Operations With Android LiveData in EditText? - android

I have 3 editext and I have to multiply the numbers written in the first two, and make the result appear live on the third using Android Livedata.
Observer { newNum1-> binding.ediText1.text = newNum1.toString() }
Observer { newNum2-> binding.ediText2.text = newNum2.toString() }
Observer { newNum3-> binding.ediText3.text = newNum3.toString() }
I tried something like this, with 2 MutableLiveData and one MediatorLivedata, but i did something wrong because it didn't update live the third EditText. Could someone help me?
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
private var num1 = MutableLiveData<Int>();
private var num2 = MutableLiveData<Double>();
private var mun3 = MediatorLiveData<Double>();
num3.addSource(num1, this::onChanged);
num3.addSource(num2, this::onChanged);
private fun onChanged(x : Double) {
var a = num1.value
var b = num2.value
if (a== null)
a= 0;
if (b== null)
b= 0.0;
num3.setValue(a * b);
I'm using Kotlin but i accept any kind of code, even in java.
Thank you for your patience and help!
Best regards, Mark.

Please try something like that, but be aware of nullability. One of received values can be null
fun <A, B> LiveData<A>.combineWith(b: LiveData<B>): LiveData<Pair<A?, B?>> =
MediatorLiveData<Pair<A?, B?>>().apply {
var lastA: A? = this#combineWith.value
var lastB: B? = b.value
addSource(this#combineWith) {
lastA = it
value = Pair(lastA, lastB)
addSource(b) {
lastB = it
value = Pair(lastA, lastB)
Observer { (first, second) ->
if (first != null && second != null) {
someEditText.text = (first * second).toString()

That might not be your literal code, because it's not compileable. You can't pass the same function to be used as the observer for either source, since the source types are different.
Your onChanged() function doesn't use the input parameter, so you can remove that and call it from a lambda you pass to each addSource call.
You can also simplify the content of your function by using Elvis operators.
private val num1 = MutableLiveData<Int>()
private val num2 = MutableLiveData<Double>()
private val num3 = MediatorLiveData<Double>().apply {
addSource(num1) { onChanged() }
addSource(num2) { onChanged() }
private fun onChanged() {
val a = num1.value ?: 0
val b = num2.value ?: 0.0
num3.value = a * b


My LiveData variable is not working correctly

I have a livedata int value Its value is initially 3.
In fragment Quiz its value decreases and becomes 0. But in fragment End its value still remains 3, why?
class QuizViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val lives = MutableLiveData<Int>()
var live = 3
init {
lives.value = live
fun onWrongAnswer() {
fun onPlayAgain() {
live = 3
For each wrong answer, the live decreases by 1 and if it is 0 or the questions are finished, the EndFragment is reached.
private fun checkResult() {
if (viewModel.live == 0) {
} else {
This part does not work correctly because it remains as Live 3. But its value decreased and became 0. Why is it 3 again?
You check the Int live instead of the MutableLiveData<Int> lives.
Get rid of live and create a non-mutable public livedata member variable. Update the mutable live data in your viewmodel:
private val _lives = MutableLiveData<Int>(3)
val lives: LiveData<Int> = _lives
fun onWrongAnswer() {
_lives.value = lives.value?.minus(1)
fun onPlayAgain() {
_lives.value = 3
Observe the value of the lives: LiveData in your fragment like this:
viewModel.lives.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {live ->
if (live == 0) {
} else {
Note: viewLifecycleOwner is a property from androidx.fragment.app.

second item of list is not showing

this is my viewModel code:
val workout = state.get<Workout>("workout")
var steps : List<Step> = emptyList()
fun getSteps() = viewModelScope.launch {
steps = workout?.let { stepDao.getWorkoutSteps(it.workoutId) }!!
Log.e("KEK", steps.size.toString())
and the fragment:
if (viewModel.steps.isNotEmpty()) {
binding.apply {
currentStepName.text = viewModel.steps[0].name
currentStepDuration.text = viewModel.steps[0].length.toString()
nextStep.text = "${viewModel.steps[1].name} : ${viewModel.steps[1].length.toString()}"
this part where i fill the nextStep text doesn't work, a second item in the list exists, but the text doesn't get shown `
thank you
When you call viewModel.getSteps() it starts a coroutine, so you need to wait for it to finish. but you don't wait and try to update the UI using viewModel.steps which may not have been updated yet, because coroutine may not have started.
in your case you can use a LiveData object to fix the issue.
