In Android app , I want to draw a button in canvas , like the image exactly the below image
I tried some stack overflow answers but can't get the exact output , particularly the light shadow below . My worst code is below
val corners = floatArrayOf(
80f, 80f, // Top left radius in px
80f, 80f, // Top right radius in px
0f, 0f, // Bottom right radius in px
0f, 0f // Bottom left radius in px
val path = Path()
val rect = RectF(550f, 500f, 100f, 300f) = Paint.Style.FILL;
paint.color = Color.WHITE;
path.addRoundRect(rect, corners, Path.Direction.CW)
canvas?.drawPath(path, paint) = Paint.Style.STROKE;
paint.color = Color.BLACK;
path.addRoundRect(rect, corners, Path.Direction.CW)
canvas?.drawPath(path, paint)
val paint2 = Paint()
paint2.setTextSize(50f) //set text size
val w: Float = paint2.measureText("VIEW CAMPSITE MAP") / 2
val textSize: Float = paint2.textSize
canvas?.drawText("VIEW CAMPSITE MAP", 300f, 300f ,paint2);
Also I can't set text in correct position
I also need a gradient to show bulging state like a real material button
And also need an click listener in the canvas / paint
I need it in pure canvas and paint not in any views
please help me
Here is one of the ways. Dont forget to move all variables like text, textSize, etc in custom attributes. Also I didnt get what do you mean by "click listener in the canvas"
class CustomView #JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
//constants. move them all to custom attributes
private val boxRadius = convertDpToPixel(10f)
private val boxColor = Color.parseColor("#52618e")
private val boxBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE
private val boxShadowSize = convertDpToPixel(2f)
private val boxStrokeWidth = convertDpToPixel(1f)
private val textColor = Color.parseColor("#21a207")
private val fontSize = convertDpToPixel(30f)
private val text = "View Campsite Plan"
private lateinit var boxShadow: RectF
private lateinit var boxBackground: RectF
private lateinit var boxShadowPaint: Paint
private lateinit var boxBackgroundPaint: Paint
private var textWidth = 0f
private var textSmallGlyphHeight = 0f
private lateinit var textPaint: Paint
override fun onSizeChanged(w: Int, h: Int, oldw: Int, oldh: Int) {
boxShadow = RectF(0f, 0f, w.toFloat(), h.toFloat())
boxBackground = RectF(boxStrokeWidth, boxStrokeWidth,
w.toFloat()-boxStrokeWidth, h.toFloat()-boxStrokeWidth-boxShadowSize)
boxShadowPaint = Paint().apply { color = boxColor }
boxBackgroundPaint = Paint().apply { color = boxBackgroundColor }
textPaint = Paint().apply {
color = textColor
textSize = fontSize
typeface = Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.BOLD)
textWidth = measureText(text)
textSmallGlyphHeight = { ascent + descent }
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
canvas?.drawRoundRect(boxShadow, boxRadius, boxRadius, boxShadowPaint)
canvas?.drawRoundRect(boxBackground, boxRadius, boxRadius, boxBackgroundPaint)
val textStartPadding = (width - textWidth)/2f
val textTopPadding = (height - textSmallGlyphHeight)/2f
canvas?.drawText(text, textStartPadding, textTopPadding, textPaint)
private fun convertDpToPixel(dp: Float) =
I am developing an android app using:
Jetpack Lifecycle (ViewModel)
Jetpack Navigation
Coil (Image Loader)
I am trying to customize the BottomNavigationMenu.
But one thing is very hard...
The last tab is the User's profile Image with Border.
If the user's profile image background color is white, then the ui is weird.
So I should show the border.
class MainActivity {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
private fun initBottomNav(bottomNav: BottomNavigationView) {
val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as NavHostFragment
bottomNav.itemIconTintList = null
vm.profileImgUrl.observe(this) { url ->, url) {
This code draws the profile image on the BottomNavigationMenu.
But not draw the border.
When I googling, there is no support for CircleCrop with Border on Coil (even Glide).
So I tried the below code, But it doesn't work well..
vm.profileImg.observe(this) { imgBitmap ->
val layerBorder = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(resources, R.drawable.oval_trans_border1_red, null)
val layerIcon = BitmapDrawable(Resources.getSystem(), imgBitmap)
val layerDrawable = LayerDrawable(arrayOf(layerIcon, layerBorder))
val bottomNavProfile =
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this)
.target {
bottomNavProfile.icon = it
.apply {
Somebody help me please?
