I'm developing an application, related to Child Security, in Flutter.
A parent can request the child's application to send an Image or a 15 seconds Audio.
FCM is implemented and perfectly working fine when the application is running or in the background. When a notification received on Child's mobile application, the application moves to the relevant screen and performs the task.
But when the application is closed/terminated, it's not working. The notification is received, but the application doesn't start automatically. I have to click the notification, which I don't want to.
Can I achieve this, in Flutter? Something like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger call feature?
What I have tried so far is, calling the main function on a notification received or runApp, but got no success.
void _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) {
<------- and ------>
runApp(MaterialApp(home: ChildDashboard()));
void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: CustomSplash(
imagePath: 'assets/images/logo.png',
backGroundColor: Colors.pink[50],
animationEffect: 'zoom-in',
logoSize: 1000,
home: sendToRelevantScreen(),
duration: 2500,
type: CustomSplashType.StaticDuration,
We have implemented firebase notification in a flutter app running on android. Below is the function that we have defined for handling background messages
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
// If you're going to use other Firebase services in the background, such as Firestore,
// make sure you call `initializeApp` before using other Firebase services.
print('Handling a background message ${message.messageId}'); }
below is the notification body that is being sent
"to" : "eYQ8cukfTzW:APA91b,
"data" : {
"body" : "Notification Body",
"title": "Notification Title",
"key_1" : "Value for key_1",
"key_2" : "Value for key_2"
We are using firebase_messaging: ^14.1.0
My call handler is above my main function
#pragma('vm:entry-point') //this is used for where indicates this function not removed while releasing
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
print('Handling a background message ${message.messageId}');
Inside my main.dar
I am calling this like this
FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage(_firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler); //for handling background
And for foreground messages like this
FirebaseMessaging.instance.setForegroundNotificationPresentationOptions( alert: true, badge: true, sound: true);
it works perfectly fine while the app is in the foreground. However, if the app is closed then the notification is not going to the background message handler
The notifications appear when the app is running. However, if the app is closed, the app does not catch any notifications. it seems like the background method does not get invoked when notifications are received. Can anyone please help how to fix this?
I'm handling FCM in my flutter app and i want only to receive one scheduled notification if my app is terminated and i don't want to receive it if app is working in the background now.
This is my code and when i'm testing i'm receiving this notification if my app is in background or is terminated.
Future<void> background_handler(RemoteMessage message) async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();
void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp(options: FirebaseOptions(apiKey:
"apikey", appId: "appid", messagingSenderId: "senderid", projectId: "projid"));
//handle msg in terminate case
RemoteMessage? message = await FirebaseMessaging.instance.getInitialMessage();
if(message != null){
PushNotification notification = new PushNotification(title:
message.notification?.title?? "Title",
body: message.notification?.body?? "Body", dataTitle: message.data["title"],
dataBody: message.data["body"] );
runApp(const MyApp());
How I can change this code to make app only receive this notification if it's terminated, or it's not possible to separate the background and terminated cases?
I don't think that's possible since onBackgroundMessage handles messages when the app is in both background and terminated state. Also, Flutter can only detect if the app is in background but not when it's terminated.
I am trying to implement local Firebase notifications in background in Android with Flutter.
Following this tutorial, I was able to get my notifications successfully set up when the app is in foreground. But while the app is in background, I do see the local notifications, but also the original notifications sent by Firebase (which I do not see while the app is in foreground).
This is a problem. Since our server sends multiple notifications, and I am implementing android_local_notifications to filter through them, and show only selected ones though local notification channel.
This is my implementation:
void main() {
// Register local notification channel
static final AndroidNotificationChannel androidChannel =
'Android Local Notifications',
description: 'Used to show foreground notifications on Android.',
importance: Importance.max,
static final AndroidInitializationSettings initializationSettingsAndroid =
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
InitializationSettings(android: initializationSettingsAndroid, iOS: null),
// set up on background
/// Handle background messages by registering a onBackgroundMessage handler.
/// When messages are received, an isolate is spawned (Android only, iOS/macOS does not require a separate isolate) allowing you to handle messages even when your application is not running.
