sign up activity",
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
// this is where you set link color, underline, typeface etc.
int linkColor = ContextCompat.getColor(activity, R.color.blumine);
Here is a Kotlin method to make parts of a TextView clickable:
private fun makeTextLink(textView: TextView, str: String, underlined: Boolean, color: Int?, action: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(textView.text)
val textColor = color ?: textView.currentTextColor
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(textView: View) {
override fun updateDrawState(drawState: TextPaint) {
drawState.isUnderlineText = underlined
drawState.color = textColor
val index = spannableString.indexOf(str)
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, index, index + str.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
textView.text = spannableString
textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
textView.highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT
It can be called multiple times to create several links within a TextView:
makeTextLink(myTextView, str, false, Color.RED, action = { Log.d("onClick", "link") })
makeTextLink(myTextView, str1, true, null, action = { Log.d("onClick", "link1") })
t= (TextView) findViewById(;
t.setText(Html.fromHtml("<bThis is normal text </b>" +
"This is cliclable text "));
I would suggest a different approach that I think requires less code and is more "localization-friendly".
Supposing that your destination activity is called "ActivityStack", define in the manifest an intent filter for it with a custom scheme (e.g. "myappscheme") in AndroidManifest.xml:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:host="stack"/>
<data android:scheme="myappscheme" />
Define the TextView without any special tag (it is important to NOT use the "android:autoLink" tag, see:
android:text="#string/stack_string" />
then use a link with custom scheme and host in the text of the TextView as (in String.xml):
<string name="stack_string">Android is a Software stack</string>
and "activate" the link with setMovementMethod() (in onCreate() for activities or onCreateView() for fragments):
TextView stack = findViewById(;
This will open the stack activity with a tap on the "stack" word.
Kotlin Version of Phan Van Linh's answer.
Please note it has some minor modifications.
fun makeLinks(textView: TextView, links: Array<String>, clickableSpans: Array<ClickableSpan>) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(textView.text)
for (i in links.indices) {
val clickableSpan = clickableSpans[i]
val link = links[i]
val startIndexOfLink = textView.text.indexOf(link)
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.length,
textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
textView.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE)
fun setupClickableTextView() {
val termsOfServicesClick = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(p0: View?) {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "ToS clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val privacyPolicyClick = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(p0: View?) {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "PP clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
makeLinks(termsTextView, arrayOf("terms", "privacy policy"), arrayOf(termsOfServicesClick, privacyPolicyClick))
You can you this method to set the clickable value
public void setClickableString(String clickableValue, String wholeValue, TextView yourTextView){
String value = wholeValue;
SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(value);
int startIndex = value.indexOf(clickableValue);
int endIndex = startIndex + clickableValue.length();
spannableString.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() {
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
ds.setUnderlineText(false); // <-- this will remove automatic underline in set span
public void onClick(View widget) {
// do what you want with clickable value
}, startIndex, endIndex, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
yourTextView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); // <-- important, onClick in ClickableSpan won't work without this
This is how to use it:
TextView myTextView = findViewById(;
setClickableString("stack", "Android is a Software stack", myTextView);
For those that are looking for a solution in Kotlin here is what worked for me:
private fun setupTermsAndConditions() {
val termsAndConditions = resources.getString(R.string.terms_and_conditions)
val spannableString = SpannableString(termsAndConditions)
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(widget: View) {
if (checkForWifiAndMobileInternet()) {
// binding.viewModel!!.openTermsAndConditions()
showToast("Good, open the link!!!")
} else {
showToast("Cannot open this file because of internet connection!")
override fun updateDrawState(textPaint : TextPaint) {
textPaint.color = resources.getColor(R.color.colorGrey)
textPaint.isFakeBoldText = true
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, 34, 86, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
binding.tvTermsAndConditions.text = spannableString
binding.tvTermsAndConditions.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
Created elegant Kotlin way with extension:
fun TextView.setClickableText(text: Spanned,
clickableText: String,
#ColorInt clickableColor: Int,
clickListener: () -> Unit) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(text)
val startingPosition: Int = text.indexOf(clickableText)
if (startingPosition > -1) {
val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(textView: View) {
override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) {
textPaint.isUnderlineText = false
val endingPosition: Int = startingPosition + clickableText.length
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, startingPosition,
endingPosition, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
spannableString.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(clickableColor), startingPosition,
endingPosition, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT
Boom Check this for java Lovers :D
We can modify it according to our need:
List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> pairsList = new ArrayList<>();
pairsList.add(new Pair<>("38,50", v -> {
Intent intent = new Intent(SignUpActivity.this, WebActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("which", "tos");
pairsList.add(new Pair<>("81,95", v -> {
Intent intent = new Intent(SignUpActivity.this, WebActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("which", "policy");
makeLinks(pairsList); // Method calling
private void makeLinks(List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> pairsList) {
SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(By signing up, I’m agree to PAKRISM’s Terms of Use and confirms that I have read Privacy Policy);
for (Pair<String, View.OnClickListener> pair : pairsList) {
ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(View textView) {
//Toast.makeText(MyApplication.getAppContext(), "Clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
ds.linkColor = ContextCompat.getColor(SignUpActivity.this, R.color.primary_main);
String[] indexes = pair.first.split(",");
ss.setSpan(clickableSpan, Integer.parseInt(indexes[0]), Integer.parseInt(indexes[1]), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
TextView tv = findViewById(;
For kotlin use this extension
fun TextView.makeLinks(vararg links: Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(this.text)
for (link in links) {
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(view: View) {
Selection.setSelection((view as TextView).text as Spannable, 0)
val startIndexOfLink = this.text.toString().indexOf(link.first)
clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length,
startIndexOfLink + link.first.length,
this.movementMethod =
LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() // without LinkMovementMethod, link can not click
this.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE)
Call this like this
binding.agreeText.makeLinks(Pair(getString(R.string.terms_conditionsClick),View.OnClickListener {
For bold,
mySpannable.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD),termStart,termStop,Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
i coded an example to solve your question in Kotlin.
This is the Code:
val completeText = getString(R.string.terms_description)
val textToFind = getString(R.string.show_terms)
val spannableString: Spannable = SpannableString(completeText)
val startFocus = completeText.indexOf(textToFind)
val endFocus = startFocus + textToFind.length
spannableString.setSpan(object: ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(p0: View) {
}, startFocus, endFocus, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
show_terms.text = spannableString
show_terms.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance();
show_terms.highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT;
This is the XML
This is how it looks
enter image description here
Using URLSpan class to get urls
val spans: Array<URLSpan> = result.getSpans(0, result.length,
fun TextView.createClickable(string: String, action:(String)->Unit ) {
text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(string, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)
val result = SpannableString(text)
val spans = result.getSpans(0, result.length,
for (span in spans) {
val link:Pair<String, View.OnClickListener> = Pair(span.url, View.OnClickListener {
val start = result.getSpanStart(span)
val end = result.getSpanEnd(span)
val flags = result.getSpanFlags(span)
val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(textView: View) {
override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) {
textPaint.isUnderlineText = false
result.setSpan(clickableSpan, start, end, flags)
this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
this.setText(result, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE)
Example Text : Android is a Software Stack and it' Awesome
Wrapper your clickable text inside anchor tag
Like: Android is a Software <a href=''> Stack </a> and it' <a href=''> Awesome </a>.
val str = "Android is a Software <a href=''> Stack </a> and it' <a href=''> Awesome </a>."