You can write your own Transformation with border like this:
class BorderedCircleCropTransformation(
private val borderSize: Float = 0f,
#ColorInt private val borderColor: Int = Color.BLUE
) : Transformation {
override fun key(): String =
override suspend fun transform(pool: BitmapPool, input: Bitmap, size: Size): Bitmap {
val borderOffset = (borderSize * 2).toInt()
val halfWidth = input.width / 2
val halfHeight = input.height / 2
val circleRadius = Math.min(halfWidth, halfHeight).toFloat()
val newBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
input.width + borderOffset,
input.height + borderOffset,
// Center coordinates of the image
val centerX = halfWidth + borderSize
val centerY = halfHeight + borderSize
val paint = Paint()
val canvas = Canvas(newBitmap).apply {
// Set transparent initial area
drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0)
// Draw the transparent initial area
paint.isAntiAlias = true = Paint.Style.FILL
canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, circleRadius, paint)
// Draw the image
paint.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
canvas.drawBitmap(input, borderSize, borderSize, paint)
// Draw the createBitmapWithBorder
paint.xfermode = null = Paint.Style.STROKE
paint.color = borderColor
paint.strokeWidth = borderSize
canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, circleRadius, paint)
return newBitmap
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is BorderedCircleCropTransformation
override fun hashCode() = javaClass.hashCode()
override fun toString() = "BorderedCircleCropTransformation()"
private companion object {
val XFERMODE = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
internal val Bitmap.safeConfig: Bitmap.Config
get() = config ?: Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
then pass it as a transformation to coil and it will draw what you want.
I use this code for drawing border.
I created a custom view to draw a line, but progressively. I tried to use PathMeasure and getSegment, but the effect doesn't work. It just keeps drawing the line already with the final size.
private val paint = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
color = Color.WHITE
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
strokeWidth = 10f
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
val path = Path().apply {
moveTo(width/2.toFloat(), height/2.toFloat())
lineTo(width/2.toFloat(), height/4.toFloat())
val measure = PathMeasure(path, false)
val length = measure.length
val partialPath = Path()
measure.getSegment(0.0f, length, partialPath, true)
partialPath.rLineTo(0.0f, 0.0f)
canvas!!.drawPath(partialPath, paint)
you can do this with DashPathEffect
DashPathEffect dashPathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{1000.0f,9999999},0);
change 1000 to your length ("on" parts in Dash)
and set 99999999 to your max ("off" parts in Dash)
play with this parameters and read this article please
Here's how I made it, as #mohandes explained:
private var path = Path()
private var paint = Paint()
private val dashes = floatArrayOf(125f, 125f)
init {
paint = Paint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
color = Color.WHITE
style = Paint.Style.STROKE
strokeWidth = 10.0f
pathEffect = CornerPathEffect(8f)
path = Path().apply {
moveTo(312f, 475f)
lineTo(312f, 375f)
val lineAnim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(100f, 0f)
lineAnim.interpolator = LinearInterpolator()
lineAnim.addUpdateListener {
paint.pathEffect = ComposePathEffect(DashPathEffect(dashes, lineAnim.animatedValue as Float), CornerPathEffect(8f))
lineAnim.duration = 1000
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
canvas!!.drawPath(path, paint)
i am beginner level android developer and i know basics of layouts and views.Now i want to go one step ahead and want to learn interactive designs like this image
In this image we have red area and white area and both are separated with a wave like shape not simple shape which we see in all layouts.Any help regarding this will be appreciated.Thanks
A good way of accomplishing this is to just to create your own custom view and override the onDraw() method.
I did simple quick and dirty custom drawing for you that is similar to example you gave
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var waveView: WaveView? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val wave = WaveView(this)
waveView = wave
class WaveView #JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
private val paint = Paint()
private val path = Path()
init { = Paint.Style.FILL
paint.isAntiAlias = true
paint.isDither = true
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
val point1X = width * 0.0f
val point1Y = height * 0.5f
val point2X = width * 0.35f
val point2Y = height * 0.45f
val point3X = width * 0.5f
val point3Y = height * 0.3f
val point4X = width * 0.75f
val point4Y = height * 0.1f
val point5Y = height * 0.25f
paint.color = Color.RED
path.moveTo(0f, 0f)
path.lineTo(point1X, point1Y)
path.quadTo(point2X, point2Y, point3X, point3Y)
path.lineTo(width.toFloat(), point3Y)
path.lineTo(width.toFloat(), 0f)
canvas?.drawPath(path, paint)
paint.color = Color.WHITE
path.moveTo(point3X, height.toFloat())
path.lineTo(point3X, point3Y)
path.quadTo(point4X, point4Y, width.toFloat(), point5Y)
path.lineTo(width.toFloat(), height.toFloat())
canvas?.drawPath(path, paint)
custom wave
Hopefully this points you in the right direction.
I want to have an ImageView containing an Image with rounded curves, but not circular (which is way easier of course)..
The X marked areas should be black, the rest should stay blue. It should look (kind of) like this
What I tried:
I spent hours fighting with Path.quadTo and Path.cubicTo with the help of some tools but I didn't have any success yet. I just don't really get the usage to be honest.