In your ViewModel
val liveSteps: MutableLiveData<List<Step>> = MutableLiveData()
fun getSteps() = viewModelScope.launch {
steps = workout?.let { stepDao.getWorkoutSteps(it.workoutId) }!!
Log.e("KEK", steps.size.toString())
Now observe this LiveData in Fragment and update UI
viewModel.liveSteps.observe(viewLifeCycleOwner, androidx.lifecycle.observe{
if(!(it.isNullOrEmpty()) && it.size == 2){
binding.apply {
currentStepName.text = it[0].name
currentStepDuration.text = it[0].length.toString()
nextStep.text = "${it[1].name} : ${it[1].length.toString()}"

How do I ensure lateinit variable initialization before it is needed?

I have an app that launches the majority of the time, but every 7 or so launches it crashes with the error:
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property weekdayList has not been initialized
This is a clear error, I'm just not sure how to ensure the variable is initialized early enough in the context of my app.
Things I have tried
I tried moving variables around, making "inner" and "outer"
variables, one within onCreate and an underscore led variable as
the class variable.
Changing the viewmodel so that it will wait until the call to the db has finished (I
couldn't make this work, but mostly because I wasn't sure how to do it).
I think the problem is in the onCreate function, and that the weekday observe isn't setting the value of the variable faster than the task observe (where the weekdayList variable is needed) is called?
Edit 1
I referenced this but I end up with a similar error
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Empty list doesn't contain element at index 1.
Edit 2
I understand how lateinit variables and nullables work at this point, I want to try and clarify this a little better.
The variable weekdayList needs to be initialized to the correct list before I hit the observe for the taskList, otherwise the app will crash.
I have tried setting the variable to be nullable, and Iend up with:
skipping parts of the program when it's null (not an option)
crashing with a null pointer exception (if set to non-nullable)
no tasks get assigned to any day, which means no recyclerviews get updated, thus making the app appear to contain no tasks when it does.
weekday buttons that don't work because there is no weekdayList for them to compare against to launch the next activity
My problem doesn't stand in figuring out if it's null or not, it's trying to guarantee that it won't be null.
Sorry for the confusion
Main Activity
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding
private val plannerViewModel: PlannerViewModel by viewModels {
PlannerViewModelFactory((application as PlannerApplication).repository)
private var weekdayList: List<Weekday> = listOf()
private var taskList: List<Task> = listOf()
private var taskDayList = mutableListOf<Task>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
val clearButtonText = binding.clearCardText
val sundayButtonText = binding.sundayCardText
val mondayButtonText = binding.mondayCardText
val tuesdayButtonText = binding.tuesdayCardText
val wednesdayButtonText = binding.wednesdayCardText
val thursdayButtonText = binding.thursdayCardText
val fridayButtonText = binding.fridayCardText
val saturdayButtonText = binding.saturdayCardText
val sundayRv: RecyclerView = binding.sundayRv
val sundayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
sundayRv.adapter = sundayAdapter
sundayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val mondayRv: RecyclerView = binding.mondayRv
val mondayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
mondayRv.adapter = mondayAdapter
mondayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val tuesdayRv: RecyclerView = binding.tuesdayRv
val tuesdayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
tuesdayRv.adapter = tuesdayAdapter
tuesdayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val wednesdayRv: RecyclerView = binding.wednesdayRv
val wednesdayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
wednesdayRv.adapter = wednesdayAdapter
wednesdayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val thursdayRv: RecyclerView = binding.thursdayRv
val thursdayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
thursdayRv.adapter = thursdayAdapter
thursdayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val fridayRv: RecyclerView = binding.fridayRv
val fridayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
fridayRv.adapter = fridayAdapter
fridayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val saturdayRv: RecyclerView = binding.saturdayRv
val saturdayAdapter = TaskRvAdapter(null)
saturdayRv.adapter = saturdayAdapter
saturdayRv.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
// Setting day card names
clearButtonText.text = "Clear"
sundayButtonText.text = "Sun"
mondayButtonText.text = "Mon"
tuesdayButtonText.text = "Tue"
wednesdayButtonText.text = "Wed"
thursdayButtonText.text = "Thu"
fridayButtonText.text = "Fri"
saturdayButtonText.text = "Sat"
sundayButtonText.text = "Sun"
plannerViewModel.allWeekdays.observe(this, {
weekdayList = it
plannerViewModel.allTasks.observe(this, { tasks ->
taskList = tasks
taskDayList = mutableListOf()
for (i in 1..7) {
taskDayList = sortTasks(weekdayList[i], taskList)