textView.createClickable(str) {
when(it) {
Here a Kotlin solution that work better with localization:
data class LinkedText(#StringRes val textRes: Int, val clickListener: View.OnClickListener? = null)
fun TextView.setPartiallyLinkedText(vararg texts: LinkedText) {
this.text = texts.joinToString(" ") { context.getString(it.textRes) }
val spannableString = SpannableString(this.text)
var startIndexOfLink = -1
texts.forEach { text ->
val string = context.getString(text.textRes)
if (text.clickListener != null) {
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) {
textPaint.color = textPaint.linkColor
textPaint.isUnderlineText = true
override fun onClick(view: View) {
Selection.setSelection((view as TextView).text as Spannable, 0)
startIndexOfLink = this.text.toString().indexOf(string, startIndexOfLink + 1)
clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + string.length,
this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
this.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE)
And use it like this:
LinkedText(R.string.linked_text) {
Toast.makeText(context, "You clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
Here is a kotlin extension (not works if text repeats)
contentText = "Hello world",
clickableText = "world",
isBoldText = true,
onClick = {
internal fun TextView.makeTextClickable(
contentText: String,
clickableText: String,
onClick: () -> Unit,
isUnderlineText: Boolean = false,
isBoldText: Boolean = false
) {
val spannableString = SpannableString(contentText)
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(widget: View) {
override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) {
ds.isUnderlineText = isUnderlineText
ds.isFakeBoldText = isBoldText
val clickableTextStartIndex = text.indexOf(clickableText)
val clickableTextEndIndex = clickableTextStartIndex + clickableText.length
this.text = spannableString
this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
This is my MovementMethod for detecting link/text/image clicks. It is modified LinkMovementMethod.
import android.text.Layout;
import android.text.NoCopySpan;
import android.text.Selection;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class ClickMovementMethod extends ScrollingMovementMethod {
private Object FROM_BELOW = new NoCopySpan.Concrete();
private static final int CLICK = 1;
private static final int UP = 2;
private static final int DOWN = 3;
private Listener listener;
public void setListener(Listener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
public boolean canSelectArbitrarily() {
return true;
protected boolean handleMovementKey(TextView widget, Spannable buffer, int keyCode,
int movementMetaState, KeyEvent event) {
switch (keyCode) {
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER:
if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasNoModifiers(movementMetaState)) {
if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN &&
event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && action(CLICK, widget, buffer)) {
return true;
return super.handleMovementKey(widget, buffer, keyCode, movementMetaState, event);
protected boolean up(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) {
if (action(UP, widget, buffer)) {
return true;
return super.up(widget, buffer);
protected boolean down(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) {
if (action(DOWN, widget, buffer)) {
return true;
return super.down(widget, buffer);
protected boolean left(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) {
if (action(UP, widget, buffer)) {
return true;
return super.left(widget, buffer);
protected boolean right(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) {
if (action(DOWN, widget, buffer)) {
return true;
return super.right(widget, buffer);
private boolean action(int what, TextView widget, Spannable buffer) {
Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
int padding = widget.getTotalPaddingTop() +
int areatop = widget.getScrollY();
int areabot = areatop + widget.getHeight() - padding;
int linetop = layout.getLineForVertical(areatop);
int linebot = layout.getLineForVertical(areabot);
int first = layout.getLineStart(linetop);
int last = layout.getLineEnd(linebot);
ClickableSpan[] candidates = buffer.getSpans(first, last, URLSpan.class);
int a = Selection.getSelectionStart(buffer);
int b = Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer);
int selStart = Math.min(a, b);
int selEnd = Math.max(a, b);
if (selStart < 0) {
if (buffer.getSpanStart(FROM_BELOW) >= 0) {
selStart = selEnd = buffer.length();
if (selStart > last)
selStart = selEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (selEnd < first)
selStart = selEnd = -1;
switch (what) {
case CLICK:
if (selStart == selEnd) {
return false;
if (listener != null) {
URLSpan[] link = buffer.getSpans(selStart, selEnd, URLSpan.class);
if (link.length >= 1) {
} else {
ImageSpan[] image = buffer.getSpans(selStart, selEnd, ImageSpan.class);
if (image.length >= 1) {
} else {
case UP:
int beststart, bestend;
beststart = -1;
bestend = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
int end = buffer.getSpanEnd(candidates[i]);
if (end < selEnd || selStart == selEnd) {
if (end > bestend) {
beststart = buffer.getSpanStart(candidates[i]);
bestend = end;
if (beststart >= 0) {
Selection.setSelection(buffer, bestend, beststart);
return true;
case DOWN:
beststart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
bestend = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
int start = buffer.getSpanStart(candidates[i]);
if (start > selStart || selStart == selEnd) {
if (start < beststart) {
beststart = start;
bestend = buffer.getSpanEnd(candidates[i]);
if (bestend < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
Selection.setSelection(buffer, beststart, bestend);
return true;
return false;
public boolean onTouchEvent(TextView widget, Spannable buffer,
MotionEvent event) {
int action = event.getAction();
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ||
action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
int x = (int) event.getX();
int y = (int) event.getY();
x -= widget.getTotalPaddingLeft();
y -= widget.getTotalPaddingTop();
x += widget.getScrollX();
y += widget.getScrollY();
Layout layout = widget.getLayout();
int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y);
int off = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x);
URLSpan[] link = buffer.getSpans(off, off, URLSpan.class);
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
if (listener != null) {
if (link.length >= 1) {
} else {
ImageSpan[] image = buffer.getSpans(off, off, ImageSpan.class);
if (image.length >= 1) {
} else if (Selection.getSelectionStart(buffer) == Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer)) {
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && link.length != 0) {
return true;
if (link.length == 0) {
return super.onTouchEvent(widget, buffer, event);
public void initialize(TextView widget, Spannable text) {
public void onTakeFocus(TextView view, Spannable text, int dir) {
if ((dir & View.FOCUS_BACKWARD) != 0) {
text.setSpan(FROM_BELOW, 0, 0, Spannable.SPAN_POINT_POINT);
} else {
public interface Listener {
void onClick(String clicked);
void onTextClicked();
void onImageClicked(String source);
more generic answer in kotlin
fun setClickableText(view: TextView, firstSpan: String, secondSpan: String) {
val context = view.context
val builder = SpannableStringBuilder()
val unClickableSpan = SpannableString(firstSpan)
val span = SpannableString(" "+secondSpan)
val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(textView: View) {
val intent = Intent(context,
override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) {
ds.isUnderlineText = true
ds.setTypeface(Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.ITALIC));
builder.setSpan(clickableSpan, firstSpan.length, firstSpan.length+secondSpan.length+1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)
The solutions provided are pretty decent. However, I generally use a more simple solution.
Here is a linkify utility function
* Method is used to Linkify words in a TextView
* #param textView TextView who's text you want to change
* #param textToLink The text to turn into a link
* #param url The url you want to send the user to
fun linkify(textView: TextView, textToLink: String, url: String) {
val pattern = Pattern.compile(textToLink)
Linkify.addLinks(textView, pattern, url, { _, _, _ -> true })
{ _, _ -> "" }
Using this function is pretty simple. Here is an example
// terms and privacy
val tvTerms = findViewById<TextView>(
val tvPrivacy = findViewById<TextView>(
Utils.linkify(tvTerms, resources.getString(R.string.terms),
Utils.linkify(tvPrivacy, resources.getString(R.string.privacy),
Complicated but universal solution on Kotlin
* Receive Pair of Text and Action and set it clickable and appearing as link
* */
fun TextView.setClickableText(vararg textToSpanAndClickAction: Pair<String, (String) -> Unit>) {
val builder = SpannableStringBuilder(text.toString())
textToSpanAndClickAction.forEach { argPair ->
val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() {
override fun onClick(widget: View) {
this.text.toString().let { fullText ->
val indexOfFirst = fullText.indexOf(argPair.first)
val indexOfLast = indexOfFirst + argPair.first.length
if (indexOfFirst < 0){
//No match found
this.text = builder
this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
kotlin spannable
Solution in Java (Updated 2022)
Allows for multiple clickable when there are repeated words.
