Is there way to acces every RecyclerViewHolder? - android

I have a recyclerview with data that changes during the lifecycle of an app, lets say that in my recycler view holders i have an edittext field that comes with populated data but I want user to have access to change that data, is there a way that when the button is pressed i can somehow access all of those textfields at once?

Hmm you could keep 2 parallel lists in your recycle view adapter? one that has the main data, the other one is updated whenever the user changes something on an edit text.
Once the user presses the update button, you can just copy the data from list2(with modified data) to list1 (original) and update the recycler view.
for example
inside onBindviewholder()
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) {
// find your edittext to set a listener for text change
// get the current item from list2 (list2 has same item originally as the original list)
keep updated the list2 data here.
on the main activity once the user presses the button you can do
adapter.mainList = new ArrayList<>(adapter.list2)


How to change content of viewholder item based on observable?

In a reycler list, I have an Viewholder in which there is a button.
The text of a button is based on a variable if user is verified.
Now on click of user can be verified. a dialog is opened, user gets verified. After user is verified, i am updating sharedpreference boolean.
I have an observable on sharedpreference. How do i change/update viewholder items?
After verifying, i want to update button text for all items
You can pass the adapterPosition of the item clicked to the dialog, and on pressing OK, you can call a function inside your RecyclerView adapter to update the given item.
updateItem(position: Int) {
Object item = list.get(position)
item.isVerified = true
Make sure you call notifyItemChanged(adapterPosition) in the adapter after you have updated the list item, this will automatically update the item at the clicked position.

RecyclerView Data passing to same Activity

I have a cart program, in activity is simple, there was a recyclerview and a button. In recycler view I can edit its stock.
Now, I want to get that product_name and product_stock from that I've ever clicked and make changes.
Now, when every stock has been clicked, I want click button on activity, so I want that data I've ever clicked on recyclerview stored to array, so that button can do their action / function. Can you guys lead me, how to import data from recyclerview to its activity itself.
It was Android program to do shopping cart, so I click the data in recycler view it stored to activity array.
I don't have any idea how to store that from recyclerview to activity's array.
My expected result, should be, when I click buy button on activity, every changed stock on recyclerview is shown.
You can simply implement an interface in your adapter like this for getting the values from clicked position in recycleview.
public interface FetchRecyclerViewItems{
void getItems(String product_name,String product_stock);
And simply create a setter method for this interface in adapter like this,
private FetchRecyclerViewItems fetchRecyclerViewItems;
public void setFetchRecyclerViewItems(FetchRecyclerViewItems fetchRecyclerViewItems){
this.fetchRecyclerViewItems = fetchRecyclerViewItems;
Then set the values like this on your click like this in OnBindViewHolder,
your_view.setOnClickListener(new View.SetOnClickListener)....{
And implement this interface in your activity and you will get the product_name,product_stock values there.
Make sure to initialize the FetchRecyclerViewItems in your activity.

How to swap items from two recyclerview items that are in two fragments in one activity?

I have two fragments (a and b) inside an Activity according to the picture below.
I am able to delete from first one but how to add that item to favorites fragment RecyclerView?
Deleting actress name and adding to favorites
My Viewholder code for RecyclerView Fragment one class:
addToFavoriteButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
How to add this deleted item inside adapter of Favorites Recyclerview?
What I would do is maintain a list of actresses (either locally or on the server) with each one containing an isFavorite boolean attribute.
Then, while you have one global list, each recyclerview is only showing a subset:
On the left, you show all actresses where isFavorite is set to false.
On the right, you show all actresses where isFavorite is set to true.
How you update it could be done a few different ways, but here is what I recommend at a high level:
Have an onClick listener for each one that bubbles up to the activity, so the activity is aware any time an actresses's favorite state changes. Every time the state changes for an actress, tell your adapters in each fragment to update.
If you don't want to refresh the entire list every time, you could integrate a remove and add method like Mauker's Answer.
You can create a method inside your adapter that removes an item from the RecyclerView, and returns the given item.
Then, you can use this item reference to add it to the second RecyclerView.
Pseudocode example
public myItem removeAndGetItem(int position) {
myItem item = mArrayList.get(position);
return item;
Then you could call something like (also, pseudocode):
myItem item = adapter1.removeAndGetItem(position);
Adjust the examples to your code, and it should do the trick.
I misread the part about the RecyclerViews being on different Fragments.
So, you can still do what I said on the example above, you'll just have to pass that item to the second Fragment, using Fragment callbacks, or Broadcasting the item, or even through an EventBus.
Instead of using notifyDataSetChanged() which can be very costly, try to use notifyItemRemoved(int position) instead. As you can see on the docs:
If you are writing an adapter it will always be more efficient to use the more specific change events if you can. Rely on notifyDataSetChanged() as a last resort.

