What is the Android Compose approach to tile an image to fill my background with a small pattern?
A naive approach for Bitmaps without rotation could be like this:
fun TileImage() {
val pattern = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.pattern_bitmap)
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
// rotate(degrees = -15f) { // The rotation does not produce the desired effect
val totalWidth = size.width / pattern.width
val totalHeight = size.height / pattern.height
var x = 0f
var y = 0f
for (i in 0..totalHeight.toInt()) {
y = (i * pattern.height).toFloat()
for (j in 0..totalWidth.toInt()) {
x = (j * pattern.width).toFloat()
colorFilter = giftColorFilter,
topLeft = Offset(x, y)
// }
In Android XML you can easily create XML to repeat a bitmap
<bitmap xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:tileMode="repeat" />
Or if you need to tile a vector you can use a custom Drawable class to achieve your goal
TileDrawable(AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.pattern_vector), Shader.TileMode.REPEAT)
class TileDrawable(drawable: Drawable, tileMode: Shader.TileMode, private val angle: Float? = null) : Drawable() {
private val paint: Paint = Paint().apply {
shader = BitmapShader(getBitmap(drawable), tileMode, tileMode)
override fun draw(canvas: Canvas) {
angle?.let {
override fun setAlpha(alpha: Int) {
paint.alpha = alpha
override fun getOpacity() = PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT
override fun setColorFilter(colorFilter: ColorFilter?) {
paint.colorFilter = colorFilter
private fun getBitmap(drawable: Drawable): Bitmap {
if (drawable is BitmapDrawable) {
return drawable.bitmap
val bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(
drawable.intrinsicWidth, drawable.intrinsicHeight,
val c = Canvas(bmp)
drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.intrinsicWidth, drawable.intrinsicHeight)
return bmp
If you want to use native canvas you can do something like this in jetpack compose.
modifier = Modifier
) {
val paint = Paint().asFrameworkPaint().apply {
isAntiAlias = true
shader = ImageShader(pattern, TileMode.Repeated, TileMode.Repeated)
drawIntoCanvas {
And If you want to limit your repetition to a certain height and width you can use the clip modifier in canvas like below otherwise it will fill the entire screen.
modifier = Modifier
) {
Based on Rafiul's answer, I was able to come up with something a bit more succinct. Here's hoping Compose comes up with something built-in to make this simpler in the future.
val image = ImageBitmap.imageResource(R.drawable.my_image)
val brush = remember(image) { ShaderBrush(ImageShader(image, TileMode.Repeated, TileMode.Repeated)) }
.background(brush)) {
I would like to create a watermark effect in my app using text as shown in the picture below.
I achieved this by using canvas and bitmap, is there any other reliable way to do this?
Here is my composable function
fun WaterMark(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
content: (#Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)? = null,
) {
val watermarkText: String = "some mutable text"
val paint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG)
paint.textSize = LocalContext.current.dpToPx(24).toFloat()
paint.color = PSCoreColours.psCoreColours.onSurface.hashCode()
paint.textAlign = Paint.Align.LEFT
paint.alpha = (255 * 0.25).toInt()
val baseline: Float = -paint.ascent()
val image: Bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(paint.measureText(watermarkText).toInt(),
(baseline + paint.descent()).toInt(),
val canvas = android.graphics.Canvas(image)
canvas.drawText(watermarkText, 0f, baseline, paint)
val rotationMatrix: Matrix = Matrix().apply { postRotate(-45f) }
val rotatedImage: Bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, rotationMatrix, true)
val pattern: ImageBitmap = rotatedImage.asImageBitmap()
Box {
content?.let { it() }
modifier = modifier
) {
val totalWidth = size.width / pattern.width
val totalHeight = size.height / pattern.height
var x = 0f
var y = 0f
for (i in 0..totalHeight.toInt()) {
y = (i * pattern.height).toFloat()
for (j in 0..totalWidth.toInt()) {
x = (j * pattern.width).toFloat()
colorFilter = null,
topLeft = Offset(x, y),
You can do custom layouts in compose for this
private const val SPACING = 100
fun Watermark(
content: #Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit,
) {
Box {
content = {
// Repeating the placeables, 6 should do for now but we should be able to calculate this too
repeat(6) {
text = watermarkText,
) { measurables, constraints ->
// Measuring all the placables
val placeables: List<Placeable> = measurables
.map { measurable -> measurable.measure(constraints) }
layout(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) {
// Calculating the max width of a placable
val maxWidth: Double = placeables.maxOf { it.width }.toDouble()
// Calculating the max width of a tile given the text is rotated
val tileSize: Int = (constraints.maxWidth / atan(maxWidth)).toInt()
.chunked(2) // Placing 2 columns
.forEachIndexed { index, (first, second) ->
val indexedTileSize: Int = index * tileSize
first.placeRelativeWithLayer(-SPACING, indexedTileSize + SPACING) { rotationZ = -45f }
second.placeRelativeWithLayer(tileSize, indexedTileSize) { rotationZ = -45f }
Watermark function creates instance of Paint and Bitmap on each recomposition. You should wrap them with remember as in this answer.
