PagingDataAdapter stops loading after fragment is removed and added back - android

I am presenting a PagingSource returned by Room ORM on a PagingDataAdapter.
The RecyclerView is present on a Fragment -- I have two such fragments. When they are switched, they stop loading the items on next page and only placehodlers are shown on scrolling.
Please view these screen captures if it isn't clear what I mean--
When I scroll without switching fragments, all the items are loaded
When I switch Fragments before scrolling all the way down, the adapter stops loading new items
Relevant pieces of code (please ask if you would like to see some other part/file) -
The Fragment:
private lateinit var recyclerView: RecyclerView
private val recyclerAdapter = CustomersAdapter(this)
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
recyclerView = view.findViewById(
recyclerView.adapter = recyclerAdapter
recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.customersFlow.collectLatest { pagingData ->
View model-
class CustomersListViewModel(application: Application, private val debtOnly: Boolean): ViewModel() {
private val db = AppDatabase.instance(application)
private val customersDao = db.customersDao()
val customersFlow = Pager(PagingConfig(20)) {
if (debtOnly)

After I went through your code, I found the problem FragmentTransaction.replace function and flow.cachedIn(viewModelScope)
When the activity calls the replace fragment function, the CustomerFragment will be destroyed and its ViewModel will also be destroyed (the viewModel.onCleared() is triggered) so this time cachedIn(viewModelScope) is also invalid.
I have 3 solutions for you
Solution 1: Remove .cachedIn(viewModelScope)
Note that this is only a temporary solution and is not recommended.
Because of this, instances of fragments still exist on the activity but the fragments had destroyed (memory is still leaking).
Solution 2: Instead of using the FragmentTransaction.replace function in the Main activity, use the FragmentTransaction.add function:
It does not leak memory and can still use the cachedIn function. Should be used when the activity has few fragments and the fragment's view is not too complicated.
private fun switchNavigationFragment(navId: Int) {
when (navId) { -> {
switchFragment(allCustomersFragment, "Customer")
} -> {
switchFragment(debtCustomersFragment, "DebtCustomer")
private fun switchFragment(fragment: Fragment, tag: String) {
val existingFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag)
supportFragmentManager.commit {
supportFragmentManager.fragments.forEach {
if (it.isVisible && it != fragment) {
if (existingFragment != fragment) {
add(, fragment, tag)
} else {
Solution 3: Using with Navigation Component Jetpack
This is the safest solution.
It can be created using Android Studio's template or some of the following articles.
Navigation UI
A safer way to collect flows
I tried solution 1 and 2 and here is the result:


RecyclerView.Adapter.StateRestorationPolicy.PREVENT_WHEN_EMPTY stopped working

Our app has a list of items, and an associated recycler view with it:
class Adapter(val clickListener: PreviewListener) :
ListAdapter<DataItem, RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(EntryDiffCallback()) {
The adapter is set up in the onViewCreatedMethod:
private var previewAdapter: PreviewAdapter? = null
if (previewAdapter == null) {
previewAdapter =
PreviewListener { info ->
previewAdapter?.stateRestorationPolicy =
binding.previewListView.adapter = previewAdapter
The list is populated in the following manner:
Observer { list ->
(view.parent as? ViewGroup)?.doOnPreDraw { startPostponedEnterTransition() }
When the user clicks on an item, it is taken to a new fragment, and when they press back, they end up in the main fragment again. However, the recycler view does not retain the position.
I have extensively read the internet:
and stack over flow:
Maintain/Save/Restore scroll position when returning to a ListView
Refreshing data in RecyclerView and keeping its scroll position
RecyclerView store / restore state between activities
And tried some really funky solutions, yet none of these retain the recycler view in the old position when the user is returning back. (eg. PREVENT_WHEN_EMPTY, using SavedInstanceState on the layout manager, and remembering the scroll position).
I'm also using shared element to animate transitions
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
sharedElementEnterTransition =
MaterialContainerTransform().apply {
duration = resources.getInteger(R.integer.reply_motion_duration_large).toLong()
scrimColor = Color.TRANSPARENT
interpolator = DecelerateInterpolator()
I clean up the data on destroy view, and destroy, but removing these doesn't seem to do anything except cause CanaryLeaks:
override fun onDestroyView() {
binding.previewListView.adapter = null
_binding = null
override fun onDestroy() {
previewAdapter = null
Any suggestions? Thank you