Is there any way to update the appearance of one RecyclerView element without a full reload?

I'm making an app that has a main RecyclerView "feed" comprised of post elements.
You can click on a post which takes you to a detailed view.
I opted to put the detailed view in a "transparent" activity so that when the detailed view is clicked on, the current activity is paused and the new one starts. This means that the feed activity does not lose its state and the recyclerview maintains its position so that when the user clicks back the activity/fragment does not need to reload.
On both the feed's posts and the detailed view, I have thumb buttons that can be clicked. When the user enters the detailed view, I pass in the thumb button's state and it's initialized in onCreate(). When the user exits the detailed view, I need to update the state of the thumb button in the main feed (to keep them in sync) without refreshing the entire recyclerview. This requires me refreshing the dataset (and subsequently updating the appearance) in one item of the recyclerview without refreshing/reloading the entire recyclerview. Is this possible?
I tried doing this by updating the data set used by my adapter and calling notifyItemChanged(position) but this did not work. I was told this method calls onBindViewHolder (which would then call my bind method and update the view).
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
// Here, I'm updating my mRecipes data set after returning from the detailed view
if (requestCode == 0) {
int adaptpos = Integer.parseInt(data.getStringExtra("adaptpos"));
String likes = data.getStringExtra("likes");
String favorites = data.getStringExtra("favorites");
Any help going about this would be greatly appreciated. If all else fails, I may have to just reload the entire fragment to reflect the change in state.
You can use DiffUtil to handle this scenario , its an easy way to handle updates to recycler view items and was recently added to the support library.
This medium post explains the implementation

need to reload mainActivity controller on click of button located in customized listview

To make my question more understandable let me start with an image of my view.
I have an xml file named Menu, that has customized list view in it. I have created another xmlview named MenuCell as below.
Now tapping on add button I'm adding Item to the cart. which is working perfectly fine except not updating value of a cart (top right corner) on click event. But If I navigate to different view and come back to this view at this point I'm getting number of items added in the cart reflected properly. So How Can I reload my controllerview when I tap in my arradepter view's ImageButton.
this is my adapter code
holder.imageButton1.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
void addItem(int position) {
Where count is item added count.
If anyone can tell How am I able to reflect this count of my arrayadpter class to my other controller class that holds actual list view.
Any Help will be appreciated
Thanks in advance.
You need to use callback feature to get notified to your activity , hence add button is part of list component so you can update your list view.
Here are few links for understanding of call back using interface
After :
just add:
YourList.scrollBy(0, 0);
Send the reference of your controller to your list adapter class. In the controller I guess you have a method that computes some data and after that call update the view that holds cart data summary. Just make sure that update is on UI thread.
Your List is not refreshing at the instant because you have to refresh data of your adapter and then call notifyDataSetChanged();
Suppose You have the data in an array which is visible in textview.Then In your function addItem add the data into ur array and then call notifyDataSetChanged();
This will immediately tell the list view that watever data it is containing is changed so time to refresh.
If you can paste more of ur adapter code i can be helpful