However you might, i think, do what you do fully Compose way without Paint and Bitmap either using Modifier.drawWithContent{} and drawText function of DrawScope and using translate or rotate inside DrawScope.
This is a drawText sample to understand how you can create and store TextLayoutResult remember.
And another sample using Modifier.drawWithContent
You can also try using Modifier.drawWithCache to cache TextLayoutResult in layout phase instead of composition phase which is suggested by Google Compose developer works on Text here
I'm building an image cropper. I'm using rectangle to draw dynamic overlay. When overlay is out of image bounds i move it back to image bounds when pointer is up.
What i build
open var overlayRect: Rect =
Rect(offset = Offset.Zero, size = Size(size.width.toFloat(), size.height.toFloat()))
and i get final position using this function to move back to valid bounds
internal fun moveIntoBounds(rectBounds: Rect, rectCurrent: Rect): Rect {
var width = rectCurrent.width
var height = rectCurrent.height
if (width > rectBounds.width) {
width = rectBounds.width
if (height > rectBounds.height) {
height = rectBounds.height
var rect = Rect(offset = rectCurrent.topLeft, size = Size(width, height))
if (rect.left < rectBounds.left) {
rect = rect.translate(rectBounds.left - rect.left, 0f)
if (rect.top < rectBounds.top) {
rect = rect.translate(0f, rectBounds.top - rect.top)
if (rect.right > rectBounds.right) {
rect = rect.translate(rectBounds.right - rect.right, 0f)
if (rect.bottom > rectBounds.bottom) {
rect = rect.translate(0f, rectBounds.bottom - rect.bottom)
return rect
And set it on pointer up as
override fun onUp(change: PointerInputChange) {
touchRegion = TouchRegion.None
overlayRect = moveIntoBounds(rectBounds, overlayRect)
// Calculate crop rectangle
cropRect = calculateRectBounds()
rectTemp = overlayRect.copy()
How can i animate this rect to valid bounds? Is there way to use Animatable to animate a rect?
I checked official document for animation and suggestion is using transition and
transition.animateRect from one state to another but i don't have states i want to animate to a dynamic target from current dynamic value and this is a non-Composable class called DynamicCropState that extends a class like zoom state here. Need to animate using Animatable or non-Composable apis.
I solved this creating an AnimationVector4D that converts between Float and Rect by
val RectToVector = TwoWayConverter(
convertToVector = { rect: Rect ->
AnimationVector4D(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height)
convertFromVector = { vector: AnimationVector4D ->
offset = Offset(vector.v1, vector.v2),
size = Size(vector.v3, vector.v4)
For demonstration, created a class to animate internally and return current value of Rect
class RectWrapper {
private val animatableRect = Animatable(
offset = Offset.Zero,
size = Size(300f, 300f)
val rect: Rect
get() = animatableRect.value
suspend fun animateRectTo(rect: Rect) {
And a demonstration to show how to use it
private fun AnimateRectWithAnimatable() {
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val rectWrapper = remember {
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
modifier = Modifier
onClick = {
coroutineScope.launch {
topLeft = Offset(200f, 200f),
bottomRight = Offset(800f, 800f)
) {
modifier = Modifier
) {
color = Color.Red,
topLeft = rectWrapper.rect.topLeft,
size = rectWrapper.rect.size
If you wish to animate a Rect from a class you can implement it as above. I generally pass these classes to modifiers as State and observe and trigger changes inside Modifier.composed and return result to any class that uses that modifier.
Let's say i have a surface and my background color is Red;
Surface(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().alpha(0.1f)){}
How can i create a shape (example: Rectangle) on surface like hole so i can see the background color not with alpha 0.1f, with alpha 1.0f from inside this rectangle shape?
i want it for tutorial screen in my app, i am open to any idea except my example.
Example of my goal;
I implemented a sample which can give you a kick-off in your implementation:
fun CanvasWithHole(
holeXPosition: Float,
holeYPosition: Float,
holeRadius: Float
) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
onDraw = {
drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
val w = drawContext.size.width
val h = drawContext.size.height
w, h, holeXPosition, holeYPosition, holeRadius,
fun drawImageWithHole(
canvas: Canvas,
w: Float,
h: Float,
holeXPosition: Float,
holeYPosition: Float,
holeRadius: Float
) {
val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
w.toInt(), h.toInt(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
).apply {
val canvasBitmap = Canvas(bitmap)
val eraser = Paint().apply {
color = Color.TRANSPARENT
xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)
canvasBitmap.drawCircle(holeXPosition, holeYPosition, holeRadius, eraser)
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0f, 0f, null)
And here is how you can use it:
fun MyScreen() {
Box {
Here's the result:
I am developing an android app using:
Jetpack Lifecycle (ViewModel)
Jetpack Navigation
Coil (Image Loader)
I am trying to customize the BottomNavigationMenu.
But one thing is very hard...