Specific commands can be tailored for each repeated words.
I built upon daler445's code to allow for multiple clickable commands for repeated words.
At Java class:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
SharedPreferences sp;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
sp = getSharedPreferences("MyUserPrefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit();
TextView fulltext = (TextView) findViewById(;
//replace setText("") to setText("Android is a Software stack") for his case
fulltext.setText("Search [1] this full [1] text with repeated strings. Search [2] Search [3] full [2] full [3]");
List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> links = new ArrayList<>();
//replace "Search" with "stack" for his case
String stringtohyperlink = "Search";
String stringtohyperlink2 = "full";
links.add(new Pair<>(stringtohyperlink, new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String position = sp.getString("position","0");
if (position.equals("1")) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search 1 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (position.equals("2")) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search 2 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (position.equals("3")) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search 3 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
links.add(new Pair<>(stringtohyperlink2, new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String position = sp.getString("position","0");
if (position.equals("1")) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "full 1 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (position.equals("2")) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "full 2 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (position.equals("3")) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "full 3 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
makeLinks(fulltext, links);
public void makeLinks(TextView textView, List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> links) {
SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(textView.getText().toString());
int startIndexState = -1;
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit();
for (Pair<String, View.OnClickListener> link : links) {
ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(#NonNull View widget) {
assert link.second != null;
ClickableSpan clickableSpan2 = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(#NonNull View widget) {
assert link.second != null;
ClickableSpan clickableSpan3 = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(#NonNull View widget) {
assert link.second != null;
//... This only allows for 3 repeated words
//... Add more of it, if there are more repeated words.
assert link.first != null;
int startIndexOfLink = textView.getText().toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexState + 1);
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
int startIndexOfLink2 = textView.getText().toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexOfLink + 1);
if (startIndexOfLink2 != -1) {
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan2, startIndexOfLink2, startIndexOfLink2 + link.first.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
int startIndexOfLink3 = textView.getText().toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexOfLink2 + 1);
if (startIndexOfLink3 != -1) {
spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan3, startIndexOfLink3, startIndexOfLink3 + link.first.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE);
//... This only allows for 3 repeated words
//... Add more of it, if there are more repeated words.
textView.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
At .xml
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
It really helpful for the clickable part for some portion of the text.
The dot is a special character in the regular expression. If you want to spanable the dot need to escape dot as \\. instead of just passing "." to the spanable text method. Alternatively, you can also use the regular expression [.] to spanable the String by a dot in Java.
Android SpannableString click listener not working [duplicate]
I am creating a ClickableSpan, and it is displaying properly with the proper text underlined. However, the clicks are not registering. Do you know what I am doing wrong??? Thanks, Victor Here is the code snippet: view.setText("This is a test"); ClickableSpan span = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { log("Clicked"); } }; view.getText().setSpan(span, 0, view.getText().length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Have you tried setting the MovementMethod on the TextView that contains the span? You need to do that to make the clicking work... tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
Kotlin util function: fun setClickable(textView: TextView, subString: String, handler: () -> Unit, drawUnderline: Boolean = false) { val text = textView.text val start = text.indexOf(subString) val end = start + subString.length val span = SpannableString(text) span.setSpan(ClickHandler(handler, drawUnderline), start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) textView.linksClickable = true textView.isClickable = true textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() textView.text = span } class ClickHandler( private val handler: () -> Unit, private val drawUnderline: Boolean ) : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View?) { handler() } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint?) { if (drawUnderline) { super.updateDrawState(ds) } else { ds?.isUnderlineText = false } } } Usage: Utils.setClickable(textView, subString, {handleClick()})
After some trial and error, the sequence of setting the tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); does matter. Here's my full code String stringTerms = getString(R.string.sign_up_terms); Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(stringTerms); int indexTermsStart = stringTerms.indexOf("Terms"); int indexTermsEnd = indexTermsStart + 18; spannable.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.theme)), indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { Log.d(TAG, "TODO onClick.. Terms and Condition"); } }, indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); int indexPolicyStart = stringTerms.indexOf("Privacy"); int indexPolicyEnd = indexPolicyStart + 14; spannable.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.theme)), indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { Log.d(TAG, "TODO onClick.. Privacy Policy"); } }, indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); TextView textViewTerms = (TextView) findViewById(; textViewTerms.setText(spannable); textViewTerms.setClickable(true); textViewTerms.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
Direct Approach in Kotlin val textHeadingSpannable = SpannableString(resources.getString(R.string.travel_agent)) val clickSpan = object : ClickableSpan(){ override fun onClick(widget: View) { // Handel your click } } textHeadingSpannable.setSpan(clickSpan,104,136,Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) tv_contact_us_inquire_travel_agent.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() tv_contact_us_inquire_travel_agent.text = textHeadingSpannable
How to click a clickablespan using espresso?