when (i) {
1 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.sundayInner,
binding.sundayCardText, sundayRv, binding.sundayNoTasks)
2 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.mondayInner,
binding.mondayCardText, mondayRv, binding.mondayNoTasks)
3 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.tuesdayInner,
binding.tuesdayCardText, tuesdayRv, binding.tuesdayNoTasks)
4 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.wednesdayInner,
binding.wednesdayCardText, wednesdayRv, binding.wednesdayNoTasks)
5 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.thursdayInner,
binding.thursdayCardText, thursdayRv, binding.thursdayNoTasks)
6 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.fridayInner,
binding.fridayCardText, fridayRv, binding.fridayNoTasks)
7 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.saturdayInner,
binding.saturdayCardText, saturdayRv, binding.saturdayNoTasks)
private fun toggleVisibility(taskDayList: List<Task>, inner: ConstraintLayout,
cardText: View, rv: RecyclerView, noTask: View) {
if (taskDayList.count() == 0 ) {
val newConstraintSet = ConstraintSet()
newConstraintSet.connect(noTask.id, ConstraintSet.TOP,
cardText.id, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM)
newConstraintSet.connect(cardText.id, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM,
noTask.id, ConstraintSet.TOP)
rv.visibility = View.GONE
noTask.visibility = View.VISIBLE
Log.i("this", "ran zero")
} else {
val newConstraintSet = ConstraintSet()
newConstraintSet.connect(rv.id, ConstraintSet.TOP,
cardText.id, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM)
newConstraintSet.connect(cardText.id, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM,
rv.id, ConstraintSet.TOP)
rv.visibility = View.VISIBLE
noTask.visibility = View.GONE
Log.i("this", "ran else")
private fun sortTasks(day: Weekday, tasks: List<Task>): MutableList<Task> {
val newAdapterList = mutableListOf<Task>()
tasks.forEach {
if (it.weekdayId == day.id) {
return newAdapterList
private fun startWeekdayActivity(day: Weekday) {
val intent = Intent(this, WeekdayActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("dayId", day.id)
private fun clearDb(taskList: List<Task>) {
val alertDialog: AlertDialog = this.let { outerIt ->
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(outerIt)
builder.apply {
DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, id ->
if (taskList.count() == 0) {
Toast.makeText(context, "No tasks to clear", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
} else {
Toast.makeText(context, "Tasks cleared", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, id ->
// User cancelled the dialog
.setTitle("Clear tasks?")
.setMessage("Are you sure you want to clear the weeks tasks?")
private fun checkDay(dayIn: String, weekdayList: List<Weekday>) {
weekdayList.forEach {
if (dayIn == "clear_card" && it.day == "Clear") {
} else {
val dayInAbr = dayIn.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
val dayOutAbr = it.day.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
if (dayInAbr == dayOutAbr) {
fun buttonClick(view: View) {
when (view.id) {
R.id.clear_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.clear_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.sunday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.sunday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.monday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.monday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.tuesday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.tuesday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.wednesday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.wednesday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.thursday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.thursday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.friday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.friday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
R.id.saturday_card -> checkDay(view.context.resources.getResourceEntryName(R.id.saturday_card).toString(), weekdayList)
class PlannerViewModel(private val repository: DbRepository) : ViewModel() {
val allWeekdays: LiveData<List<Weekday>> = repository.allWeekdays.asLiveData()
val allTasks: LiveData<List<Task>> = repository.allTasks.asLiveData()
fun insertWeekday(weekday: Weekday) = viewModelScope.launch {
fun insertTask(task: Task) = viewModelScope.launch {
fun deleteTask(task: Task) = viewModelScope.launch {
fun deleteAllTasks() = viewModelScope.launch {
class PlannerViewModelFactory(private val repository: DbRepository) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom(PlannerViewModel::class.java)) {
return PlannerViewModel(repository) as T
throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ViewModel class")
A variable declared as lateinit just means that you are sure that when the object is dereferenced it will not be null. In your case you are calling a method from weekdayList object before it is assigned a value. It is important to understand the concept clearly and why your code works.
Happy Coding!
You can use the "isInitialized" method, for checking "lateinit" variable is initialized or not.