/// https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/flutter/receive
Future<void> _firebaseMessagingBackgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async {
// Initialize firebase
await Firebase.initializeApp();
// Creates a local notification
android: AndroidNotificationDetails(
channelDescription: androidChannel.description,
<receiver android:name="com.dexterous.flutterlocalnotifications.ScheduledNotificationBootReceiver"
android:exported="true" tools:replace="android:exported"/>
How do I get to hide the original Firebase pushes while the app is in background?
I'm currently using this library in react-native to schedule local notification, when i tap of notification either from notification centre or from top of the app, i want to redirect the user to specific screen. Currently react-native-push-notification lib using old UILocalNotification classes which are already deprecated.
Below is my code to configure local notification.
onNotification is a callback method triggers when user launches the app from notification centre for iOS and similarly onAction is for Android.
* To configure for local notifications
export function localNotificationConfigure() {
onNotification: async function (notification) {
console.log('notification.data', notification.userInteraction);
onAction: async function (notification) {
console.log('notification', notification.userInteraction);
permissions: {
alert: true,
badge: true,
sound: true,
popInitialNotification: true,
requestPermissions: Platform.OS === 'ios',
Is there any way that i can achieve this. Is it because of lib using UILocalNotification which is deprecated and i'm not able to get the action back in the code. Any help is appreciated.
This link helped me in achieving my desired functionality.
I am developing a react-native messaging app with Expo. Every time a user receives a new message, I send a notification from my server.
Is there any way to not display the notification if the app is currently open?
Right now I am using this as soon as the notification is received:
But there is a 0.5 second delay where the notification has time to appear in the tray and trigger a sound before it gets dismissed. I would like to not show it at all.
When a notification is received while the app is running, using setNotificationHandler you can set a callback that will decide whether the notification should be shown to the user or not.
handleNotification: async () => ({
shouldShowAlert: true,
shouldPlaySound: false,
shouldSetBadge: false,
When a notification is received, handleNotification is called with the incoming notification as an argument. The function should respond with a behavior object within 3 seconds, otherwise the notification will be discarded. If the notification is handled successfully, handleSuccess is called with the identifier of the notification, otherwise (or on timeout) handleError will be called.
The default behavior when the handler is not set or does not respond in time is not to show the notification.
If you don't use setNotificaitonHandler, the new notifications will not be displayed while the app is in foreground.
So you can simply set setNotificationHandler to null when your app is initialized.
See Documentaition
The answer is yes to your question
Is there any way to not display the notification if the app is
currently open?
The default behavior of Notification in Expo is not to show notification if the App is in foreground. You must have implemented Notifications.setNotificationHandler similar to the following code -
// --------------------------------------------------
// Sets the handler function responsible for deciding
// what to do with a notification that is received when the app is in foreground
handleNotification: async () => ({
shouldShowAlert: true,
shouldPlaySound: true,
shouldSetBadge: false,
If you don't use setNotificaitonHandler, the new notifications will not be displayed while the app is in foreground.
Use below code snippet. It works on press notification.
_handleNotification = async (notification) => {
const {origin} = notification;
if (origin === ‘selected’) {
this.setState({notification: notification});
if (AppState.currentState !== 'active') {
this.setState({notification: notification});
I assume you setup a simple FCM - Firebase cloud messaging
And use that to push messages to the client?
The official Expo guide has a section for receiving-push-notifications
This is the actual workflow of FCM (weird can be called as a common issue) that it'll handle the notifications by itself when the application is in the foreground.
The solution which i did for my project was to create a custom notification JSON rather than using their default template which won't be parsed by FCM.
"hello":" custom key and value",
"SampleKey":"Sample data",
"SampleKey" : "Sampledata",
"SampleKey2" : "great match!"},
In console you can add your own custom JSON objects, and when you get the notification parse the notification by using these objects, then you will be able to override that issue.
You can also add a channel for the request to categorize your notifications
this.createNotificationListeners = firebase.notifications()
.onNotification((notification) => {
let{ hello,data,message} = notification;