I have a textview with multiple clickable spans in it. I want to be able to test clicking these spans. I tried setting up a custom ViewAction that would find the clickablespans in the TextView and then match their text with the desired text and then click on the xy coordinates of that text. However, it seems the spans added to the TextView aren't of type ClickableSpan and are instead the the fragment that added the span. Therefore, I am not able to distinguish the link spans. Is there a better way to do this? Adding the spans: Util.addClickableSpan(spannableString, string, linkedString, new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View textView) {} }); tvAcceptTc.setText(spannableString); tvAcceptTc.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); Utility method: public static void addClickableSpan(SpannableString spannableString, String text, String subText, ClickableSpan clickableSpan) { int start = text.indexOf(subText); int end = text.indexOf(subText) + subText.length(); int flags = Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE; spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, start, end, flags); } Defining the ViewAction: #Override public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) { uiController.loopMainThreadUntilIdle(); if (view instanceof TextView) { TextView textView = (TextView) view; Layout textViewLayout = textView.getLayout(); SpannableString fullSpannable = new SpannableString(textView.getText()); Object[] spans = fullSpannable.getSpans(0, fullSpannable.length(), Object.class); ClickableSpan span = null; for (Object object : spans) { if (object instanceof BaseFragment) { ClickableSpan foundSpan = (ClickableSpan)object; int spanStart = fullSpannable.getSpanStart(foundSpan); int spanEnd = fullSpannable.getSpanEnd(foundSpan); if (fullSpannable.subSequence(spanStart, spanEnd).equals(aSubstring)) { //Found the correct span! span = foundSpan; } } } ... go on to click the xy-coordinates
This is my solution. It's simpler because we don't need to find the coordinates. Once we have found the ClickableSpan, we just click on it: public static ViewAction clickClickableSpan(final CharSequence textToClick) { return new ViewAction() { #Override public Matcher<View> getConstraints() { return Matchers.instanceOf(TextView.class); } #Override public String getDescription() { return "clicking on a ClickableSpan"; } #Override public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) { TextView textView = (TextView) view; SpannableString spannableString = (SpannableString) textView.getText(); if (spannableString.length() == 0) { // TextView is empty, nothing to do throw new NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); } // Get the links inside the TextView and check if we find textToClick ClickableSpan[] spans = spannableString.getSpans(0, spannableString.length(), ClickableSpan.class); if (spans.length > 0) { ClickableSpan spanCandidate; for (ClickableSpan span : spans) { spanCandidate = span; int start = spannableString.getSpanStart(spanCandidate); int end = spannableString.getSpanEnd(spanCandidate); CharSequence sequence = spannableString.subSequence(start, end); if (textToClick.toString().equals(sequence.toString())) { span.onClick(textView); return; } } } // textToClick not found in TextView throw new NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); } }; } Now you can use our custom ViewAction just like that: onView(withId("myLink"));
Here is the Kotlin version of accepted answer fun clickClickableSpan(textToClick: CharSequence): ViewAction { return object : ViewAction { override fun getConstraints(): Matcher<View> { return Matchers.instanceOf( } override fun getDescription(): String { return "clicking on a ClickableSpan"; } override fun perform(uiController: UiController, view: View) { val textView = view as TextView val spannableString = textView.text as SpannableString if (spannableString.isEmpty()) { // TextView is empty, nothing to do throw NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); } // Get the links inside the TextView and check if we find textToClick val spans = spannableString.getSpans(0, spannableString.length, if (spans.isNotEmpty()) { var spanCandidate: ClickableSpan for (span: ClickableSpan in spans) { spanCandidate = span val start = spannableString.getSpanStart(spanCandidate) val end = spannableString.getSpanEnd(spanCandidate) val sequence = spannableString.subSequence(start, end) if (textToClick.toString().equals(sequence.toString())) { span.onClick(textView) return; } } } // textToClick not found in TextView throw NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build() } } }
The best option would be to subclass a ViewAction. Here is the way of doing it in Kotlin: class SpannableTextClickAction(val text: String) : ViewAction { override fun getDescription(): String = "SpannableText click action" override fun getConstraints(): Matcher<View> = isAssignableFrom( override fun perform(uiController: UiController?, view: View?) { val textView = view as TextView val spannableString = textView.text as SpannableString val spans = spannableString.getSpans(0, spannableString.count(), val spanToLocate = spans.firstOrNull { span: ClickableSpan -> val start = spannableString.getSpanStart(span) val end = spannableString.getSpanEnd(span) val spanText = spannableString.subSequence(start, end).toString() spanText == text } if (spanToLocate != null) { spanToLocate.onClick(textView) return } // textToClick not found in TextView throw NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build() } } and use it as: onView(withId(<view_id>)).perform(scrollTo(), SpannableTextClickAction(text))
It worked with a minor change. just recheck the "textToClick" and the variable "sequence" in: CharSequence sequence = spannableString.subSequence(start, end); are exactly same. I have to use trim() like this: textToClick.toString() == sequence.trim().toString() because my textToClick value is "click here" and sequence value that I got " click here" Note: The space before the "click". I hope this is useful for someone.
This works for me: /** * Clicks the first ClickableSpan in the TextView */ public static ViewAction clickFirstClickableSpan() { return new GeneralClickAction( Tap.SINGLE, new CoordinatesProvider() { #Override public float[] calculateCoordinates(View view) { // TextView textView = (TextView) view; Rect parentTextViewRect = new Rect(); SpannableString spannableString = (SpannableString) textView.getText(); Layout textViewLayout = textView.getLayout(); ClickableSpan spanToLocate = null; if (spannableString.length() == 0) { return new float[2]; } ClickableSpan[] spans = spannableString.getSpans(0, spannableString.length(), ClickableSpan.class); if (spans.length > 0) { spanToLocate = spans[0]; } if (spanToLocate == null) { // no specific view found throw new NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); } double startOffsetOfClickedText = spannableString.getSpanStart(spanToLocate); double endOffsetOfClickedText = spannableString.getSpanEnd(spanToLocate); double startXCoordinatesOfClickedText = textViewLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal((int) startOffsetOfClickedText); double endXCoordinatesOfClickedText = textViewLayout.getPrimaryHorizontal((int) endOffsetOfClickedText); // Get the rectangle of the clicked text int currentLineStartOffset = textViewLayout.getLineForOffset((int) startOffsetOfClickedText); int currentLineEndOffset = textViewLayout.getLineForOffset((int) endOffsetOfClickedText); boolean keywordIsInMultiLine = currentLineStartOffset != currentLineEndOffset; textViewLayout.getLineBounds(currentLineStartOffset, parentTextViewRect); // Update the rectangle position to his real position on screen int[] parentTextViewLocation = {0, 0}; textView.getLocationOnScreen(parentTextViewLocation); double parentTextViewTopAndBottomOffset = ( parentTextViewLocation[1] - textView.getScrollY() + textView.getCompoundPaddingTop() ); += parentTextViewTopAndBottomOffset; parentTextViewRect.bottom += parentTextViewTopAndBottomOffset; parentTextViewRect.left += ( parentTextViewLocation[0] + startXCoordinatesOfClickedText + textView.getCompoundPaddingLeft() - textView.getScrollX() ); parentTextViewRect.right = (int) ( parentTextViewRect.left + endXCoordinatesOfClickedText - startXCoordinatesOfClickedText ); int screenX = (parentTextViewRect.left + parentTextViewRect.right) / 2; int screenY = ( + parentTextViewRect.bottom) / 2; if (keywordIsInMultiLine) { screenX = parentTextViewRect.left; screenY =; } return new float[]{screenX, screenY}; } }, Press.FINGER); }
you may use Spannable instead of SpannableString compatible with SpannableStringBuilder. sorry, i am a new man , have only 1 Reputation , can not add a comment.Even my English is very poor..... i suggest to use: Spannable spannableString = (Spannable) textView.getText(); instead of : SpannableString spannableString = (SpannableString) textView.getText(); post all the code below: public class CustomViewActions { /** * click specific spannableString */ public static ViewAction clickClickableSpan(final CharSequence textToClick) { return clickClickableSpan(-1, textToClick); } /** * click the first spannableString */ public static ViewAction clickClickableSpan() { return clickClickableSpan(0, null); } /** * click the nth spannableString */ public static ViewAction clickClickableSpan(final int index) { return clickClickableSpan(index, null); } public static ViewAction clickClickableSpan(final int index,final CharSequence textToClick) { return new ViewAction() { #Override public Matcher<View> getConstraints() { return instanceOf(TextView.class); } #Override public String getDescription() { return "clicking on a ClickableSpan"; } #Override public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) { TextView textView = (TextView) view; Spannable spannableString = (Spannable) textView.getText(); ClickableSpan spanToLocate = null; if (spannableString.length() == 0) { // TextView is empty, nothing to do throw new NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); } // Get the links inside the TextView and check if we find textToClick ClickableSpan[] spans = spannableString.getSpans(0, spannableString.length(), ClickableSpan.class); if (spans.length > 0) { if(index >=spans.length){ throw new NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); }else if (index >= 0) { spanToLocate = spans[index]; spanToLocate.onClick(textView); return; } for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { int start = spannableString.getSpanStart(spans[i]); int end = spannableString.getSpanEnd(spans[i]); CharSequence sequence = spannableString.subSequence(start, end); if (textToClick.toString().equals(sequence.toString())) { spanToLocate = spans[i]; spanToLocate.onClick(textView); return; } } } // textToClick not found in TextView throw new NoMatchingViewException.Builder() .includeViewHierarchy(true) .withRootView(textView) .build(); } }; } }
Espresso has a one-liner for this: onView(withId("..."))