Please refer the below article for the this-
lateinit is a way for you to have a var without an initial value when you declare it. It's a nice way to avoid taking something that will never be null, and making it nullable (and having to null check it forever) just so you can temporarily set it to null as a placeholder that nothing will ever see.
What you're doing is promising the compiler "ok, I'm not going to provide a value when the class is constructed, but I promise I'll set it to something before anything tries to read it". You're telling the compiler to trust you, that you know how your code works, and you can guarantee it'll all be ok.
Your problem is that it seems you can't guarantee that things won't try to read that property before you write to it. Your state can either be "has a value", or "doesn't have a value", and the rest of your code could encounter either state.
The "no value" state is basically null, so you should probably make the variable nullable instead, and initialise it as null. Kotlin has all that nice null-safety stuff to help your code handle it, until you do get a value. lateinit seems like the wrong tool for the job, even if you check ::isInitialized it's just making your life a lot harder when the null-checking stuff is right there!
Use lazy properties , refer to this doc for more informations:
assuming weekDayList is the property you want to successfully initialize ->
private var weekDayList: List<WeekDay> by lazy {
//return your first value
Here is a useful link about LifeCycleAware Lazy properties: blog Although, it is not required.
A solution with help from cactustictacs in the comments.
I moved a lot of the list dependency to a new function called setAdapterList. this allows both observes to run the function, and only the one with both lists initialized will run the code contained. I kept the variables lateinit and it seems to be working so far!
The Main Change in Main Activity
private fun setAdapterLists(adapterList: List<TaskRvAdapter>, rvList: List<RecyclerView>) {
if (this::weekdayList.isInitialized && this::taskList.isInitialized) {
adapterList.forEach {
taskDayList = mutableListOf()
val i = adapterList.indexOf(it)
taskDayList = sortTasks(weekdayList[i + 1], taskList)
Log.i("rvli", rvList[i].toString())
when (i) {
0 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.sundayInner,
binding.sundayCardText, rvList[i], binding.sundayNoTasks)
1 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.mondayInner,
binding.mondayCardText, rvList[i], binding.mondayNoTasks)
2 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.tuesdayInner,
binding.tuesdayCardText, rvList[i], binding.tuesdayNoTasks)
3 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.wednesdayInner,
binding.wednesdayCardText, rvList[i], binding.wednesdayNoTasks)
4 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.thursdayInner,
binding.thursdayCardText, rvList[i], binding.thursdayNoTasks)
5 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.fridayInner,
binding.fridayCardText, rvList[i], binding.fridayNoTasks)
6 -> {
toggleVisibility(taskDayList, binding.saturdayInner,
binding.saturdayCardText, rvList[i], binding.saturdayNoTasks)

MPAndroid Chart dissapears after calling invalidate() with new data

In my Weather app, I have a MainFragment which has a button that opens a different fragment (SearchFragment) (via replace), allows a user to select a location and then fetches weather data for that location and loads it in various views including an MPAndroid LineChart. My issue is that whenever I come back from the search fragment, although the new data is fetched for the chart and I'm calling chart.notifyDataSetChanged() & chart.invalidate() (also tried chart.postInvalidate() since it was suggested when working on another thread) after the invalidate() is called the chart simply disappears. What am i missing here?
