Android AudioView - android

Is there a library similar to VideoView, but just for plain audio? I need to do something similar looking as the audio view in WhatsApp. I couldn't really find any good library for this, especially to work ok with RecyclerView. I have found some hard solutions with a lot of code, and i'm thinking, it can't really be that no one needed something like this. There are a lot of solutions for video based on ExoPlayer that really elegant, nut not for only audio.
Any hint would be really appreciated


Android - Video from images

Well, after two weeks of searching for this, I give up.
I've searched everywhere for a Java/android library to put together images and make a simple video. No luck.
I found jcodec, a promising library, but I just couldn't make it compile on eclipse. The android example given by them is throwing me errors.
Has anyone in the world accomplished this task? Is it even possible? I'm willing to pay if someone's got it.
Thank you guys in advance.
What are you trying to do and what are you looking for? Have you looked into FFMPEG for Android? I'm currently looking into this myself, but take a look at this:
FFmpeg on Android

Graphic sound analyzer of microphone

I am building on an app which has a function which records the sound which comes in the microphone. It would be handy to give a graphical view of the incoming sound, like for example.
I searched a little bit for a tutorial online, but the only thing I found was Audalyzer, but it is difficult for me to get a grip on it, it also is using the whole interface and not clear how to implement it as a widget...
Maybe somebody knows a good tutorial or example code on this?
You'd probably want to use a Fast Fourier Transform for this.
I'd try jTransforms:
The blog here: gives a good introduction into what the FFT does and how you can turn it into a chart. I fear that by the end of this you'll understand FFTs though...

How to use Flipboard effect on Android

I really like some effects in iPad. Especial flipboard, but I am an android developer at the moment, so I want to build an app which has the same effect. But I cannot find any source code about it on the Internet. On youtube I found a video I really like. Can someone help me?
Hey… Here is a quick guide for getting the clipboard effect on your Android phone. Just go through this tutorial for getting it. Hope it will be helpful to you. there u go, but it is on opengl, and i'm not sure if it supports complex views as ListView. If you want to make one from the scratch i also recommend you this link. It is on Flex, but the principle is similar.

Third party replacements for MediaPlayer/MediaRecorder?

The built-in classes for working with audio in Android seem less than ideal. To me, they are overly complex to use, yet provide only basic functionality.
However, I don't wish to start a debate about the merits or shortcomings of these classes. I just want to know: are there any libraries to provide alternatives to recording and playing audio in Android? I have not been able to find anything, but perhaps there is something out there.
Vitamio looks pretty good, though I have never use it myself. One of interesting feature they say is support HTTP Live Streaming on Android 2.1+. worth to check it out.

android youtube gallery look

Does someone knows how to implement something similar to honeycomb youtube gallery look? I have seen these links:
but I don't know what transformations do I have to do to the object to be able to get that rounded look. Because using the code from the examples above, does not provide transformations to the objects (items) inside the gallery. I read somewhere that this can be done using OpenGl, but I was wandering if it could be somehow avoided. If someone has ANY idea, please share it with me. I really want to implement this. Thank u in advance.
This can be done using renderscript. there is an example CarouselExample ( that can me modified, but it takes a lot of work to get to learn renderscript so you can understand the code completely and start using it. But this is the way to go.

