I'm new to hilt. So i want to try dependency injection with hilt on my project which use MVVM architecture.
The structure look like this: JsonHelper -> RemoteDataSource -> Repository -> ViewModel.
The problems occur when i try to inject my DI on RemoteDataSource and Repository since these classes are singleton class and have a private constructor.
The error codes look like this
..location\RemoteDataSource.java:40: error: Dagger does not support injection into Kotlin objects
public static final class Companion {
..location\Repository.java:30: error: Dagger does not support injection into Kotlin objects
public static final class Companion {
And these are my RemoteDataSource and Repository codes, i have tried injecting it on the constructor but it says Dagger can't inject on private constructors so then i tried to inject it on the function but still didn't work
class RemoteDataSource private constructor(private val jsonHelper: JsonHelper) {
companion object {
private var instance: RemoteDataSource? = null
fun getInstance(jsonHelper: JsonHelper): RemoteDataSource =
instance ?: synchronized(this) {
instance ?: RemoteDataSource(jsonHelper).apply { instance = this }
fun getAllRemoteMovies(moviesCallback: LoadMoviesCallback) {
fun getAllRemoteTVShows(tvshowCallback: LoadTVShowCallback) {
interface LoadMoviesCallback {
fun onAllMoviesReceived(moviesResponses: ArrayList<MovieItem>)
interface LoadTVShowCallback {
fun onAllTVShowsReceived(tvshowResponses: ArrayList<TVShowItem>)
class Repository private constructor(private val remoteDataSource: RemoteDataSource) : DataSource {
companion object {
private var instance: Repository? = null
fun getInstance(remoteDataSource: RemoteDataSource): Repository =
instance ?: synchronized(this) {
instance ?: Repository(remoteDataSource).apply { instance = this }
override fun getAllRemoteMovies(): LiveData<ArrayList<MovieItem>> {
val remoteMoviesResult = MutableLiveData<ArrayList<MovieItem>>()
remoteDataSource.getAllRemoteMovies(object : RemoteDataSource.LoadMoviesCallback {
override fun onAllMoviesReceived(moviesResponses: ArrayList<MovieItem>) {
remoteMoviesResult.value = moviesResponses
return remoteMoviesResult
override fun getAllRemoteTVShows(): LiveData<ArrayList<TVShowItem>> {
val remoteTVShowsResult = MutableLiveData<ArrayList<TVShowItem>>()
remoteDataSource.getAllRemoteTVShows(object : RemoteDataSource.LoadTVShowCallback {
override fun onAllTVShowsReceived(tvshowResponses: ArrayList<TVShowItem>) {
remoteTVShowsResult.value = tvshowResponses
return remoteTVShowsResult
And this is my injection module
object RemoteDataSourceModule {
fun provideJsonHelper(context: Context): JsonHelper {
return JsonHelper(context)
fun provideRemoteDataSource(jsonHelper: JsonHelper): RemoteDataSource {
return RemoteDataSource.getInstance(jsonHelper)
fun provideRepository(remoteDataSource: RemoteDataSource): Repository {
return Repository.getInstance(remoteDataSource)
So how can i solve this problem without changing the class constructor to public?
#Singleton annotation is enough to notify that the class is a singleton class, so i just remove the companion object and changes private constructor with a public constructor so the code will look like this:
class RemoteDataSource #Inject constructor(private val jsonHelper: JsonHelper) {
// Your codes
I have 3 repositories:
interface MainRepository {
interface LocalRepository {
interface WebRepository {
Each Repository has it's own implementation:
class MainRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor(
private val localRepository: LocalRepository,
private val webRepository: WebRepository
) : MainRepository {
class LocalRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor(
private val localMapper: LocalMapper
private val popularMovieDao: PopularMovieDao
) : LocalRepository {
class WebRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor(
private val webMapper: WebMapper,
private val popularMovieApi: PopularMovieApi
) : WebRepository {
As you can see, MainRepository needs to have both other repositories injected into it, however,I can't really figure out how to do it.
Of course I can inject it with type of LocalRepositoryImpl or WebRepositoryImpl but I want to inject it with type of LocalRepository or WebRepository for more generalized approach.
