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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have two computers, both with same hardware and Android Studio settings.
When I build the app on the first, the app works well, but when I build the app on the second, some parts of the app lifecycle just don't work.
Example: the app never pass through the onCreate()
Hey #Matheos welcome to Stackoverflow!!
As for solution, try to Clean Project and then rebuild on second one PC.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to make custom os for a smartglass but I have no experience AOSP where should I start from and what are the things that I should take into consideration.
As for me, first you need to think about the DevKit, which is supported by AOSP out of the box. For example, in my projects I use HiKey960. The link below describes the basic steps of getting AOSP sources, building them, and target flashing:
Once you have buildable and runable AOSP, you can try adding your own functionality: application, services, native daemons, HAL implementation, and so on.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am developing an application using flutter one of my application features is calling phone numbers directly without re-directing to phone dailler and this feature is very fundamental to the app.
Thanks in advance
Try using :- flutter_phone_direct_caller plugin
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have created an android project in firebase but even after doing the first 3 steps I skipped the last step "if your app contacts our servers"
A screenshot is attached here
Also is my app registered or not how to check it?
Well to complete that step in firebase you have to uninstall your app from your mobile device and reinstall it.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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All android apps in settings can be disabled. But I want to make an application which cant be disabled from settings. What can be done for that?
Nothing, because if it was possible, everyone would do it, and that would completely nullify the point of letting the user be the sole decision maker about disabling an app.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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My Application works all good but for some users a functionality isn't working. How to look after this, when the application is working fine for me and most of the users and not for some. How to debug it?
You could use a bug tracking tool. I am using this one, it's really easy to use: splunk mink but there are also others like instabug, appsee or others.
The deal with such tracking tools is that you get live data from the app usage, errors, crashes and other useful information you can use to improve your app.