Restoring Scroll Position in Paging Library 3

I am using Paging Library 3 with a RemoteMediator which includes loading data from the network and the local Room database. Every time I scroll to a certain position in the RecyclerView, navigate away to another Fragment, and then navigate back to the Fragment with the list, the scroll state is not preserved and the RecyclerView displays the list from the very first item instead of the position I was at before I navigated away.
I have tried using StateRestorationPolicy with no luck and can't seem to figure out a way to obtain the scroll position of the PagingDataAdapter and restore it to that same exact position when navigating back to the Fragment.
In my ViewModel, I have a Flow that collects data from the RemoteMediator:
val flow = Pager(config = PagingConfig(5), remoteMediator = remoteMediator) {
and I am submitting that data to the adapter within my Fragment:
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.flow.collectLatest { pagingData ->
At the top of the Fragment, my adapter is listed as:
class MyFragment : Fragment() {
private var adapter: FeedAdapter? = null
override onViewCreated(...) {
if (adapter == null) {
adapter = FeedAdapter(...)
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.flow.collectLatest { pagingData ->
How can we make sure that the adapter shows the list exactly where it was at before the user left the Fragment upon returning instead of starting the list over at the very first position?
Do this in your fragment's onViewCreated:
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.flow.collect { pagingData ->
adapter.submitData(viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle, pagingData)
After checking many solutions, this is the method that worked for me cachedIn()
fun getAllData() {
viewModelScope.launch {
_response.value = repository.getPagingData().cachedIn(viewModelScope)

When setting navigation graph programmatically after recreating activity, wrong fragment is shown

I am setting a navigation graph programmatically to set the start destination depending on some condition (for example, active session), but when I tested this with the "Don't keep activities" option enabled I faced the following bug.
When activity is just recreated and the app calls method NavController.setGraph, NavController forces restoring the Navigation back stack (from internal field mBackStackToRestore in onGraphCreated method) even if start destination is different than before so the user sees the wrong fragment.
Here is my MainActivity code:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var navController: NavController
lateinit var navHost: NavHostFragment
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
log("fresh start = ${savedInstanceState == null}")
navHost = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as NavHostFragment
navController = navHost.navController
private fun createGraph(bool: Boolean) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Is session active: $bool", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
log("one: ${}, two: ${}")
val graph =
if (bool) {
log("fragment one")
navController.navInflater.inflate(R.navigation.nav_graph).also {
it.startDestination =
} else {
log("fragment two")
navController.navInflater.inflate(R.navigation.nav_graph).also {
it.startDestination =
navController.setGraph(graph, null)
App code:
class App : Application() {
companion object {
lateinit var instance: App
private var someValue = true
override fun onCreate() {
instance = this
fun getValue(): Boolean {
val result = someValue
someValue = !someValue
return result
Fragment One and Two are just empty fragments.
How it looks like:
Repository with full code and more explanation available by link
My question: is it a Navigation library bug or I am doing something wrong? Maybe I am using a bad approach and there is a better one to achieve what I want?
As you tried in your repository, It comes from save/restoreInstanceState.
It means you set suit graph in onCreate via createGraph(App.instance.getValue()) and then fragmentManager in onRestoreInstanceState will override your configuration for NavHostFragment.
So you can set another another time the graph in onRestoreInstanceState. But it will not work because of this line and backstack is not empty. (I think this behavior may be a bug...)
Because of you're using a graph (R.navigation.nav_graph) for different situation and just change their startDestination, you can be sure after process death, used graph is your demand graph. So just override startDestination in onRestoreInstanceState.
override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState: Bundle) {
if (codition) {
navController.graph.startDestination =
} else {
navController.graph.startDestination =
Looks like there is some wrong behaviour in the library and my approach wasn't 100% correct too. At least, there is the better one and it works well.
Because I am using the same graph and only changing the start destination, I can simply set that graph in onCreate of my activity and set some default start destination there. Then, in createGraph method, I can do the following:
// pop backStack while it is not empty
while (navController.currentBackStackEntry != null) {
// then just navigate to desired destination with additional arguments if needed
navController.navigate(destinationId, destinationBundle)