What my code currently looks like:
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = Color.BLACK
paint.strokeWidth = 1f
paint.strokeCap = Paint.Cap.ROUND
paint.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP) = Paint.Style.FILL
val fHeight = canvas.height.toFloat()
val startEndHeight = canvas.height / 1.18f
val fWidth = canvas.width.toFloat()
val halfWidth = (fWidth / 2)
val path = Path()
//X = Left side, Y = close to bottom
val ptStart = PointF(0f, startEndHeight)
//X = Middle, Y = Bottom
val ptMiddle = PointF(halfWidth, fHeight + 95)
// X = Right Side, Y = close to bottom
val ptEnd = PointF(fWidth, startEndHeight)
path.moveTo(ptStart.x, ptStart.y)
path.quadTo(ptMiddle.x, ptMiddle.y, ptEnd.x, ptEnd.y)
canvas.drawPath(path, paint)
It can't be that hard, right?
Is it possible to colorize the red marked areas and leave everything else untouched?
Fixed! This is my final solution which applies a quad bezier to the ImageView. I had to add 2 lines to the path to get the result I wanted.
class HeaderImageView : AppCompatImageView {
constructor(context: Context?) : super(context) {
constructor(context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?) : super(context, attrs) {
constructor(context: Context?, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
lateinit var paint: Paint
private fun init() {
paint = Paint()
paint.color = Color.WHITE
paint.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP) = Paint.Style.FILL
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
val fHeight = canvas.height.toFloat()
val startEndHeight = canvas.height / 1.18f
val fWidth = canvas.width.toFloat()
val halfWidth = (fWidth / 2)
val path = Path()
//X = Left side, Y = close to bottom
val ptStart = PointF(0f, startEndHeight)
//X = Middle, Y = Bottom
val ptMiddle = PointF(halfWidth, fHeight + 95)
// X = Right Side, Y = close to bottom
val ptEnd = PointF(fWidth, startEndHeight)
path.moveTo(ptStart.x, ptStart.y)
path.quadTo(ptMiddle.x, ptMiddle.y, ptEnd.x, ptEnd.y)
path.lineTo(fWidth, fHeight)
path.lineTo(0f, fHeight)
canvas.drawPath(path, paint)
Can anyone help me out on how I going to draw semicircle of the picture below with canvas and also how to detect the collection of the drawing object?
I had try to draw it using XML and i dont know how to detect the collision of it. I just want to detect the collision of the black part but not the whole circle.
Thank you.
I've just done something similar, with a custom View:
class SemiCircleView #JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
private val paint: Paint = Paint()
private var rectangle: RectF? = null
private var margin: Float
init {
paint.isAntiAlias = true
paint.color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorAquamarine) = Paint.Style.STROKE
paint.strokeWidth = 5.dpToPx()
margin = 3.dpToPx() // margin should be >= strokeWidth / 2 (otherwise the arc is cut)
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
if (rectangle == null) {
rectangle = RectF(0f + margin, 0f + margin, width.toFloat() - margin, height.toFloat() - margin)
canvas.drawArc(rectangle!!, 90f, 180f, false, paint)
Add it you your XML layout like this:
That's the result:
In my case I want to programmatically control the % of the circle being drawn, so I've added a method setArcProportion that controls that:
class SemiCircleView #JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
defStyleAttr: Int = 0
) : View(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) {
private val mainPaint: Paint = Paint()
private val backgroundPaint: Paint = Paint()
private var rectangle: RectF? = null
private var margin: Float
private var arcProportion: Float = 0f
init {
mainPaint.isAntiAlias = true
mainPaint.color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorLutea) = Paint.Style.STROKE
mainPaint.strokeWidth = 5.dpToPx()
backgroundPaint.isAntiAlias = true
backgroundPaint.color = ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.black_08) = Paint.Style.STROKE
backgroundPaint.strokeWidth = 5.dpToPx()
margin = 3.dpToPx() // margin should be >= strokeWidth / 2 (otherwise the arc is cut)
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
if (rectangle == null) {
rectangle = RectF(0f + margin, 0f + margin, width.toFloat() - margin, height.toFloat() - margin)
canvas.drawArc(rectangle!!, -90f, arcProportion * 360, false, mainPaint)
// This 2nd arc completes the circle. Remove it if you don't want it
canvas.drawArc(rectangle!!, -90f + arcProportion * 360, (1 - arcProportion) * 360, false, backgroundPaint)
* #param arcProportion The proportion of the semi circle arc, from 0 to 1. Setting 0 makes the arc invisible, and 1
* makes a whole circle.
fun setArcProportion(arcProportion: Float) {
this.arcProportion = arcProportion
So if I do semiCircleView.setArcProportion(0.62f) I have:
Bonus - To make the arc grow with an animation modify setArcProportion like this:
private const val ANIMATION_BASE_DURATION_MS: Long = 500 // milliseconds
fun setArcProportion(arcProportion: Float) {
ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, arcProportion).apply {
interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
// The animation duration is longer for a larger arc
addUpdateListener { animator ->
this#SemiCircleView.arcProportion = animator.animatedValue as Float
In your onDraw method draw a circle .
canvas.drawCircle(x, y, 10, paint);
Now draw a rect with your background colour
Paint fillBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
This should serve the purpose.