class MainFragment : Fragment() {
// Lazy inject the view model
private val viewModel: WeatherViewModel by viewModel()
private lateinit var weatherUnitConverter: WeatherUnitConverter
private val TAG = MainFragment::class.java.simpleName
// View declarations
// OnClickListener to handle the current weather's "Details" layout expansion/collapse
private val onCurrentWeatherDetailsClicked = View.OnClickListener {
if (detailsExpandedLayout.visibility == View.GONE) {
detailsExpandedLayout.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
detailsExpandedLayout.visibility = View.GONE
// OnClickListener to handle place searching using the Places SDK
private val onPlaceSearchInitiated = View.OnClickListener {
(activity as MainActivity).openSearchPage()
// RefreshListener to update the UI when the location settings are changed
private val refreshListener = SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {
Toast.makeText(activity, "calling onRefresh()", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing = false
// OnClickListener to allow navigating from this fragment to the settings one
private val onSettingsButtonClicked: View.OnClickListener = View.OnClickListener {
(activity as MainActivity).openSettingsPage()
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View {
val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.main_fragment, container, false)
// View initializations
hourlyChart = view.findViewById(R.id.lc_hourly_forecasts)
return view
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
lifecycleScope.launch {
// Shows a lottie animation while the data is being loaded
//scrollView.visibility = View.GONE
//lottieAnimView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// Stops the animation and reveals the layout with the data loaded
//scrollView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
//lottieAnimView.visibility = View.GONE
private fun bindUIAsync() = lifecycleScope.async(Dispatchers.Main) {
// fetch current weather
val currentWeather = viewModel.currentWeatherData
// Observe the current weather live data
currentWeather.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { currentlyLiveData ->
if (currentlyLiveData == null) return#Observer
currentlyLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { currently ->
// Get the unit system pref's value
val unitSystem = viewModel.preferences.getString(
// set up views dependent on the Unit System pref's value
when (unitSystem) {
UnitSystem.SI.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> {
UnitSystem.US.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> {
// fetch the location
val weatherLocation = viewModel.weatherLocation
// Observe the location for changes
weatherLocation.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { locationLiveData ->
if (locationLiveData == null) return#Observer
locationLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { location ->
Log.d(TAG,"location update = $location")
locationTxtView.text = location.name
// fetch hourly weather
val hourlyWeather = viewModel.hourlyWeatherEntries
// Observe the hourly weather live data
hourlyWeather.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { hourlyLiveData ->
if (hourlyLiveData == null) return#Observer
hourlyLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { hourly ->
val xAxisLabels = arrayListOf<String>()
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("HH")
for (i in hourly.indices) {
val formattedLabel = sdf.format(Date(hourly[i].time * 1000))
// fetch weekly weather
val weeklyWeather = viewModel.weeklyWeatherEntries
// get the timezone from the prefs
val tmz = viewModel.preferences.getString(LOCATION_TIMEZONE_KEY, "America/Los_Angeles")!!
// observe the weekly weather live data
weeklyWeather.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { weeklyLiveData ->
if (weeklyLiveData == null) return#Observer
weeklyLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { weatherEntries ->
// update the recyclerView with the new data
(weeklyForecastRCV.adapter as WeeklyWeatherAdapter).updateWeeklyWeatherData(
weatherEntries, tmz
for (day in weatherEntries) { //TODO:sp replace this with the full list once the repo issue is fixed
val zdtNow = Instant.now().atZone(ZoneId.of(tmz))
val dayZdt = Instant.ofEpochSecond(day.time).atZone(ZoneId.of(tmz))
val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM-dd-yyyy")
val formattedNowZtd = zdtNow.format(formatter)
val formattedDayZtd = dayZdt.format(formatter)
if (formattedNowZtd == formattedDayZtd) { // find the right week day whose data we want to use for the UI
initTodayData(day, tmz)
// get the hourly chart's computed data
val hourlyChartLineData = viewModel.hourlyChartData
// Observe the chart's data
hourlyChartLineData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { lineData ->
if(lineData == null) return#Observer
hourlyChart.data = lineData // Error due to the live data value being of type Unit
return#async true
private fun setChartAxisLabels(labels: ArrayList<String>) {
// Populate the X axis with the hour labels
hourlyChart.xAxis.valueFormatter = IndexAxisValueFormatter(labels)
* Sets up the chart with the appropriate
* customizations.
private fun setUpChart() {
hourlyChart.apply {
description.isEnabled = false
setNoDataText("Data is loading...")
// enable touch gestures
dragDecelerationFrictionCoef = 0.9f
// enable dragging
isDragEnabled = true
isHighlightPerDragEnabled = true
xAxis.isEnabled = true
// disable zoom functionality
isDoubleTapToZoomEnabled = false
// disable the chart's legend
legend.isEnabled = false
// append extra offsets to the chart's auto-calculated ones
setExtraOffsets(0f, 0f, 0f, 10f)
data = LineData()
data.isHighlightEnabled = false
setBackgroundColor(resources.getColor(R.color.bright_White, null))
// X Axis setup
hourlyChart.xAxis.apply {
position = XAxis.XAxisPosition.BOTTOM
textSize = 14f
granularity = 1f // one hour
spaceMax = 0.2f // add padding start
spaceMin = 0.2f // add padding end
typeface = resources.getFont(R.font.work_sans)
textColor = resources.getColor(R.color.black, null)
// Left Y axis setup
hourlyChart.axisLeft.apply {
isEnabled = false
isGranularityEnabled = true
// temperature values range (higher than probable temps in order to scale down the chart)
axisMinimum = 0f
axisMaximum = when (getUnitSystemValue()) {
UnitSystem.SI.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> 50f
UnitSystem.US.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> 150f
else -> 50f
// Right Y axis setup
hourlyChart.axisRight.apply {
isEnabled = false
ViewModel class:
class WeatherViewModel(
private val forecastRepository: ForecastRepository,
private val weatherUnitConverter: WeatherUnitConverter,
context: Context
) : ViewModel() {
private val appContext = context.applicationContext
// Retrieve the sharedPrefs
val preferences:SharedPreferences
get() = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(appContext)
// This will run only when currentWeatherData is called from the View
val currentWeatherData = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async { forecastRepository.getCurrentWeather() }
val hourlyWeatherEntries = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async { forecastRepository.getHourlyWeather() }
val weeklyWeatherEntries = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async {
val currentDateEpoch = LocalDate.now().toEpochDay()
val weatherLocation = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) {
val hourlyChartData = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async(Dispatchers.Default) {
// Build the chart data
hourlyWeatherEntries.observeForever { hourlyWeatherLiveData ->
if(hourlyWeatherLiveData == null) return#observeForever
hourlyWeatherLiveData.observeForever {hourlyWeather ->
* Creates the line chart's data and returns them.