The last tab is the User's profile Image with Border.
If the user's profile image background color is white, then the ui is weird.
So I should show the border.
class MainActivity {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
private fun initBottomNav(bottomNav: BottomNavigationView) {
val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.nav_host_fragment) as NavHostFragment
bottomNav.itemIconTintList = null
vm.profileImgUrl.observe(this) { url ->
bottomNav.menu.findItem(R.id.profileFragment).load(this, url) {
This code draws the profile image on the BottomNavigationMenu.
But not draw the border.
When I googling, there is no support for CircleCrop with Border on Coil (even Glide).
So I tried the below code, But it doesn't work well..
vm.profileImg.observe(this) { imgBitmap ->
val layerBorder = ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(resources, R.drawable.oval_trans_border1_red, null)
val layerIcon = BitmapDrawable(Resources.getSystem(), imgBitmap)
val layerDrawable = LayerDrawable(arrayOf(layerIcon, layerBorder))
val bottomNavProfile = bottomNav.menu.findItem(R.id.profileFragment)
val request = ImageRequest.Builder(this)
.target {
bottomNavProfile.icon = it
.apply {
Somebody help me please?
You can write your own Transformation with border like this:
class BorderedCircleCropTransformation(
private val borderSize: Float = 0f,
#ColorInt private val borderColor: Int = Color.BLUE
) : Transformation {
override fun key(): String = BorderedCircleCropTransformation::class.java.name
override suspend fun transform(pool: BitmapPool, input: Bitmap, size: Size): Bitmap {
val borderOffset = (borderSize * 2).toInt()
val halfWidth = input.width / 2
val halfHeight = input.height / 2
val circleRadius = Math.min(halfWidth, halfHeight).toFloat()
val newBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
input.width + borderOffset,
input.height + borderOffset,
// Center coordinates of the image
val centerX = halfWidth + borderSize
val centerY = halfHeight + borderSize
val paint = Paint()
val canvas = Canvas(newBitmap).apply {
// Set transparent initial area
drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0)
// Draw the transparent initial area
paint.isAntiAlias = true
paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL
canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, circleRadius, paint)
// Draw the image
paint.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
canvas.drawBitmap(input, borderSize, borderSize, paint)
// Draw the createBitmapWithBorder
paint.xfermode = null
paint.style = Paint.Style.STROKE
paint.color = borderColor
paint.strokeWidth = borderSize
canvas.drawCircle(centerX, centerY, circleRadius, paint)
return newBitmap
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is BorderedCircleCropTransformation
override fun hashCode() = javaClass.hashCode()
override fun toString() = "BorderedCircleCropTransformation()"
private companion object {
val XFERMODE = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
internal val Bitmap.safeConfig: Bitmap.Config
get() = config ?: Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888
then pass it as a transformation to coil and it will draw what you want.
I use this code for drawing border.
I'm trying to create a rounded triangle using Canvas in Jetpack Compose.
I try this code for drawing triangle:
fun RoundedTriangle() {
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.size(500.dp)) {
val trianglePath = Path().apply {
val height = size.height
val width = size.width
moveTo(width / 2.0f, 0f)
lineTo(width, height)
lineTo(0f, height)
drawPath(trianglePath, color = Color.Blue)
But I don't know how to round the triangle corners. I also tried to use arcTo, but I was unable to get a suitable result.
How can I draw something like the figure below?
For Stroke you can specify rounding like this:
style = Stroke(
width = 2.dp.toPx(),
pathEffect = PathEffect.cornerPathEffect(4.dp.toPx())
Yet Fill seems lack of support rounding. I've created a feature request, please star it.
But Canvas has drawOutline function, which accepts both Outline, which can wrap a Path, and Paint, for which you can specify pathEffect:
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().aspectRatio(1f)) {
val rect = Rect(Offset.Zero, size)
val trianglePath = Path().apply {
drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
outline = Outline.Generic(trianglePath),
paint = Paint().apply {
color = Color.Black
pathEffect = PathEffect.cornerPathEffect(rect.maxDimension / 3)
Path helpers:
fun Path.moveTo(offset: Offset) = moveTo(offset.x, offset.y)
fun Path.lineTo(offset: Offset) = lineTo(offset.x, offset.y)
Based on #philip-dukhov answer, if anyone is interested in appliying this to a square
fun SquirclePath(
modifier: Modifier,
smoothingFactor: Int = 60,
color: Color,
strokeWidth: Float,
) {
modifier = modifier
) {
val rect = Rect(Offset.Zero, size)
val percent = smoothingFactor.percentOf(rect.minDimension)
val squirclePath = Path().apply {
with(rect) {
// this is where the path is finally linked together
drawIntoCanvas { canvas ->
outline = Outline.Generic(squirclePath),
paint = Paint().apply {
this.color = color
this.style = PaintingStyle.Fill
this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth
pathEffect = PathEffect.cornerPathEffect(percent)
fun Int.percentOf(target:Float) = (this.toFloat() / 100) * target