How to set the part of the text view is clickable
I have the text "Android is a Software stack". In this text i want to set the "stack" text as clickable. So, if you click on that it will redirected to a new activity(not in the browser). I tried but i am not getting a solution. can solve your problem. SpannableString ss = new SpannableString("Android is a Software stack"); ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View textView) { startActivity(new Intent(MyActivity.this, NextActivity.class)); } #Override public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) { super.updateDrawState(ds); ds.setUnderlineText(false); } }; ss.setSpan(clickableSpan, 22, 27, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(; textView.setText(ss); textView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); textView.setHighlightColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); In XML: <TextView ... android:textColorLink="#drawable/your_selector" />
My function for make multiple links inside TextView Update 2020: Now this function able to support multiple same texts link inside 1 TextView, but remember to put the link in the correct order fun TextView.makeLinks(vararg links: Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>) { val spannableString = SpannableString(this.text) var startIndexOfLink = -1 for (link in links) { val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) { // use this to change the link color textPaint.color = textPaint.linkColor // toggle below value to enable/disable // the underline shown below the clickable text textPaint.isUnderlineText = true } override fun onClick(view: View) { Selection.setSelection((view as TextView).text as Spannable, 0) view.invalidate() link.second.onClick(view) } } startIndexOfLink = this.text.toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexOfLink + 1) // if(startIndexOfLink == -1) continue // todo if you want to verify your texts contains links text spannableString.setSpan( clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() // without LinkMovementMethod, link can not click this.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE) } USING my_text_view.makeLinks( Pair("Terms of Service", View.OnClickListener { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Terms of Service Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }), Pair("Privacy Policy", View.OnClickListener { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Privacy Policy Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() })) XML <TextView android:id="#+id/my_text_view" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Please accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy" android:textColorHighlight="#f00" // background color when pressed android:textColorLink="#0f0" android:textSize="20sp" /> DEMO Reference Solution for clear the link highlight selection follow
You can use ClickableSpan as described in this post Sample code: TextView myTextView = new TextView(this); String myString = "Some text [clickable]"; int i1 = myString.indexOf("["); int i2 = myString.indexOf("]"); myTextView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); myTextView.setText(myString, BufferType.SPANNABLE); Spannable mySpannable = (Spannable)myTextView.getText(); ClickableSpan myClickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { /* do something */ } }; mySpannable.setSpan(myClickableSpan, i1, i2 + 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); Reference
You can use sample code. You want to learn detail about ClickableSpan. Please check this documentaion SpannableString myString = new SpannableString("This is example"); ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View textView) {,"Clicked Smile "); } }; //For Click myString.setSpan(clickableSpan,startIndex,lastIndex,Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); //For UnderLine myString.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(),startIndex,lastIndex,0); //For Bold myString.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD),startIndex,lastIndex,0); //Finally you can set to textView. TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(; textView.setText(myString); textView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
I made this helper method in case someone need start and end position from a String. public static TextView createLink(TextView targetTextView, String completeString, String partToClick, ClickableSpan clickableAction) { SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(completeString); // make sure the String is exist, if it doesn't exist // it will throw IndexOutOfBoundException int startPosition = completeString.indexOf(partToClick); int endPosition = completeString.lastIndexOf(partToClick) + partToClick.length(); spannableString.setSpan(clickableAction, startPosition, endPosition, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); targetTextView.setText(spannableString); targetTextView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); return targetTextView; } And here is how you use it private void initSignUp() { String completeString = "New to Reddit? Sign up here."; String partToClick = "Sign up"; ClickableTextUtil .createLink(signUpEditText, completeString, partToClick, new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { // your action Toast.makeText(activity, "Start Sign up activity", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } #Override public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) { super.updateDrawState(ds); // this is where you set link color, underline, typeface etc. int linkColor = ContextCompat.getColor(activity, R.color.blumine); ds.setColor(linkColor); ds.setUnderlineText(false); } }); }
Here is a Kotlin method to make parts of a TextView clickable: private fun makeTextLink(textView: TextView, str: String, underlined: Boolean, color: Int?, action: (() -> Unit)? = null) { val spannableString = SpannableString(textView.text) val textColor = color ?: textView.currentTextColor val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(textView: View) { action?.invoke() } override fun updateDrawState(drawState: TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(drawState) drawState.isUnderlineText = underlined drawState.color = textColor } } val index = spannableString.indexOf(str) spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, index, index + str.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) textView.text = spannableString textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() textView.highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT } It can be called multiple times to create several links within a TextView: makeTextLink(myTextView, str, false, Color.RED, action = { Log.d("onClick", "link") }) makeTextLink(myTextView, str1, true, null, action = { Log.d("onClick", "link1") })
t= (TextView) findViewById(; t.setText(Html.fromHtml("<bThis is normal text </b>" + "This is cliclable text ")); t.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
I would suggest a different approach that I think requires less code and is more "localization-friendly". Supposing that your destination activity is called "ActivityStack", define in the manifest an intent filter for it with a custom scheme (e.g. "myappscheme") in AndroidManifest.xml: <activity android:name=".ActivityStack"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:host="stack"/> <data android:scheme="myappscheme" /> </intent-filter> </activity> Define the TextView without any special tag (it is important to NOT use the "android:autoLink" tag, see: <TextView android:id="#+id/stackView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="#string/stack_string" /> then use a link with custom scheme and host in the text of the TextView as (in String.xml): <string name="stack_string">Android is a Software stack</string> and "activate" the link with setMovementMethod() (in onCreate() for activities or onCreateView() for fragments): TextView stack = findViewById(; stack.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); This will open the stack activity with a tap on the "stack" word.
