I was building an android app, and I needed to pass the current instance of a class to a service that I am launching from that class. So, like we bundle strings or many other datatypes to intent, something like this,
Intent intent1 = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), AlarmScreen.class);
intent1.putExtra("remainder", "example1");
intent1.putExtra("time", "example2");
Is there a similar way to bind context to intent and then pass it to the service to access the class's current instance of variables from the service class?
EventBus worked, being a singleton class, it does not create duplicate instances.
I have 5 or so activities in Android (2 of them have been shown below), which share a common Navigation Drawer. If I log in into some account from the Navigation Drawer, after successful log in, the activity which was previously showing needs to be loaded. Is it possible to send activity context through intent?
Intent intent1 = new Intent(FirstActivity.this, Login.class);
intent1.putExtra("activity", "FirstActivity");
Intent intent2 = new Intent(SecondActivity.this, Login.class);
intent2.putExtra("activity", "SecondActivity");
When finding the name of the activity to return in log in activity, after successful log in.
Intent intent3 = getIntent();
String activity = intent3.getStringExtra("activity");
Intent intent4 = new Intent(Login.this, Class.forName(activity));
returns the following error message:
W/System.err: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Home
at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:453)
Does anyone know how to fix it up?
Making use of intent1.putExtra("activity", String.valueOf(FirstActivity.this)); also does not work out either, it says that com.example.nativeapp.FirstActivity#6a7640 is an invalid class name.
Should I convert the activity context to Serializable or Parcelable or even CharSequence when I try to send those variable values through intent? Activity or AppCompatActivity does not seem to inherit Serializable or Parcelable for that to work out it seems. CharSequence does not seem to make much difference from making use of String.
I know that I can create my own class to store global variables and activity contexts and my activity can inherit from that but since my activity already inherits NavigationDrawer, my activity cannot inherit a second class. Can I declare that as an interface and inherit an interface to access global variable values from interface? Getter and setter methods, for sure cannot work out in an interface, since no implementation of functions and no declaration of variable values are allowed in an interface.
One of the reasons why I have been considering to decide to make use of a central superclass for storing variable values and changing them from subclasses whenever that I am trying to move from one activity to another is that activity contexts like this, I am not sure how to pass them through intents. That intent, which should also be able to pass on within the other central global variables of the mobile application from one activity class to another. The central superclass, such as the NavigationDrawer which is an excellent candidate since all of my Android activity classes inherit from it would be best to use if all central global variables are stored in it and they are changed from subclasses whenever that I am trying to move from one activity to another.
How do I go about it?
you are trying to remember the last activity and then starting next specific activity.
This is the way to do it
change this
Intent intent = new Intent(Login.this, Class.forName(activity));
to this-
Intent intent = getIntent();
String lastActivity = intent.getStringExtra("activity"); // lastActivity
if (lastActivity.equalsIgnoreCase("FirstActivity")) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Login.this, FirstActivity.class);
} else if (lastActivity.equalsIgnoreCase("SecondActivity")) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Login.this, SecondActivity.class);
create common method to optimize your code
You need to provide the fully qualified class name. Instead of "FirstActivity" you need to pass "my.fully.qualified.class.name.FirstActivity" where you provide the fully qualified class name.
I just following a tutorial to start a basic intent, and I get an error. Doing exact the same as the tutorial, created an empty Activity and just passed as argument to the intent. What is the problem?
Using a video tutorial: Lynda.com - Developing Android Apps Essential Training (2015)
The error you've got in IDE usually happens when you try to use Activity Context (keyword this) inside some callback, listener or anonymous function. In such situation this does not refer to the Context of the Activity.
That's why solution provided by #Vishal Patoliya should fix your problem because you're explicitly referring to the Context of the concrete Activity as follows:
Intent intent = new Intent(YourActivity.this,ItemUserSettingRattingActivity.class);
Try this
Intent intent = new Intent(YourActivity.this,ItemUserSettingRattingActivity.class);
In case of Activtiy, you are going to another activity:--
Intent intent = new
If you are passing intent from a fragment to open a activity then
Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(),ItemUserSettingRattingActivity.class);
Have you already created a class named ItemUserSettingRattingActivity.java? maybe you get an error it's because the intent you created didn't detect the class.