* #return The line chart's data (x,y) value pairs
private fun createChartData(hourlyWeather: List<HourWeatherEntry>?): LineData {
if(hourlyWeather == null) return LineData()
val unitSystemValue = preferences.getString(UNIT_SYSTEM_KEY, "si")!!
val values = arrayListOf<Entry>()
for (i in hourlyWeather.indices) { // init data points
// format the temperature appropriately based on the unit system selected
val hourTempFormatted = when (unitSystemValue) {
UnitSystem.SI.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> hourlyWeather[i].temperature
UnitSystem.US.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) -> weatherUnitConverter.convertToFahrenheit(
else -> hourlyWeather[i].temperature
// Create the data point
appContext.resources.getDrawable(determineSummaryIcon(hourlyWeather[i].icon), null)
Log.d("MainFragment viewModel", "$values")
// create a data set and customize it
val lineDataSet = LineDataSet(values, "")
val color = appContext.resources.getColor(R.color.black, null)
val offset = MPPointF.getInstance()
offset.y = -35f
lineDataSet.apply {
valueFormatter = YValueFormatter()
fillDrawable = appContext.resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.gradient_night_chart, null)
mode = LineDataSet.Mode.HORIZONTAL_BEZIER
this.color = color // line color
iconsOffset = offset
lineWidth = 3f
valueTextSize = 9f
valueTypeface = appContext.resources.getFont(R.font.work_sans_medium)
// create a LineData object using our LineDataSet
val data = LineData(lineDataSet)
data.apply {
return data
private fun determineSummaryIcon(icon: String): Int {
return when (icon) {
"clear-day" -> R.drawable.ic_sun
"clear-night" -> R.drawable.ic_moon
"rain" -> R.drawable.ic_precipitation
"snow" -> R.drawable.ic_snowflake
"sleet" -> R.drawable.ic_sleet
"wind" -> R.drawable.ic_wind_speed
"fog" -> R.drawable.ic_fog
"cloudy" -> R.drawable.ic_cloud_coverage
"partly-cloudy-day" -> R.drawable.ic_cloudy_day
"partly-cloudy-night" -> R.drawable.ic_cloudy_night
"hail" -> R.drawable.ic_hail
"thunderstorm" -> R.drawable.ic_thunderstorm
"tornado" -> R.drawable.ic_tornado
else -> R.drawable.ic_sun
fun<T> lazyDeferred(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T) : Lazy<Deferred<T>> {
return lazy {
GlobalScope.async {
ScopedFragment :
abstract class ScopedFragment : Fragment(), CoroutineScope {
private lateinit var job: Job
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = job + Dispatchers.Main
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
job = Job()
override fun onDestroy() {
Without the entire environment it's really hard for me to help you debug the whole thing but I am happy to provide you with a couple of things that seem a little bit off at a first glance.
First of all I would avoid managing all CoroutinesScopes and lifecycles by yourself and it's easy to get it wrong. So I would rely on what the Android team has already done. Take a quick look here, it's really easy to setup and use. The dev experience is great.
Posting Deferred on a LiveData and awaiting on the view side looks like a code smell…
What if there's a network error?
It would result in an exception or cancellation exception being thrown.
What if the task was already perform and causes some type of UI consistency problem? These are a couple of edge cases I would not really want to handle.