Kotlin Version of Phan Van Linh's answer. Please note it has some minor modifications. fun makeLinks(textView: TextView, links: Array<String>, clickableSpans: Array<ClickableSpan>) { val spannableString = SpannableString(textView.text) for (i in links.indices) { val clickableSpan = clickableSpans[i] val link = links[i] val startIndexOfLink = textView.text.indexOf(link) spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) } textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() textView.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE) } fun setupClickableTextView() { val termsOfServicesClick = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(p0: View?) { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "ToS clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } val privacyPolicyClick = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(p0: View?) { Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "PP clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } makeLinks(termsTextView, arrayOf("terms", "privacy policy"), arrayOf(termsOfServicesClick, privacyPolicyClick)) }
You can you this method to set the clickable value public void setClickableString(String clickableValue, String wholeValue, TextView yourTextView){ String value = wholeValue; SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(value); int startIndex = value.indexOf(clickableValue); int endIndex = startIndex + clickableValue.length(); spannableString.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) { super.updateDrawState(ds); ds.setUnderlineText(false); // <-- this will remove automatic underline in set span } #Override public void onClick(View widget) { // do what you want with clickable value } }, startIndex, endIndex, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); yourTextView.setText(spannableString); yourTextView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); // <-- important, onClick in ClickableSpan won't work without this } This is how to use it: TextView myTextView = findViewById(; setClickableString("stack", "Android is a Software stack", myTextView);
For those that are looking for a solution in Kotlin here is what worked for me: private fun setupTermsAndConditions() { val termsAndConditions = resources.getString(R.string.terms_and_conditions) val spannableString = SpannableString(termsAndConditions) val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View) { if (checkForWifiAndMobileInternet()) { // binding.viewModel!!.openTermsAndConditions() showToast("Good, open the link!!!") } else { showToast("Cannot open this file because of internet connection!") } } override fun updateDrawState(textPaint : TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(textPaint) textPaint.color = resources.getColor(R.color.colorGrey) textPaint.isFakeBoldText = true } } spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, 34, 86, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) binding.tvTermsAndConditions.text = spannableString binding.tvTermsAndConditions.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() binding.tvTermsAndConditions.setHighlightColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); }
Created elegant Kotlin way with extension: fun TextView.setClickableText(text: Spanned, clickableText: String, #ColorInt clickableColor: Int, clickListener: () -> Unit) { val spannableString = SpannableString(text) val startingPosition: Int = text.indexOf(clickableText) if (startingPosition > -1) { val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(textView: View) { clickListener() } override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(textPaint) textPaint.isUnderlineText = false } } val endingPosition: Int = startingPosition + clickableText.length spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, startingPosition, endingPosition, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) spannableString.setSpan(ForegroundColorSpan(clickableColor), startingPosition, endingPosition, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT } setText(spannableString) }
Boom Check this for java Lovers :D We can modify it according to our need: List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> pairsList = new ArrayList<>(); pairsList.add(new Pair<>("38,50", v -> { Intent intent = new Intent(SignUpActivity.this, WebActivity.class); intent.putExtra("which", "tos"); startActivity(intent); })); pairsList.add(new Pair<>("81,95", v -> { Intent intent = new Intent(SignUpActivity.this, WebActivity.class); intent.putExtra("which", "policy"); startActivity(intent); })); makeLinks(pairsList); // Method calling private void makeLinks(List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> pairsList) { SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(By signing up, I’m agree to PAKRISM’s Terms of Use and confirms that I have read Privacy Policy); for (Pair<String, View.OnClickListener> pair : pairsList) { ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View textView) { //Toast.makeText(MyApplication.getAppContext(), "Clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); pair.second.onClick(textView); } #Override public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) { ds.linkColor = ContextCompat.getColor(SignUpActivity.this, R.color.primary_main); ds.setUnderlineText(true); super.updateDrawState(ds); } }; String[] indexes = pair.first.split(","); ss.setSpan(clickableSpan, Integer.parseInt(indexes[0]), Integer.parseInt(indexes[1]), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } TextView tv = findViewById(; tv.setText(ss); tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); }
For kotlin use this extension fun TextView.makeLinks(vararg links: Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>) { val spannableString = SpannableString(this.text) for (link in links) { val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(view: View) { Selection.setSelection((view as TextView).text as Spannable, 0) view.invalidate() link.second.onClick(view) } } val startIndexOfLink = this.text.toString().indexOf(link.first) spannableString.setSpan( clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) spannableString.setSpan( ForegroundColorSpan(Color.parseColor("#46C2CC")), startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() // without LinkMovementMethod, link can not click this.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE) } Call this like this binding.agreeText.makeLinks(Pair(getString(R.string.terms_conditionsClick),View.OnClickListener { startActivity(TermsAndConditionActivity.getIntent(this)) }))
For bold, mySpannable.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD),termStart,termStop,Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
i coded an example to solve your question in Kotlin. This is the Code: val completeText = getString(R.string.terms_description) val textToFind = getString(R.string.show_terms) val spannableString: Spannable = SpannableString(completeText) val startFocus = completeText.indexOf(textToFind) val endFocus = startFocus + textToFind.length spannableString.setSpan(object: ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(p0: View) { showMessage() } }, startFocus, endFocus, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) show_terms.text = spannableString show_terms.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance(); show_terms.highlightColor = Color.TRANSPARENT; This is the XML <CheckBox android:id="#+id/check_agree_terms" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"/> <TextView android:id="#+id/show_terms" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:textColorLink="#color/colorPrimary" android:layout_toEndOf="#id/check_agree_terms"/> This is how it looks enter image description here
Using URLSpan class to get urls val spans: Array<URLSpan> = result.getSpans(0, result.length, Method fun TextView.createClickable(string: String, action:(String)->Unit ) { text = HtmlCompat.fromHtml(string, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY) val result = SpannableString(text) val spans = result.getSpans(0, result.length, for (span in spans) { val link:Pair<String, View.OnClickListener> = Pair(span.url, View.OnClickListener { action(span.url) }) val start = result.getSpanStart(span) val end = result.getSpanEnd(span) val flags = result.getSpanFlags(span) result.removeSpan(span) val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(textView: View) { textView.invalidate() link.second.onClick(textView) } override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(textPaint) textPaint.isUnderlineText = false } } result.setSpan(clickableSpan, start, end, flags) this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() this.setText(result, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE) } } Use Example Text : Android is a Software Stack and it' Awesome Wrapper your clickable text inside anchor tag Like: Android is a Software <a href=''> Stack </a> and it' <a href=''> Awesome </a>. val str = "Android is a Software <a href=''> Stack </a> and it' <a href=''> Awesome </a>." textView.createClickable(str) { when(it) { ""->{ startActivity(Intent(this, } ""->{ startActivity(Intent(this, } } }
Here a Kotlin solution that work better with localization: data class LinkedText(#StringRes val textRes: Int, val clickListener: View.OnClickListener? = null) fun TextView.setPartiallyLinkedText(vararg texts: LinkedText) { this.text = texts.joinToString(" ") { context.getString(it.textRes) } val spannableString = SpannableString(this.text) var startIndexOfLink = -1 texts.forEach { text -> val string = context.getString(text.textRes) if (text.clickListener != null) { val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun updateDrawState(textPaint: TextPaint) { textPaint.color = textPaint.linkColor textPaint.isUnderlineText = true } override fun onClick(view: View) { Selection.setSelection((view as TextView).text as Spannable, 0) view.invalidate() text.clickListener.onClick(view) } } startIndexOfLink = this.text.toString().indexOf(string, startIndexOfLink + 1) spannableString.setSpan( clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + string.length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } } this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() this.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE) } And use it like this: textView.setPartiallyLinkedText( LinkedText(R.string.not_linked_text), LinkedText(R.string.linked_text) { Toast.makeText(context, "You clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() }, )