ListAdapter Diff does not dispatch updates on same list instance, but neither on different list from LiveData

it is a known issue that ListAdapter (actually the AsyncListDiffer from its implementation) does not update the list if the new list only has modified items but has the same instance. The updates do not work on new instance list either if you use the same objects inside.
For all of this to work, you have to create a hard copy of the entire list and objects inside.
Easiest way to achieve this:
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
But I am facing a rather weird issue. I have a parse function in my ViewModel that finally posts the items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() } to the LiveData and gets observes in the fragment. Even with the hard copy, DiffUtil does not work. If I move the hard copy inside the fragment, then it works.
To get this easier, if I do this:
[ ... ] parse stuff here
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
restaurants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { items ->
... then, it doesn't work. But if I do this:
[ ... ] parse stuff here
restaurants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { items ->
adapter.submitList(items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() })
... then it works.
Can anybody explain why this doesn't work?
In the mean time, I have opened an issue on the Google Issue Tracker because maybe they will fix the AsyncListDiffer not updating same instance lists or items. It defeats the purpose of the new adapter. The AsyncListDiffer SHOULD ALWAYS accept same instance lists or items, and fully update using the diff logic that the user customises in the adapter.
I made a quick sample using DiffUtil.Callback and ListAdapter<T, K> (so I called submitList(...) on the adapter), and had no issues.
Then I modified the adapter to be a normal RecyclerView.Adapter and constructed an AsyncDiffUtil inside of it (using the same DiffUtil.Callback from above).
The architecture is:
Activity -> Fragment (contains RecyclerView).
"Fake Repository" that simply holds a val source: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf()
I've created a Thing object: data class Thing(val name: String = "", val age: Int = 0).
For readability I added typealias Things = List<Thing> (less typing). ;)
It's fake in the sense that items are created like:
private fun makeThings(total: Int = 20): List<Thing> {
val things: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf()
for (i in {
things.add(Thing("Name: $i", age = i + 18))
return things
But the "source" is a mutableList of (the typealias).
The other thing the repo can do is "simulate" a modification on a random item. I simply create a new data class instance, since it's obviously all immutable data types (as they should be). Remember this is just simulating a real change that may have come from an API or DB.
fun modifyItemAt(pos: Int = 0) {
if (source.isEmpty() || source.size <= pos) return
val thing = source[pos]
val newAge = thing.age + 1
val newThing = Thing("Name: $newAge", newAge)
source.add(pos, newThing)
Nothing fancy here, it talks and holds the reference to the ThingsRepository, and exposes a LiveData:
private val _state = MutableLiveData<ThingsState>(ThingsState.Empty)
val state: LiveData<ThingsState> = _state
And the "state" is:
sealed class ThingsState {
object Empty : ThingsState()
object Loading : ThingsState()
data class Loaded(val things: Things) : ThingsState()
The viewModel has two public methods (Aside from the val state):
fun fetchData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun modifyData(atPosition: Int) {
Nothing special, just a way to modify a random item by position (remember this is just a quick hack to test it).
So FetchData, launches the async code in IO to "fetch" (in reality, if the list is there, the cached list is returned, only the 1st time the data is "made" in the repo).
Modify data is simpler, calls modify on the repo and fetch data to post the new value.
Lots of boilerplate... but as discussed, it's just an Adapter:
class ThingAdapter(private val itemClickCallback: ThingClickCallback) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {
The ThingClickCallback is just:
interface ThingClickCallback {
fun onThingClicked(atPosition: Int)
This Adapter now has an AsyncDiffer...
private val differ = AsyncListDiffer(this, DiffUtilCallback())
this in this context is the actual adapter (needed by the differ) and DiffUtilCallback is just a DiffUtil.Callback implementation:
internal class DiffUtilCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Thing>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Thing, newItem: Thing): Boolean {
return ==