Just observe a LiveData since it is its main purpose: it's a value holder and it's intended to live throught several lifecycle events in the Fragment. So once view is recreated the value is ready in the LiveData inside the ViewModel.
Your lazyDeferred function is quite smart but in the Android world it's also dangerous. Those coroutines don't live inside any lifecycle-controlled scope so they have a really high chance to end up being leaked. And trust me, you don't want any coroutines being leaked since they continue their work even after viewmodel and fragment destruction which is something you definetely don't want.
All of these are easily fixable by using the dependency I've mentioned before, which I'll paste here once more
Here's a snippet on how you could use those utilities in your ViewModel to ensure the lifecycle of things nor coroutines are causing any issues:
class WeatherViewModel(
private val forecastRepository: ForecastRepository,
context: Context
) : ViewModel() {
private val appContext = context.applicationContext
// Retrieve the sharedPrefs
val preferences:SharedPreferences
get() = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(appContext)
// This will run only when currentWeatherData is called from the View
val currentWeatherData = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async { forecastRepository.getCurrentWeather() }
val hourlyWeatherEntries = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async { forecastRepository.getHourlyWeather() }
val weeklyWeatherEntries = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async {
val currentDateEpoch = LocalDate.now().toEpochDay()
val weatherLocation = liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) {
By using the following approach all network calls are performed in a parallel fashion and they are all tied to the viewModelScope without writing a single line of handling the CoroutineScope's life. When the ViewModel dies, so will the scope. when the view gets re-created the routines won't execute twice and values will be ready to read.
Regarding the configuration of the chart: I would highly suggest you configure the chart as soon as you have created the view, since it is highly tied together. Configuration is something you want to do just once and may cause visual bugs if some instructions are executed more than once (which I believe it could be happening to you), just saying so because I've had problems with MPAndroid using a Piechart.
More on the chart: All of the logic of constructing the LineData would be better off on a background thread and being exposed through a LiveData in the ViewModel side like you would do with all of the other
val property = liveData {
val deferred = viewModelScope.async(Dispatchers.Default) {
// Heavy building logic like:
Pro Kotlin tip: Avoid repeating yourself during those long MPAndroid configurations functions.
Instead of:
view.enabled = true
view.apply {
enabled = true
I'm sad that I can just give you these hints and being unable to exactly pin-point what your issue is since the bug is heavily related to what is happenning throughout the lifecycle evolution of the runtime but hopefuly this is going to be useful
Answering your comment
If one of your data-streams (LiveData) is dependent on what another data-stream (another LiveData) is going to emit you are looking for LiveData.map and LiveData.switchMap operations.
I imagine that hourlyWeatherEntries is going to be emitting values from time to time.
In that case you can use LiveData.switchMap.
What this does is that everytime the source LiveData emits a value, you're going to get a callback and you are expected to return a new live data with the new value.
You could arrange something like the following:
val hourlyChartData = hourlyWeatherEntries.switchMap { hourlyWeather ->
liveData {
val task = viewModelScope.async(Dispatchers.IO) {
Using this approach has the benefit that it is completely lazy. That means that NO COMPUTATION is going to take place UNLESS data is being actively observed by some lifecycleOwner. That just means that no callbacks are being triggered unless data is observed in the Fragment
Further explanation on map and switchMap
Since we need to do some asynchronous computation that we don't know when it's going to be done we can't use map. map applies a linear transformation between LiveDatas. Check this out:
val liveDataOfNumbers = liveData { // Returns a LiveData<Int>
viewModelScope.async {
for(i in 0..10) {
val liveDataOfDoubleNumbers = liveDataOfNumbers.map { number -> number * 2}
This is really useful when the computation is linear and simple. What is happening behind the hood is that the library is handling observing and emitting values for you by means of a MediatorLiveData. What happens here is that whenever liveDataOfNumbers emits a value and liveDataOfDoubleNumbers is being observed the callback gets applied; so the liveDataOfDoubleNumbers is emitting: 0, 2, 4, 6…
The snippet above is equivalent to the following:
val liveDataOfNumbers = liveData { // Returns a LiveData<Int>
viewModelScope.async {
for(i in 0..10) {
val liveDataOfDoubleNumbers = MediatorLiveData<Int>().apply {
addSource(liveDataOfNumbers) { newNumber ->
// Update MediatorLiveData value when liveDataOfNumbers creates a new number
value = newNumber * 2
But just using map is much much simpler.
