I am trying to build chromium according to the documentation
The problem now is that I cannot login to google services such as gmail, youtube even though I have added google api key.
If anyone has a similar problem please share experience
We faced with a similar issue in our product which integrates with Chromium. We noticed that every time we try to login to Google Account we get the following error:
During our research we figured out that Google blocks login if the --remote-debugging-port Chromium switch is used. So, maybe that's your case too? Please make sure that you don't use this switch.
I'm trying to get a project going for Android using the Google Maps Android API.
Following this guide:
I seem to be getting stuck when I try to create a project in the google developer console. It keeps failing after a short time and I get notifications saying that it failed to create the project.
Searching for a solution to this I found that people needed to enable something by going to admin.google.com. Problem is when I go there it says "admin.google.com is for G Suite accounts only. Regular Gmail accounts cannot be used to sign in to admin.google.com".
Do I need to upgrade my regular gmail account to a G Suite account to be able to use the Google Maps API? I wouldn't think so seeing as I am unable to find any documentation on this.
I have no idea what was causing this. But I tried again later and it works. So I guess we'll just call it a temporary google issue.
I'm developing an Android app where users must be able to authenticate and then make calls to the YouTube Data API.
I have no problems authenticating the users with their main account, using Google Sign-In everything is easy and user friendly, both for me and the users.
The problem is that some Google services (eg Google+ and YouTube) allow a single Google account to have multiple related accounts (linked accounts) (eg multiple Google+ pages or multiple YouTube channels).
Unfortunately seems that Google Sign-In doesn't consider this use case. Every user is forced to log into their main account.
In my scenario this is a serious problem. It means that some users won't be able to log into their secondary YouTube channels.
The only solution I have so far is to use the web-based authentication process. But this is obviously worst in terms of user experience and also means that I must handle everything by myself, with a WebView-based solution.
I've already built a small library that does everything, but Google recommends to use the provided Client libraries for a lot of good reasons. The problem is that all their client libraries have the same problem in Android. (The Google API Client Library for Java relies on the AccountManager for Android, therefore has the same problem of Google Sign-In)
Does anyone know if I'm missing something? is there a native way to authenticate the user secondary accounts? or am I forced to use the web-based authentication?
The same problem was addressed in a 3 years old YouTube blog post, is it possible that there's no solution yet?
Apparently at the moment there is no other way to solve this problem.
Here is the link to the library I'm building, in case someone else will have the same issue. https://github.com/PierfrancescoSoffritti/GoogleWebOAuth
Hopefully Google will solve the issue in the future.
Google Sign-in has similar limitations on iOS, but there's an alternative library,
Google's GTMAppAuth, that can be used instead. AppAuth looks like the parallel library for Android – would that satisfy this use case?
This SO question has some more iOS-specific info.
So, I am building a simple PhoneGap application that loads a Google Maps API V3 view. I have searched far and wide for an answer, but I have not found a thing. I get the following error when trying to load the API:
"Google has disabled the use of Maps API for this application. The provided key is not a valid Google API Key, or it is not authorized for the Google Maps Javascript API V3 on this site."
I have tried everything. In Cordova, I have all domains whitelisted (""), and the same in the Google Play Developer Console (""). I have even tried whitelisting "file://", but no such luck.
What drives me nuts is, when I use my code outside of the scope of PhoneGap, it works fine. Can anybody shed some light? Thanks!
I have the same issue.
I changed the Google developers console Api key referrers from '*' to '' and then solved my problem.
Just leave the referrers field it blank.
I hope it help. I spent about 4 hours to solve it :#
At first, I had the same problem as this guy: Implementing google play services in android
btw, I followed this tutorial including creating an oath 2.0 client ID: https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/android/getting-started
I followed the solution there and it fixed the compilation error. However, now, when I try to actually have the user sign in it just says "Internal error."
Does anybody know if there is a good beginner tutorial for using google play or Google+ in apps?
For me, this problem was resolved by following this tutorial: http://www.androidhive.info/2014/02/android-login-with-google-plus-account-1/
then by visiting the Consent page under APIs & Auth in your developer control panel for the app. See screenshot here: http://picpaste.com/Consent_Screen.jpg
Can anyone used Google+ in android app? I searched about the same thing but I found nothing. If anyone have any idea or related code then please post here.
There is no public API yet, but you can sign up for updates here:
A basic Java library is available here:
And a basic PHP library here:
Here is the link to the Google APIs.
You can create your application, and add several APIs to it (Youtube, Google+, etc).
There are several samples.
Hope its useful
You can also try http://code.google.com/p/google-plus-java-api/
Integration of Google Plus into your android application requires following prerequisites
Enable Google+ API on Developers Console and create credentials for your application authentication
Configuring Google Play Services in Eclipse
Create Android Application with Google Plus Sign In
You can check detailed step by step tutorail at