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Thing, newItem: Thing): Boolean {
return oldItem.age == newItem.age && ==
nothing special here.
The only special methods in the adapter (aside from onCreateViewHolder and onBindViewHolder) are these:
fun submitList(list: Things) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int = differ.currentList.size
private fun getItem(position: Int) = differ.currentList[position]
So we ask the differ to do these for us and expose the public method submitList to emulate a listAdapter#submitList(...), except we delegate to the differ.
Because you may be wondering, here's the ViewHolder:
internal class ViewHolder(itemView: View, private val callback: ThingClickCallback) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val title: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
private val age: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
fun bind(data: Thing) {
title.text =
age.text = data.age.toString()
itemView.setOnClickListener { callback.onThingClicked(adapterPosition) }
Don't be too harsh, I know i passed the click listener directly, I only had about 1 hour to do all this, but nothing special, the layout it's just two text views (age and name) and we set the whole row clickable to pass the position to the callback. Nothing special here either.
Last but not least, the Fragment.
class ThingListFragment : Fragment() {
private lateinit var viewModel: ThingsViewModel
private var binding: ThingsListFragmentBinding? = null
private val adapter = ThingAdapter(object : ThingClickCallback {
override fun onThingClicked(atPosition: Int) {
It has 3 member variables. The ViewModel, the Binding (I used ViewBinding why not it's just 1 liner in gradle), and the Adapter (which takes the Click listener in the ctor for convenience).
In this impl., I simply call the viewmodel with "modify item at position (X)" where X = the position of the item clicked in the adapter. (I know this could be better abstracted but this is irrelevant here).
there's only two other implemented methods in this fragment...
override fun onDestroy() {
binding = null
(I wonder if Google will ever accept their mistake with Fragment's lifecycle that we still have to care for this).
Anyway, the other is unsurprisingly, onCreateView.
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
val root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.things_list_fragment, container, false)
binding = ThingsListFragmentBinding.bind(root)
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(
viewModel.state.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { state ->
when (state) {
is ThingsState.Empty -> adapter.submitList(emptyList())
is ThingsState.Loaded -> adapter.submitList(state.things)
is ThingsState.Loading -> doNothing // Show Loading? :)
binding?.thingsRecyclerView?.adapter = adapter
return root
Bind the thing (root/binding), get the viewModel, observe the "state", set the adapter in the recyclerView, and call the viewModel to start fetching data.
That's all.
How does it work then?
The app starts, the fragment is created, subscribes to the VM state LiveData, and triggers the Fetch of data.
The ViewModel calls the repo, which is empty (new), so makeItems is called the list now has items and cached in the repo's "source" list. The viewModel receives this list asynchronously (in a coroutine) and posts the LiveData state.
The fragment receives the state and posts (submit) to the Adapter to finally show something.
When you "click" on an Item, ViewHolder (which has a click listener) triggers the "call back" towards the fragment which receives a position, this is then passed onto the Viewmodel and here the data is mutated in the Repo, which again, pushes the same list, but with a different reference on the clicked item that was modified. This causes the ViewModel to push a new LIveData state with the same list reference as before, towards the fragment, which -again- receives this, and does adapter.submitList(...).
The Adapter asynchronously calculates this and the UI updates.
It works, I can put all this in GitHub if you want to have fun, but my point is, while the concerns about the AsyncDiffer are valid (and may be or been true), this doesn't seem to be my (super limited) experience.
Are you using this differently?
When I tap on any row, the change is propagated from the Repository
UPDATE: forgot to include the doNothing function:
val doNothing: Unit
get() = Unit
I've used this for a while, I normally use it because it reads better than XXX -> {} to me. :)
While doing
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
you are creating a new list but items remains the same. You have to store that new list into a variable or passing that operation directly as a param to postItem.