Now going to your use-case. Your computation is linear but we want to defer that work to a background coroutine. So we can't exactly tell when something is going to end.
For these use-cases they have created the switchMap operator. What it does it's just the same as map but wraps everything within another LiveData. The intermediate LiveData just acts as a container for the response that is going to come from the coroutine.
So what ends up happening is:
Your coroutine publishes into intermediateLiveData
switchMap does something similar to:
return MediatorLiveData().apply {
// intermediateLiveData is what your callback generates
addSource(intermediateLiveData) { newValue -> this.value = newValue }
} as LiveData
Summing up:
1. Coroutine passes value to intermediateLiveData
2. intermediateLiveData passes value to the hourlyChartData
3. hourlyChartData passes value to the UI
And everything without adding or removing observeForever
Since the liveData {…} is a builder to help us create asynchronous LiveDatas without dealing with the hassle of instantiating them we can use it so our switchMap callback is less verbose.
The function liveData returns a live data of type LiveData<T>. If your repository call already returns a LiveData it's really simple!
val someLiveData = originalLiveData.switchMap { newValue ->
someRepositoryCall(newValue).map { returnedRepoValue -> /*your transformation code here*/}
Separate the setupChart and setData logics. Setup chart once out of the observer, inside the observer setData and after that call invalidate().
Try commenting out the invalidate() part and wherever you are calling your search function before it try yourlineChart.clear(); or yourlineChart.clearValues();. This will clear the previous values of the chart and will form chart with new values. So, invalidate() and chart.notifyDataSetChanged() won't not be necessary and it should solve your problem.

How to detect when an EditText is empty using RxTextView (RxBinding)

I'm doing validation on an EditText. I want the CharSequence to be invalid if it's empty or it doesn't begin with "https://". I'm also using RxBinding, specifically RxTextView. The problem is that when there is one character left, and I then delete it leaving no characters left in the the CharSequence the map operator doesn't fire off an emission. In other words I want my map operator to return false when the EditText is empty. I'm beginning to think this may not be possible the way I'm doing it. What would be an alternative?
Here is my Observable / Disposable:
val systemIdDisposable = RxTextView.textChanges(binding.etSystemId)
.map { charSeq ->
if (charSeq.isEmpty()) {
} else {
.subscribe { isValid ->
if (!isValid) {
binding.systemIdTextInputLayout.isErrorEnabled = true
binding.systemIdTextInputLayout.error = viewModel.authErrorFields.value?.systemId
} else {
binding.systemIdTextInputLayout.isErrorEnabled = false
binding.systemIdTextInputLayout.error = viewModel.authErrorFields.value?.systemId
And here is a function in my ViewModel that I pass the CharSequence to for validation:
fun isSystemIdValid(systemId: String?): Boolean {
return if (systemId != null && systemId.isNotEmpty()) {
_authErrors.value?.systemId = null
} else {
_authErrors.value?.systemId =
After sleeping on it, I figured it out.
I changed RxTextView.textChanges to RxTextView.textChangeEvents. This allowed me to query the CharSequence's text value (using text() method provided by textChangeEvents) even if it's empty. Due to some other changes (not really relevant to what I was asking in this question) I was also able to reduce some of the conditional code too. I'm just putting that out there in case someone comes across this and is curious about these changes. The takeaway is that you can get that empty emission using RxTextView.textChangeEvents.
Here is my new Observer:
val systemIdDisposable = RxTextView.textChangeEvents(binding.etSystemId)
.map { charSeq -> viewModel.isSystemIdValid(charSeq.text().toString()) }
.subscribe {
binding.systemIdTextInputLayout.error = viewModel.authErrors.value?.systemId
And here is my validation code from the ViewModel:
fun isSystemIdValid(systemId: String?): Boolean {
val auth = _authErrors.value
return if (systemId != null && systemId.isNotEmpty()) {
auth?.systemId = null
_authErrors.value = auth
} else {
auth?.systemId =
_authErrors.value = auth
Lastly, if anyone is curious about how I'm using my LiveData / MutableLiveData objects; I create a private MutableLiveData object and only expose an immutable LiveData object that returns the values of the first object. I do this for better encapsulation / data hiding. Here is an example:
private val _authErrors: MutableLiveData<AuthErrorFields> by lazy {
val authErrors: LiveData<AuthErrorFields>
get() { return _authErrors }
Hope this helps someone! 🤗