Here is the module that I tried writing:
object Module {
fun provideWebRepository(): WebRepository {
return WebRepositoryImpl(mapper = WebMapper(), popularMovieApi = PopularMovieApi.getInstance())
fun provideLocalRepository(): LocalRepository {
return LocalRepositoryImpl(mapper = LocalMapper(), // Here I can't really
// figure out how to get #Dao since it requires DB
// which requires context and etc
// which makes me think that I've got completely wrong approach to this)
My Module of LocalData:
object LocalDataSourceModule {
fun provideMainDatabase(#ApplicationContext context: Context): MainDatabase = MainDatabase.getInstance(context)
fun providePopularMovieDao(mainDatabase: MainDatabase): PopularMovieDao = mainDatabase.popularMovieDao()
My Module of WebData:
object RemoteDataSourceModule {
fun providePopularMovieApi(): PopularMovieApi = PopularMovieApi.getInstance()
How do I properly Inject Implementations that I have (LocalRepositoryImpl & WebRepositoryImpl) while maintaining types of interfaces(LocalRepository & `WebRepository)??
Use #Binds. Instead of your object Module use following module:
interface Module {
fun bindWebRepository(repository: WebRepositoryImpl): WebRepository
fun bindLocalRepository(repository: LocalRepositoryImpl): LocalRepository
It tells Dagger that if you need WebRepository dependency then it must provide WebRepositoryImpl and the same for LocalRepository and LocalRepositoryImpl.
What is the use case for #Binds vs #Provides annotation in Dagger2
Your Repositories
interface MainRepository {
interface LocalRepository {
interface WebRepository {
Implementation (No #Inject or #Singleton here!)
class MainRepositoryImpl constructor(
private val localRepository: LocalRepository,
private val webRepository: WebRepository
) : MainRepository {
class LocalRepositoryImpl constructor(
private val localMapper: LocalMapper
private val popularMovieDao: PopularMovieDao
) : LocalRepository {
class WebRepositoryImpl constructor(
private val webMapper: WebMapper,
private val popularMovieApi: PopularMovieApi
) : WebRepository {
Di.Module (Repository Module)
object RepositoryModule {
fun provideMainRepository(
localRepository: LocalRepository,
webRepository: WebRepository
): MainRepository = MainRepositoryImpl(localRepository, webRepository)
fun provideLocalRepository(
localMapper: LocalMapper,
popularMovieDao: PopularMovieDao
): LocalRepository = LocalRepositoryImpl(localMapper, popularMovieDao)
fun provideWebRepository(
webMapper: WebMapper,
popularMovieApi: PopularMovieApi
): WebRepository = WebRepositoryImpl(webMapper, popularMovieApi)
Try this and tell me if it worked. Since you have provided all your Repositories with #Provides, Dagger-Hilt knows how to create them. Are you using Room for your localDatabase? If yes, then creating the Database like you did might not be right. If you're not using Room that you should start to, as it makes your life easier.
Here is the right way to create a room database with dagger hilt:
Entity Module
#Entity(tableName = "exampleTableName")
data class ExampleEntity(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id: Int,
// ... whatever you need
val header: String = "",
val title: String = "",
val description: String = "",
#Database(entities = [ExampleEntity::class], version = 1)
abstract class ExampleDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun exampleDao(): ExampleDao
companion object {
const val DATABASE_NAME = "example_db"
interface DocumentDao {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insert(exampleEntity: List<ExampleEntity>)
#Query("SELECT * FROM exampleTableName")
suspend fun getList(): List<ExampleEntity>
Room Di.Module
object RoomModule {
fun provideExampleDB(#ApplicationContext context: Context): ExampleDatabase = Room.databaseBuilder(
fun provideExampleDAO(exampleDatabase: ExampleDatabase): ExampleDao = exampleDatabase.exampleDao()
My application has DI. It includes a RoomModule
and RoomComponent.
class RoomModule(private val app: Application) {
val localDatabase: LocalDatabase = Room
.databaseBuilder(app, LocalDatabase::class.java, "local-db")
internal fun providesApplication(): Application {
return app
internal fun providesRoomDatabase(): LocalDatabase {
return localDatabase
internal fun providesUserDao(localDatabase: LocalDatabase): UserDao {
return localDatabase.getUserDao()
internal fun providesUserRepo(userDao: UserDao): UserRepo {
return UserDataSource(userDao)
#Component(dependencies = [], modules = [RoomModule::class])
interface RoomComponent {
fun userDao(): UserDao
fun localDatabase(): LocalDatabase
fun userRepo(): UserRepo
To create a RoomDatabase I need an App
Therefore, I do the following in my first activity.
public class MyActivity extends MvpAppCompatActivity {
Interactor interactor;
Presenter presenter;
Presenter providePresenter(){
return new Presenter(interactor);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
.roomModule(new RoomModule(getApplication()))
Next, this activity calls the method in Presentor. Presentor calls a method in Interactor, where I want to inject RoomDatabase.
class Presenter(val interactor:
Interactor): MvpPresenter<MyView>(){
fun someMethod(){
if (interactor.getUser() != null) {
// TODO smth...
lateinit var userRepo: UserRepo //null
override fun getUser(): User? {
// Using userRepo
But the variable is null.