For what purpose Context class is used in android?Please explain me in depth and be more specific .I read all other posts but none of them were specific enough to give me clear understanding.
I know Content class allows access to application-specific resources and classes, as well as up-calls for application-level operations such as launching activities, broadcasting and receiving intents, etc.
Like Here,
Intent intent=new Intent(this,new_class.class);
why we are passing Main activity context into the Intent constructor call.what type of information does this activity context contain,how will it help it ,what type of resource access is it providing to it ?(with example please).
TextView textview=new TextView(this);
Why TextView need activity context?How does it help it.
There are already several good explanations of Context on Stackoverflow (see the linked questions and us the "search" feature. Also, the source code for Android is available on grepcode.com and you can look yourself if you are really interested. Why trust someone else's answer if you can look yourself? ;-)
However, I will answer your specific questions:
Intent intent=new Intent(this,new_class.class);
why we are passing Main activity context into the Intent constructor
call.what type of information does this activity context contain,how
will it help it ,what type of resource access is it providing to it
?(with example please).
In this case (the 2-argument constructor for Intent), the Context parameter is only used to determine the package name of the target Activity. Assuming that the package name of your application is "com.example.app", and MyActivity is an `Activity of your application, the following code snippets are all functionally identical:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class);
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MyActivity.class);
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(this, "com.example.app.MyActivity");
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(this, MyActivity.class);
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.example.app", MyActivity.class);
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClass(this, MyActivity.class);
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClassName("com.example.app", "com.example.app.MyActivity");
Similarly, here,
TextView textview=new TextView(this);
Why TextView need activity context?How does it help it.
All Views need a Context. Think of the Context as the "owner of the View". This controls the lifetime of the View. In general, a View should have the same lifetime as its owning Activity, which is why you usually pass the Activity as the Context parameter when creating a View. When the Activity is destroyed, all of the owned Views are also destroyed. Additionally, the View uses the Context to gain access to resources (drawables, layouts, strings, themes, etc.).
It act as a Interface to global information about an application environment. This is an abstract class whose implementation is provided by the Android system. It allows access to application-specific resources and classes, as well as up-calls for application-level operations such as launching activities, broadcasting and receiving intents, etc.
You can get all the information from delveloper's official documentation... https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Context.html
I have a ComponentList object from the ical4j library, and I'm loading it from a url in an initial activity and then passing it to my main activity where I'll set up the GUI with data from it.
I can't figure out how to actually pass it with an intent, however. I can convert it into a string and that works (using componentList.toString()), however I want it to still be a ComponentList object. I've read some about using a parceable, but this isn't a class I've written so I can't go into the code and have the ComponentList object implement parceable. Is there a good way to pass an object from the ical4j library, in this case ComponentList, to another activity?
Looking at the API Docs it implements Serializable. So, you should be able to send it using an Intent:
Intent i = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
i.putExtra("componentList", componentList);
Then, in your MainActivity's onCreate():
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
ComponentList componentList = (ComponentList) extras.getSerializableExtra("componentList");
I have some values and want to pass with activity so that I can show in TextViews of Activity, I am unable to understand such a concept, so what should I do?
Simply I want to make constructor but unable to understand it that how will it be done, I am new to android programming, so needed help.
Start by reading the documentation at developer.android.com about intents and intent extras.
In android if you launched an activity there is a method called onCreate execute automatically.You can send values using Intent to the activity and can retrieve them in the Activity
The Activity (sub)class must have a default constructor without any parameters so that the system can instanciate it at run time.
To pass "parameters" to activities, you need to use the extra bundle of the intent.
Intent i = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class);
i.putExtra("com.sample.MyParameter", 666);
See Starting An Activity
If you want to pass one value then you can use intent but if you want to pass multiple values then using "Bundle" is best way.
Bundle bundel = new Bundle();
bundel.putString("key3", str31);
bundel.putString("key5", str1);
bundel.putString("key6", str4);