Android navigation component: how save fragment state

I use bottomNavigationView and navigation component. Please tell me how I don't destroy the fragment after switching to another tab and return to the old one? For example I have three tabs - A, B, C. My start tab is A. After I navigate to B, then return A. When I return to tab A, I do not want it to be re-created. How do it? Thanks
As per the open issue, Navigation does not directly support multiple back stacks - i.e., saving the state of stack B when you go back to B from A or C since Fragments do not support multiple back stacks.
As per this comment:
The NavigationAdvancedSample is now available at
This sample uses multiple NavHostFragments, one for each bottom navigation tab, to work around the current limitations of the Fragment API in supporting multiple back stacks.
We'll be proceeding with the Fragment API to support multiple back stacks and the Navigation API to plug into it once created, which will remove the need for anything like the NavigationExtensions.kt file. We'll continue to use this issue to track that work.
Therefore you can use the NavigationAdvancedSample approach in your app right now and star the issue so that you get updates for when the underlying issue is resolved and direct support is added to Navigation.
In case you can deal with destroying fragment, but want to save ViewModel, you can scope it into the Navigation Graph:
private val viewModel: FavouritesViewModel by
navGraphViewModels( {
Read more here
As #SpiralDev noted, using Hilt simplifies a bit:
private val viewModel: MainViewModel by
navGraphViewModels( {
just use navigation component version 2.4.0-alpha01 or above
Using last version of fragment navigation component, handle fragment states itself. see this sample
class BaseViewModel : ViewModel() {
val bundleFromFragment = MutableLiveData<Bundle>()
class HomeViewModel : BaseViewModel () {
... HomeViewModel logic
inside home fragment (tab of bottom navigation)
private var viewModel: HomeViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
viewModel.bundleFromFragment.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
val message = it.getString("ARGUMENT_MESSAGE", "")
binding.edtName.text = message
override fun onDestroyView() {
viewModel.bundleFromFragment.value = bundleOf(
"ARGUMENT_MESSAGE" to binding.edtName.text.toString(),
"SCROLL_POSITION" to binding.scrollable.scrollY
You can do this pattern for all fragments inside bottom navigation
Update 2021
use version 2.4.0-alpha05 or above.
don't use this answer or other etc.
This can be achieved using Fragment show/hide logic.
private val bottomFragmentMap = hashMapOf<Int, Fragment>()
bottomFragmentMap[0] = FragmentA.newInstance()
bottomFragmentMap[1] = FragmentB.newInstance()
bottomFragmentMap[2] = FragmentC.newInstance()
bottomFragmentMap[3] = FragmentD.newInstance()
private fun loadFragment(fragmentIndex: Int) {
val fragmentTransaction = childFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
val bottomFragment = bottomFragmentMap[fragmentIndex]!!
// first time case. Add to container
if (!bottomFragment.isAdded) {
fragmentTransaction.add(, bottomFragment)
// hide remaining fragments
for ((key, value) in bottomFragmentMap) {
if (key == fragmentIndex) {
} else if (value.isVisible) {
Declare fragment on the activity & create fragment instance on onCreate method, then pass the fragment instance in updateFragment method. Create as many fragment instances as required corresponding to bottom navigation listener item id.
Fragment fragmentA;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
fragmentA = new Fragment();
public void updateFragment(Fragment fragment) {
FragmentTransaction transaction =
transaction.add(, fragment);
Furthermore be sure you are using and calling getSupportFragmentManager()