The problem is that in the class where I need the database there is no Context, which is necessary to create it.
Look at the visualization of my problem
I implemented the code described in this answer Dagger2 Inject class with parameter (using Room)
This code is control about your instance.
internal fun providesRoomDatabase(): LocalDatabase {
return localDatabase
to create an instance and make it injectable you should provide it through providesRoomDatabase, like this:
internal fun providesRoomDatabase(): LocalDatabase {
val localDatabase: LocalDatabase = Room
.databaseBuilder(app, LocalDatabase::class.java, "local-db")
return localDatabase
I have a problem with injecting classes with Dagger2. I am using RoomDatabase for database access.
My room setup:
interface noteDao()
interface noteTypeDao()
interface userDao()
class NoteRepository #Inject constructor(
private val noteDao: NoteDao,
private val noteTypeDao: NoteTypeDao,
private val userDao: UserDao
) {
#Database(entities = [Note::class, User::class, NoteType::class], version = 1)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun noteDao(): NoteDao
abstract fun userDao(): UserDao
abstract fun noteTypeDao(): NoteTypeDao
companion object {
private var INSTANCE: AppDatabase? = null
fun getDatabase(context: Context): AppDatabase {
val tempInstance = INSTANCE
if (tempInstance != null) {
return tempInstance
synchronized(this) {
val instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
INSTANCE = instance
return instance
Dagger 2 setup:
class AppModule {
fun provideNoteRepository(app: Application): NoteRepository {
return NoteRepository(
fun provideApplication(): Application {
return Application()
#Component(modules = [AppModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(app: MainActivity)
I am getting a NullPointerExeption int the AppDatabase in the line context.applicationContext. Any suggetion how to solve the problem?
It seems that the AppDatabase doesnt get the application instance from Dagger2.
Application is a framework class, you can not just instantiate it yourself by calling its constructor. Instead, you need to pass in your application that the framework instantiates for you into your module, and provide that:
class AppModule(val application: Application) {
fun provideApplication(): Application {
return application
Now, if you were creating your AppComponent like this before, in your application's onCreate (presumably, as that's the usual way to do it):
override fun onCreate() {
injector = DaggerAppComponent.create()
You'd have to replace it with something like this, passing in your application instance to the module so that it can then provide it:
override fun onCreate() {
injector = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
New to kotlin and trying to migrate over a small Android project written in Java. Don't know what to make of this error:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
com.mydomain.example.dagger.BusModule must be set
> at com.mydomain.example.dagger.DaggerAppComponent$Builder.build(DaggerAppComponent.java:87)
> at com.mydomain.example.MyApplication.buildComponent(MyApplication.kt:29)
> at com.mydomain.example.MyApplication.onCreate(MyApplication.kt:17)
> at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1118)
> at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplication(ActivityThread.java:5791)
Here is the BusModule class:
object BusModule {
const val PROVIDER_FRAGMENT_SELECTION = "fragment_selection"
fun provideNewFragmentSelection(): PublishSubject<String> {
return PublishSubject.create()
And here is the AppComponent class:
#Component(modules = [(AppModule::class), (DataModule::class), (BusModule::class)])
interface AppComponent {
val selectedFragmentName: PublishSubject<String>
fun inject(mainActivity: MainActivity)
And finally, the application class:
class MyApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
appComponent = buildComponent()
private fun buildComponent(): AppComponent {
return DaggerAppComponent.builder().build()
companion object {
var appComponent: AppComponent? = null
private set
Can't figure out what the error message means. How is the BusModule not 'set'? Thanks!
BusModule should be a class instead of an object and const val PROVIDER_FRAGMENT_SELECTION should be moved to companion object of the class. So the module becomes:
class BusModule {
companion object {
const val PROVIDER_FRAGMENT_SELECTION = "fragment_selection"
fun provideNewFragmentSelection(): PublishSubject<String> {
return PublishSubject.create()
I think all you would have had to do was add a #JvmStatic annotation.
object BusModule {
fun provideNewFragmentSelection(): PublishSubject<String> {
return PublishSubject.create()
I'm trying to use Room as singleton so I didn't have to invoke Room.databaseBuilder() -which is expensive- more than once.
#Database(entities = arrayOf(
), version = 2)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun dao(): TrainDao
companion object {
fun createDatabase(context: Context): AppDatabase
= Room.databaseBuilder(context, AppDatabase::class.java, "trains.db").build()
Can't use Object because Room requires using abstract class.
singleton must be thread safe because multiple threads might access it at the same time.
must be able to take Context as an argument.