Here is a kotlin extension (not works if text repeats) textView.makeTextClickable( contentText = "Hello world", clickableText = "world", isBoldText = true, onClick = { openPageInBrowser(BuildConfig.PRIVACY_POLICY_URL) } ) internal fun TextView.makeTextClickable( contentText: String, clickableText: String, onClick: () -> Unit, isUnderlineText: Boolean = false, isBoldText: Boolean = false ) { val spannableString = SpannableString(contentText) val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View) { onClick() } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(ds) ds.isUnderlineText = isUnderlineText ds.isFakeBoldText = isBoldText } } val clickableTextStartIndex = text.indexOf(clickableText) val clickableTextEndIndex = clickableTextStartIndex + clickableText.length spannableString.setSpan( clickableSpan, clickableTextStartIndex, clickableTextEndIndex, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) this.text = spannableString this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() }
This is my MovementMethod for detecting link/text/image clicks. It is modified LinkMovementMethod. import android.text.Layout; import android.text.NoCopySpan; import android.text.Selection; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod; import; import; import; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; public class ClickMovementMethod extends ScrollingMovementMethod { private Object FROM_BELOW = new NoCopySpan.Concrete(); private static final int CLICK = 1; private static final int UP = 2; private static final int DOWN = 3; private Listener listener; public void setListener(Listener listener) { this.listener = listener; } #Override public boolean canSelectArbitrarily() { return true; } #Override protected boolean handleMovementKey(TextView widget, Spannable buffer, int keyCode, int movementMetaState, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER: if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasNoModifiers(movementMetaState)) { if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && action(CLICK, widget, buffer)) { return true; } } break; } return super.handleMovementKey(widget, buffer, keyCode, movementMetaState, event); } #Override protected boolean up(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) { if (action(UP, widget, buffer)) { return true; } return super.up(widget, buffer); } #Override protected boolean down(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) { if (action(DOWN, widget, buffer)) { return true; } return super.down(widget, buffer); } #Override protected boolean left(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) { if (action(UP, widget, buffer)) { return true; } return super.left(widget, buffer); } #Override protected boolean right(TextView widget, Spannable buffer) { if (action(DOWN, widget, buffer)) { return true; } return super.right(widget, buffer); } private boolean action(int what, TextView widget, Spannable buffer) { Layout layout = widget.getLayout(); int padding = widget.getTotalPaddingTop() + widget.getTotalPaddingBottom(); int areatop = widget.getScrollY(); int areabot = areatop + widget.getHeight() - padding; int linetop = layout.getLineForVertical(areatop); int linebot = layout.getLineForVertical(areabot); int first = layout.getLineStart(linetop); int last = layout.getLineEnd(linebot); ClickableSpan[] candidates = buffer.getSpans(first, last, URLSpan.class); int a = Selection.getSelectionStart(buffer); int b = Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer); int selStart = Math.min(a, b); int selEnd = Math.max(a, b); if (selStart < 0) { if (buffer.getSpanStart(FROM_BELOW) >= 0) { selStart = selEnd = buffer.length(); } } if (selStart > last) selStart = selEnd = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (selEnd < first) selStart = selEnd = -1; switch (what) { case CLICK: if (selStart == selEnd) { return false; } if (listener != null) { URLSpan[] link = buffer.getSpans(selStart, selEnd, URLSpan.class); if (link.length >= 1) { listener.onClick(link[0].getURL()); } else { ImageSpan[] image = buffer.getSpans(selStart, selEnd, ImageSpan.class); if (image.length >= 1) { listener.onImageClicked(image[0].getSource()); } else { listener.onTextClicked(); } } } break; case UP: int beststart, bestend; beststart = -1; bestend = -1; for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { int end = buffer.getSpanEnd(candidates[i]); if (end < selEnd || selStart == selEnd) { if (end > bestend) { beststart = buffer.getSpanStart(candidates[i]); bestend = end; } } } if (beststart >= 0) { Selection.setSelection(buffer, bestend, beststart); return true; } break; case DOWN: beststart = Integer.MAX_VALUE; bestend = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { int start = buffer.getSpanStart(candidates[i]); if (start > selStart || selStart == selEnd) { if (start < beststart) { beststart = start; bestend = buffer.getSpanEnd(candidates[i]); } } } if (bestend < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { Selection.setSelection(buffer, beststart, bestend); return true; } break; } return false; } #Override public boolean onTouchEvent(TextView widget, Spannable buffer, MotionEvent event) { int action = event.getAction(); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { int x = (int) event.getX(); int y = (int) event.getY(); x -= widget.getTotalPaddingLeft(); y -= widget.getTotalPaddingTop(); x += widget.getScrollX(); y += widget.getScrollY(); Layout layout = widget.getLayout(); int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y); int off = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x); URLSpan[] link = buffer.getSpans(off, off, URLSpan.class); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (listener != null) { if (link.length >= 1) { listener.onClick(link[0].getURL()); } else { ImageSpan[] image = buffer.getSpans(off, off, ImageSpan.class); if (image.length >= 1) { listener.onImageClicked(image[0].getSource()); } else if (Selection.getSelectionStart(buffer) == Selection.getSelectionEnd(buffer)) { listener.onTextClicked(); } } } } if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && link.length != 0) { Selection.setSelection(buffer, buffer.getSpanStart(link[0]), buffer.getSpanEnd(link[0])); return true; } if (link.length == 0) { Selection.removeSelection(buffer); } } return super.onTouchEvent(widget, buffer, event); } #Override public void initialize(TextView widget, Spannable text) { Selection.removeSelection(text); text.removeSpan(FROM_BELOW); } #Override public void onTakeFocus(TextView view, Spannable text, int dir) { Selection.removeSelection(text); if ((dir & View.FOCUS_BACKWARD) != 0) { text.setSpan(FROM_BELOW, 0, 0, Spannable.SPAN_POINT_POINT); } else { text.removeSpan(FROM_BELOW); } } public interface Listener { void onClick(String clicked); void onTextClicked(); void onImageClicked(String source); } }
more generic answer in kotlin fun setClickableText(view: TextView, firstSpan: String, secondSpan: String) { val context = view.context val builder = SpannableStringBuilder() val unClickableSpan = SpannableString(firstSpan) val span = SpannableString(" "+secondSpan) builder.append(unClickableSpan); val clickableSpan: ClickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(textView: View) { val intent = Intent(context, context.startActivity(intent) } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(ds) ds.isUnderlineText = true ds.setTypeface(Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.ITALIC)); } } builder.append(span); builder.setSpan(clickableSpan, firstSpan.length, firstSpan.length+secondSpan.length+1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) view.setText(builder,TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE) view.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); }
The solutions provided are pretty decent. However, I generally use a more simple solution. Here is a linkify utility function /** * Method is used to Linkify words in a TextView * * #param textView TextView who's text you want to change * #param textToLink The text to turn into a link * #param url The url you want to send the user to */ fun linkify(textView: TextView, textToLink: String, url: String) { val pattern = Pattern.compile(textToLink) Linkify.addLinks(textView, pattern, url, { _, _, _ -> true }) { _, _ -> "" } } Using this function is pretty simple. Here is an example // terms and privacy val tvTerms = findViewById<TextView>( val tvPrivacy = findViewById<TextView>( Utils.linkify(tvTerms, resources.getString(R.string.terms), Constants.TERMS_URL) Utils.linkify(tvPrivacy, resources.getString(R.string.privacy), Constants.PRIVACY_URL)
Complicated but universal solution on Kotlin /* * Receive Pair of Text and Action and set it clickable and appearing as link * */ fun TextView.setClickableText(vararg textToSpanAndClickAction: Pair<String, (String) -> Unit>) { val builder = SpannableStringBuilder(text.toString()) textToSpanAndClickAction.forEach { argPair -> val clickableSpan = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View) { argPair.second.invoke(argPair.first) } } this.text.toString().let { fullText -> val indexOfFirst = fullText.indexOf(argPair.first) val indexOfLast = indexOfFirst + argPair.first.length if (indexOfFirst < 0){ //No match found return }else{ builder.setSpan( clickableSpan, indexOfFirst, indexOfLast, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } } } this.text = builder this.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() } kotlin spannable