I have looked at all similar StackOverflow questions and none of them satisfy my requirements
Singleton with argument in Kotlin isn't thread-safe
Kotlin - Best way to convert Singleton DatabaseController in Android isn't thread-safe
Kotlin thread save native lazy singleton with parameter uses object
After some research, I found that I have two options.
Double-checked locking
Initialization-on-demand holder idiom
I considered implementing one of them, but this didn't felt right for Kotlin - too much boilerplate code.
After more research, I stumbled upon this great article which provides an excellent solution, which uses Double-checked locking but in an elegant way.
companion object : SingletonHolder<AppDatabase, Context>({
Room.databaseBuilder(it.applicationContext, AppDatabase::class.java, "train.db").build()
From the article:
A reusable Kotlin implementation:
We can encapsulate the logic to
lazily create and initialize a singleton with argument inside a
SingletonHolder class. In order to make that logic thread-safe, we
need to implement a synchronized algorithm and the most efficient
one — which is also the hardest to get right — is the double-checked
locking algorithm.
open class SingletonHolder<T, A>(creator: (A) -> T) {
private var creator: ((A) -> T)? = creator
#Volatile private var instance: T? = null
fun getInstance(arg: A): T {
val i = instance
if (i != null) {
return i
return synchronized(this) {
val i2 = instance
if (i2 != null) {
} else {
val created = creator!!(arg)
instance = created
creator = null
if you want Singleton with two arguments
open class SingletonHolder2<out T, in A, in B>(creator: (A, B) -> T) {
private var creator: ((A, B) -> T)? = creator
#Volatile private var instance: T? = null
fun getInstance(arg0: A, arg1: B): T {
val i = instance
if (i != null) return i
return synchronized(this) {
val i2 = instance
if (i2 != null) {
} else {
val created = creator!!(arg0, arg1)
instance = created
creator = null
In this particular case I would resort to using Dagger 2, or some other dependency injection library like Koin or Toothpick. All three libraries allow to provide dependancies as singletons.
Here's the code for Dagger 2 module:
class AppModule constructor(private val context: Context) {
fun providesDatabase(): AppDatabase {
return Room.databaseBuilder(
#Component(modules = arrayOf(
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(viewModel: YourViewModel)
fun inject(repository: YourRepository)
Application class to provide injection:
class App : Application() {
companion object {
private lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent
val component: AppComponent get() = appComponent
override fun onCreate() {
private fun initializeDagger() {
component = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
And then inject your database as singleton to wherever you need it (for example in your app's repository):
#Inject lateinit var appDatabase: AppDatabase
init {
Used #Volatile for thread safety.
public abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun trainDao(): trainDao
companion object {
private var INSTANCE: AppDatabase? = null
fun getDatabase(context: Context): Db = INSTANCE ?: synchronized(this){
val instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
AppDatabase ::class.java,
INSTANCE = instance
taken from : https://developer.android.com/codelabs/android-room-with-a-view-kotlin#7
You could make use of the Kotlin standard library's
fun <T> lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED, initializer: () -> T): Lazy<T>
companion object {
private lateinit var context: Context
private val database: AppDatabase by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED) {
Room.databaseBuilder(context, AppDatabase::class.java, "trains.db").build()
fun getDatabase(context: Context): AppDatabase {
this.context = context.applicationContext
return database
Personally though, I would normally add ApplicationContext-dependent singletons inside the Application, e.g.
<!-- AndroidManifest.xml -->
<application android:name="MyApplication">
class MyApplication : Application() {
val database: AppDatabase by lazy {
Room.databaseBuilder(this, AppDatabase::class.java, "train.db").build()
You can even define an extension method for easy access as context.database.
val Context.database
get() =
generateSequence(applicationContext) {
(it as? ContextWrapper)?.baseContext
Here's how i figured out...
#Database(entities = [MyEntity::class], version = dbVersion, exportSchema = true)
abstract class AppDB : RoomDatabase() {
// First create a companion object with getInstance method
companion object {
fun getInstance(context: Context): AppDB =
Room.databaseBuilder(context.applicationContext, AppDB::class.java, dbName).build()
abstract fun getMyEntityDao(): MyEntityDao
// This is the Singleton class that holds the AppDB instance
// which make the AppDB singleton indirectly
// Get the AppDB instance via AppDBProvider through out the app
object AppDBProvider {
private var AppDB: AppDB? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context): AppDB {
if (appDB == null) {
appDB = AppDB.getInstance(context)
return appDB!!
singleton in kotlin is real easy just do this
companion object {
val DATABASE_NAME = "DataBase"
val database = Room.databaseBuilder(App.context(), DataBase::class.java, DataBase.DATABASE_NAME).build()