Solution in Java (Updated 2022) Features: Allows for multiple clickable when there are repeated words. Specific commands can be tailored for each repeated words. I built upon daler445's code to allow for multiple clickable commands for repeated words. At Java class: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { SharedPreferences sp; #Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); sp = getSharedPreferences("MyUserPrefs", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); TextView fulltext = (TextView) findViewById(; //replace setText("") to setText("Android is a Software stack") for his case fulltext.setText("Search [1] this full [1] text with repeated strings. Search [2] Search [3] full [2] full [3]"); List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> links = new ArrayList<>(); //replace "Search" with "stack" for his case String stringtohyperlink = "Search"; String stringtohyperlink2 = "full"; links.add(new Pair<>(stringtohyperlink, new View.OnClickListener() { #Override public void onClick(View v) { String position = sp.getString("position","0"); if (position.equals("1")) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search 1 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); editor.putString("position","0"); editor.apply(); } if (position.equals("2")) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search 2 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); editor.putString("position","0"); editor.apply(); } if (position.equals("3")) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Search 3 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); editor.putString("position","0"); editor.apply(); } } })); links.add(new Pair<>(stringtohyperlink2, new View.OnClickListener() { #Override public void onClick(View v) { String position = sp.getString("position","0"); if (position.equals("1")) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "full 1 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); editor.putString("position","0"); editor.apply(); } if (position.equals("2")) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "full 2 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); editor.putString("position","0"); editor.apply(); } if (position.equals("3")) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "full 3 has been Clicked.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); editor.putString("position","0"); editor.apply(); } } })); makeLinks(fulltext, links); } public void makeLinks(TextView textView, List<Pair<String, View.OnClickListener>> links) { SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString(textView.getText().toString()); int startIndexState = -1; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); for (Pair<String, View.OnClickListener> link : links) { ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(#NonNull View widget) { editor.putString("position","1"); editor.apply(); widget.invalidate(); assert link.second != null; link.second.onClick(widget); } }; ClickableSpan clickableSpan2 = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(#NonNull View widget) { editor.putString("position","2"); editor.apply(); widget.invalidate(); assert link.second != null; link.second.onClick(widget); } }; ClickableSpan clickableSpan3 = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(#NonNull View widget) { editor.putString("position","3"); editor.apply(); widget.invalidate(); assert link.second != null; link.second.onClick(widget); } }; //... This only allows for 3 repeated words //... Add more of it, if there are more repeated words. assert link.first != null; int startIndexOfLink = textView.getText().toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexState + 1); spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan, startIndexOfLink, startIndexOfLink + link.first.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); int startIndexOfLink2 = textView.getText().toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexOfLink + 1); if (startIndexOfLink2 != -1) { spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan2, startIndexOfLink2, startIndexOfLink2 + link.first.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); } int startIndexOfLink3 = textView.getText().toString().indexOf(link.first, startIndexOfLink2 + 1); if (startIndexOfLink3 != -1) { spannableString.setSpan(clickableSpan3, startIndexOfLink3, startIndexOfLink3 + link.first.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); } //... This only allows for 3 repeated words //... Add more of it, if there are more repeated words. textView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); textView.setText(spannableString, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE); } } } At .xml <TextView android:id="#+id/fulltext" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="TextView" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" /> Demo
It really helpful for the clickable part for some portion of the text. The dot is a special character in the regular expression. If you want to spanable the dot need to escape dot as \\. instead of just passing "." to the spanable text method. Alternatively, you can also use the regular expression [.] to spanable the String by a dot in Java.
ClickableSpan not... Clicking [duplicate]
I am creating a ClickableSpan, and it is displaying properly with the proper text underlined. However, the clicks are not registering. Do you know what I am doing wrong??? Thanks, Victor Here is the code snippet: view.setText("This is a test"); ClickableSpan span = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { log("Clicked"); } }; view.getText().setSpan(span, 0, view.getText().length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Have you tried setting the MovementMethod on the TextView that contains the span? You need to do that to make the clicking work... tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
Kotlin util function: fun setClickable(textView: TextView, subString: String, handler: () -> Unit, drawUnderline: Boolean = false) { val text = textView.text val start = text.indexOf(subString) val end = start + subString.length val span = SpannableString(text) span.setSpan(ClickHandler(handler, drawUnderline), start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) textView.linksClickable = true textView.isClickable = true textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() textView.text = span } class ClickHandler( private val handler: () -> Unit, private val drawUnderline: Boolean ) : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View?) { handler() } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint?) { if (drawUnderline) { super.updateDrawState(ds) } else { ds?.isUnderlineText = false } } } Usage: Utils.setClickable(textView, subString, {handleClick()})
After some trial and error, the sequence of setting the tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); does matter. Here's my full code String stringTerms = getString(R.string.sign_up_terms); Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(stringTerms); int indexTermsStart = stringTerms.indexOf("Terms"); int indexTermsEnd = indexTermsStart + 18; spannable.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.theme)), indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { Log.d(TAG, "TODO onClick.. Terms and Condition"); } }, indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); int indexPolicyStart = stringTerms.indexOf("Privacy"); int indexPolicyEnd = indexPolicyStart + 14; spannable.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.theme)), indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { Log.d(TAG, "TODO onClick.. Privacy Policy"); } }, indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); TextView textViewTerms = (TextView) findViewById(; textViewTerms.setText(spannable); textViewTerms.setClickable(true); textViewTerms.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
Direct Approach in Kotlin val textHeadingSpannable = SpannableString(resources.getString(R.string.travel_agent)) val clickSpan = object : ClickableSpan(){ override fun onClick(widget: View) { // Handel your click } } textHeadingSpannable.setSpan(clickSpan,104,136,Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) tv_contact_us_inquire_travel_agent.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() tv_contact_us_inquire_travel_agent.text = textHeadingSpannable
Android ClickableSpan not calling onClick
I am creating a ClickableSpan, and it is displaying properly with the proper text underlined. However, the clicks are not registering. Do you know what I am doing wrong??? Thanks, Victor Here is the code snippet: view.setText("This is a test"); ClickableSpan span = new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { log("Clicked"); } }; view.getText().setSpan(span, 0, view.getText().length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
Have you tried setting the MovementMethod on the TextView that contains the span? You need to do that to make the clicking work... tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
Kotlin util function: fun setClickable(textView: TextView, subString: String, handler: () -> Unit, drawUnderline: Boolean = false) { val text = textView.text val start = text.indexOf(subString) val end = start + subString.length val span = SpannableString(text) span.setSpan(ClickHandler(handler, drawUnderline), start, end, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) textView.linksClickable = true textView.isClickable = true textView.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() textView.text = span } class ClickHandler( private val handler: () -> Unit, private val drawUnderline: Boolean ) : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View?) { handler() } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint?) { if (drawUnderline) { super.updateDrawState(ds) } else { ds?.isUnderlineText = false } } } Usage: Utils.setClickable(textView, subString, {handleClick()})
After some trial and error, the sequence of setting the tv.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); does matter. Here's my full code String stringTerms = getString(R.string.sign_up_terms); Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(stringTerms); int indexTermsStart = stringTerms.indexOf("Terms"); int indexTermsEnd = indexTermsStart + 18; spannable.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.theme)), indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { Log.d(TAG, "TODO onClick.. Terms and Condition"); } }, indexTermsStart, indexTermsEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); int indexPolicyStart = stringTerms.indexOf("Privacy"); int indexPolicyEnd = indexPolicyStart + 14; spannable.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getColor(R.color.theme)), indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spannable.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() { #Override public void onClick(View widget) { Log.d(TAG, "TODO onClick.. Privacy Policy"); } }, indexPolicyStart, indexPolicyEnd, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); TextView textViewTerms = (TextView) findViewById(; textViewTerms.setText(spannable); textViewTerms.setClickable(true); textViewTerms.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
Direct Approach in Kotlin val textHeadingSpannable = SpannableString(resources.getString(R.string.travel_agent)) val clickSpan = object : ClickableSpan(){ override fun onClick(widget: View) { // Handel your click } } textHeadingSpannable.setSpan(clickSpan,104,136,Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) tv_contact_us_inquire_travel_agent.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() tv_contact_us_inquire_travel_agent.text = textHeadingSpannable